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J. Stomat. Occ. Med. (2012) 5:119–129

DOI 10.1007/s12548-012-0053-8

Three-dimensional analyses of the mandible

and the occlusal architecture of mandibular dentition
Hiroshi Fukoe, Cristian Basili, Rudolf Slavicek, Sadao Sato, Susumu Akimoto

Received: 5 April 2011 / Accepted: 11 June 2012 / Published online: 8 August 2012
© Springer-Verlag 2012

Abstract Conclusions This study defines the 3D architecture

Introduction The position and inclination of the long of occlusion including tooth axis, condyle and shape of
axis of teeth in the human dentition can be described the mandible. The results make it possible to consider
by a set of rules. The purpose of this study was to analyze new aspects of the biomechanics of 3D reconstruction
the architecture of the mandibular dentition of adult of occlusion.
Caucasians using virtual three-dimensional (3D) recon-
struction of skulls and mandibles. Keywords: Occlusion, Tooth axis, Sagittal inclination,
Method In this study 40 skulls from the Weissbach Vertical inclination, Sequential occlusion, Skull, 3D
collection at the Vienna Natural History Museum were computed tomography
scanned using cone beam computed tomography. Sev-
eral angular and linear measurements obtained from
the reconstructed images were analyzed. Introduction
Results The inclination of second premolars and first
molars was nearest to vertical and mesial inclination The occlusal architecture is closely related to mandibular
became progressively greater for molars. The angular movements including chewing and grinding. The posi-
relationship between the tooth long axis and the closing tion and inclination of the teeth in the three-dimensional
axis of lower incisors ranged from 95 to 98°, while the (3D) arrangement of the dentition is influenced by the
tooth axis of buccal teeth with the contralateral condyle morphology, muscle activity or function and other fac-
sequentially increased from canines to third molars. tors. In addition, they are governed by some general rules
The architecture of occlusion showed that the Bonwill [9, 10, 12] which have been reported by many researchers.
triangle was equilateral with a length of approximately Occlusal strength must be directed along the long axis of
100 mm (about 4 inches) on one side, the Balkwill angle the tooth and the direction of occlusal strength must be
was approximately 25° and there was a distance of ap- geometrically related to the occlusal plane [13, 16]. These
proximately 38 mm between the condyle and occlusal rules apply especially to carnivorous animals; however,
plane (DPO). The angle of the condylar axis inclined to as a result of chewing the morphology of the human mas-
correlate to the 3D structure of the mandible. ticatory organ has greatly changed phylogenetically.
From an ontogenetic point of view, during craniofacial
C. Basili ( ) · H. Fukoe · S. Sato, M.D. · S. Akimoto growth the vertical gap between the level of the condyle
Department of Craniofacial Growth and Development Dentistry, and the occlusal plane gradually widens from the time
Division of Orthodontics, Research Institute of Occlusion when the extension of the occlusal plane in early decidu-
Medicine, Research Center of Brain and Oral Science, ous dentition goes through the condyle to the time when
Kanagawa Dental College, 82 Inaoka-cho,
238-8580 Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan
the greatest distance between the occlusal level and ver-
e-mail: tical position of the condyle develops [6, 11, 12]. This type
of jaw growth creates functional problems. Mandibular
S. Akimoto movement in any direction creates separation between
the upper and lower teeth and affects the efficiency of
C. Basili chewing. The elements of occlusion including occlusal
Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, plane, tooth axis, vertical dental height and height of the
Universidad de Valparaiso, Valparaiso, Chile mandibular ramus are altered during growth and each
R. Slavicek of these changes influences the sophisticated system of
Danube University, Krems, Austria functional occlusion. Therefore, clinicians must under-

Three-dimensional analyses of the mandible and the occlusal architecture of mandibular dentition 119
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original article

stand the rules that nature has established for occlu- the skulls mainly belonged to adult male soldiers who
sion in order to successfully treat problems of human died at an age of 19–50 years [2–4].
occlusion. The skulls were selected for examination on the basis
Spee [20], who reported his research more than 100 of the following criteria:
years ago, connected the anterior surfaces of the man-
dibular condyles to the tips of the canines following the • no cranial deformities,
buccal tips of premolar and molar teeth with an arc of a • complete skull bone structure and
circle tangential to the surface of a cylinder lying perpen- • presence of a clinically acceptable occlusion with a
dicular to the sagittal plane. He also reported that this stable position of the mandible and a reproducible
geometric arrangement is the most efficient pattern to occlusion.
maintain maximum tooth contacts while chewing. This
theory became the basis of Monson’s spherical theory A team of orthodontists checked the occlusion of each
of the ideal arrangement of teeth for the dental arch in specimen to confirm stability and reproducibility. Sili-
which occlusal curvature is described in the sagittal and cone plaster was placed in the joint space to fill the area
frontal planes as the tangent of a sphere with a radius of between the mandibular fossa and the condylar head to
approximately 4 inches. improve stability. Prior to taking skull images the denti-
Page [16] introduced the “tangent law”, a geometric tion of each specimen was rechecked and placed in sta-
principle of the mandibular dentition sagittal organiza- ble maximum intercuspation. A custom-made plastic
tion in relation to the center of rotation in the condyle. head holder was constructed to support skulls during
These studies were followed by subsequent researchers CT scanning which were positioned with a laser marker,
[11, 13]. Understanding the rules to evaluate the natural according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
position and inclination of teeth is important for trea-
ting patients orthodontically, prosthodontically or with
implants, where the positions of the teeth differ from the Cone beam computer tomography
so-called normal position. Some researchers have repor-
ted various methods for measuring the dental inclina- Cone beam computer tomography (CBCT) scan images
tion, generally bounded by the clinical crown inclination were acquired with the Galileo Compact (Galileo, Sirona
[1, 9, 10], or limited by two-dimensional radiographs [13]. Company System, Bensheim, Germany) at 220 V and
The revolutionary 3D computerized technology (CT) a frequency of 50/60 Hz with a total filtration of radio-
allows this limitation to be overcome and dental incli- graph tube assembly > 2.5 Al. The cone-beam angle was
nation can be calculated from the spatial coordinates, collimated to approximately 24° with an orbital angle of
where geometrical and mathematical models allow 204°. The scanning time was approximately 14 s and the
angular or linear values to be evaluated according to a number of single exposures was 200 for each skull. The
reference system. field of view was 15 cm in diameter and 15 cm in height.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the archi- As the samples did not have a soft tissue component,
tecture of the mandibular dentition on 3D computed exposure parameters were controlled by automatic expo-
tomography (CT) of the reconstructed skulls of adult sure control. The CBCT data were exported from the Side-
Caucasians and to compare two methods of measure- xis XG (Sirona Dental System) software p-data base in a
ment of the tooth axis. 4 Tb Lan disk HDL-GTR (I-O Data, Kanazawa, Japan) in
Dicom multifile format and imported into Maxilim soft-
ware version 1.0 (Medicim, Mechelen, Belgium) installed
Material and methods in a Dell Precision T3400 computer (Dell, Texas, United
States). Maxilim models were obtained and re-evaluated
Collection of skull samples by a single calibrated operator. These 3D reconstructed
skull models were reanalyzed on the basis of the follow-
The sample comprised 40 Caucasian skulls randomly ing criteria:
selected from the Weissbach Collection at the Natural
History Museum of Vienna. This research protocol was • available nasion landmarks,
approved by the Donau University, the Kanagawa Den- • available sella landmarks,
tal College Research Committee and the Natural History • skeletal basic structures and
Museum of Vienna. Augustin Weissbach (1837–1914), an • no healing in the antagonist alveolus in cases of
Austrian military physician/pathologist, collected these absence.
skulls while employed at the military hospital in Cons-
tantinople, Turkey, in the second half of the nineteenth
century. Most of the skulls came from soldiers who ser- Three-dimensional cephalometric analyses
ved in the Austro-Hungarian Imperial Army. Weissbach
donated his private collection to the Department of Computerized establishment of 3D reference planes
Anthropology and Ethnography at the Natural History were defined (Fig. 1) and a 3D cephalometric analysis
Museum of Vienna in 1885. Archival records show that was designed with 53 different landmarks (Figs. 2 and 3)

120 Three-dimensional analyses of the mandible and the occlusal architecture of mandibular dentition
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original article

point of the incisal edge of the lower incisors, the buccal

cusp tip of canines and premolars and the external sur-
face of the central fossa of the molars. Root landmarks
were defined as the mid-point of the anatomical root in
teeth with one root and the furcation of teeth with more
than one root. The second method was called the “root
line”, which corresponds to the line from the occlusal
landmark to the apex landmark defined as the apex of
teeth with one root or the mid-point between the apex
of the root in teeth with more than one root. The result
showed that the 3D measurement could be influenced by
these variations and that the use of the apex landmark
Fig. 1 (Left): Lateral view of a three-dimensional computer to-
for measuring the tooth axis should be avoided which is
mography scan of a skull with the projection of the horizontal
plane and the vertical plane from a left view. Horizontal plane why the tooth axis of the axis line was chosen for measu-
(HP): automatically computed plane 6° below a line between rement in this study.
sella-nasion landmarks along the horizontal direction of the The occlusal plane was defined as the plane connec-
natural head position. Vertical plane (VP): Plane through Sella ting the lower central incisor point and the centro-buccal
landmark and perpendicular to the horizontal plane and sagit- cusps of right and left first molars. Condylar landmarks
tal plane. Sagittal plane (SP): Plane through sella and nasion were established as the 3D central point (center of con-
landmarks perpendicular to the HP. (Right): Rotated image of dyle), the most convex point of the lateral pole (late-
the three-dimensional skull showing the VP, HP, and the SP ral pole) and the most convex point of the medial pole
(medial pole; Fig. 3).

which were located on the skulls using an optical mouse

on a 69 cm (27 inch) screen (Dell). A total of 64 angular Linear and angular measurements
measurements was obtained with the Maxilim software.
All the angular and linear 3D cephalometric measure- Inclination of tooth axis: For each quadrant, the tooth
ment data were exported and recorded with the original inclination with respect to the sagittal plane, from a
skull identification number. Excel files were exported to frontal view, was considered to be positive if the root-
SPSS software for statistical analysis to record the data. occlusal inclination was directed towards the same side
of the mouth (i.e., for the posterior teeth in the buccal-
vestibular direction; for the anterior teeth in a direction
Reference planes diverging from the sagittal plane). In the measurement
of tooth axis with respect to the vertical plane, from a
The 3D inclination of each tooth was measured in rela- lateral view, positive angles were those with the root-
tion to different reference planes (Fig. 1) which were occlusal inclination directed from posterior to anterior.
automatically computed by the Maxilim software after Angles consisted of the intersection of the lines between
the initial setting of the skull and the establishment of the condyle (ipsilateral or contra-lateral) and each occlusal
landmarks for sella-nasion (S-N). The settings of the skull landmark. Tooth long axes were measured for all teeth.
were consistent in the horizontal position with the virtual
grids and lines of the reference. The skull was vertically Distance from occlusal landmark to second molar
positioned matching the virtual grid lines to the Frank- occlusal plane OP7: For this measurement, the occlu-
furt plane. Sella-nasion landmarks are automatically sal plane which connected the line through lower incisor
required initially by the software and the landmarks were and disto-buccal cusps of lower second molars was used
located in the computerized skull with anatomical views as a reference and the distance between the occlusal
and the use of frontal and lateral virtually created cepha- plane and occlusal landmarks was measured. This mea-
lograms. With this information, the horizontal plane was surement characterizes the curve of Spee (Fig. 4).
automatically established by the software definitions 6°
below the S-N line. At the same time, the sagittal and ver- Angle of closing axis and occlusal plane: The Balkwill
tical planes were set perpendicular to each other. angle was measured. The Bonwill triangle consists of
both right and left condyle points and lower incisal point
and the lower occlusal plane (Fig. 5).
Landmarks for measurement of tooth axis
Measuring the mandibular condyle parameters: Con-
In a previous study two different methods of tooth axis dylar landmarks were center point, lateral pole point and
measurement were compared. The first method was defi- medial pole point (Fig. 3). The measurements of inter-
ned as the axis line, which corresponds to the line esta- condylar distance, interlateral pole distance and inter-
blished from the occlusal landmark to the root landmark medial pole distance were established (Fig. 6a). The line
in all teeth. Occlusal landmarks were defined as the mid- connecting the lateral pole and medial pole was defined

Three-dimensional analyses of the mandible and the occlusal architecture of mandibular dentition 121
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original article

Fig. 2 a Landmarks for

measuring tooth axes. The
measurement of the tooth
axis was developed as axis
line, which correspond to
the line connecting the
occlusall and mark to the
root landmark in every tooth.
Occlusall and mark was
defined as the mid-point of
the incisaledge in the lower
incisors, the bucal tips of
canines and premolars and
the external surface of the
central fossa in molars. b
Frontal X-ray view of the
difference between tooth
long axes (A) mid-point of
the anatomical root, (B) point
of root ápex. (A) was used
in this study. c Slice image
showing the difference that
exist in (B) when the root is
curved. d Frontal image of
the three-dimensional skull
representing the different
tooth long axes

Fig. 3 Landmarks for measuring three-dimensional struc- vex point (M). c Superior view of the mid-point between
ture of the condyle. a Most central point from a lateral distal and medial convex point. Landmark is indicated
view of the condyle. b Frontal view of the mid-point bet- by arrows
ween most lateral convex point (L) and most medial con-

as the condylar long axis. The intercondyle axis angle and dard descriptive statistics (means and standard devia-
the angle formed by the condylar long axis and inter- tions) were computed for each of the measurements.
condyle connected line (condylar axis angle) were also Pearson’s r was calculated for the same measurements.
measured. In order to find the relationship between the Results were deemed to be statistically significant if
form of the mandible and the condylar axis angle, the p < 0.05. To determine intraobserver reliability and assess
correlation between- the condylar long axis and relative the error of this cephalometric method, 3D tracings of
mandibular length, which is the anterioposterior length ten randomly selected skulls were measured again by
of the mandible divided by the intercondylar length, was the same examiner 1 month later. Random and stan-
calculated (Fig. 6b). dard errors were calculated by correlation and showed
values between 0.79–0.98. A paired sample t-test was car-
ried out between the first and second angular and linear
Statistical analysis measurements individually. The level of significance was
p < 0.05 and no systematic errors were detected.
A standard statistical software package SPSS version 15
for Windows (SPSS, USA) was used for data analysis. Stan-

122 Three-dimensional analyses of the mandible and the occlusal architecture of mandibular dentition
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original article

Fig. 4 Measurement of the distance between the occlusal

plane and occlusal landmarks. In this particular measurement
the line connecting the lower incisor and disto-buccal cusp
of lower second molars was used as the occlusal reference
plane. The distance between the occlusal plane and occlusal
landmarks was measured

Fig. 6 Measurements related to mandibular architecture. a

Intercondylar distance, interlateral pole distance, and inter-
medial pole distance were measured. The line connecting the
lateral pole and the medial pole was created as the condylar
Fig. 5 (Left): Measurement angle consisted of closing axis long axis. The inter-condyle axis angle and angle formed by
and occlusal plane (Balkwill angle). (Right): Angle formed by the condylar long axis and inter-condylar connected line (con-
the Bonwill triangle (green triangle), which consisted of both dylar axis angle) were also measured. b Correlation between
right and left condyle points and lower incisal point (the clo- the condylar long axis and relative mandibular length, for
sing axis) and the lower oclusal plane (grey triangle), which which the antero-posterior length of the mandible was divided
was formed by connecting the lower interincisal point and oc- by the inter-condylar length, was calculated
clusal points of both right and left first molars

Tooth axis to the vertical reference plane

Tooth axis measurements to the vertical plane sho-
Tooth axis to the sagittal reference plane wed mesial inclinations. The inclination progressively
decreased from incisors to the posterior teeth and the
When the tooth axis was measured with respect to the first molar, which showed the most upright orientation.
sagittal plane there were differences between the ante- For the second and third molars, the inclination increa-
rior and posterior teeth. The anterior teeth showed posi- sed again with a strong mesial inclination (Fig. 8).
tive angles, whereas canines, first premolar and central
incisors were oriented vertically. Posterior to the second
premolar the angles were negative and there was a pro- Three-dimensional distance between the occlusal
gressive tendency for the inclination of posterior teeth to landmarks and the contralateral condyle
increase (Fig. 7).
From central incisors to first premolars, distances bet-
ween the occlusal landmarks and the contralateral con-
dyle were almost equal, in the range of 100–105 mm,
indicating that the anterior teeth form a circular arch

Three-dimensional analyses of the mandible and the occlusal architecture of mandibular dentition 123
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original article

Fig. 9 Box and whisker graph showing the mean values of the
distance between the occlusal landmark and the contralateral
condyle. The teeth are represented by numbers from 1 to 8.
The right-side teeth are represented in blue and the left-side
Fig. 7 (Left): Graphic representation of the tooth axis and the teeth in red
angular relationship to the vertical plane (VP) and the sagittal
plane (SP). (Right): Box and whisker graph showing the mean
values of the angles between each tooth axis related to the
sagittal plane (SP). The teeth are represented by numbers
from 1 to 8. The right-side teeth are represented in blue and
the left-side teeth in red

Fig. 10 Box and whisker graph showing the mean values of

the distance between the occlusal landmark and the ipsilateral
condyle. The teeth are represented by numbers from 1 to 8.
The right-side teeth are represented in blue and the left-side
teeth in red

Fig. 8 Box and whisker graph showing the mean values of the
angles between each tooth axis related to the vertical plane
(VP). The teeth are represented by numbers from 1 to 8. The
right-side teeth are represented in blue and the left-side teeth
in red

with respect to the condyle. Moving posteriorly from

the second premolar, the distances gradually decreased
(Fig. 9).

Fig. 11 Box and whisker graph showing the mean values of

Distance between the occlusal landmarks the angles between lines connecting the contralateral condyle
and the ipsilateral condyle on 3D images and each occlusal landmarks and tooth axes. The teeth are
represented by numbers from 1 to 8. The right-side teeth are
Distances between the occlusal landmarks and the ipsi- represented in blue and the left-side teeth in red
lateral condyle decreased sequentially (Fig. 10).
gradually increased from 103 to 120°, indicating a progres-
sive uprighting of the tooth axis with respect to a line tan-
Three-dimensional tooth axis gent to the mandibular functional closing axis (Fig. 11).
to the contralateral condyle

The angle between the tooth long axis and the closing axis Three-dimensional tooth axis
of the contralateral condyle, which is a line that connects to the ipsilateral condyle
the contralateral condyle and the occlusal landmark,
was approximately 95° for incisors and close to 100° for The angle between tooth long axis and the closing axis
canines. Posteriorly from the first premolar, the angles of ipsilateral condyle, which is a line that connects the

124 Three-dimensional analyses of the mandible and the occlusal architecture of mandibular dentition
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original article

Table 1 Linear measurements of structural parameter asso-

ciated with the mandibular structure
Measurements Mean SD
Intercondyle distance (mm) 98.8 ±5
Interlateral pole (mm) 117.5 ± 5.5
Intermedial pole (mm) 80.5 ± 4.5
Condyle-incisor distance (mm)
Right 101.6 ± 4.7
Left 100.9 ± 4.4
Condyle length (mm)
Fig. 12 Box and whisker graph showing the mean values of
Right 20.0 ± 1.9
the angles between lines connecting the ipsilateral condyle
and each occlusal landmarks and tooth axes. The teeth are Left 20.0 ± 2.0
represented by numbers from 1 to 8. The right-side teeth are DPO (mm) 38.1 ± 3.3
represented in blue and the left-side teeth in red DPO distance between the condyle and the cross point of the condyle
perpendicular to the occlusal plane

Table 2 Angular measurements of structural parameters

associated with the mandibular structure
Measurements Mean SD
Condylar axis angle (°)
Right 17.0 ± 6.6
Left 18.2 ± 5.3
Intercondylar axis angle (°) 144.8 ± 10.6
Fig. 13 Graph showing the mean values of the distance bet-
ween the occlusal landmark and the second molar occlusal Balkwill angle (°) 25.4 ± 2.4
plane OP7. The teeth are represented by numbers from 1 to 8.
The right-side teeth are represented in blue and the left-side
teeth in red the condyle perpendicular to the occlusal plane (DPO)
was 38.1 mm.
The angle between the condyle axis and the line con-
ipsilateral condyle and the occlusal landmarks, was necting right and left condyles was 17.0 and 18.2° on the
95–100° for incisors and close to 100° for canines. From right and left sides, respectively, while the intercondyle
first premolar to first molar, the orientation of teeth was axis angle was 144.8° (Table 2) and the Balkwill angle was
closest to vertical, while the angles of second and third 25.4°.
molars were smaller (Fig. 12). In order to know the relationship between the ante-
roposterior dimension of the mandible and the condylar
axis, the correlation between the relative anteroposterior
Distance from the occlusal landmark of each length of the mandible and the condylar axis angle was
tooth to the second molar occlusal plane OP7 calculated. The correlation coefficient r was 0.261 and
(curve of Spee) the p-value was 0.064. Although the correlation was not
statistically significant, it was close to significance, indi-
Measurements of the distance between the occlusal cating that there was some relationship between these.
landmark of each tooth and the occlusal plane showed
that values increased from canines to first molars, while
second molars showed a smaller value, indicating a slight Discussion
curvature of the buccal segment of the occlusal surface
(Fig. 13). In this study the architecture of occlusal relationships
of the human skull and mandible was analyzed using
3D-CBT. The inclination of the tooth axis was analyzed
Three-dimensional architecture of the mandible in three dimensions with a group of skulls to describe its
relationship to the sagittal and vertical references planes.
The distance between the lower incisor point to both The occlusion, including the tooth long axis and structure
right and left condylar points was 101.6 mm and of the mandible could be reconstructed, which would
100.9 mm on the right and left sides, respectively and the have been hard to show with 2D cephalometric analyses.
intercondylar distance was 98.8 mm (Table 1). The trans- In traditional 2D analyses the tooth axis is defined as the
versal length of the condyle was 20.0 mm on both sides. line from the tip of the tooth or middle of the crown to
The distance between the condyle and the cross point of the apex of the tooth; however, these definitions change

Three-dimensional analyses of the mandible and the occlusal architecture of mandibular dentition 125
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original article

when 3D is introduced. In this study a new definition of

3D tooth axis was created in order to show the variability
of tooth anatomy, which is especially observed in the api-
cal third of the root, where due to different influencing
factors, such as eruption, tooth development and func-
tion, a displacement of the apex is frequently identified.
For these reasons axis line was used in this study, corre-
sponding to the line connecting the occlusal landmarks
to the root landmarks, which is defined for single-rooted
teeth as the mid-point of the anatomical root and for
multi-rooted teeth as the furcation of the tooth.
The present study provides an insight into the arran-
gement of teeth that differs from previous observati-
ons [13]. Lower anterior teeth from the central incisors
through first premolars had a negative inclination to the
sagittal reference plane, while second premolars through
third molars showed progressively increased positive
values, which indicated a lingual inclination (Fig. 7).
Anteroposterior inclination of the tooth long axis showed
that lower anterior and posterior teeth, including inci-
sors, canine and second and third molars, were mostly
Fig. 14 Three-dimensional relationship of the tooth long axes
mesially inclined against the vertical reference plane,
and the closing axis on a selected three-dimensional skull.
while the first premolars through first molars were mostly
Mean values of the sample for each teeth are represented by
upright (Fig. 8). When the relation of the tooth long axis mean angle value and the number of each teeth (angle/num-
to the closing axis (a line between the occlusal landmarks ber of the teeth). Lower incisors were from 95 to 98°. Buccal
and contralateral or ipsilateral condyle) was observed, teeth with contralateral condyle showed a sequential increase
the angle of the long axis of lower incisors ranged from from canine to third molar, which formed a functional unit as a
95 to 98°, while that of the tooth axis of buccal teeth with chewing organ. From the biomechanical point of view, these
the contra-lateral condyle showed a sequential increase arrangements of tooth long axis provide enhancement of the
from canine to third molar (Fig. 14). The tooth axis with crush/shear ratio power stroke of mastication
the ipsilateral condyle showed increasing values from
central incisors to first molars but decreased in second
and third molars. Previous reports of tooth long axis most intense force as a result of mastication, which indi-
against closing axis with 2D measurements indicated cates that this spatial position could help in force dis-
that the lower incisor axis was about 90° and posterior tribution through the mandible or some influence from
segments were progressively smaller [13]. The present muscle activity. The inclination of the other teeth could
results differ from previous studies due to different mea- be functionally influenced by other biomechanical fac-
surement methods in 2D and 3D. These results provide tors, such as size or morphological shape of the mandi-
new ways to consider the biomechanics of 3D represen- ble that affect the relative inclination with respect to the
tation of occlusion. mandibular condyle.
Understanding the rules that govern occlusal relati- Many researchers have emphasized the critical law
onships, including evaluation of the natural position and of occlusal physiology: occlusal strength must be direc-
inclination of the dentition, is important for rehabilita- ted along the long axis of each tooth [5, 7, 17–19, 21].
ting patients in all disciplines, including orthodontics, The direction of occlusal strength is geometrically rela-
implantology and prosthodontics, in which positional ted to the occlusal plane [8, 22]. In extensive restorative
relationships of the dentition that are not normal are treatment it is necessary to consider this biomechanical
concerned. Some researchers have proposed different factor.
methods for measuring the inclination of teeth, which From the biomechanical point of view, it is important
were generally limited to the clinical crown inclination to understand these arrangements of the tooth long axis.
[1, 9, 10] or were subject to the known limitations of 2D Osborn [14] sub-divided the principle of crushing food
radiographic methods of visualization [13]. The revolu- into two components, crush and shear, where the direc-
tionary 3D computerized technology has overcome these tion of biting force is not perpendicular to the functio-
limitations. Dental inclination can now be calculated ning tooth on the occlusal surface. When the tooth long
with geometrical and mathematical models to evaluate axis is in an upright position, the vector of biting force
angular or linear values based on a reference system. provides more shear force than that of an inclined tooth
The second premolars and first molars showed the axis (Fig. 15). The research results presented show that
most upright position. The tooth inclination increased the second premolars and first molars were the most
progressively to the last molars. This finding could be upright, while the second and third molars were the most
related to functional influences as this area receives the mesially inclined, indicating that the premolars and first

126 Three-dimensional analyses of the mandible and the occlusal architecture of mandibular dentition
Author's personal copy

original article

Fig. 16 a The figure represent the functional unit of chewing

organ together with occlusal surfaces and the mandibular
condyles. b The orientation of the tooth long axis is perpendi-
cular to the curved transversal occlusal plane (Wilson curve)
and enhances the resistance to the torque developed during
the powerful function of chewing. c The orientation of the
tooth axis in relation to the condyles influence the compo-
nents of crush and shear during biting forces

Fig. 15 Mesial inclination of tooth and crush/shear ratio du-

ring chewing function. Principle of crushing food which con-
sisted of two components crush and shear because the direc-
tion of biting force is not perpendicular to the occlusal surface
of functioning teeth. a Upper and lower figures represent dif-
ferent relations between upright and inclined tooth in relation
to the biting force. b When the tooth long axis is in the upright
position, the vector of biting force provides more shear force
than that of an inclined tooth axis. Left figure represent an
Fig. 17 Three-dimensional architecture of the mandible. The
upright molar with a higher shear force vector. Right figure
present results show that there are close relationships among
represent an inclined molar and the small shear force vector
the lower tooth long axis, the distance between the occlusal
plane and the condyle. a Representation of a primate mandi-
ble with shorter distance between condyles. b Human man-
dible figure representing the equilateral triangle with equiva-
molars provid more shearing force than other teeth in the
lent distances between condyles and interincis or landmark.
dentition. These biomechanical arrangements are neces-
c Three-dimensional image of the mandible showing the in-
sary for chewing food effectively. This also applies to the tercondyle inclination angle (red triangle) and Bonwill triangle
transversal direction of biomechanics (Fig. 16), in which (green triangle)
the tooth axis of the lower buccal segment progressively
inclines medially (Fig. 7) and acts as a functional unit
during chewing. The orientation of long axes of the pre- vides a force perpendicular to tooth contact (crush) and
molar-molar teeth, perpendicular to the mediolateral a force parallel to the occlusal surface (shear) (Fig. 16c).
tilt of the occlusal surface, enhances resistance to the The increasing forward and mediolateral tilt of posterior
torque developed in the frontal plane during the power most molar teeth could influence increasing the crush/
stroke of mastication [14, 15]. The direction of force pro- shear ratio.

Three-dimensional analyses of the mandible and the occlusal architecture of mandibular dentition 127
Author's personal copy

original article

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lower occlusal surface (occlusal plane) continuously
changes during growth and development, indicating Conflict of interest
increasing DPO and Balkwill angles. The architecture of The authors declare that there is no actual or potential
the occlusion, including the mandibular structure, sho- conflict of interest in relation to this article.
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measuring 100 mm (4 inches) on each side, that the Balk-
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