Ande Ande Lumut

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Ande Ande Lumut

A story from East Java

Once upon a time, in East Java, there was a strong kingdom named Kahuripan led by King
Airlangga. When he died, the kingdom was divided into two, for his two sons. One brother
ruled the kingdom of Kediri, while the other ruled the kingdom of Jenggala.
Prince Panji Asmarabangun was the son of the king of Jenggala. Princess Dewi Sekartaji was
the daughter of the king of Kediri. To unite the kingdoms once again, the prince and princess
were betrothed to each other.
At last, the day of marriage came nearer. Princess Sekartaji was brought to Jenggala to marry
Prince Panji Asmarabangun. However, war suddenly broke out in Jenggala. On the way, the
princess was attacked by the enemy. She ran into a village in the forest and came to the house
of a widow named Nyai Intan.
Scene 1
(Raisha lari terengah engah)
Dewi sekartaji: Can you help me please i was attack by a group of bandits
(Duduk sambil menepuk klenting kuning)
Nyai intan: oh poor girl, you can live with me if you want
(Terharu dan berterima kasih)
Dewi sekartaji: i'd be very grateful to live with you ma'am
Mbok rondo: from now on your name will be klenting kuning
(Menunjuk dela dan salsa)
Meet my two gorgoeous daughters klenting merah and klenting ijo.
They are the most beautiful girl in this village
(Mengulurkan tangan)
Klenting kuning: nice too meet you
(Menepis tangan klenting kuning dan melemparkan baju kotor)
Klenting ijo: i don't care, here do our laundry,
(Sambil menunjuk' klenting kuning dan seluruh bagian rumah)
Klenting merah: yeah after that you should go clean this house,
(Kebingungan dan terkejut)
Klenting kuning: what do you mean
(Sambil mengibaskan kerudung)
Klenting ijo: we need to dressed up myself
Klenting kuning: emmm... okay i will do it soon
(Semua menuju kedalam rumah)
(Berbalik badan ke klenting kuning)
Nyai intan: oh klenting kuning don't forget to cook fried rice for dinner
Klenting kuning: alright ma'am (klenting kuning langsung pergi masak)
(Dela dan salsa duduk sambil coba make up)
Klenting merah: omg i look so pretty with this liptint
(Kasih lipstick lain)
Klenting ijo: yes you should try this one too
Klenting kuning: can i try too?
Klentingi ijo: No who do you think you are?
Klenting kuning: oh... i'm sorry
(Batin sambil nyapu)
Klenting kuning: don't worry its alright, i know my prince will find me somehow. I hope the
war will be over soon
It turned out that her three new sisters were spoiled and lazy. Everyday, they ordered Kleting
Kuning to work for them. Kleting Kuning had to wash, cook, and clean house. However,
grateful that Nyai Intan took her, Kleting Kuning did not complain. She did her work
cheerfully while thinking of her prince for her pleasure.

Scene 2
Nyai intan : (duduk kipas-kipas manja)
Oh my god it's so hot..
(Teriak teriak manggil klenting kuning)
Klenting merah:Klenting Kuning,… Klenting Kuning,..
Go prepare a cold drink for us !!!
(Teriak dari dapur)
Klenting Kuning : yes in a minute,…

(membawa gelas) here's your drink,…..

(Sambil menyilangkan tangan)
Klenting ijo: took you long enough
(Sambil mendorong klenting kuning)
Nyai intan: What took you so long?!!
Are you being lazy?!!
(Sambil memelas)
Klenting Kuning : Ofcourse not, i was busy in the kitchen, cooking just like you ask for
(Sambil memutar bola mata)
Nyai intan : too much excuse. Don't forget to wash our clothes at the river today
Klenting kuning: alright ma'am
(Pas perjalanan ke sungai)
Klenting kuning: why is everyone here is so cruel to me?
Klenting kuning: i hope someone will help me soon

Scene 3
While washing in the river, Kleting Kuning met a stork caught in a net. She immediately
rescued him.
Klenting kuning: poor thing here let me help get you off the net
Stork: oh my goodness thank you so much beautiful girl
Klenting kuning: ah you can talk?
Stork: Yes, only the pure-hearted can understand me. What’s your name?
Klenting kuning: I’m Kleting Kuning
The stork: Well, Kleting Kuning, you have saved my life. I’ll be sure to repay you someday,
Klenting kuning: amazing i just talked to a magical stork
The stork: hahaha it's not an everyday thing right?
Klenting kuning: yes you're right we should be friends
The stork: yes gladly
Afterwards, they became good friends. He always greeted her and comforted her whenever
she came to the river.
Meanwhile, where was Prince Panji Asmarabangun? When Jenggala kingdom had come to
peace. Prince panji asmara has succeeded in defeating his enemy who attack his kingdom but
he is very devastated because dewi sekartaji did not reach the palace untill now. He is
determined to find her. He sent his guards to find dewi sekartaji after a few weeks one of the
guards finds a girl that looks like dewi sekartaji in dhadapan village. After that became mbok
randha's step son and disguise himself as ande-ande lumut who is searching for a wife.
panji asmarabangun: Dewi sekartaji had left the palace, you will search for her. Don't
comeback untill you found her!
pengawal deka dan pengawal andhika: yes your highness
pengawal deka: your highness we had find someone who look exactly like dewi sekartaji
panji asmarabangun: where is she now
pengawal deka: shes at the dhadapan village in the other side of the river
panji asmarabangun: we have to go there as soon as posible. I will disguise as a young lad to
find her
pengawal deka, andhika: yes your highness
A few days later, a rumor soon spread in the village where Kleting Kuning lived. A rich
young man named Ande-Ande Lumut was looking for a wife. He invited every girl in the
villages near him to come to his house, and he would choose one of them to be his wife.
Every family who had a daughter of eligible age was stirred, including Nyai Intan’s family.
Kleting Abang, Kleting Ijo could not talk of anything else.
(sambil membayangkan)
Kleting merah: i still can't believe it,
They say he's very handsome
Klenting ijo: not to mention rich
(kayak berandai' n sedikit muterin badan)
Oh how i wish i could marry him
(tidak terima n nyombongin diri)
Klenting merah: in your dreams, i'm way prettier anyway
(menengahkan dan merangkul klenting ijo n merah)
Nyai intan: Girls, I shall be glad if any of you are chosen by him.
In any rate, you must make yourself beautiful to attract him.
(Ngeliat ke klenting kuning)
Nyai intan: your not going right klenting kuning?
Klenting kuning: No, Mother. I’m not going,
Klenting merah: Anyway, she should do all the work here.
Klenting ijo: Kleting Kuning, wash our clothes!
Kleting Kuning took the laundry basket and went to the river. There she met the stork again.
Klenting kuning: it don't matter i'm not intereseted to meet him anyway, prince panji must be
way more kind hearted than him
Stork muncul
Stork: Why didn't you go to Ande-Ande Lumut’s house, Kleting Kuning?
Klemting kuning: I’m already betrothed. I don’t intend to marry another man,” said Kleting
(kasih sapu lidi k klenting kuning)
Stork: Ah, but there you shall meet someone you know. Go there and take this whip with you.
You will need it,
Klenting kuming: Yeah, but I can’t go with my step mom and sisters. They don't want me to
go there
Stork: Waiting a little will not hurt
Klenting kuning: alright i will go there...

Scene 4
Nyai intan, Kleting Abang, Kleting Ijo, and Kleting Biru arrived at the river. Crossing it
would be the shortest way to reach Dadapan village. However, there was no boat or bridge to
be seen.
(bertanya tanya k klenting merah n nyi intan)
Klentinng ijo: Now how on earth are we going to get across this big river?
Klenting merah: This is ridiculous we would never make it on time
Nyai intan: girls calm down we will find another way
Suddenly a giant crab appeared. The girls screamed. But then he suddenly talked
Yuyu kangkang: Hello ladies. My name is Yuyu Kangkang. If you want to get across, you
can sit on my back. I’ll swim and carry you there.
Klenting ijo: Oh, here’s an answer to our problem. Thanks, Yuyu Kangkang
Yuyu kangkang: But you must pay me.
Klenting merah: What is the price? Gold? We’re really rich, you know
(menunjuk klenting n nyi intan)
Yuyu kangkang: No, I don’t need any gold. I want to mark each of you
(maju sedikit, taro tangan di pinggang)
Klenting merah: What are you thinking? Crazy crab
Klenting ijo: is there any other alternative?
Yuyu kang kang; No marking, no carrying
Nyai intan: there are no other option if we take another route we will arrive there at midnight
Klenting ijo, klenting merah: ugh fine
Yuyu kangkang: hahahaha now thats what i like to hear
(yuyu kangkang nandain di tangan, jalan kyk ular tangga)
At last the sisters relented and let Yuyu Kangkang marked them, though not without
complaints. Yuyu Kangkang carried them across.

Scene 5
Not long after, Kleting Kuning also reached the shore of the river and met Yuyu Kangkang.
He offered to carry her across with the same payment.
Yuyu kang kang: Hello young lady. My name is Yuyu Kangkang. If you want to get across,
you can sit on my back. I’ll swim and carry you there.
Klenting kuning: No i will not let you put any marks on me, disgusting
(nada ngeremehin)
Yuyu kang kang: then how else you're going to get to you prince charming house ha?
Klenting kuning: listen i don't want you to help me across this river now move
Yuyu kangkang: this is my river and i wont move
When yuyu kangkang tried to put a mark on a klenting kuning with force. she attacked him
with the whip.
(yuyu kangkang maju mau nandain di tangan, klenting kuning mukul pk sapu lidi)
Yuyu kangkang: ouch it stings
Klenting kuning: hahahaha i'm enjoying this
Yuyu kangkang: aaaa it hurts
Klenting kuning: i wonder what will haped if i hit the water with whip
Then she hit the river with the whip. The water ebbed. Kleting Kuning walked on the bottom
of the river easily.
Klenting kuning: wow this whip is very uselful

Scene 6
Not far from the river Nyai intan klenting merah and klenting ijo just crossed, they reached
Ande-Ande Lumut’s house. They sighed at how handsome he was
Ande-ande lumut: welcome to my house
(nada terpesona)
Klenting merah: look at how handsome he is, his eyes, his nose, his smile i hoped he choose
(nada antusias)
Klenting ijo: he is so handsome i'm going to faint
(kenalin klenting merah n ijo k ande' lumut)
Nyai intan: greetings let me introduce you to my gorgeous daughters. Their beauty is really
well known in our village
Klenting ijo: you should choose me to be your wife i'm cute
Ande-ande lumut: yes you are cute, but.
i don't like you
Klenting merah: please choose me i'm pretty, and could sing pretty well
Ande-ande lumut: yes i know but i don't like you
(agak marah ga terima anaknya ditolak)
Nyai intan: you should give one of my daughter a chance, you would regret it if you reject
Ande-ande lumut: gosh
Ande-ande lumut: listen everyone
I will not choose a girl who has been kissed by Yuyu Kangkang
Kleting Abang, Kleting Ijo, were very disappointed. So were all other girls who were kissed
by Yuyu Kangkang to get across the river.
Klenting merah: i know it will be bad idea
Klenting ijo: now where i will find someone as handsome as him
When Kleting Kuning reached Ande-Ande Lumut’s house, she was surprised. Ande-Ande
Lumut resembled Prince Panji Asmarabangun very much. However, she was not sure it was
her future husband,
Klenting kuning: oh my god he looks exactly like prince panji asmarabangun but i'm not sure
Soon it was her turn to talk to Ande-Ande Lumut. He recognized her at once and brought her
in front of the guest.
Klenting kuning: let me introduce myself i'm klenting kuning from dhadapan village
Ande-ande lumut: dewi sekartaji?
Klenting kuning: prince panji? I can't believe its actually you?
Ande-ande lumut: This is the girl I choose to be my wife,”
Klenting merah: but she’s dirty, just look at her clothes
Klenting ijo: she's ugly too
Ande-ande lumut: She is actually Princess Dewi Sekartaji, my betrothed wife,
And I’m actually Prince Panji Asmarabangun. Come, Princess, show them who you really
Klenting kuning: yes i will
With the magic whip, Kleting Kuning transformed her simple clothes to a beautiful dress.
The guests were awed by her appearance.
Klenting kuning: listen everyone i'm actually dewi sekartaji the princess of Kediri
Nyai intan: i owe you a huge apology your highness
Klenting merah: please forgive me your highness i never meant those words to you
Klenting ijo: i cant believe it please forgive me for my wrong doings
Dewi sekartaji: No i will never forgive all three of you
(menunjuk prajurit buat narik klenting'&nyi intan)
Prince panji: you heard her
(memelas dan menarik tangan dr prajurit)
Nyai intan: no please forgive me and daughters your highness
(menyuruh prajurit melepaskan mrk)
Klenting kuning: i'm just joking i forgive all of you
Nyai intan, klenting merah, klenting ijo: thak you so much your highness
Prince panji: why did you forgive them?
Klenting kuning: they give me a place to stay when i was attacked so i'm very greatful
because of them
Prince panji: so thats why, alright princess lets go to my palace and prepare our wedding
Ande-Ande Lumut brought Kleting Kuning to the palace, Then Prince Panji Asmarabangun
and Princess Dewi Sekartaji were married, thus uniting the Kingdom of Jenggala and the
Kingdom of Kediri once again. The lovers lived happily ever after.

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