Assignment 1.2 (Page 5) (Ray Neil S. Aquino 1-BSCS A)

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NAME: Ray Neil S.

Aquino 1-BSCS A

Below, you will find two small squares and a larger square, forming a rectangle. Call this rectangle 1.

 Above rectangle 1, construct a square with side length 3. This forms a new largest rectangle; call
it rectangle 2.
 To the left of this rectangle, construct a square with side length 5. This forms a new largest
rectangle; call it rectangle 3.
 Continue the process, constructing squares in a counterclockwise direction until you form
rectangle 7.

You have just constructed the structure of the golden spiral, which is found in many shells in nature.
Now record the dimensions of each rectangle in the table below.

Rectangle Dimensions Length

1 3x2 3/2 =1.5
2 5x3 5/3 = 1.6
3 8x5 8/5 = 1.6
4 11 x 7 11/7 = 1.6
5 14 x 9 14/9 = 1.6
6 17 x 11 17/11 = 1.5
7 20 X 13 20/13 = 1.5

State an observation about the numbers in the third column.

 From what I have observed from the third column, the number are in consistent pattern in
which none of them are exceeding 1.6, which is the value of the “golden ratio” which is 1.618.
So as a conclusion the third column represents that even thou the numbers increases, their
difference in length are all the same and constant.

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