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These may just be the snuggliest and easiest to make socks EVER!

These socks are knit from

the top down, with a heel flap and gusset, and knit up quickly using a DK weight yarn and
3.25mm/US 3 needles.

YARN:​ One skein (approx 230 yards/100g) of DK weight yarn.

*See notes regarding yardage for pattern modifications.

Sample uses: M ​ erino DK​ (75% merino/25% nylon -246 yards/100g)

Sample is a size M, with a 4.5inch leg, and 9 inch foot, and used 80g or approx 197 yards.

NEEDLES: ​US Size 3 / 3.25 mm double pointed needles OR 9 inch circulars*

​ ​OR equivalent needles for magic loop
*If using 9 inch circulars, note that you will need DPNs or magic loop to finish the heel and toe.

NOTIONS:​ 2 stitch markers, and a darning needle for weaving in ends.

GAUGE:​ 24 stitches x 36 rows = 4” x 4” in stockinette stitch in the round.

FINISHED MEASUREMENTS:​ Size S: to fit a foot circumference of 7.5 inches/19 cm

Size M: to fit a foot circumference of 8.5 inches/21.5 cm
Size L: to fit a foot circumference of 9.5 inches/24 cm
*Measurements are approximate - please note that the final length will vary per your own
measurements. Socks should be worn with a bit of negative ease.

CO​ - Cast on K​ - Knit ​P​ - Purl ​K2Tog​ - Knit 2 Together ​PM​ - Place Marker ​SM​ - Slip Marker

BOR​ - Beginning of round ​P2Tog​ - Purl 2 Together ​TBL ​- Through the back loop

SSK​ - Slip, Slip, Knit: slip two stitches knitwise, and knit them together through the back loop

Purlwise - ​As if to purl​ Knitwise ​- As if to knit ​ RS ​- Right side ​ WS​ - Wrong side

SL ​- Slip the stitch (purlwise) ​WYIF​ - With yarn in front ​WYIB​ - With yarn in back

** ​- ​Stitch patterns in asterisks indicate a repeating pattern

This pattern is property of Nicole Bracey/Woolfield and is protected by copyright law. It is illegal to redistribute,
sell, or share the pattern in part or whole, electronically or physically.
The pattern is written for the smallest size, and stitch counts for the medium and large sizes
are in brackets. I recommend highlighting the size you intend to work.
If there are no brackets, the stitch count is the same for all sizes.

CO 44 (48, 52) stitches using a long tail cast on, OR twisted german cast on. Join to work in the
round and place marker for BOR.

Rounds 1 - 12: ​K1TBL, P1 around.

Heel Flap:

To begin, knit the first 22 (24, 26) stitches, remove marker and place these stitches on a holder.
The heel flap is worked across the remaining 22 (24, 26) stitches and is worked

Row 1 (RS): ​Sl1 Knitwise WYIB, *K1, Sl1Purwise WYIB* to last stitch. K1. Turn.
Row 2 (WS):​ Sl1 Purlwise WYIF, then P to end. Turn.

Repeat rows 1 and 2 ​an additional​ 10 (11, 12) times for a total of 22 (24, 26) rows.

Heel Turn:
Set up:

Row 1 (RS):​ Sl1WYIB, K13 (14, 15), SSK, K1, Turn.

Row 2 (WS):​ Sl1WYIF P7 (7, 7), P2Tog, P1, Turn.
Row 3 (RS​):​ Sl1WYIB, K8 (8, 8), SSK, K1, Turn.
Row 4 (WS)​: Sl1WYIF, P9, (9, 9), P2Tog, P1, Turn.

Heel Turn:

Right side (odd rows):​ Sl1WYIB, K until 1 stitch before gap, SSK, K1, Turn.
Wrong side (even rows)​: Sl1WYIF, P until 1 stitch before gap, P2Tog, P1, Turn.

Continue repeating these two rows until you have worked all the stitches.
*Note​ - on the size small and large, the last two rows will end with​ a
​ n SSK and a P2Tog.

You​ will​ have 14 (16, 16) stitches remaining.

This pattern is property of Nicole Bracey/Woolfield and is protected by copyright law. It is illegal to redistribute,
sell, or share the pattern in part or whole, electronically or physically.

Resume working in the round. Knit across the 14 (16, 16) heel stitches. Pick up and knit 11 (12,
13) stitches along the side, and 1 stitch in the corner. ​Place a marker for the new BOR​. Knit
across the 22 (24, 26) instep stitches from the holder. ​PM​. Pick up and knit 1 stitch in the
corner, and another 11 (12, 13) stitches along the other side.
Knit to BOR marker.

You will have 60 (66, 70) stitches on your needles.

Round 1: ​Knit across the first 22 (24, 26) instep stitches, SM, K remaining stitches.
Round 2:​ Knit across the first 22 (24, 26) instep stitches, SM, K1, SSK, K to 3 stitches before
BOR marker, K2tog, K1.

Repeat rounds 1 and 2 of the gusset ​an additional​ 7 (8, 8) times, until you have returned to
having 44 (48, 52) stitches on your needles.


Continue knitting all stitches until you reach approximately 1.5 - 2 inches from the desired
length of your sock.


Round 1:​ K1, SSK, K to 3 stitches before marker, K2Tog, K1, SM, K1, SSK, K to 3 stitches before
marker, K2Tog, K1.
Round 2:​ K all stitches around.

Repeat rounds 1 and 2​ an additional​ 5 (6, 7) times, until you have 20 (20, 20) stitches
remaining, or until desired length .

Use kitchener stitch to graft your toe together - weave in your ends, and block if desired. Repeat
for second sock.

This pattern is property of Nicole Bracey/Woolfield and is protected by copyright law. It is illegal to redistribute,
sell, or share the pattern in part or whole, electronically or physically.
● Adapting this sock into a mid-calf sock is easy! After finishing the cuff, you can knit for as
many rows as you like until the leg reaches your desired length. Yardage needed will vary
greatly based on the length of leg you choose to do.

● As the pattern is written, it should use less than one full skein of yarn for all sizes, while
mid-calf socks will likely require two skeins. You could also use a contrasting colour for
your heels, toes, and cuffs if you only have one skein of the primary colour.

If you enjoyed this pattern, there are many more where it came from in my​ ​Ravelry store.

Still new to socks?​ You might enjoy the ​English Garden Socks​, ​Vanilla Spice Socks​, or
Terracotta Socks​!

Sock pro? ​Check out the ​Fairy Dust Socks​, ​Shag Carpet Shorites​, or the ​Part of Your World

Need a one-stop-shop sock pattern for every size and style?​ ​Why not C
​ hoose Your Own

I love seeing your finished pieces - I would love for you to share your projects on Ravelry and

Selling finished items: selling items made with the Simple

DK Shortie Socks pattern is allowed. You may ​not​ use my
photos/images to sell your items. As a courtesy, I ask that
you give pattern credit to Woolfield Studio/Nicole Bracey.
Makers supporting makers is what it’s all about! ​♥

This pattern is property of Nicole Bracey/Woolfield and is protected by copyright law. It is illegal to redistribute,
sell, or share the pattern in part or whole, electronically or physically.

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