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Program : English for Young Learners

Level : Beginner/ Intermediate/ Advance

Topic : Folk Tales

Skill(s) :- Speaking

- Grammar
- Reading
- Listening

Duration : 20-30 Minutes

Objective(s) :

1. After completing learning activities students are expected to be able to:

1.1. Talk active about the topic presented about Folk Tales, responding according
to the context of teir use.
1.2. Understanding the topic and language features
1.3. Can learn English as the language of instruction for International
communication which is manifested in the spirit of learning.
1.4. Understanding social function, text structure and skills according the context.
2. In speaking content:
2.1. Students can speak up and share about the Folk Tales
3. In Reading content:
3.1. Students can know about the text of Folk Tales.
4. In Listening Content:
4.1. Students can listen carefully and catch every single point that given by their

Material(s) :

1. Subject Matter: Discuss Political Parties

 Respond to the meaning contained in Political Parties.
 Explain vocabulary related to Law.
 Speak up their arguments about Political Parties.
 Write summary about the discussion of Political Parties.
2. Method: Students Center
3. Learning Strategies:

Face to Face Structured Assigments Individual Assigment

Ask question about Folk with the group, students Students carry out various
Tales. are given the task of doing activities related to
the following things, and narrative discourse outside
reporting each activity to the face-to-face and
the teacher. structured assigments
given by the teacher.
Listen to the explanation Discuss- ask the lecturer Listen to the explanation
of the argument from the who gives the task on of the argument from the
students. substance which is students.
considered unclear in this
teaching material.
Look at the results of the form a small group Practice and explain the
report which will be consisting of a maximum result of the discussion.
presented from each group of 5 people.

4. Materials
read the text to answer the question below!

Learning Process:

(Must be detailed)


1. Preliminary activities : - Greetings “ Hello, Good morning class. How are you?”.
2. Answering Teacher greetings “Good morning miss, i am fine”.
3. Introducing yourself to students first before the lessons begins. “ My name is..”.
4. Provide games related to the material to be taught.
5. Students are enthusiastic about participating in the game
6. Teacher asks the students to take part in the game provided. With the aim to find out
the names one by one from her students.
7. Describing Learning objectives or basic competencies to be achieved.
8. Placing material coverage and explanation of activities according to syllabus.
9. Students pay attention to the teacher.
Core Activities
1. Provide a stimulus in the form of giving the text material.
2. Provide opportunities for students to communicate verbally or present about text
3. students are asked to discuss examples of questions sample problems.
1. students are asked to make a summary of the material regarding the text of Folk Tales.
2. Students are given homework related to the material regarding the text.

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