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By Stephen Zotnowski

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One hand washes the other
one eye open when I sleep
one thing leads to another
one's sleeping six feet deep
two faces in the mirror
The two rights
erase the wrong
two choices,
which one's clearer?
What way do I run?
- Hey!
- Hey.
Um, listen.
I'm gonna take off.
Do you mind, uh...
do you mind locking the door
on... on your way out?
You aren't gonna buy me
breakfast, are you?
Uh... No.
I played cards
with the devil
I made a bet with a ghost
I made sure they'll never
find the cure
for a crooked soul
I played cards
with the devil
I made a bet with a ghost
I made sure they'll never
find the cure
for a crooked soul
Unh-unh. Unh-unh.
You are officially banned
after last night.
I mean, literally,
I can't even...
I can't even remember
last night.
You were up on stage.
- No.

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- Yeah.
You gave a Russian guy
a lap dance,
- and he was not into it.
- What?
Like, really not into it.
I made sure they'll never
find the cure
for a crooked soul
I played cards
with the devil
I made a bet with a ghost
I made sure they'll never
find the cure
for a crooked soul
I see nothing
but black clouds
I'm in the eye of the storm
I been burning my tightrope
but I've got the beat
of the bones
in this town,
those dark waters
- Hey, how are you?
- Pretty good.
I will take a double
grey goose on the rocks, please.
What are you paying with?
There you go.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- Hey.
- Hey!
Good. How you doing?
I'm good, Mr. Vincent.
Long time. How are you?
I gonna, uh... I was gonna
call you today.
Oh, I was hoping I'd find
37 grand in there for me.
Yeah, well, I-I do all
my banking online these days.

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Listen, kid,
I just learned something
that kind of hurt my feelings.
Oh, yeah? What's that?
According to
a friend of mine down South,
your family has more money
than they know what to do with.
Well, my family and I,
we have parted ways.
That's why I borrow money
from you.
Card's declined.
Listen to me.
I know where you work.
I know where you live.
I know where you gamble away
money you don't have.
I know where you go
for probation.
I know the whole thing.
And if I don't have my money

by Friday 5:
I will find you and I will smash
your head wide open.
I have no problem doing that.
I made sure they'll never
find the cure
for a crooked soul
Mr. Wheeler
has continued to exhibit,
through a series of offenses...
D.U.I., resisting arrest,
criminal speeding, participation
in unlicensed gaming,
and now aggravated assault...
...That he is
combative, disruptive,
and has a general disregard for
simple rules and regulations.
He also seems incapable
of obeying the law.

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Whoever wrote that just...
Just gets me.
So, that guy
and his thick-neck buddy
showed up again.
Said you weren't here.
All right. Thank you.
Hey, don't you have somebody
tied up in your basement
you need to go torture,
something like that?
Hey, man. You got no money
socked away? Nothing at all?
Does it look like I got
any money socked away, man?
What about your family?
Said your brother's getting
married next week, right?
- Yeah, I did. So what?
- So what?
So, get a tux
and fly to the party.
Everybody's happy and your old
man's checkbook's already open.
Listen, I think I can make it
to the wedding now.
Oh, that's great.
Oh, here.
Talk to your father.
Uh, no, mom.
Mom, I don't... mom!
Hey, dad.
Oh, Jay. How are you?
I-I-I'm well.
I-I-I-I'm well.
I've been following the, uh...
the merger talks in the news.
Looks promising.
Yeah, yeah.
How's the plan going out there?

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Uh, I-it's going very well.
It's going amazing, actually.
I was telling mom
I got a new job.
It's an administration position
with one of the largest
psychiatric hospitals out here.
I-I've met someone, too,
and she's... she's beautiful.
She's just the greatest thing.
Mom would love her.
Does she take her clothes
off for a living?
No, she doesn't take her clothes
off for a living, dad.
No. She's a... she's a nurse.
You should bring her
to the wedding.
Bring her to the wedding?
Yeah, sure.
Uh... No, yeah, no.
She's not gonna be able
to get the time off work.
She's... she's a nut
with the work, this one.
Yeah, well, we both think
you should bring her.
Um... Okay, you know what?
We'll be there.
Tell mom we're gonna be there
and we'll be there, okay?

Woman over P.A.:

Would a med tech
please report
to physical therapy?
Mop guy, show us what you got.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
My God, you look...
you look amazing today.
I wear this every day.

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I mean, I don't know.
Today, it's like...
it's really working.
You're single, right?
Yes, I'm single.
Yeah, I'm single, too.
This is great.
You're single
because you're an asshole.
Yeah, but an interesting
and fun asshole.
I'm gonna cut right to it.
My brother's getting married
in new Orleans this weekend,
and I was kind of thinking
if you weren't busy or anything,
- you and me...
- You're serious.
What, is that a yes?
This is Daisy Kensington.
Thank you, Mr. Wheeler.
Okay, fellas. Break time.
I'm only here
because I refuse to vote.
I know.
Because I refuse
to use credit cards
or go on the Internet.
They know my record.
They know your record, too,
Mr. Wheeler,
if that's your real name.
They know everything about you.
I am off the grid, baby!
Just because I won't go
to websites,
just because I don't have
a cellphone,
I won't even look
at a television...
- that's why, that's why.
- You don't have to.

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Come on. Sit down.
Sit down.
Mr. B.,
how's the Wildman today?
Yeah. She's nice.
Pretty women, Mr. B.
You remember pretty women?
Bertleman wants
to see you in his office.
Now, listen. I don't know
what frakel told you.
You're giving
alcohol and pornography
to my patients.
They're my friends.
They are,
variously, psychotic, catatonic,
manic, and delusional.
They are also my responsibility.
From this point forward,
you will have no contact
with these patients
except to mop the floor
beneath their feet.
Are we clear?
Yeah, we're clear.
Absolutely, yeah.
I'm fully aware
that if you lose this job,
you violate your probation.
If you let that happen,
you will find yourself downwind
from a category-5 shit storm.
- Can I...
- I'm done.
miss Daisy Kensington, right?
Miss Kensington,
do you know where you are?
It's okay.
This is a psychiatric hospital.
The police report says

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that your mother passed away
and you left a note
for the mailman
asking him what you should do.
Miss Kensington,
are you aware of the time?
Do you know the day,
month, year?
I'm not exactly sure
what day it is.
It's okay.
Do you know why you're here?
I guess, uh...
...the voices.
We're gonna do some tests.
But I'm supposed to be sleeping.
I know. It won't take long.
Are you a doctor?
Yeah, I'm your special doctor.
Oh. Oh!
Oh, wait. Oh, stop. Please.
Oh, my.
I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
It's okay. It's okay.
It's okay.
I didn't mean
to cause any trouble.
You didn't do anything
wrong. The guy's a freak.
- He was gonna hurt you.
- But he's a doctor.
No, no.
He's not a doctor.
Now, listen to me. You got to
protect yourself in here, okay?
You're the mopping man.
Yeah, I'm Jay.
Where's your mop?
Doesn't matter. I got to get
out of here. You gonna be okay?
Mrs. Nealberry,
go back to bed, please.

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It's time to get up.
No, baby. It's time to sleep.
It's time to sleep.
Hey. Be careful.
It's time to get up.
Wash your face, wash your hands.
What are you doing?
I'm coming with you.
What? No! You can't leave.
You're a patient.
I don't like it here.
Yeah, I get that.
But you can't just stand here.
Where should I stand?
Come on. Come on, come on,
come on, come on.
Where are your shoes?
I don't have any.
How can you not have shoes?
They hurt my feet.
You got to go back inside.
You got to tell them
what happened, okay?
What's wrong?
What's happening?
Okay, okay, okay.
Just breathe.
Look at me. Look at me.
Just breathe. Breathe, okay?
Just breathe, okay?
Look. I really don't care
if you don't want to go back.
You can do whatever you want,
Okay. Look.
Grab a cab.
Call somebody.
Do something, okay?
- Who should I call?
- I don't know.
You're supposed to know

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the people you know.
- Okay?
- Okay.
Take care of yourself.
Get some shoes.
What is this place?
- Uh, it's a club.
- What kind of club?
Uh, it's a dancing club.
For people that like to dance?
for people who like to dance.
- Why is it so dark?
- 'Cause it's a club
for people who like
dancing in the dark.
That lady didn't
have any clothes on!
Did she? I didn't...
I didn't even really notice.
A lot of people in here
don't have clothes on.
Okay. Take a seat.
I'm gonna go talk
to some people.
Just don't move, okay?
You, me, new Orleans.
Pretending to be a nurse
makes me uncomfortable.
You hump a pole naked for money,
but this makes you
You don't see the irony there?
- Unh-unh.
- Okay.
Does anybody want to go
to Jay's brother's wedding?
Come on, you guys.
I need a date.

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And why should we help you?
Uh, because I'm putting you
through college
with all those dollars
I drop in your panties?
Well, what's in it for us?
The fuzzy feeling you get
helping a friend?
Why are you wearing those shoes?
Get inside
and I'll take you to the stars
She dances beautifully!
I got them pushing
their fancy cars
young, hot, real cute,
even in a space suit
Um, you might want
to come check on your friend.
I need someone who can aim,
red velvet dynamite
I'm a loaded gun tonight
I'm a sex pistol,
pistol, pistol
Yo, sweets, you got to get out.
But Jay said that this
was a dancing club.
Jay who?
He snuck us in the back.
He said that he didn't want
the bouncer to see us.
Yo, you got to get down.
Come on.
What? No, no.
No, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no! No! No, no,
no, no, no, no! Stop!
Hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey, hey, hey!
Yo, you need to leave now!
Okay, take it easy.
We're going.

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You all right?
Okay. We're going.
We're going.
Come on.
You all right?
This fat man
offered me $100 for a hand job.
I've never had a job.
You sure you have
no one you can call?
You have no friends?
You have no family?
You have nobody?
What am I supposed to do
with you?
Do you have I.D.?
You got to show I.D.
At security.
I have it. It's in here.
What's happening?
Wh-what's wrong?
Um, I, uh... Um...
I-I don't...
I-I don't know what to do.
That's okay. I have a plan,
and it's a good one.
All you have to do is smile
and eat yummy snacks.
And when people say,
"hey, what do you do?"
You say, "I'm a nurse."
I'm not supposed to lie.
It's not a lie.
Not a lie.
It's pretending, which is fine.
What's the difference?
I'll explain it to you later.
- Okay.
- Okay?
Your dancer friends
really don't mind
I borrowed their clothes?
No, no.

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They wanted to help.
Are you sure this looks okay?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You look fantastic.
Really, you look great.
Just, uh, uh,
keep the sweater on.
- This?
- Yeah.
Oh. You okay?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
I'm sorry. Hi.
Your friend's
been in the bathroom
for a really long time.
Okay, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Daisy, it's me.
It's Jay.
There's no flusher.
She's a first-time flyer.
Yeah, there is, honey.
It's just a little different
than usual.
You see the button in the wall
above the seat?
It's actually a lever.
Yeah, push that.
It says "flush" right on it.
But the letters are worn off.
Anyway, just push it.
It was really loud.
You handled it well, though.
Okay, let's try
and get some sleep, okay?
I'm not sleepy.
Then eat your peanuts.
I already did.
Then eat mine.
I already did.

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this flight's called a red eye.
Do you know why?
Because if we don't get sleep,
we're gonna have red eyes
when we get to new Orleans.
And you don't want red eyes
when you meet my family, do you?
So, let's be quiet.
I'm sorry.
- Hi.
- Hi.
We have another problem.
Let's go, hon.
You can't sit here.
But the seats
are too small back there.
I know, but we didn't pay
for the big seats.
Can we pay for them now?
No, we can't pay for them now.
What's wrong with her?
Excuse me. There's nothing
wrong with my girlfriend.
Thank you.
Let's go, hon. I'm lonely
back there. Come on.
Do we have to sleep?
No, we don't have to sleep.
Can we get some of those
good nuts in the nice dish?
Um, take mine.
I already did.
Everyone's moving around.
Yeah, we're getting ready
to land.
You called me your girlfriend.
Am I really your girlfriend?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You're my girlfriend.

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My mother told me I would
never be anybody's girlfriend.
I guess she was wrong, then.
I think I'm just gonna
stay out here.
You'll be okay.
You'll be okay.
Come on.
So, let's move Consuela
to the family table
because the wedding party
will be somewhere else.
Hey, mom.
You're really here.
Ohh! Mwah!
Okay. Okay.
Mom, this is Daisy.
- Oh, yes. Hello.
- Hi.
Oh, my.
What a cute skirt.
Oh, you have no shoes on.
Oh, God, mom.
We are... we are really beat.
Of course. Look at me.
I'll have Mary
bring up your things.
We don't really have any things.
Your luggage?
Yeah, we traveled...
we traveled light.
Well, I can always
pick you up a suit.
And remember, this is the South,
so you'll have two rooms.
I wouldn't stay
in the same room with a man.
Yeah, we haven't, uh...
we aren't...

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Well, you'll be sleeping
in Marie Antoinette's bed.
Oh, no, no.
That's okay. She can have it.
I'll just sleep on the floor.
Oh, you are so funny.
No, darling.
Jay will have his room and you
can stay in the guest room.
I thought you quit.
I did.
We haven't heard from you
in a long time.
So, when am I gonna meet
this new girlfriend of yours?
At dinner.
Your mother says
she's very beautiful.
She is.
Yeah, she's very beautiful.
She's got me
rethinking my future.
Come on.
I want to show you something.
It's the American dream
on four wheels.
It's even got a China cabinet.
China cabinet? Really?
There's only two others
in decent condition
in the whole country.
And I practically stole it.
Well, hey, it's good to be king.
You're damn right it is.
Time for a drink.
Mom said you were coming,
but I didn't believe it.
Yeah, no, I'm here.
How you doing?

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Good, good.
I'll grab Kate.
I don't suppose
you're on the wagon.
No, not unless
there's booze on it.
Uh, well, to Jerry.
To Jerry.
So, where is this girl?
Oh, she's coming down in a bit.
She's just... she's a bit shy.
Here she is.
I'm a nurse.
Oh, well, that's great
because I'm actually coming down
with something, I think.
Dad, this is Daisy.
Oh, call me Jason.
Oh, this is my son Jerry,
the groom.
- Hello.
- And this is...
Kate. I'm heard so much
about you, Jay.
- Well, it's all true.
- I'm Daisy.
I'm a nurse.
Well, thank y'all so much
for coming.
It was such a surprise.
Jerry said you met
at a hospital.
Yeah, we did.
It's a great story.
Yeah, we met at
a hospital where I'm a nurse.
I think they got that part, hon.
Did you tell them about
the part where you saved me
from a doctor
who wasn't really a doctor?

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Oh, God.
Never date a doctor.
- They're so emotionally remote.
- You dated a doctor?
No, I read an article about it.
God, you're so skinny!
I can see your bones.
Thank you.
You okay?
Oh, my God.
That's like drinking perfume.
Well, that's pretty much
what it costs.
Have all you want, darling.
I'd like to make a toast..., um...
to Jerry and Kate.
Kate, we are so proud
and grateful
to welcome you
as a member of the family.
And I just want to wish you both
all of the happiness
that money cannot buy.
- Cheers.
- To Jerry and Kate.
- Jerry and Kate.
- To Jerry and Kate.
There you go.
I can't eat this.
Why not?
I think it's fancy feast.
- That's cat food.
- No, I got that.
I got that.
I know what you meant.
Are you gonna eat it?
Actually, it's Jerry's favorite.
Not really.
They force-feed the goose

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so its liver distends.
I saw a documentary about it.
I literally cried.
Okay, that's it.
Bring in the goddamn salads!
So, tell us about
this new job of yours.
Uh, it's nothing glamorous.
Just hospital administration.
Well, at least you're not
mopping floors.
Actually, dad, I'm looking
into some new business ventures.
Oh, really, Jay?
That's wonderful.
What kind of ventures?
Sports and entertainment,
mostly, new gaming applications.
What does that mean?
Well, uh, I'm interested
in a little start-up
that has an app
for placing bets in real time.
Well, so much for your M.B.A.
Well, capitalism is based
on gambling. Isn't it, dad?
Oh, it sounds interesting.
He's also involved
in a dance club.
You invested in a club?
Yeah, I don't want to bore
everyone with that.
But at some point, dad,
I would like to sit down
and talk more about this.
So, you came back for money.
No, I didn't come back
for money.
I came back to see
my little brother get married.
But you're the one

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that taught me
to always be looking
for new opportunities.
Well, you had every
opportunity in the world
when you were here,
except for you decided to...
I also taught you
to have a plan.
He actually does have
a plan, Jason,
and it's a very good one.
We just can't talk about it
right now.
You're a part of this?
Well, then,
let's talk about it later.
Yes, let's.
I've never had champagne before.
Yeah, I kind of figured that.
You did great, by the way.
Everyone really liked you.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, they did.
I'll see you in the morning.
- Okay.
- Okay.
She's cleaning the bathroom.
- Who?
- Daisy.
She's cleaning our bathroom.
Hmm. Okay.
Hey, there.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Where'd you get those?
Oh, um, in this box

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in the closet marked "Jay."
Hey, why are you cleaning
the bathroom?
I clean.
That's what I do.
I did all the... the cooking
and the cleaning for my mother.
Hey, give me that.
You don't have to do
any of that here.
My mother said
that this is how you earn love.
Uh, wait.
I thought you didn't have
any family.
I don't.
She's dead.
Well, I'm sorry,
but your mother didn't know
what the hell
she was talking about.
You just love people
'cause you love them
and that's it.
My mother is dead...
Because I killed her.
I killed her.
That's why they put me
in the hospital.
Oh, my.
It doesn't really cover up
that it's supposed to.
it's barely a dress at all.
Jay borrowed it from a stripper.

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probably not joking, are you?
Now, I've kept every dress
I've ever worn
knowing they would
come in handy some day.
You're gorgeous.
Can we play a little bit?
I think this one would be
very pretty with your skin.
Sorry to keep you waiting, boys.
We needed
a little extra girl time.
You're dropping them.
Um, that's the point.
No, no, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no.
Come on, come on, come on.
Sit, sit, sit, sit.
Continue on.
We're gonna sit,
we're gonna watch,
and we're gonna clap
when it's over.
- Okay?
- Okay.
I, um...
I've been thinking about
what you said last night.
What did I say?
You know,
I don't take any pleasure
in watching you struggle.
I am not struggling, dad.
Throwing money at a start-up
is like throwing darts
at a mosquito.

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So, what, you think
the guys at Mac and Amazon
feel that way?
For every one of those
there's a thousand failures.
Everybody thinks he's gonna be
the exception of the rule.
Yeah, but, dad,
I've done my research.
This company I'm talking about
has got sound fundamentals,
it's well capitalized,
and it's got an excellent board.
How much are you looking for?
35 grand to 40 grand
will get us in the door.
More photos.
So, how long
have you been with Jay?
Um, three days.
And he's brought you home
to meet the family?
We have a plan.
We had a little thing,
like, eons ago.
Oh, my God. So did we.
Um, just a little advice.
He gets a stiffy
for every pretty girl he sees.
And what do you do, dear?
- I'm a nurse.
- A nurse!
Oh, Lou, show her
that thing on your back.
Such lovely families.
I'd love to have their
combined net worth,
I'll tell you.
Oh, you can tell Wheeler's
still pissed off
about that Hoffman scandal.

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I think it is a shame
about his older boy.
Still, the pair of balls
that kid had.
While Wheeler's closing
the deal with Hoffman,
the kid is upstairs
screwing the wife.
I mean,
you can't make that stuff up.
Thank you.
Hey, I've been looking
all over for you.
Can we dance now?
You want to dance?
Uh... Okay.
Okay, okay. Let's dance.
If you're thinking
you're too cool to boogie
Boy, oh, boy,
have I got news for you
get down
boogie oogie oogie
get down
boogie oogie oogie
Where did you learn
how to do that?
Stage one.
It's okay. Relax.
Chances are...
You can grab hold of me anytime.
I've never
grabbed anyone before.
I've never even danced
with anyone.
Come on. What about
school dances growing up?
I didn't go to school.
Are you kidding?
I don't think I'm kidding.
That's why no one
can understand me.
What about me?

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I don't think
they understand you, either.
Chances are you think
my heart's your Valentine
in the magic of moonlight
when I saw...
May I borrow him?
A mother doesn't get
many chances.
May I?
Well, I got to hand it to Jay.
You're just...
Not what I expected.
Where did you guys meet?
The hospital.
Daisy, Jay wouldn't be
working at a hospital
unless there was a catch.
Yes, a catch.
And you know the catch.
I do?
You know, I can't help him
unless I know the truth.
What's he really doing in L.A.?
I'm not lying.
I just want the truth, Daisy.
I can't talk anymore.
Daisy, who are you?
What's happening?
Something's wrong with her.
It's okay. She's fine.
She's fine.
She's not fine.
She's fine.
She's had too much champagne.
She needs some air.
Come on.
Let's get her outside.
That's okay. I got it.
Go back to your dance.
You need to get her to a doctor.
- She's fine, dad.

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- Jay, look at her.
You don't take her, we will.
Who is she, Jay?
It's not what you think,
dad. Leave it alone.
It's obviously much worse
than I think.
Honey, what is it?
I'm a janitor
in a mental hospital.
It's part of my probation.
She's a patient.
- That's perfect.
- Yeah, it's perfect.
You okay?
This belongs to you.
You keep it, honey.
- You keep it.
- Keep it?!
I gave that necklace to you!
Jason, I want her to have it.
But I gave it to you.
It was an anniversary gift.
It doesn't matter!
It doesn't matter.
Leave it alone, dad!
Leave it alone!
Take it, mom.
Here. Take it.
Oh, good.
Are we done with the plan now?
Yeah, we're done.
There's got to be keys
in one of these.
Why can't we just
fly back on the plane?
Because I violated my probation
and you're
an escaped mental patient.
- Is that bad?
- Yeah, that's bad.
I'm sure they're gonna be
looking for us by now.

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What about this big shiny one?
Come on.
God damn it.
These stick to the wall!
Oh, my God.
There's no water in the toilet.
Stay here.
I got to make a phone call.
Uh, here.
I don't need any money.
There's some
vending machines over there.
Just, uh... Here.
Take it.
It's not gonna be long?
No, it's not gonna be too long.
See, I'm telling you.
She is a classic, okay?
She really belongs in a museum.
What's the catch?
I can't remember
where I put the title.
Excuse me, miss,
but is there something
I can help you with?
My boyfriend is just
making a phone call,
so it shouldn't be long.
How come you got no shoes?
There's a rule
here in the station.
You got to have shoes.
No, it's not like I'm gonna
turn you in or anything.
I was just worried
maybe your feet might get cold.

Man over P.A.:

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for the h40 to new Orleans.
Are you sure you're okay, baby?
Okay, I'll be right over there.
If you need any help,
let me know, okay?
Wheeler, where are you?
Uh, I'd say somewhere
between screwed
and totally fucked.
Yeah, no kidding.
Mr. frakel...
Yeah, well,
Frakel's an evil liar.
I saved her from him.
Just ask Mrs. Nealberry.
Mrs. Nealberry
thinks she's in planetary orbit
and that I am from
Alpha Centauri.
Now, tell me
where miss Kensington is
before you make this worse
for yourself.
She's okay. She's safe.
She's fine.
She is not fine.
She is quite possibly psychotic
or schizophrenic.
Yeah, I don't know, doc.
I haven't seen her talking
to anyone who's not there
or anything like that.
Listen to me, Wheeler.
This girl has spent
virtually her entire life
locked inside the house.
Her social awareness,
her ability to cope
are almost certainly
severely impaired.
Besides the occasional
panic attack
and, you know, not liking shoes,
I think she's highly functional.

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I'm actually thinking it's
a little post-traumatic stress.
Are you kidding
me? You are not a doctor!
She's at the greyhound bus
station in Shreveport, okay?
That's in Louisiana.
No, Wheeler, you can't...
God damn it!
Can you help me get home?
Oh, baby, well,
that depends upon where home is.
Where do you want to go?
No more phone calls?
No more phone calls.
You go inside
and get a few things.
I'm gonna be outside
having a smoke.
Take this.
There you go.
And... Take some money.
Go ahead.
Get whatever you want.
Come on.
There you go.
Nine items or less.
I d... I don't understand.
You can only have nine items.
But I need all of this.
Okay. Well, then you're
in the wrong line.
We got to go. We got to go.
Come on.
my mother never let me
go shopping.
You know, I can cook,
but I just don't know
how to pick things.
And I was really excited about

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those powdered doughnuts!
I think that police
officer is talking to us.
I get that. Thank you.
If you want trouble,
you got it
you been singing

from 9:
well, if you look,
you'll know...
- There's a thing.
- Yep. Got it.
Everything's fine.
Hey, I think that police
officer's following us.
Yeah, thank you.
I see that.
Well, if you want trouble
if you want trouble
saying, if you want trouble
He's still following!
And if you want trouble
He's getting closer.
No, I-I see. I see.
Thank you.
He's even closer!
Hold on to something!
if you want trouble
Yeah! We lost him!
Oh, shit.
Okay, you're gonna
have to drive for a while.
I don't know how to drive.

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My mom said that driving
gets you pregnant.
God, your mother told you
a lot of crazy-ass shit,
didn't she?
My mom did tell me
a lot of crazy-ass shit.
But she let me watch TV.
But just "TV land" and CMT,
stuff like that.
She didn't like
any of the other channels.
If you never went to school,
how'd you learn
to read and stuff?
She taught me.
That was mostly so we could play
scrabble 'cause she loved it.
Except you had to let her win.
Always let her win.
Well, if I'm gonna drive solo,
I got to sleep for a few hours.
But just a few hours and then
you got to wake me up, okay?
Yeah, I can do that.
What? Hi. What?
You make funny noises
when you sleep.
Kind of like...
And there's a cop outside.
Why didn't you wake me up?
I did right now. You're up.
- Are we in trouble?
- No, I-I'm in trouble.
That guy's gonna throw
my sorry ass in jail.
Well, maybe we can

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ask him not to.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
My boyfriend ran that way
when he saw your lights
'cause he thinks you're gonna
throw his sorry ass in jail.
All right, ma'am.
I need you to step
out of the vehicle.
Um, actually,
I think I'd rather stay inside.
Um, there's no water
in the toilet,
so we can't flush.
Lord, have mercy.
What's your boyfriend's name?
His name?
Yeah, his name.
Did you say beaver?
Beaver was my daddy's name.
Get back in the vehicle.
Hey. He went out in
the woods to go look for you.
I'll be right back.
- What did you do?
- I threw his keys away.
'Cause if you go to jail,
we can't be together.
You are hardcore.
- I am?
- Yeah.
Let's get out of here.
I'm so hungry.
Yeah, me too.
And I have to go big potty.
You're not getting cold,
are you?

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- Hi.
- Hey, there.
- How are you?
- Come on over.
- I'm Dave Walachowski.
- I'm Jay.
- M-my girlfriend, Daisy.
- Daisy.
Our bathroom is broken.
You want to use ours?
Yeah, go ahead.
Then come on
and join us by the fire.
So, where you headed, Jay?
- Uh, Los Angeles.
- So are we!
We're going to Hollywood
to see Howie Mandel.
Deal or no deal?
Deal... Or no deal?
Uh, deal?
God, I love that show.
And plus we're gonna get
to see her mom.
She has dementia.
Time to put this one to bed.
She's such an angel.
When she's asleep, yeah.
The moment she wakes up,
she's the devil.
You'll have one someday
and you'll see.
All right, lovie.
We should probably hit the sack.
It's, uh... it's getting late.
Thank you so much.
You're welcome.
Appreciate it.
You've been thinking
about having sex with me,

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haven't you?
It's okay.
I'm a virgin.
Yeah, I... I thought so.
Can I ask you something?
Yeah, sure.
Did you really have sex
with somebody's wife?
Who, uh...
who told you about that?
Some people at the wedding.
He said something
about your balls, too.
Did you have sex
with somebody's wife?
Yeah, I did.
Is that why your dad
is so mad at you?
Well, he's got so many reasons.
But, yeah.
Who was she?
She was the wife of a man
who could have made my family
a lot of money.
She also happened to be
very beautiful and very lonely.
Did you love her?
You know, you're the only
one that's ever asked me that.
I don't know.
I don't know.
Basic human emotions
are not my strong suit.
Good night.
Well, maybe I am a crook
for stealing your heart away
yeah, maybe I am a crook
for not caring for it
yeah, maybe I'm a bad,
bad, bad
bad person

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well, baby, I know
and these fingertips
will never run through
your skin
and those bright blue eyes
can only meet mine
across the room
filled with people
that are less important
than you
all 'cause you love,
love, love
when you know I can't love
you love, love, love
when you know I can't love
you love, love, love
when you know
I can't love you
So I think it's best
we both forget
before we dwell on it
This is...
The best day of my life.
The way you held me so tight
all through the night
till it was near morning
'cause you love, love, love
when you know I can't love
you love, love, love
when you know
I can't love you
Do we have to go back?
Can't we just go somewhere else?
I'm in a lot of trouble, Daisy.
That's why we shouldn't go back.
Yeah. I, uh...
I owe some people
a lot of money.
If I had any money,
I'd give it to you.
'Cause you love, love, love
when you know I can't love
you love, love, love
when you know

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I can't love you
I'm gonna teach you
how to drive.
Oh, no.
Let's recap.
To start, brake, jiggle gas, go.
That's easy, right?
No, that's hard.
You'll be fine.
Now drive us
to the other end of the lot.
Daisy, it's okay.
I'm right here.
Start, brake, jiggle gas, go.
You can do this.
Oh! No!
No, no, no, no, no.
I c... I can't.
I can't do things
like other people.
What do you think you've
been doing the last few days?
It's only because
I've been with you.
No, it's not.
You followed me
out of the hospital.
You flew in a plane.
You danced at a wedding.
You even outsmarted
a state trooper.
He wasn't very smart.
No, he wasn't very smart,
but still.
Daisy, you can do anything
in the world... anything.
You just have to want to.
Where is she?
It's okay.
I'm bringing her back.
Son, do you

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realize what you've done?
I haven't done anything.
She followed me out of
the hospital like a lost puppy.
What was I supposed to do
with her?
a mental health professional.
Didn't occur to me.
Honestly, at this point
I'm almost more concerned
about you.
You're facing
serious charges now.
You know they can find you.
Doc, don't worry
about that, okay?
I'm gonna bring her back to you,
I promise I'm gonna
bring her back.
Y-you said no more phone calls.
what's happening? Wheeler?
Daisy! Daisy!
Daisy! Brake for slow!
Daisy! Hit the one on the left
and stop and talk to me!
You got to brake for slow,
Brake for slow!
You never wanted to be
my boyfriend!
It was all just pretend!
Yes, I did! Yes, I did!
Of course I did!
Daisy, please!
You're driving in circles!
Like, literally in circles!

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Daisy, stop!
You're driving like
a crazy person!
I'm not a crazy person!
Stop! Daisy!
It's all right.
It's all right.
You okay?
It's okay. It's okay.
It's okay.
We got to get out of here, okay?
We don't have the money
to pay for this.
Can I ask you something?
Did you kill your mother?
Were there voices?
Did voices tell you to do it?
No, the voices...
they didn't tell me things.
They told my mother things.
So, you don't hear voices.
Your mother did.
Yeah, they used to tell her
things all the time.
And sometimes
it was just silly stuff, but...
Mostly it was scary.
That's why she yelled
all the time.
But, um...
One night, she...
She just screamed
and screamed and...
I didn't go to her.
And then when I woke up
in the morning, she was dead.
Daisy, that is not you
killing your mother.

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That is her dying.
You need to stop saying
you killed your mother
because you didn't.
You didn't kill her.
Why do I have to go back
to the hospital then?
I never wanted to take you back.
That's not real though, is it?
That's just pretend.
It is.
I did want to take you back.
I did.
But now I don't.
I really don't.
Am I gonna have to live
at the hospital?
I don't know.
No one's gonna know where I am.
I'll know.
- You're not gonna forget?
- I'm not gonna forget.
Hey, Daisy?
Hey, Daisy? What happened?
Daisy, it's me, Mary Beth.
Mary Beth Nealberry, honey.
He's in
the Los Angeles county jail.
There was a time when you were
as reckless as he is,
and who bailed you out?
Your father.
Who posted my bail?
- I'm sorry.
- I got to see her, man.
I just don't see it happening.
Mr. Wheeler,
you have a better chance
of being elected mayor than
ever getting in here again...

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...which is to say none.
Hey, what are you doing?
Get off the tracks!
How we feeling today?
I don't want any more pills.
I just want to see Jay.
You can't, honey.
He's in jail.
No, he was here this morning.
Either way,
he doesn't work here anymore.
I have to go then.
No. No, Daisy, no.
No, I promise I'm only
gonna leave for a little bit.
No, it's okay
'cause I'm not crazy. It's okay.
It's all right.
You just need to calm down.
No, no,
I'm not having an attack!
I just want to see my boyfriend!
Well, that was quite a stunt.
But I'm releasing you.
You can't. I'm suicidal.
- Bullshit.
- I'm serious.
Then I'll put you
on suicide precaution.
You'll be in a locked ward.
She's not sick, doc.
The voices are not
in Daisy's head.
They were in her mother's head.
She told you that?
Dr. Bertleman?
Yes, Mr. Phelpmitter?
Why won't you
let Mr. Wheeler see his Daisy?
Mr. Phelpmitter,
I can't discuss another patient
with you.

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They're holding
her against her will,
aren't they?
They've got a computer
with everything about you on it.
They know about you and Daisy.
They know everything.
Oh, look. Beautiful.
What you got?
Come on.
Where the hell you been?
You okay?
For once
in your life, don't talk.
That's talking.
I came to apologize.
For what?
You were right about frakel.
And about Daisy's mother.
She was diagnosed schizophrenic
with extreme paranoia
by several doctors.
It's remarkable, really,
she was able to raise a daughter
at all.
So, you can release her?
I need to keep an eye on her.
If all goes well,
she'll transition to a group
home in two or three months.
No, that's too long to wait.
She'll be all right.
I wasn't talking about her.
Well, there's nothing I can do.
Of course there is.
So, you wanted
to know about Mr. Wheeler.
You like Mr. Wheeler?
I-I don't like him.
I love him.
Have you ever
been in love before, Daisy?

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Then how do you
know you love Mr. Wheeler?
Have you ever been in love?
I'd like to think so, yes.
With who?
I was married.
And, uh, we're divorced now.
You still love her.
When it happens,
you know it's not anything else.
I saw it written
and I saw it say
pink moon is on its way
Thank you.
And none of you
stand so tall
pink moon gonna get you all
I have to say...
They're from planet neblon.
Pink, pink, pink, pink
They're beautiful.
Pink moon
I know you can hear me.
Pink, pink, pink, pink,
pink moon
Thank you.
I saw it written
and I saw it say
pink moon is on its way
and none of you
stand so tall
pink moon gonna get you all
it's a pink moon
yeah, pink moon
What's the matter?
You're standing on my toes.
Oh, shit.
Let's go.
Two hearts are better
than one
so much better than none

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dear, wait for me, will you?
You make days become one
you make rain become shine
wait for me, will you?
Ooh, do-do do-do do dooo
do do-do do do
do do-do do-do do dooo
ooh, do-do do-do do dooo
do do-do do do
do do-do do-do do dooo
two hearts are better
than one
so much better than none
dear, wait for me, will you?
You make days become one
you make rain become shine
wait for me, will you?

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