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General Physics1


Topic: Kinematics: Motion in 2-3 Dimensions (WEEK 3)
Name: Section:
Projectile Motion is another type of motion occurs only when the object is thrown or launch into
the air. The object is launched at a certain initial point to its final point or the displacement in the
horizontal direction following a parabolic path with certain time and distance. When it reaches the
maximum height, it begins to accelerate downward. Galileo Galilei was the first scientist who describe
projectile motion through his observation and experimentation and was published in his one of his books
in 1590.
The path followed by a projectile is called its trajectory.
Projectile motion: In projectile motion with no air

The coordinates and velocity components are simple

functions of time, and the shape of the path is always a
parabola. We usually choose the origin to be at the
initial position of the projectile.

Calculate Time of flight, Maximum Height reached and Range

The projectile launched along horizontal motion and touch the surface at any point has given derived
equations base on kinematic equation, the formula is used to calculate the time of flight, maximum height
reached, and the range.

A small stone is thrown away into the air with a velocity of 15 m/s at an angle of 30 degree along the

a. Find the maximum height reached by the object,

b. Time of flight, and
c. Range

Vi – 15 m/s – initial velocity
𝜃 - 30˚
𝑔- 9.8 m/s2


Maximum height reached by the object

𝐻= = = 2.87 𝑚
. /
Tangential velocity is the velocity measured of an object moving along the edge of a circle and
direction is always along with the tangent line of the circle at any given point.

Fig 1. Velocity vector direction at

any point in circular path is
always tangent to the circle

Because of this understanding, the tangential velocity is related to angular velocity where;

The tangential velocity is

measured by the
angular velocity with
respect to time and
the radius of the

Calculate the tangential velocity of a rotating wheel with angular velocity of 32 rad/s with the wheel
diameter of 30 cm.

r = ½ (30cm) = 15 cm or 0.15 m.
𝜔 = 32 rad/s

The object moving in a circle doesn’t have any tangential acceleration or zero tangential
acceleration it means that the object is moving with a constant velocity. When the object in circular
motion changes the magnitudes and direction of the tangential velocity it resulted tangential acceleration.
Tangential acceleration is a measure of how the tangential velocity of a
point changes with time. Tangential acceleration is just like linear
acceleration, but it is particular to the tangential direction. It always acts
perpendicular to the centripetal acceleration of the object moving in a circle.

A certain object accelerates uniformly in a circular path with a speed of 10 m/s to 100 m/s in 25 sec.
Calculate the acceleration to tangential.
𝑡𝑖=0 𝑠𝑒𝑐 – initial time Find tangential acceleration
𝑡𝑓=25 𝑠𝑒𝑐 – final time
𝑣𝑖=10 𝑚/𝑠 – initial velocity
𝑣𝑓=100𝑚/𝑠 – final velocity


𝑎𝑡 = ?

Uniform Circular Motion is the motion of the object in a circle with constant speed and as it moves
in the circle it constantly changing in direction tangent to the path of the circle in any point. As it
continuously changes in direction the velocity vector also changes and experienced acceleration. This
acceleration is called as the centripetal acceleration, means center seeking.

For any object in uniform circular motion with a velocity in circular path with the radius, r. the magnitude
of the centripetal acceleration is

A stone swings in a circle of radius 4 m. If its constant speed is 6 m/s, what is the centripetal
v = 6 m/s
Centripetal force is the total force acting on the object in
uniform circular motion and the direction is always towards the
center of the rotation.
In Newtons Second Law of Motion, the total force acting on the
object causes the acceleration of mass, 𝐹𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙=𝑚𝑎. Just like for
the uniform circular motion the acceleration is the centripetal
acceleration, a = ac.
In Newtons Second Law of Motion equation
F – force
m – mass
a – acceleration

The magnitude of the centripetal force, Fc = mac

Therefore, the Centripetal force, Fc in terms of tangential velocity is

Calculate the centripetal force
exert on a 450 kg jeep taking a turn
on a 330 m radius road at 20 m/s?
mass – 450 kg
radius – 330 m
velocity – 20 m/s

The radius of curvature is defined as the radius of the approximate circle at a particular point. It is
the length of the curvature vector. As the curve moves, the radius changes. It is denoted by r.

The minimum lift to a 900 kg helicopter is 9,000 N. if the helicopter travels at 110 m/s, calculate the
possible radius of curvature.

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