Cerita Gunung Rinjani

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My Story Report

The Origin of Mount Rinjani

Ade Ragil S (02/ XI IPS 2)

Text Genre Summary

Narative text (folklore)
Orientation: The story began by introducing the king and
empress who lived a safe and peaceful life but were saddened
Origin by their inability to have children. The king asked the empress
Lombok, Indonesia for permission to remarry.

Complication: The king married Sunggar Tutul, the daughter of

Impression Patih Aur, and miraculously, the empress became pregnant
The most interesting part of this with the help of God's power. However, Sunggar Tutul, feeling
story is the twist of fate and the jealous, slandered the empress, leading to her expulsion from
magical elements that unfold as the the palace.
narrative progresses. Overall, the
story combines themes of love, Resolution: The empress, then named Dewi Mas, ended up on
family, destiny, and the the island of Gili and was found by a skipper who brought her
intervention of magical elements, to Bali. Dewi Mas gave birth to twins, a boy named Raden
creating an engaging and intriguing Nuna Putra Janjak and a girl named Dewi Rinjani. As they grew
narrative. up, the twins inquired about their father, and Dewi Mas
revealed that their father was King Datu Taun, ruling in
Lombok. Raden Nuna Putra Janjak decided to travel to
Characters Lombok to meet his father.
King Datu Taun: reckless
Dewi Mas: Kind Upon their meeting, a fight ensued between the father and
Sunggar Tutul: jealousy
son. However, a magical whisper from the sky revealed their
Raden Nuna Putra Janjak: he doesn't give up
true relationship, and the king realized that he had been
easily, kind
fighting his own son. They reconciled, and King Datu Taun
Dewi Rinjani: kind
took Dewi Mas back to Bali. Raden Nuna Putra Janjak replaced
his father as the new king.

Coda: Dewi Rinjani, the daughter, and her father retired to the
top of the mountain to meditate. During this time, the spirits
appointed Dewi Rinjani as queen, and the mountain was
henceforth named Mount Rinjani.
New words Moral Value
Empress: A female ruler of an empire or the wife of an
emperor. The moral value of the
Skipper: A person who commands or guides a boat or story could be interpreted
Reconciled: Restored friendly relations or resolved a conflict as the triumph of love,
between two or more parties. forgiveness, and the
Meditating: Engaging in deep contemplation or focused recognition of one's true
thought, often for spiritual or relaxation purposes.editating: identity.
Engaging in deep contemplation or focused thought, often
for spiritual or relaxation purposes.
Spirits: Supernatural beings or entities often associated with
folklore or religious beliefs.
Language features Kingdom, the specific place mentioned
includes Lombok, Bali, Gili (possibly
referring to the Gili Islands), and Mount
Past form: introduced, lived, married, became,
slandered, grew up, found, brought, named,
retired, replaced, reconciled, etc Time:
Time conjunction: during A long time ago

Action verb: introducing, grow up, inquire,

decides, marries, becomes, remarry, etc

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