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Who dreamt he was eating his shoe,

Types of Poem / Poetry: He awoke with a fright,

In the middle of the night,
1. Sonnet To find that his dream had come true!

A 14-line poem with specific rhythm

(iambic pentameter) and varying rhyme
4. Ballad
Narrative poem often set to music, telling a
The Shakespearean sonnet has
story with simple ABCB rhyme scheme in
ABABCDCDEFEFGG rhyme scheme,
while the Petrarchan sonnet often uses
ABBAABBACDCDCD or (From "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" by
ABBAABBACDECDE. Samuel Taylor Coleridge)

(Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare) He holds him with his skinny hand,

“There was a ship,” quoth he.
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? “Hold off! Unhand me, grey-beard loon!”
Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Eftsoons his hand dropped he.
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date:
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
5. Acrostic
And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;
Poem where the first letter of each line
spells out a word, name, or message when
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
read vertically.
By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade Beautiful roses in the garden,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest; In the sunlight, they brightly glisten,
Nor shall Death brag thou wanderest in his shade, Red and pink, in colors they're rife,
When in eternal lines to time thou growest: Tender petals, the beauty of life.
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.
6. Free Verse
Poetry / poem without specific rhyme or
2. Haiku meter, allowing poets to experiment with
Traditional Japanese poetry / poem with structure and form.
three lines. The first and third lines
have five syllables, and the second line (From "Song of Myself" by Walt Whitman)
has seven syllables.
I celebrate myself, and sing myself,
An old silent pond... And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good
A frog jumps into the pond—
belongs to you.
Splash! Silence again.

3. Limerick 7. Epic
Long narrative poem narrating a hero's
Humorous poem with a playful rhythm adventures, often involving gods and
(anapestic meter) and AABBA rhyme supernatural elements, usually in a formal,
scheme. elevated style.

There once was a man from Peru, (From "The Iliad" by Homer)
Sing, O goddess, the anger of Achilles son of
that brought countless ills upon the Achaeans.

8. Ode
Poem praising a person, place, thing, or idea,
often lyrical and expressing deep feelings.

(Ode to a Nightingale by John Keats)

My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains

My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk,
Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains
One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk:

9. Elegy
Poem of serious reflection, usually a lament
for the dead, exploring themes of loss,
mortality, and sorrow.

(Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard by

Thomas Gray)

The curfew tolls the knell of parting day,

The lowing herd winds slowly o'er the lea,
The ploughman homeward plods his weary
And leaves the world to darkness and to me.

10. Sestina
Complex poem with six 6-line stanzas
(sexains) followed by a 3-line stanza (tercet).
The same six words end the lines of the first
stanza but rotate in a set pattern throughout
the rest of the poem.

(Sestina by Ezra Pound)

I have come, alas, to the great circle of shadow,

to the short day and to the whitening hills,
when the colour is all lost from the grass,
though my desire will not lose its green,
so rooted is it in this hard soil
among the stones and the dried clay.
These are some poetry forms in English
literature. Each form has its unique rules and
characteristics contributing to the poem's
structure and meaning.
The Elements of Poem  Consonance: Consonance is the repetition of
consonant sounds in nearby words or at the
 Structure: It refers to how the poem is end of words in a line.
organized, including the arrangement of lines,
stanzas, and verses.  Onomatopoeia: Onomatopoeia refers to
words that phonetically imitate or resemble
 Rhyme: Rhyme is the repetition of similar the sounds they represent.
sounds, especially the end sounds of words, in
a poem. It often gives poems a musical quality.

 Rhythm/Meter: Rhythm is the pattern of

sounds and beats in a poem, created through
stressed and unstressed syllables. Meter refers
to the specific rhythmic pattern in a line of

 Imagery: Imagery involves using vivid and

descriptive language to create mental pictures
and sensory experiences for the reader. It
appeals to the senses and emotions.

 Figurative Language: This includes the use of

metaphors, similes, personification, and other
literary devices to convey meanings beyond
their literal interpretations. Figurative
language adds depth and layers of meaning to

 Symbolism: Symbolism is the use of symbols to

represent ideas, qualities, or emotions. These
symbols can be objects, colors, or even words
that carry deeper meanings.

 Theme: The theme of a poem is the central

idea or message that the poet wants to convey.
It's the underlying concept that ties the poem

 Tone: Tone refers to the poet's attitude or

emotional state as conveyed in the poem. It
can be joyful, melancholic, serious, playful, etc.,
and contributes to the overall mood of the

 Alliteration: Alliteration is the repetition of

initial consonant sounds in neighboring words
or at the beginning of words in a line.

 Assonance: Assonance involves the repetition

of vowel sounds within nearby words in a line.
English Literature's material (SasIng)

FIGURATIVE OF SPEECH / FIGURATIVE Varieties of Figures of Speech:

in a Poem 1. Idiomatic
"Idiom is a combination of
Before we learn more about Figurative Speech words that has a meaning
especially in a poem. You must to know concept different from the literal
of connotative sentence and denotative sentence
meanings of the individual
well first.
Connotative Sentence (Kalimat words."
Konotasi) Idiom adalah gabungan kata yang
memiliki makna yang bukan makna
Example Translate sebenarnya dari kata-kata tersebut.
Aku orang yang sangat
I am very responsible
bertanggung jawab dan Example Translate
and never wash my
tidak pernah lepas
hands even for a bit
tangan sedikitpun This letter have seen Surat ini sudah
better days and rusak dan sudah tidak
unreadable dapat dibaca

Denotative Sentence (Kalimat I say it from the bottom Saya mengatakan

Denotasi) of my heart ini dengan tulus

Example Translate
2. Alliteration
I always wash my
Aku selalu mencuci
hands before take
tangan sebelum makan
"Alliteration is a figure of speech
something to eat involving the repetition of
consonant sounds at the
beginning of at least two words
or phrases within a single line."
Alliteration adalah majas pengulangan
kata pada suara konsonan pada huruf
pertama dari minimal dua kata dan
frase pada satu baris.

Example Translate

Mari lihat sisi

Come see softer side of Sears lembut dari
Di He did not realize
Dia tidak menyadari peluang
Philadelphia, that opportunity
In Philadelphia, yang datang mengetuk
orang dapat was knocking on
people can pay a parking ticket pintu
membayar his door
by phone
tiket parkir
lewat telepon.
5. Cliche

3. Onomatopoeia Cliche adalah kumpulan dari berbagai

kata dalam kalimat dan frase yang
"Onomatopoeia is a word that sering diucapkan sehingga istilah
imitates, resembles, or suggests tersebut menjadi umum.
the source of a sound made by the
object it describes." Example Translate

Onomatopoeia adalah sebuah kata No pain, no gain

Tidak ada yang dapat
yang meniru, menyerupai, atau diraih tanpa pengorbanan
menunjukkan sumber suara dari obyek Practice makes Kesempurnaan didapat
yang ingin disampaikan. perfect dari latihan

“whoosh, passing breeze”

“flags flutter and flap” 6. Simile
“frog croaks, bird whistles”
“babbling bubbles from tap” "To compare something inherent to
the subject with an object possessing
specific characteristics."
4. Personification
dipakai untuk membandingkan
“Personification is used to sesuatu yang melekat pada subyek
animate inanimate objects as if dengan benda yang mempunyai
they were performing actions like karakterisitik tertentu.
living beings."
Example Translate
Personification digunakan untuk
menghidupkan benda mati layaknya His heart is as hard as Hatinya keras bagaikan
a rock karang
melakukan sesuatu seperti makhluk
hidup. Her hope is like a
Harapannya bagaikan
cahaya lilin dalam
candle in the dark
Example Translate

I see the Saya melihat bulan terus

moon follow mengikutiku kemanapun Ciri utama dalam simile adalah adanya
me wherever I go saya pergi
kata penghubung “like”, “as”, “such as”,
“as if”, dan lain-lain.
7. Metaphor

"Used for comparing something."

digunakan untuk membandingkan
suatu hal.

Example Translate

Dia merasa sedih

He is feeling blue after
setelah kehilangan
his father passed away

Ibuku adalah seseorang

My mother is the light
yang selalu membawa
of my life

8. Hyperbole

“Hyperbole is a figure of speech

commonly used to create emphasis
through the excessive, strong, and
repetitive use of words."
Hyperbole adalah majas yang sering
digunakan untuk membuat efek
penekanan dengan cara penggunaan
kata yang berlebihan, kuat, dan

Example Translate

Itu sangat dingin hingga

It was cold, I saw polar
saya melihat beruang
bears wearing jackets
kutub memakai jaket

I have told you a Saya sudah bilang

thousand times ribuan kali padamu
Stanza (Bait)

In poetry, a stanza is a group of lines that The world is washed in colors bright (C)
form a unit. Stanzas are also known as In the morning sun, pure delight (D)
(Stanza dalam puisi merujuk pada sekelompok baris 6. Octave: Eight lines with a rhyme pattern,
yang membentuk unit dalam puisi. Stanza kadang- for example, ABBAABBA.
kadang disebut sebagai bait.)

1. Couplet: Two lines that rhyme.
In spring, the flowers brightly bloom (A)
Their colors vivid in the day's warm light (B)
The songbirds sing in sweet tune (B)
The flowers are so bright (A)
With melodies that soar to height (A)
In the soft sunlight's light (A)
Rivers flow and mountains stand tall (A)
Nature's wonders, a sight so grand (B)
2. Tercet: Three lines with a rhyme pattern,
In every creature, big or small (B)
for instance, ABA.
Life's story told across the land (A)
The wind blows calm and cool (A)
Nature's voice, a soothing song (B)
In quiet, I find my soul (A)

3. Quatrain: Four lines with a rhyme scheme,

like ABAB.

Moonlight dances on the sea (A)
A tranquil scene, the Earth does mold (B)
In the silence of the night so deep (A)
Nature's lullaby, a tale to be told (B)

4. Quintet: Five lines with a rhyme scheme,

such as AABBA.

There was a man from the east (A)
Dreamt he was having a feast (A)
He woke up in a fright (B)
In the dead of the night (B)
To find his dream had ceased! (A)

5. Sestet: Six lines with various rhyme


Rain falls on the quiet ground (C)
A lullaby for the blooming flowers (D)
In nature's chorus, a calming sound (C)
Life awakes from winter's hours (D)

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