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Easy PPL - Review Test

Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 1

Airspace in which IFR and VFR @ights are permitted, and all @ights are subject to an Air
TraGc Control service, and all are separated from each other with the exception of VFR to
VFR @ights for which ATC will provide traGc information is:

Question ID: 130

Class E Airspace

Class D Airspace

Class C Airspace

Class A Airspace

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The diagram below shows the separation requirements according to class of airspace.

Since both VFR and IFR @ights are permitted, this means it cannot be Class A (which is
IFR only - see the Class A column in the lower yellow outline box). All @ights are also
subject to an ATC Service (look at the blue ATC characters in the upper yellow outline box
in the row "TraGc Information Provided"), so that precludes Class G, meaning we are left
with either Class C, D or E. Since ALL @ights (IFR, VFR, SVFR) are SEPARATED from each
other we need to look in the upper yellow outline box in the row labelled "ATC Separation
Provided"; this means it must be Class C, since in Class D, VFR is not SEPARATED from
IFR, and in Class E, only IFR is separated from IFR and nothing else.

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Easy PPL - Review Test

Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 2

Which Classes of Airspace are categorised as "uncontrolled"?

Question ID: 2247

C, F, G

E, F, G

F, G

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G only

Class F and Class G are the only two classes of airspace which are uncontrolled.

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Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 3

On an aeronautical chart, a Danger Area is shown by a solid surrounding line. Where can
the hours of activation of that Danger Area be found?

Question ID: 2252

Within the NOTAMS

Within the AIP ENR section

Within the Pilots Operating Handbook

Within the AIP GEN section

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The outline of the Danger Area signiQes where the information can be found about
activation times.

For a Danger area with a SOLID outline, the information is contained in the AIP (ENR

For a Danger area with a BROKEN outline, this signiQes that the area is activated by

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Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 4

G-ECAK is an aircraft taxiing under its own power. G-TSIX is an aircraft being towed by a
vehicle with a callsign "TOW1" on the ground. Who gives way to who?

Question ID: 3118

Both TOW1 (towing G-TSIX) and GECAK have the same priority

TOW1 (towing G-TSIX) must give way to G-ECAK

G-ECAK must give way to TOW1 (towing G-TSIX)

TOW1 (towing G-TSIX) and G-ECAK should pass each other keeping each other on
the right

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Aeroplanes on the ground taxying under their own power have priority over aeroplanes
being towed by a vehicle. The vehicle towing the aeroplane must give way to the taxiing

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Easy PPL - Review Test

Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 5

Which organisation administers, manages and governs the 1944 Convention on

International Civil Aviation?

Question ID: 2069

The government of each member state

The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)

The Federal Aviation Agency (FAA)

The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO)

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The Convention on International Civil Aviation is the "meeting" for members who
abide by the rules associated with the convention to allow unhindered international
aeronautical operations by mutual agreement. The administration of this
organisation is managed by "The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO)".

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Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 6

Two aircraft call "Final" immediately one after the other. They end up almost beside each
other on the approach to land. Which aircraft has the right of way?

Question ID: 2074

The aircraft that made the "Final" call Frst has the right of way

The aircraft that is on the right-hand side of the other aircraft has the right of way

The aircraft that is at the lower altitude has the right of way

The faster aircraft has the right of way

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SERA.3210, Rules of the air 9: If two or more aircraft are approaching to land, with no
clear order of priority, the lower aircraft shall have the priority.

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Easy PPL - Review Test

Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 7

A PART-MED Class 2 medical certiCcate shall be valid for a period of:

Question ID: 117

24 months after the licence holder reaches the age of 50

24 months until licence holder reaches the age of 40

12 months for licence holders over the age of 40

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60 months until licence holder reaches the age of 40

Here is the list of validity periods for a Class 2 medical - depending on your age. Note
that some of the questions may states ages in months, rather than years, or vice versa!

UK CAA Medical certificate validity table

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Easy PPL - Review Test

Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 8

An aircraft is ahead of you and to your right travelling in the same direction as yourself.
Which of the following answers is correct?

Question ID: 2246

Both aircraft should change heading to the left

The other aircraft must give way to you by moving to the right

You should give way to the other aircraft without passing under, over or in front of it

You should move further left and overtake the aircraft ahead

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Be careful with these answers. IF we were travelling faster than the other aircraft on
our right, then we would be in an overtaking situation, and the aircraft we are
overtaking would have right of way, but we would also have to turn RIGHT and
overtake to the RIGHT of the other aircraft; but the question doesn't state we are
travelling faster!

Instead, we use the generic rule of "On the Right, In the Right". In other words, any
aircraft that is on the right hand side of any other aircraft has the right of way!

So, the only correct answer from those listed is:

You should give way to the other aircraft without passing under, over or in front of it

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Easy PPL - Review Test

Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 9

At night, in the cruise in level ?ight, you see a green navigation light of another aircraft at
a similar height on a steady relative bearing of 340o. There is:

Question ID: 150

a collision risk; change height to avoid a collision

a collision risk; no need to take avoiding action as you have right of way

a collision risk; you should turn left

no collision risk. The other aircraft should turn right to pass behind you

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Whenever a light is "steady", a collision risk exists.

Using the diagram below, the relative positions of each aircraft are shown (although
space has been compressed in the picture). From here we can see that YOU are on the
other aircraft's right-hand side, so the other aircraft should give way to YOU by turning
right and passing behind you.

Note that the distances between the aircraft are compressed in the diagram below!

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Easy PPL - Review Test

Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 10

In the signals square, you see a red square with a single yellow diagonal line in it. What
does this mean?

Question ID: 2073

Ground movements are conGned to hard surfaces only

The state of manoeuvring area is poor. Special care is required.

The direction of take-off and landing may be different

The aerodrome is unsafe for aircraft movement. Landing is prohibited.

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Although somewhat antiquated now, you'll still need to know the signals square
markings for the Air Law Exam! Shown below is a selection (not all) that contain the
answer to this question).

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Easy PPL - Review Test

Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 11

When should you set a squawk code of 0030?

Question ID: 2078

Only when becoming lost in Controlled Airpsace

Whenever talking to Distress and Diversion on 121.500MHz during a MAYDAY call

Never. This code does not exist for general use

When you are LOST, and you are not talking to an ATSU, and you have not been
allocated a discreet squawk

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0030 is an ICAO standard (in any country) and signiWes that the aircraft is LOST
(uncertain of position).

If you are already communicating with an ATSU, and have already been given a squawk,
you should retain that squawk whilst communicating your predicament.

If, however, you are not talking to an ATSU, and have not been allocated a squawk (i.e.
you are squawking a conspicuity code of 7000 or 2000), then prior to contacting Distress
& Diversion [London Centre 121.500MHz], you should squawk 0030.

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Easy PPL - Review Test

Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 12

When being intercepted in <ight, how would you signal (using the aircraft) to state that
you are "unable to comply"?

Question ID: 140

Turn away from your interceptor

Rock your wings

Set Transponder to 7700 Mode A with Mode C (ALT)

Switch all available lights on and off at regular intervals but in such a manner as to
be distinct from <ashing lights

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The Interception Procedures (and your method of response) should adhere to the
International Standard for such occurrences. These are documented by ICAO (the
International Civil Aviation Organisation) and are common throughout the world.

It is VITAL that you understand the procedure. If you act in an unrecognised or

inappropriate manner, there could be serious consequences (such as being shot down)!

Ensure you are familiar with the procedure (see below)!

Interception Procedures

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Easy PPL - Review Test

Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 13

An aircraft approaching an aerodrome at night observes a ?ashing red ground to air light
signal being directed at the aircraft. This means:

Question ID: 152

Land and move clear of the landing area

Land and return to the starting point of the aerodrome

Do not land. Aerodrome is closed

Do not land. Give way and continue circling

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Light signals are fairly rare in this day and age. However, there is still a requirement to
know what they mean. A ?ashing red light to an aircraft already in ?ight signiNes that the
aerodrome is CLOSED, and is NOT available for landing. Immediate plans to divert should
be made by the pilot.

See the diagram below for a visual explanation.

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Easy PPL - Review Test

Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 14

For what reason might a licensed air@eld be closed during its normally published hours
within the AIP?

Question ID: 2100

Lack of runway lighting during the daytime

Reduced staJng levels, essential maintenance or manoeuvring service

unserviceability - all noti@ed by NOTAM

Poor weather conditions

Licensed air@elds will always be available during their published hours of operation

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within the AIP


This is one where you must choose the MOST correct answer. Runway lights are not
required during the day, so lack of them will not close an air@eld. Weather conditions are
subjective. For one pilot the weather may be considered poor. For another with an
instrument rating and fully-kitted IR panel, the weather conditions may be reasonable. A
licensed aerodrome will not close due to poor weather conditions. Licensed aerodromes
however could close due to reduced staJng levels, essential maintenance or
manoeuvring service unserviceability.

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Easy PPL - Review Test

Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 15

During a walk-round of an aircraft, a defect is observed. Who is responsible for recording

the defect in the technical log?

Question ID: 2253

The aircraft operator

The aircraft Owner

The aircraft engineer

The Pilot In Command

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The Pilot In Command is responsible for the aircraft, the Might, and the people on board.
It is therefore the Pilot In Commands responsibility to ensure that defects are recorded
and reported correctly.

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Easy PPL - Review Test

Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 16

During taxiing, you come across the set of yellow lines shown below. If you are travelling
from LEFT to RIGHT in the diagram below, which of the following answers is correct?

Question ID: 2083

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No clearance is required

A clearance must be obtained from the ATSU before crossing the double yellow line

It is advisable to obtain a clearance from the ATSU before crossing the double
yellow line ahead

Aircraft must not cross the double yellow line under any circumstances


When multiple lines exist across a taxi-way, it is only the set of lines you FIRST encounter
that is relevant to you. So, travelling from LEFT to RIGHT means that you come across
the SOLID LINES across the taxi-way FIRST. SOLID double lines Srst signify a clearance is
required prior to crossing them. If you had been travelling in the opposite direction, you
would have come across the broken lines Srst, signifying that you may cross them
without a clearance.

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Easy PPL - Review Test

Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 17

Large white diagonal crosses not more than 300 metres apart on a portion of runway
signify that:

Question ID: 124

the area between the crosses is unBt for take-off but may be used for taxying

the area between the crosses is unBt for landing but may be used for take-off

the area between the crosses is unBt for the movement of aircraft

the area between the crosses is unBt for landing but may be used for taxying

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Usually, the crosses will occupy a while runway if the runway is not suitable as a whole
for landing on. In the event of only a portion of the runway not being available (obviously
one end, not the bit in the middle!), then there would also be a displaced threshold

The important thing is that between the crosses, the surface is deemed to be unsuitable
for ANY aircraft movement!

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Easy PPL - Review Test

Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 18

Subject to any additional instruments prescribed by the appropriate authority, all aircraft
operating on VFR Fights shall be equipped with at least the following:

Question ID: 163

magnetic compass, sensitive pressure altimeter and an airspeed indicator

attitude indicator, magnetic compass, sensitive pressure altimeter and an airspeed


magnetic compass, accurate timepiece, sensitive pressure altimeter and an

airspeed indicator

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turn co-ordinator or indicator, sensitive pressure altimeter, airspeed indicator and an
E"ectively, the minimum
engine RPM gauge legal equipment for VFR flight is that required in order to
navigate in 3D.

For this, you need to know your height (altitude), heading, speed, and something to
measure time.

Note that the question only asks for the aircraft equipment. Obviously, a map would
be sensible, but is not included in the AIRCRAFT equipment list.

Interestingly under PART-NCO (for EASA aircraft [or in the UK PART-21 Aircraft]),
it’s actually a requirement for the timepiece to be fitted:
(a) Aeroplanes operated under VFR by day shall be equipped with a means of
measuring and displaying the following:
(1) magnetic heading;
(2) time, in hours, minutes and seconds;
(3) barometric altitude;
(4) indicated airspeed; and
(5) Mach number, whenever speed limitations are expressed in terms of Mach

So, the correct answer is:

magnetic compass, accurate timepiece, sensitive pressure altimeter and an airspeed

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Easy PPL - Review Test

Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 19

At the hold, at an ATC controlled air?eld, ATC instruct you to "Line Up and Wait". Ahead of
you, the Stop-Bars are still illuminated (See the picture below). What should you do?

Question ID: 2094

Ignore the clearance and wait

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Move forward slowly and cross the stop-bars whilst seeking clari?cation from ATC
"Stop Bars" are a line of red lights that go ACROSS the taxiway (like illuminated cats
eyes) at the LAST hold point prior to entry to the runway (see the diagram above in
the question).

Line-Up Stop
Illuminated and Wait
Barsas instructed
must not be crossed.

If ATC give a clearance that implies you should cross the illuminated stop bars (such as
"Line-Up and Wait"), YOU MUST NOT DO SO if the Stop Bars remain illuminated. The
standard clearance from ATC does NOT over-ride the stop bars!

Remain Stop
Illuminated at theBars
contact ATC advising
be crossed them that
if a SPECIFIC the stop-bars
from still
instructs you to do so such as "Cleared to cross the illuminated stop-bars".

Normally, when ATC issue a clearance that would involve crossing the Stop Bars, the Stop
Bars will be turned off at the same time as the clearance is issued.

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Easy PPL - Review Test

Content Updated: 23rd October 2023

Review Air Law & ATC Procedures Exam

Course Exam

Question 20

An aircraft is only permitted to take off and land under VFR at an aerodrome residing
inside a Control Zone (CTR) under what conditions?

Question ID: 2075

Only providing the ground visibility is at least 1,500m

Only providing the cloud base (ceiling) is at least 1,000ft, and the ground visibility is
at least 1,500m

Only providing the cloud base (ceiling) is at least 1,500ft, and the ground visibility is
at least 1,500m

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Only providing the cloud base (ceiling) is at least 1,500ft, and the ground visibility is
at least 5km
This is Air Law!

VFR Take-off and Landing [SERA.5005]

Except if a SVFR clearance is given, VFR Rights shall not take off or land at an aerodrome
within a control zone, or enter the aerodrome traTc zone or aerodrome traTc circuit
when the reported meteorological conditions at that aerodrome are below the following

1. the ceiling is less than 1500 ft; or

2. the ground visibility is less than 5 km

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