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CHAPTER I (Banjarmasin-Surabaya)

CHAPTER I (Banjarmasin - Surabaya)

CHAPTER I (Banjarmasin - Surabaya)

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14 October 2023, morning at Syamsudin Noor International

Airport, we gathered at 9 am and started our journey to Surabaya at
11:45 am. All participants gathered to check-in and provide plane
tickets in front of the airline check-in counter. We gathered to go to
security check and go to the passenger waiting room. Several members
of our group went shopping for necessities for Surabaya later such as
soap, masks, medicine and food. The plane arrived from Surabaya to
return to Surabaya which will depart at 11:45 am. All participants were
called to board the airline to depart.

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At 11:50 am arriving in Juanda Internasional Airport Surabaya,

all group members were ready to proceed to baggage claim. After
baggage collection, all participants gathered for attendance and
continued to board the bus. From Juanda Airport the bus departs for the
Al Akbar Mosque to rest for a while.

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Continues the journey to ITTS (Telkom Surabaya Institute of

Technology). Several group members on the bus were still discussing
the division of tasks for Bali later. Upon arrival at ITTS, all participants
were directed to enter the ITTS campus to go to the hall room. While
at ITTS, participants were invited to tour the campus with their
supervisor from ITTS, we were also invited to visit the ITTS rooftop
which contains IoT-based plantations.

CHAPTER II (Bali Day-1)

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15 October 2023, we arrived in Gilimanuk, Bali at 3 am on the

way to Kurnia Village for breakfast and rest such as taking a shower.
We continue our trip to Tanjung Benoa with Bali tour guide named I

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Arriving at Tanjung Benoa, Bli Nyoman directed us to go to

Turtle Island to visit the animals there. Apart from turtles, there are also
parrots, iguanas and pythons.

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The trip continued to Melasti Beach where we were assigned to

interview several foreign tourists. The majority of tourists in Bali come
from Europe and a small mix of Asian tourists. We were rejected twice
by tourists and we got one tourist who could be interviewed.
Unfortunately we forgot to ask the tourist's name but at least we had an
interview. After leaving Melasti Beach.

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We continue to go to the GWK (Garuda Wisnu Kecana) statue to

watch the Kecak dance. Garuda Wisnu Kencana as a monument in Bali,
a famous place for tourists to visit while in Bali. Cultural Park (Garuda
Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park) , abbreviated as GWK, is a tourist park

in the southern part of the island of Bali. Gwk Bali Address This tourist
park is located on Tanjung Nusa Dua, Badung Regency.
the night is getting late, we have dinner at Grafika Resto Krisna
Kuta. and after dinner the bus continued to the hotel.Representatives of
room members are given their respective room keys, one room consists
of three people.
CHAPTER III (Bali Day-2)
16 October 2023, In the morning at 9 am we leave for the Uma
Ceking terraces tour

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Uma Ceking Resto and Swing is located on Jalan Raya Ceking,

Tegallalang Gianyar, Bali. With a comfortable atmosphere with green
rice fields and gardens arranged in such a way that it will give a feeling
of calm and peace. Uma Ceking Resto is very suitable for recreation
for families and young people. Contemporary seating such as beanbags,
pavilions and regular tables are available here. The food available is
very diverse, starting from food.
After the Uma Ceking tour, we continued our journey to
Blangsinga waterfall
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Blangsinga Waterfall has three strategic and unique locations.

The first part is located at the edge of the river with ‘stone water’
namely the spring coming out from chunks of boulder.The second part
or in the middle, the atmosphere becomes more challenging. Visitors
can sit on chunks of the local cliff while enjoying the waterfall flowing
to the bottom of the river.Most of travelers choose this location to take
pictures as being very close to waterfall and cliff. Beautiful scenery is
also taken advantage by photographer as a pre-wedding photo
session.The third part is the most strategic location lies in the bottom
of the river, namely the main waterfall.Visitors can feel the power of
water falling from a height and take pictures or selfie.
After the Blangsinga waterfall tour, we continued our journey
towards Penglipuran village which is famous for the cleanliness of its

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Penglipuran is one of the traditional villages of Bangli Regency, Bali

Province. This village is famous as one of the tourist destinations in
Bali because of its people who still carry out and preserve traditional
Balinese culture in their daily lives. The architecture of the building and
land management still follows the concept of Tri Hita Karana, the
Balinese philosophy of the balance of the relationship between God,
humans, and the environment.Penglipuran Bali Village is one of 3
villages that has been named the cleanest village in the world. Thanks
to its cleanliness and neatness, this tourism village has also won several
awards including Kalpataru, ISTA (Indonesia Sustainable Tourism
Award) in 2017, and most recently, this destination was included in the
Sustainable Destinations Top 100 version of the Green Destinations

CHAPTER IV (Bali – Batu)
October 17 2023, in the morning at 08.30 am we checked out of
the hotel and we continued our journey to Batu but before going to Batu
we first went to a religious object, namely the Ulun Danu Temple.

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A temple complex called Ulun Danu Beratan is a picturesque

place and landmark, located in Bedugul on the western side of beautiful
Beratan lake in central Bali. This temple is famous for its beautiful
lakeside views, as it is one of the most iconic places to visit in Bali.Ulun
Danu Beratan Temple is situated in the administrative area
Candikuning Village, Baturiti Subditrict, Regency of Tabanan in Bali,
Indonesia. The temple stands in the heart of the island of Bali, about 50
kilometers to the north from Denpasar, along the main road between
Denpasar and Singaraja.
After leaving the religious attraction Ulun Danu Temple, we
immediately continued to Batu Malang using a ferry and the estimated
journey from Bali to Batu was approximately 8 - 9 hours during the trip.

CHAPTER V (Batu Day - 1)
18 October 2023, When we arrived at Batu we stopped at the
Brawijaya Restaurant. There we showered and had breakfast and after
showering and having breakfast we went straight to Jatim Park 1.

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Jatim Park, which is located in Batu City, is a complete favorite

family destination. Not only that, the cool air makes visitors feel at
home choosing this destination, especially during long school holidays.
This time, Wonderful Images will discuss Jatim Park 1. This recreation
park, which was first built by Jatim Park, has a playground concept
combined with an educational park. Visitors can also learn many things
here, such as studying science at the Science Center, learning history
through dioramas at the Historical Park, learning about body anatomy
at The Bagong Adventure Body Museum, and learning about
Indonesian culture at the Indonesia Heritage Museum and Ethnic
Gallery. Jatim Park 1 also has many exciting rides for children and
adults. Children can try the Mini Train, Happy Boat, Convoy Car,
Caterpillar Coaster and Froggy rides. Meanwhile, for adults, there are
various rides that test your adrenaline. Such as Pendulum, Gold Mining
Coaster, Flying Tornado, Enterprise Ride, and Gyroscope.
After playing and shopping at Jatim Park 1 we continued our
journey to the Angkut Museum.

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Transport Museum is taken from the word transport or means of

transportation. So you could say that when you visit the Malang
Transport Museum you will be transported to ancient times, how this
mode of transportation has become one of the most influential

inventions in the world. Then, with the development of technology,
public transportation throughout the world has also changed. This
Malang tourist spot is very interesting, visitors can not only see all
types of vehicles from ancient to modern throughout the world. There
are many vehicles such as non-mechanized or traditional means of
transportation, such as bicycles, trolleys, pedicabs, classic cars and
even modern vehicles. The area of the Transport Museum is around 3
hectares. The collection of vehicles in the Transport Museum is located
in each room which is divided into three floors. When they enter the
Angkut museum building in Batu Malang, they will feel like heaven
for car lovers.
After leaving Jatim Park 1 and the Angkut Museum, we
immediately checked in to the De Wahyu Hotel and rested for
tomorrow's out bound activities at Coban Rais.

CHAPTER VI (Batu Day – 2)
19 October 2023, In the morning at 9 am WIB we had breakfast
at the hotel and after that went straight to Coban Rais to do out bound
gathering activities.

Outbound Game Goals. Usually, outbound games aim to develop

courage, self-confidence and teamwork. This is because almost all
outbound games are played in groups with a certain number of
members. Apart from that, outbound games are more often played
After doing the outbound gathering activities, we continued our
journey to Santera de Laponte, where we played and saw a very
beautiful view from a height and we also climbed a glass bridge which
made our adrenaline rush a little.

Natural beauty and various interesting tourist attractions continue
to attract visitors to Malang, East Java. The cool air and charming
natural panorama are the main magnets for tourists on holiday. One
destination that is worth visiting is the Santerra de Laponte Tourism
Flora, which offers beautiful flower gardens and photogenic photo
spots. Located on Jalan Raya Madya, Jurangrejo, Pandesari, Pujon
District, Malang Regency, Flora Wisata Santerra de Laponte opens its
doors to visitors every day from 08.00 to 17.00 WIB. With affordable
ticket prices, namely IDR 25,000 on weekdays and IDR 30,000 on
weekends, visitors can enjoy all the photo areas at no additional cost.
Additional fees are only charged for game rides.
At 19:00 pm WIB after there we continued our journey to Bukit
Bintang for dinner and relaxed to see the view from the top of the hill

and see the lights of people's houses from above and it was a very, very
nice view.

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Bukit Bintang is a tourist spot that offers beautiful views of the

twinkling city lights seen from the top of the hill. This tour offers
beautiful views with costs and transportation that are generally very
affordable. It's no wonder that this tourist attraction is very popular with
people, especially young people. The beautiful view from Bintang Hill
will make us feel like we're looking at the stars but below, with the
amazing sparkling city lights. Therefore, for those of you who are bored
but only have a lot of time to go to distant places, it would be a good
idea for you to go to some of the following star hills in East Java.

CHAPTER VII (Batu – Surabaya - Banjarmasin)
20 October 2023, On a sunny morning in Batu, we had breakfast and
got ready to check out at 8 am WIB and on the way to Juanda
International Airport to return to Banjarmasin, when we arrived at
Juanda we boarded and we were delayed several times by Lion Airlines
and This created a bit of annoyance which the students couldn't resist.
The first delay was around 15:00 pm WIB until 16:00 pm WIB then we
were delayed again until 18:00 am WIB and after that we were at 18:30
pm WIB. went to Banjarmasin and arrived in Banjarmasin at 21:00 pm
WITA and the study tour story ended.

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