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Look for Examples of oppression of workers, bad working conditions, and

class struggle.
Is the acceptance and Economic status of characters.
justification of classism by working class and poor When Analyzing
people. Examples include: feelings of inferiority to Economic disadvantages
higher-class people; disdain or shame about
Economic privilidge
traditional patterns of class in one’s family and a Internalized Classism
denial of heritage; feelings of superiority to people
lower on the class spectrum than oneself; hostility
and blame towards other working-class or poor This term refers to classism on a
people; and beliefs that classist institutions are fair. personal or individual level, either in behavior or
Individual Classism attitudes, either conscious and intentional, or
unconscious and unintentional.

Tangible or intangible unearned

advantages of higher-class status, such as personal
contacts with employers, good childhood health care, Class Privilege This term refers to the ways in
inherited money… Institutional Classism which intentional and unintentional classism is
manifest in the various institutions of our society.

Classism is differential treatment based on social class or perceived social

class. Classism is the systematic oppression of subordinated class groups to The story opens with the protagonist, nine-year-old Rosaura, arriving at Luciana's
advantage and strengthen the dominant class groups. It is the systematic What? birthday party. She confirms that there is a monkey in the kitchen. Rosaura is relieved
The Stolen Party
assignment of characteristics of worth and ability based on social class. because her mother had insisted it was nonsense to believe a monkey would be at a
birthday party.
The short story “The Garden Party” written in 1923 by Katherine Mansfield deals with
an upper class teenage girl who faces the issue of class distinctions when she is
The Garden Party
unexpectedly broken the news of the death of an underprivileged neighbour who
perishes while she is busy with the preparations of a huge party.

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