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Nowadays violence is very rampant because of the issue about drugs, but I think our

government should not only focus on one problem because our country is facing a lot of
problems. Not just about drugs but also about violence. Violence is the use physical force
to harm someone or to damage property. This is a time of shame and sorrow. I have saved
this opportunity to speak to you about this mindless menace violence on our country.

Why? What has violence ever accomplished? Violence solves nothing. It just makes
people do more fighting. What has it ever created? It only makes the problem worse.
Whenever any Filipino’s life is taken by another Filipino unnecessarily - whether its done
in the name of the law, by one man or a gang, in an attack or violence, or response to
violence. The whole nation is degraded. Yet we tolerate a rising level of violence that
ignores our common humanity. We calmly accept it and sometimes glorify killing on
movie and call it entertainment. No martyrs cause have ever been stilled by his assassins
bullet. It is not the concern of any one race. The victims of the violence is black and
white, rich and poor, young and old, famous and unknown. They are the most important
of all human beings whom other human being loved and needed. No one - no matter
where he lives or what he does can be certain who will suffer from this senseless act of
bloodshed and yet it goes on and on. We must know what to do. It is to achieve true
justice among our fellow citizens. Our lives in this planet is too short and we should
remember even if only for a time, that those who lives with us are our brothers. That they
also share with us the same short movement of life. That they also seek for a chance to
live out their lives in purpose and happiness.

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