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Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 1

A double white plus sign displayed horizontally in the signal area indicates that:

Question ID: 161

special precautions are required while approaching for landing on the runway in use

this area is unBt for the movement of aeroplanes

special precautions must be observed due to the state of the taxiways

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the aerodrome is being used by gliders and that glider Gights are being performed
A double white plus sign indicates gliding as shown and described in the diagram

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Easy PPL - Review Test

Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 2

What does the following signal by a Marshaller mean?

Question ID: 3102

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Select undercarriage up



Chocks in


If a Marshaller moves his arms from a horizontal position to a vertical position (as
depicted by the diagram), then this means "stop".

The document below shows all the signals and signs you will need to know!

CAP637 Visual Aids Handbook.pdf

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Easy PPL - Review Test

Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 3

At night, in <ight, you observe a steady green light in your 10 o'clock. Which of the
following statements is most correct?

Question ID: 168

There is no risk of collision. However, to increase separation you should turn right,
away from the other aircraft

There is a risk of collision. You should turn left to pass behind the other aircraft

There is no risk of collision. No action is required by either aircraft

There is a risk of collision. You have the right of way and should maintain course

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and speed


If a light is "steady" it means it is not moving across the windshield. This implies that
eventually, the light will attach itself to the windshield (i.e. a collision will occur)!

Using the diagram below which depicts the lights on an aircraft, if a green light is seen,
then the aircraft will be travelling from your left to your right.

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In this situation, YOU will be on the RIGHT of the other aircraft, and hence YOU will have
right of way, and the aircraft should give way to you. It should do this by turning right, and
passing behind you. YOU have an obligation as part of the collision avoidance rules to
maintain your course and speed!

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Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 4

On an air9eld, a sign with a black background and yellow letter will be used for which

Question ID: 2974

The air9eld Control Reporting Point

A taxi-way designation

None of the above

A MANDATORY runway hold point showing the runway designation

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All yellow and black signs (black on yellow or yellow on back) are INFORMATION

Specifically, yellow text on a black background is a LOCATION INFORMATION SIGN.

This means the sign is telling you where you ARE. That can be a taxi-way designation,
or runway designation (at a non-mandatory hold point).

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Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 5

The pilot of an aircraft that has been intercepted by another aircraft should attempt to
establish radio contact with the intercepting aircraft on the:

Question ID: 169

emergency frequency 121.500 MHz

local Flight Information Service frequency

frequency currently being used to speak to ATC

published interception frequency for that FIR

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The Interception Procedures (and your method of response) should adhere to the
International Standard for such occurrences. These are documented by ICAO (the
International Civil Aviation Organisation) and are common throughout the world.

It is VITAL that you understand the procedure. If you act in an unrecognised or

inappropriate manner, there could be serious consequences (such as being shot down)!

Ensure you are familiar with the procedure (see below)!

Interception Procedures

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Easy PPL - Review Test

Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 6

What does a pilot require prior to entering Class D airspace?

Question ID: 2079

A clearance from the controlling ATSU

An Instrument Rating

A Frequency Monitoring Code (Listening Squawk) to be set, and the aircraft radio
tuned to the appropriate ATSU frequency

A Pight plan

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For any transit through controlled airspace, a CLEARANCE MUST BE OBTAINED. A

Listening Squawk (another name for a Frequency Monitoring Code) doe NOT imply a
clearance to transit!

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Easy PPL - Review Test

Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 7

Who is legally responsible for ensuring all actions prior to ?ight are completed?

Question ID: 2072

The pilot in command for ANY ?ight

The aircraft owner

The aircraft operator

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The pilot in command, but only necessary for ?ights with passengers on board

The Pilot in Command is legally responsible for the entire ?ight, including pre-?ight
checks. Whether or not there are passengers on board is a red herring!

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Easy PPL - Review Test

Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 8

The ground to air visual signal code for use by survivors on the ground in order to

Question ID: 171

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The following signs are used in an emergency situation when signalling from the ground
to the air for rescue purposes.

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Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 9

Which of the following scenarios is de?ned as an AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT under ICAO


Question ID: 2085

A pilot slips over on an oil spillage during the walkround of the aircraft

An aircraft makes a successful forced landing in a ?eld as a result of engine failure

with no injuries to persons on board nor on the ground

An aircraft has a tyre burst on landing, but the aircraft is able to taxi safely to the

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A person suffers a serious injury by tripping over the threshold of the aircraft door
during boarding
The de?nitions of a reportable accident and serious injury are as follows:

An occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft that takes place between the
time when any person boards the aircraft with the intention of Pight and such time as all
persons have disembarked there from, in which:

(a) Any person suffers death or serious injury while in or upon the aircraft or by direct
contact with any part of the aircraft (including any part which has become detached from
the aircraft) or by direct exposure to jet blast, except when the death or serious injury is
from natural causes, is self-inPicted or is inPicted by other persons or when the death or
serious injury is suffered by a stowaway hiding outside the areas normally available in
Pight to the passengers and members of the crew of the aircraft, or
(b) The aircraft incurs damage or structural failure, other than: i. Engine failure or
damage, when the damage is limited to the engine, its cowling or accessories;
ii. Damage limited to propellers, wing tips, antennae, tyres, brakes, fairings, small dents or
punctured holes in the aircraft skin, which adversely affects its structural strength,
performance or Pight characteristics and which would not normally require major repair
or replacement of the affected component, or
(c) The aircraft is missing or is completely inaccessible or
(d) Signi?cant damage is caused to property of the Company or any third party

A Serious Injury means an injury that is sustained by a person in a reportable accident

and which:

(a) Requires their stay in hospital for more than 48 hours commencing within seven days
from the date on which the injury was received.
(b) Results in a fracture of any bone (except fracture of ?ngers/toes/nose).
(c) Involves lacerations that cause nerve, muscle or tendon damage or severe
haemorrhage or involves injury to any internal organ.
(d) Involves second- or third-degree burns affecting more than ?ve per cent of the body
(e) Involves veri?ed exposure to infectious substances or injurious radiation.

The only answer that satisfies the definition above then is:
A person suffers a serious injury by tripping over the threshold of the aircraft door during

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Easy PPL - Review Test

Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 10

The most generic name of the area (on land) deAned as accommodating aircraft for
purposes of loading or unloading passengers, mail or cargo, fuelling, parking or
maintenance is called:

Question ID: 129

the parking area

the apron

the manoeuvring area

the stand

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You'll need to know the implications of certain aviation terms!

The ONLY place where an aircraft may be left unattended, or where it can be loaded,
unloaded or refuelled will be classed as the APRON.

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Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 11

Which answer best describes the requirement for a VFR Bight (that is neither taking off
nor landing) over a congested area of a town?

Question ID: 3153

A minimum height of 1500ft above the surface

A minimum height of 1000ft above the surface

A minimum height of 1000ft above the highest obstacle within 600m radius of the

A minimum height of 1000ft above the highest obstacle within 5nm radius of the

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This is more commonly known as the "1000ft Rule".

An aircraft that is neither taking o" nor landing must maintain at least 1000ft above
the highest obstacle within 600m radius of the aircraft when flying over a congested
area of a town, city or settlement.

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Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 12

The Transition Altitude is:

Question ID: 134

calculated by Air Tra>c Control

Always 3,000 ft

6,000 ft everywhere in the UK

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published in the UK AIP
The Transition Altitude has a fixed value and does not change with the ambient
pressure setting. It is defined in the AIP, and for the UK is nominally 3,000ft, but may
be di"erent in certain areas of the UK (typically 5,000ft or 6,000ft). It is not
dependent upon whether inside or outside of controlled airspace).

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Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 13

An aeroplane that is being overtaken in the air:

Question ID: 142

should maintain height only

should maintain speed only

has the right of way

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should maintain heading only

Collission avoidance rules are contained in SERA (Standardised European Rules of the

Under these rules, the aircraft that has the right of way shall maintain its COURSE and

The aircraft that is being overtaken (in an overtaking situation) has the right of way.

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Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 14

What is required prior to =ight in a Class D Control Zone (CTR)?

Question ID: 3231

A Listening squawk is required on the transponder only

A clearance is required from the controlling authority, and the radio frequency used
must not be changed during the =ight within the CTR

Make contact with the controlling authority and continue into the CTR

There are no special requirements for =ight in a Class D CTR

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Class D is CONTROLLED AIRSPACE. Therefore, a CLEARANCE must be obtained from

the controlling authority PRIRO to entry. You must remain on that frequency whilst
inside the CTR unless specifically instructed to change by the authority concerned.

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Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 15

The UK NATS AIS Website contains what important information for pilots?

Question ID: 2082




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It is important for pilots to obtain information from OFFICIAL sources. The
information contained on the UK NATS Aeronautical Information Service website
includes the necessary information including:

AIP (The Aeronautical Information Publication)

NOTAMS (Notices to Air Men [recently redefined as "Notices to Aviation"])
AIC (Aeronautical Information Circulars)
CHART UPDATE INFORMATION (information for pilots to amend their charts
manually to keep them up to date)

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Easy PPL - Review Test

Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 16

Selection of 7500 on an aircraft SSR Transponder indicates:

Question ID: 164

an emergency

unlawful interference with the planned operation of the Fight

radio communications failure

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transponder malfunction

Here's the easy way of remembering important codes:

• 7700 - "77 - going to heaven" - MAYDAY

• 7600 - "76 - In a Sx" - Radio Failure
• 7500 - "75 - Still Alive" - Illegal interference (Hijack)
• 0030 - You just have to remember this one! It means "I'm LOST"

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Easy PPL - Review Test

Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 17

If a pilot =nds a defect on the aircraft prior to ?ight, what course of action should be

Question ID: 2145

The defect must be logged on the aircraft technical log or ?ight authorisation sheet,
and the owner/operator/maintenance organisation equipment list checked to see if
the ?ight may still be made with the defect present

Providing the defect is logged on the aircraft technical log or ?ight authorisation
sheet, and acknowledged by the owner/operator/maintenance organisation, the
?ight may be made


All defects found prior to flight must be logged in accordance with the procedures

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laid down by the operator/maintainer of the aircraft. Some defects may result in the
planned flight
No ?ight having towith
is possible be abandoned or postponed
any outstanding until
defect on an the defect is fixed. Some
defects may preclude certain types of flight from taking place (e.g. training flights, or
restricting the flight to a single flight to the maintenance base by an instructor for
example). Again, the details as to how di"erent defects a"ect the operational
capability of the aircraft are laid down by the aircraft operator/maintainer.

Providing the defect is logged on the aircraft technical log or ?ight authorisation
sheet, the ?ight may be made

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Easy PPL - Review Test

Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 18

If a country is an ICAO member state, can that country have country-speciCc rules?

Question ID: 3233


Yes, but the pilot must email the destination aerodrome to ask if any ICAO
differences exist

Yes, and any ATSU can advise the pilot of those differences

Yes, providing the differences to the ICAO rules are stated in that country's AIP

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An ICAO member state is expected to adopt most of the ICAO rules. However, each
state is allowed to have country-specific rules (that di"er from ICAO) providing they
detail those di"erences in their aeronautical documentation. THis is normally in the
AIP for that country.

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Easy PPL - Review Test

Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 19

What is the de<nition of a Danger Area?

Question ID: 3010

An airspace of speci<ed dimensions within which activities that may be dangerous

to aircraft take place between speci<ed periods

An airspace of speci<ed dimensions within which activities that may be dangerous

to aircraft take place for which an ATC service is available for crossing

An airspace of speci<ed dimensions surrounding active aerodromes

An airspace of speci<ed dimensions within which activities that may be dangerous

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to aircraft take place as speci<ed by NOTAM only


Danger areas (as the name suggests) are areas of airspace de<ned by lateral and vertical
extents that might contain activities that are dangerous to aircraft! Danger Areas MAY be
activated by NOTAM, or may be permanent, or might have scheduled times of activity as
de<ned in the AIP. There may also be a Danger Area Crossing Service available for SOME
danger areas.

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Easy PPL - Review Test

Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 20

If a licence holder suffers a major injury and is un?t to perform @ight crew duties, the
medical certi?cate or declaration:

Question ID: 135

shall be deemed to be suspended

must be renewed by a full initial medical

remains current if a medical examination is carried out within 21 days of the injury

is still current provided the Class Ratings are current

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The easiest way to explain this scenario is to imagine that the ink on the pilots medical
certi?cate has the ability to become invisible. When an injury affecting the ability of the
pilot to perform their function as a pilot, then the ink disappears, leaving a blank sheet of
paper. In other words, the medical certi?cate is deemed to be suspended, even though no
visit to an AME or the CAA (regulatory authority) has been made. The certi?cate
becomes un-suspended (the ink re-appears) when the condition affecting the pilot no
longer exist.

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