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In reading literature, you are able to find rich cultures, beliefs and language of
different authors. As a 21st century learner, you encounter literary text which challenges
your understanding. In this, you will find out that learning the biographical, linguistic
and sociocultural contexts can enhance the text's meaning and enrich your
understanding of a certain literary work.
Learning these various contexts will lead you to appreciate literary pieces and
authors. Eventually, this will help you to show more sympathy to every person you meet
knowing that they may have similar or different experiences.
Biographical context requires the readers to analyze the life and experience of the
author to understand the literary text. It is essential for readers to understand the author’s
background. Understanding the author’s life can help you understand his or her work
thoroughly. This can happen by reading the author’s biography or autobiography.
Here are biographical strategies that you may use:

✔ Research on what the author believes in and also what he or she does not.

✔ Analyze how the author’s belief system is reflected in his or her work.

✔ Look at the author’s other works and analyze if there is a pattern with regard to the
theme that is indicative of his or her life and beliefs.
Sociocultural context requires the reader to analyze the social, economic, political, and
cultural standpoint of the literary text. It is also important to note the year or period a
literary text was written for readers to be able to identify the historical or significant events
that took place in that year which add to the readers’ understanding of the text.
In reading using sociocultural context, you will examine the factors that affect the writing
of the literary text and how the work was received by the readers during the time it was
Here are some guide questions that you may answer when you are reading
literature through the sociocultural context:
● What is the relationship between the characters or speakers in the text and their
● How does this story reflect the nation? What does this say about the country and its
Linguistic context requires the readers to analyze the language, form and structure of
the text. Reading through a linguistic context focuses on the language used in the literary
work and how it is used to convey meaning.
The following are some strategies you may use to read a text through the linguistic

✔Analyze the diction or choice of words in the text.

✔ Examine the text use of sentences, clause, phrases, line cuts, etc.

✔ Observe the use of figurative language.

✔ Analyze the mood and tone of the text.

✔ Observe the text’s overall structure.

✔ Analyze the content of the text.

Sources: Cuevas, Regine. 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World Unit 1: Contextual

Reading Approaches.

“The Door”
Bienvenido N. Santos look for the summary
The story entitled " The Door" was written by a Filipino-American Fictionist Beinvenido
N.Santos.Through this story it inspired a lot. Delfin the protagonist in this said story married to
Mildred, since he is very faithful and lovable in his American second wife. Even though some of
his friends was disappointed his wife against him but still he did not listen to them. Delfin portraits
here the true meaning of love. For him, love is full of faithfulness and trust with each other. Though
his wife always give him a so much pain but still he is very loyal and faithful to her.

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