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Podcast Transcript

(Music Plays and slowly fades away)

“Hello to all my new students and parents to those students! My name is Angel Armas-Alvarenga and
welcome to Angel’s Arithmetic Assistance”

“This podcast is fully made by me and is used to find an alternative way of learning for students who
want to have a different experience from the everyday classroom and give announcements in a different

“For this Podcast, I want to first congratulate all the new students to my new class and officially
welcome you to it!”

(Audience Clapping)

“Thank you, parents, for guiding your child to success and thank you students for putting in the effort to
reach your dreams!”

“Now for the not so fun part”

(Alarm sound)

“Parents, there will be forms that will be sent to you that must be filled out and sent back to me. You
will have 2 weeks to get these papers filled out and given to me”

“Students, there will be a syllabus that you and your parents must sign and give back to me. You will
have 1 week to get that signed and returned”

“Now that is out of the way, I wish to give some encouragement to you, my students”

“I am making this podcast, we’ll call it podcast 0, to give you some tips and help labiate some of your

“The class might be difficult for some of you, and that is alright. Struggling is part of the process and I
expect to some of it, however, don’t remain struggled. I am here to help make math as enjoyable as
possible and I want you to love math just as much as I do. If you need help, never be afraid to ask me for
it. Ask questions! Be engaged! And, most importantly, have fun!”

“I am not here to make your time in my class miserable, that would cause me to get a “game over””

(Game Over noise)

“My ultimate goal is to not only help you learn it, but “level up” your enjoyment of math from how it is

(Level up Noise)

“So, all I ask is that you trust in me and believe in your capabilities, sounds good? (Pause) Great!”
“Well, that is everything I needed to cover for today. Class, the next podcast will cover our first lesson
and I look forward to seeing you hear it. Until next time, It’s been Angel Armas and I'll see you in the
next one, goodbye!”

(Outro Music)

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