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fun ways for reading activities

2. reading in fun ways
3. How to make interesting reading
4. Interesting Ways To Develop Good Reading Habits
5. how to improve reading habits.

ther than improving the cognitive skills of students, reading also helps in the development of
visual and spatial skills. Books create a world of their own, and when children immerse into
that world, they create strong visuals of all the characters and surroundings in their brains. In
such times, when students are exposed to reading, it helps develop their imaginative and
creative capabilities which would otherwise be lacking.
1. Making reading a habit:
Students tend to have hectic schedules, juggling between their academics, extra- curriculars,
and leisure activities. To ensure that reading becomes a part of their daily routine, students
must make reading a habit. When reading becomes a habit, just like showering, eating, and
exercising, students will start reading regularly without thinking of it as a task or burden.
Once this habit is inculcated, students will instinctively read every day as they will start
enjoying the process getting emotionally invested in the characters and plots.
2. Library visits:
Libraries are a wonderful environment to develop the habit of reading amongst students. The
first few visits to a library may feel forced or obligatory, but once students become regulars at
the library, they will start visiting the library on their own accord. Libraries are a great source
of reading material. Although, there is a vast availability of materials online these days, the
joy of sifting through books and spending hours at a library still remains unparalleled.
3. Starting Book Clubs:
Book clubs are a great way to encourage reading. Book clubs are formed by groups of
individuals that share a similar interest in books. They mutually decide upon a book that they
must all read at the same time. They convene once a week/month, and then discuss their
views and opinions on the chosen book. Book clubs encourage students to share their love for
reading with like minds, and hence it is an effective way to improve the quality and quantity
of material being read.
4. Picking a book of your choice:
To pique their interest, it is very essential that students pick books that they themselves are
truly interested in reading. Reading is very subjective, and therefore it is vital that students
choose books of the genre and style of writing that they enjoy. Forcefully reading what others
are reading, without enjoying the theme and writing style, could hamper the individuals
desire to read further. A common rule to follow is the 50-page rule: If one does not start
loving a book after reading 50 pages of the book, then it is probably best to leave the book
and try another one.
5. Setting Reading Goals:
If students set small and achievable reading goals for themselves, it would help them to
sustain their desire to read. Setting realistic goals for tasks is always a great way to get work
done, without it becoming taxing or arduous. The goals can be daily/weekly or monthly.
Sharing the goals with friends and making reading partners can also work well. Initially, it
may require a bit of pushing to achieve one’s own goals, but eventually, it becomes a part of
one’s routine.
6. Making Reading a form of entertainment:
For most students, entertainment means watching television or listening to music. If one
starts thinking of reading as a form of entertainment, then students could use their spare time
to read and learn. Reading is not limited to educational books only. Even reading fictional
stories can have a positive impact on students. Reading broadens the imagination and
thinking skills of students, thereby improving their overall brain development and reasoning
7. Actively Discussing the books read:
Just as we tend to discuss movies and web series that we watch amongst friends and family, if
we encourage students to discuss books that they have read, it would further encourage them
to read. When discussing books becomes dinner table conversation, children would be
stimulated to read more so that they can actively contribute to the conversation.
Here Are Some Ways To Develop Reading Habits In Students:
1. Create A Reading Space
To develop a reading habit in students, it is essential to create a reading space. Make an area
for your child with their help. Make sure your child will have his or her own organized
reading corner. Take fun accessories or a bean bag chair and the variety of books.

The organized and well-maintained reading space helps the students to read effectively. To
help your child understand the real significance of reading, start reading stories. There are a
variety of books on the market that are customized of various age ranges.
2. Let Them Read As Per Their Interest
Rather than forcing the students to read what you like, motivate them to read they are
interested. Whether it is the newspaper, fiction, poetry, comic book, or another reading
material, let them read what they want.
But make sure that students are only reading age-appropriate material. This will surely
develop the reading habits of students.

3. Take Trips To Library

The library is a home of a variety of books and an excellent place to explore new books and
authors. The trips to the library offer the students an opportunity to develop good reading
habits and to see other kids doing things.Most of the libraries also have story hours or other
literacy programs for students. To develop reading habits in students, libraries are the best
So make sure that at least once in a week take trips to the library. The trip to the library can
be extra special when you offer your child to look across and explore.

4. Find Reading Moments In Everyday Life

Reading is a part of daily life; it is not only about sitting down with a good book. Teach the
students that reading is more than just for books. Show your kids that reading is everywhere-
practice reading movie names, menus, game instructions, road signs, and more.
Finding reading moments in everyday life is also the best way to develop reading habits in
students. As you undergo your day, assist the child in keeping an eye out for reading

5. Surround Students With Books

It is one of the best ways to develop reading habits in students. Leave books lying across the
house in every room so they will become an essential part of your child’s lives.
The students who grow with reading material all across them learn to love reading previous
than those students who grow up in the absence of important resources. So it is crucial to
filling your home with a variety of books.

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