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A Research Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School Department in

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela,
Maysan Road Corner Tongco Street,
Maysan, Valenzuela City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the strand Humanities and Social
Sciences (HUMSS)



Maysan Road corner Tongco Street, Maysan, Valenzuela City

Title Page i.
Table of Contents ii.
List of Tables iii.
List of Figures iv.

Introduction 1
Theoretical / Conceptual Framework 6
Statement of the Problem 13
Hypothesis 13
Significance of the Study 14
Scope and Delimitation 16
Definition of Terms 17
Review of Foreign Literature 19
Review of Local Literature 23
Review of Foreign Studies 26
Review of Local Studies 36
Synthesis 41
Research Design 43
Research Locale 44
Respondents 45
Sample and Sampling Technique 45
Instrumentation 46
Statistical Treatment 49
Data Gathering Process 53

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Table Page
1 The Interpretation Ranges based on the Scale Provided in the 48

Respondent’s Answers

2.1 Verbal Interpretation based on the achieved General 50

Weighted Means of each Likert Item in the Data

2.2 Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient Formula 51

2.3 The Pearson Correlation Coefficient Table 52

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Figure Page
1.1 A Conceptual Model of Academic Success for Student-Athletes by 10

Eddie Comeaux and Carlton Keith Harrison (2011) with an

adaptation of Theory of Involvement from Astin (1984)

1.2 The framework of independent and dependent variables in the research 11

1.3 The framework of concept planning in the research including input, 12

process, and output presented in research.

2 Formula in computing the range and interval. 47

3 Formula in computing Weighted Mean and General Weighted Mean 49

4 Formula in computing the Pearson Correlation Analysis 52

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Chapter 1



This paper is an adapted study from Grimit (2014) entitled “Effects of

Student Athletics on Academic Performance” from South Dakota State University.

The researchers examined the abstract of the study provided to conceptualize the

flow of the paper. The abstract mentioned is: the purpose of this study is to

examine the effects of involvement in athletics at the collegiate level at South

Dakota State University. This paper seeks to determine if participation in collegiate

athletics is beneficial to a person or if its disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

Sixty-seven student-athletes completed a survey during October of 2013 to

determine the effects that athletic involvement has had on SDSU’s campus. This

study found that participation in athletics is extremely beneficial. These athletes

performed better in the classroom, developed impressive time management skills,

felt motivated to complete their degree, were motivated to attend classes, and

experienced a smoother transition into the college lifestyle (Grimit, 2014).

Uyan (2017) developed a paper entitled “A Study between Sports

Participation and Academic Performance” conducted in Davao, Philippines and

found out that after giving 50 questionnaires asking for the number of hours the

respondent spend who participates in sport events and their corresponding

average mark, it showed that there is a positive correlation between involvement

in sport activities and academic success of students from Davao Oriental Regional

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Science High School. Even though the result after using the Pearson

Correlation/Covariance Analysis is weak (0.1536), it still remained true that the

effect of student participation in sport activities enhances the academic success of

the students.

Last November 30 – December 11, 2019, ESPN5 (2019) has recorded 387

medals bagged by the Philippines in the 2019 30th South-East Asian Games.

Ferrer (2018) mentioned in his article that a student-athlete should learn prioritizing

things and manage his time wisely in order to achieve academic success. Lacuata

(2015) wrote in her news article that a student should have the discipline, have the

social life and be committed while persevering in order to enjoy while performing

both in sports and classes when she interviewed students from University of the

Philippines and Miriam High School.

Manalo and Dela Cruz (2000) found out that student-athletes’ performance

from Technological Institute of the Philippines are directly affected by the factors

concerning education and university such as the length of training, the facilities

provided by the administration, incentives and rewards, the coaches and the

demographics of the students. This shows that there is a major relationship

between the well-being of being a student-athlete and good academic performance

during classes.

Comeaux and Harrison (2011) stated that a little attention and researches

were conducted proving the relationship between student-athletes and their

chances of academic success in the time of graduation. Lacovone (2007)

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mentioned in his study that student-athletes have a major issue regarding

balancing the time for studying and participating in co-curricular activities.

Lacovone supported Comeaux and Harrison’s (2011) statement that there are little

studies regarding the academic success of student-athletes during their studying

years because of the reason that they have the burden to balance the activities in

school alongside the activities required for them to fulfill their job of being student-

athletes. Gayles and Hu (2016) said that the National Collegiate Athletic

Association (NCAA) were on watch on how student-athletes experience the

situation of balancing the time for studying and performing in sports. Gayles and

Hu (2016) found out that a lot of issues such as low graduation rates, unhealthy

behavior, issues academically, and graduating with poor academic standing are

present in different schools NCAA handles. This proves that a good and healthy

environment while performing on sports can directly affect the rate of academic

success of student-athletes who study while doing sports.

Using the national sample from the Cooperative Institutional Research

Program to help with the study, researchers found positive correlations with the

satisfaction and the overall college experience, motivation to complete degree,

bachelor’s degree completion, and persistence in college (Pascarella,

Truckenmiller, Nora and Terenzin (1999) as mentioned in Grimit (2014)). This

means that student-athletes are proven to have better in managing time for

activities and academically related works and that the benefits of engaging in

sports while studying outweighs the negative effects it may induce on the student-

athletes. These researchers also added that the student-athletes are more

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satisfied after graduating and have the motivation to complete the degree and to

pursue collegiate life.

On the other hand, Storch E., Storch J., Killiany, and Roberti (2005)

mentioned that student-athletes from the University of South Alabama experience

major stress and anxiety while performing both academically and during sport

events. These students show social anxiety and depressive symptoms, lower

mean scores on the measure of social support, significant levels of alcohol

problems, and depression. These symptoms may lead to poor academic

performance and these students may lose the chance to do sports again. The

findings showed that female athletes showed greater mean scores of depression

symptoms than non-athletes in the mentioned university.

Maloney and McCornick (1993) as mentioned in Grimit (2014) found out

that student-athletes did 3/10 grade point worse that the students who do not

involve themselves in sports. These researchers also found out that athletes in

revenue sports of those who earn from being athletes are behind the peers who

are not into sports.

Given the information from various researches and studies stated above,

the researchers conclude that there are different perspectives when it comes to

suggesting if the effects of being a student-athlete directly affects the performance

during academic hours. These researches lack the coherent variable that can

specifically identify the results of being a member of co-curricular activity affecting

the academic success of a student-athlete. Despite the prior observation of the

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researchers, the results and findings vary among different places and universities.

The findings are unclear to identify if the activities done by these student-athletes

ensure the balance time spent on academic activities and sports towards academic


This paper aims to fill the gap of the niche wherein the researchers will

identify if the given answers from the questionnaire that will be given to the

respondents can validate if they have the higher chance or the risk to fail their

academic success after graduation. The process will follow the theoretical-

conceptual framework provided by Astin (1984), and Comeaux and Harrison


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Theoretical-Conceptual Framework

Alexander Astin's Student Involvement Theory (1984) explains the

participation of a student in a classroom set-up as well as involvement in activities

outside of the academic setting. It also explains how desirable an outcome that

may achieve for institutions of higher education in connection to how a student

develop of being involved in co-curricular activities. This involvement takes many

forms such as absorption in academic loads of work or requirements, participation

in extracurricular activities and interaction with the faculty and institutional

personnel. (Astin, 1984)

Astin defined student involvement as "the amount of physical and

psychological energy that the student devotes in the academic experience". (Astin,

1984, p. 518). He also listed several verb phrases incorporated with the word

"involvement". These are committed oneself to, discover oneself to, take an

interest in, and show enthusiasm for. According to Astin, these phrases imply

behavioral components. Involvement theory accentuates student's behavior and it

is not so much on what an individual think or feels but solely focuses more on what

an individual does and how he/she behave that defines and identifies involvement.

A highly involved student is the one who, (a) devotes considerable energy to

studying, (b) spends much time on campus, (c) participates actively in student

organizations and (d) communicate frequently with the personnel in the academe

and to co-learners. In contrast with the four characteristics stated above for a

highly-involved student, are the typical uninvolved students.

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The core concepts of involvement theory are composed of three

elements. First, 'inputs' or in the simplest idea, it is the student's profile or

demographics, background and previous experiences. Second, 'environment', a

portion of the theory refers to a student would have during college. Lastly,

'outcomes' which preceded to things and attributes that students leave college with

that covers student's characteristics, knowledge, attitudes, benefits, and value that


Additionally, Involvement Theory includes five basic postulates.

Postulate (1) involvement refers to the investment of physical and psychological

energy in various objects. Postulate (2) regardless of its object, involvement occurs

along a continuum; that is, different students’ manifest different degrees of

involvement in a given object, and the same student manifests different degrees

of involvement in different objects at different times. Postulate (3) involvement has

both quantitative and qualitative features. The extent of a student’s involvement in

academic work, for instance, can be measured quantitatively (how many hours the

student spends studying) and qualitatively (whether the student reviews and

comprehends reading assignments). Postulate (4) the amount of student learning

and personal development associated with any educational program is directly

proportional to the quality and quantity of student involvement in that program.

Postulate (5) The effectiveness of any educational policy or practice is directly

related to the capacity of that policy or practice to increase student involvement.

(Astin, 198, p. 519)

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Alexander Astin (1984) listed specific forms of involvement that college

students are a part of including place of residence, leaving home to attend college

has significant effects on most college outcomes. Living in a dormitory is positively

associated with several other forms of involvement: interaction with faculty,

involvement in student government, and participation in social fraternities or

sororities. Living on campus substantially increases the student’s chances of

persisting and of aspiring to a graduate or professional degree. In honor programs,

students gain substantially in interpersonal self-esteem, intellectual self-esteem,

and artistic interest when they participated. Academic involvement is strongly

related to satisfaction with all aspects of college life except friendships with other

students. Student-faculty interaction is those students who express satisfaction

with all aspects of their institutional experience. Athletic involvement is parallel with

the idea of academic involvement since both of it isolate an individual for a specific

situation.e. For the studious person, this isolation results from the time and effort

devoted to studying. For the athlete, the isolation probably results from long

practice hours, travel to athletic competitions, and special living quarters. Lastly,

involvement in student government. Students who become actively involved in

student government communicate frequently with their peers, and this interaction

seems to accentuate the changes normally resulting from the college experience.

(Astin, 1984, p. 524-526)

In relation to the theory to the study presented, the sample population of

the research are the Grade 12 students who are involved in athletics as primary

respondents to determine the effect of participation in athletics to their academic

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performance. In data gathering, the researchers will provide a survey

questionnaire to be answered. Those collected data will be analyzed to make a

conclusion from it.

After conducting a survey questionnaire, the researchers will follow the

“Model for College Student-Athlete Academic Success” by Comeaux & Harrison

(2011), this theoretical model is built purposely in predicting the outcome of

student-athletes’ success in the academe.

The answer of the respondents will be categorized into three; Inputs,

Environment, and Outcomes. The ‘Inputs’ will serve as the respondents’ previous

experience, and backgrounds. Under the ‘Environment’ will be the respondents’

experience during the time of which they are involved in athletics. Third will be the

‘Outcomes’ which extends to how they have become after their participation in


According to Comeaux & Harrison (2011), the model aims to show the

respondents’ motivation and motivational balance between athletics and

academics, as it can be seen in both the initial and final commitments. The model

will determine the academic success of a student based on the student-athletes’

attributes with the effects from their surrounding both academically and socially.

After categorizing and analyzing the respondents’ answers from the survey

the academic success of the individual can be deduced.

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Under the independent variable is the participation in athletics or sport

events of grade 12 student-athletes of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela;

for these factors are available to be purposely controlled. These are variables are

fixed; therefore, they are independent. The academic performance given that they

both have to balance their time during sport events and class hours is considered

as dependent variable since it will be altered depending on the result of the

independent variable.

Participation in Athletics Academic
Performance of
Grade 12 Student-
Athletes of
Pamantasan ng
Lungsod ng

Figure 1.2 The framework of independent and dependent variables in the


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Input Process Output

•The researcher will
The researchers The researchers
identify who are the grade
will use the grade will determine if the
12 students of Pamantasan
12 students who involvement of grade
ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela
are involve in 12 students in
who are involved in
athletics as the athletics will be
respondents to beneficial to their
•The researchers will
determine the performance
use survey questionnaire to
effects of academically.
gather data for the study.
participation in
•The data collected by
athletics to their
the researchers will be
analyzed to make a
conclusion based on the
result of the survey

Figure 1.3 The framework of concept planning in the research including input,

process, and output presented in research.

The respondents of the study will be the grade 12 student-athletes from

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela whom the researchers will analyze if

these student-athletes can achieve academic success even if they have to balance

their time in sports and academic activities. In order to test this, the researchers

will conduct a survey using a survey questionnaire given to the respondents to

formulate the conclusion needed. The output is the research paper entitled “The

Effects of Involvement in Athletics to Student Performance of Grade 12 Senior

High School Students of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela.”

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Statement of the Problem

This paper aims to identify the effects of involvement in athletics to student

performance of grade 12 student-athletes of Pamantasan ng Valenzuela based on

the adapted paper from Grimit (2014).

1. How does student involvement in athletics affect the academic performance

of grade 12 student-athletes of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela?

2. How do the effects of student involvement in athletics help in achieving the

academic success of grade 12 student-athletes of Pamantasan ng Lungsod

ng Valenzuela?

H1: There is an effect that directly influences the student performance of grade 12

student-athletes of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela given that these

students participate in sport events.

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Significance of the Study

This research, "The Effects of Involvement on Athletics to Student

Performance of Grade 12 Senior High School Students of Pamantasan ng

Lungsod ng Valenzuela", will be a great contribution to the vast knowledge

concerning those factors that would be considered by Grade 12 Senior High

School student-athletes regarding their experiences, be it advantageous or

disadvantageous, as individuals who balances the improvement of their academic

prowess as well as their athletic capabilities. Vital results of this investigation could

be highly significant and beneficial specifically to the following.

Students. This study will be useful for students, athletic and non-athletic alike, as

it will evoke their awareness regarding the complexity and hardships of student-

athletes lives in the academe. The study will help these students to be

understanding of their athletic peers. Referring to the sample respondents of the

study, particularly Grade 12 Senior High school student-athletes, the study will be

beneficial to them in a manner that they will be educated and made aware of the

implications of being a student-athlete. They will also be able to assess how their

involvement in sports is affecting their academic performance.

Parents and Guardians. The study will be beneficial to the student athlete's

parents and guardians as a form of guide that informs them of the proper needs of

their children. Due to this, parents and guardians will now be able to become better

support groups to help their children be more resourceful and efficient given their

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situation as athletes. Thus, providing them with the appropriate resources to add

to their efficiency and flexibility as students.

Teachers. The study will be of great help to the teachers of the institution. It will

serve as a reference for them to be more effective in teaching, encouraging and

guiding their students to enhance their skills, comfortability, and productivity in

learning and provide better learning techniques to their students. This way,

teachers will be able to understand the small yet inconvenient struggles of student-

athletes, especially in performing their day-to-day tasks in school when in conflict

with their schedules in sports training.

Constituents/Society. Student participation in athletics is a topic often discussed

and studied by people in the society even up to today. Determining if this

involvement is beneficial or not will contribute to the improvement of the student

athlete's academic performance. It is a valuable piece of knowledge as it informs

people of the implications of being active in sports while in the academe.

Future Researchers. The information presented in the study may serve as

reference data in conducting new researches similar to the study as well as testing

the validity of other related findings. This study will give them a background or

overview of the research as well as to guide them in determining the implications

of the athletic participation of students.

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Scope and Delimitation

This study is about the effects of involvement on athletics to student

performance of grade 12 senior high school students of Pamantasan ng Lungsod

ng Valenzuela. This research will be conducted in Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng

Valenzuela, year 2019-2020.

The proponents will be gathering data through survey questionnaires, with

grade 12 senior high school student-athletes of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng

Valenzuela as respondents. The survey questionnaires will be handed with grade

12 student-athletes with 71 respondents.

The study is only limited to the grade 12 senior high school student-athletes

of Pamatansan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela which includes different fields of sport;

volleyball, basketball, sepak, table tennis, chess and badminton.

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Definition of Terms

Athletics “Refers to sports played by student athletes at Rowan University during

the 2006-2007 academic year that are accepted by the National Collegiate Athletic

Association” (Lacovone, 2007). This paper incorporated this meaning as the sport

events held during the school year 2019-2020 by student-athletes from grade 12

in Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela.

Academic Experience defined as "experience gained through coursework,

as education or educational experience, or perhaps academic

background instead of academic experience” (Waldby, 2011). In this study,

academic experience is the student’s experiences during his/her studying years

inside the academe.

Academic Performance is defined as “how well a student meets standards set

out by the local government and the institution itself” (Bell, 2018).

Academic Success is being able to meet an institution’s expectations. This may

include being in a better standing and making all the satisfactory progress towards

earning their credentials. Beyond that, academic success may also include the

students themselves. As a student, you also need to identify your own success

goals while in school and work towards achieving them. Once the goals are

successfully achieved, an individual can claim to have achieved academic success

(Academic Success Advice, n.d.).

Behavior is defined as a tool for understanding and managing behaviors in a

school setting. It is an explicit definition that makes it possible for two or more

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disinterested observers to identify the same behavior when observed, even when

it occurs in very different settings (Webster, 2019).

Higher Education is third level education after you leave school. It takes places

at universities and Further Education colleges and normally includes

undergraduate and postgraduate study. Higher education gives you the chance to

study a subject you are interested in and can boost your career prospects and

earning potential (Nidirect, n.d.).

Involvement is “the student's involvement and participation in academic, social,

and extracurricular activities throughout their college career” (Lacovone, 2007).

Sports are “a human activity capable of achieving a result requiring physical

exertion and/or physical skill, which, by its nature and organization, is competitive

and is generally accepted as being a sport.” (Australian Sports Commission, n.d.)

Student-Athletes are “individuals who were enrolled during the 2006-2007

academic year at Rowan University and participated in intercollegiate athletics”

(Lacovone, 2007). In this study, this definition was adapted as individuals who

participated in Intramurals 2019-2020 who are grade 12 students enrolled in

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela.

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Chapter II


The paper is adapted from a foreign study from Grimit (2014) entitled

“Effects of Student Athletics on Academic Performance”, the paper will be divided

by variables and these variables will be the basis of the related literatures and

studies included in this chapter. This chapter will present the different literature and

studies from the other countries to Philippines that is interconnected to the main

topic of the research paper. This chapter oversees the related works of another

authors that is incorporated by the researchers to support the paper.

Foreign Literature

Sports correlation to Academic Performance

Bartleby Research (n.d.) stated that doing sport activities enhances the

physique and physical capability of student-athletes and this result to a healthy

student who can focus more on his studies and do a lot better in everyday things.

The essay added that sports teach students how to be a team player and maturity

towards success. This leads to a more productive individual that helps in achieving

academic success.

According to Russell (2019), “students who participate in sports are more

likely to be successful during and after their time at school.” This was based on his

claims that athletic activities teach students a wide variety of talents and skill

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applicable not only on the sport chosen by the student-athlete but in academic

activities and in real life. He also added that “sports have a positive impact on all

parts of school life.”

In relation to this paper, these statements provide that a lot of articles from

famous directors and writers claim that sports induce positive effects on a student

not only on a physical aspect, but the mental, emotional, and even rational aspect

of an individual. This variety of aspects are needed in order to achieve academic

success during studying years of a student.

Positive Effects of Sports to a Student-Athlete

In an article from Florida National University (2019), being an athlete helps

a person to be active not only physically but also mentally. Miami Dolphins, a

professional American Football team are not only into sports but also, they are

well- educated individuals. They also mentioned that physically active person is

not only healthier but also it helps the mind or brain to function well. They become

more effective and proficient individuals. But in other cases, some serious and

highly-level athletes can manage their schedules to accomplish all the

requirements for their academic concerns. In contrast to that, there are also

student-athletes that have difficulties in their schedules. Concerning this, involving

in some extracurricular activities can somehow affect academic performances

because of lack of time management and also, they have difficulties in balancing

both commitments they have chosen.

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According to Lacuata (2015), handling studies alone is already tough for

some. As stated in an interview on DZMM, Atty. Sophia San Luis said that she

thinks the first thing she developed since she played basketball ever since she's

young is time management. San Luis knows that she must finish her homework

before 10:00 pm because it is her rest time and have to wake up early too for her

sport. It evidently shows that the student-athletes carry the discipline they have

within their sports to their studies.

Graduation Rate of Student-Athletes

In a news article entitled “Study Shows High School Athletes Perform Better

in School, Persist to Graduation More Than Non-Athletes” by Krings (2014),

despite the stereotype of jocks or student-athletes that do not excel academically,

a study conducted in the University of Kansas argues that participation in athletics

prove to yield positive results academically. According to Lumpkin & Achen (n.d),

student-athletes have a higher percentage of attendance in school, graduation rate

and provide a lower rate of dropping out of school. The said university has a policy

which obliges student who participates in athletics to pass at least five credit hours

per semester, this policy urges students to perform well not only in the field of

sports but also in the academe. Lumpkin has said that having a policy similar to

the aforementioned statement helps students to learn discipline in order to manage

to have such activities, however, the result may vary depending on the

demographics of the state; since the policy was made specifically and authored by

the University of Kansas.

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According to Krings (2014), student participation in athletics provides better

educational results and good morals for the students. However, the support from

the institution is also crucial for the development of the student, providing such

policies that help students to strive academically will oblige students to maintain

excellence in the academic and athletic field.

Negative Behavior of Student-Athlete that Hinders to Academic Success

In an article by Oppenheimer (2015), entitled “Why Student Athletes

Continue to Fail” a narrative about Ohio State’s quarterback, Cardale Jones,

rejection of becoming a pro-athlete and pursuing college grabbed the attention of

many sports fans. It has been stated that in the past, Jones has tweeted about

dismissing the importance of studying due to this many have doubted his sincerity

in his statement of pursuing college first. Although Jones has said that he regrets

his tweet and is currently talking about “#StudentBeforeAthlete.” Despite the

attempts of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) to make it clear

that the student-athletes maintain the balance of their academic and athletic

responsibility, there have been claims that being a student does not seem to come

as the primary obligation of student-athletes. As the public views the student-

athletes more as an athlete rather than a student, their athletic performance given

more attention and praise and overshadowing their academic performance.

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There have also been reports of universities, namely the University of North

Carolina and Syracuse who have been accused of committing academic fraud;

offering students a “no show” class to ease their academic burden.

In the aforementioned statement, student-athletes neglecting their

academic responsibilities have alarmed the academe. Incidents like this can affect

the overall performance of a student. As it can be observed in the behavior of

Cardale Jones, a student athlete’s views and opinions regarding their academic

responsibilities may change over time, however the pressure and burden of how

the public views and expects of them still affects them both as a student and as an


Local Literature

Misconceptions regarding Student-Athletes

According to Ferrer (2018), student-athletes are inevitably among the more

famous part of the whole student body. As they serve as the representatives of

their respective academe when it comes to sport events, most teachers, students,

and employees tend to adore and support these individuals. But regarding

academics, the common misconception is that student-athletes work less hard

than other students. Among the misconception is that they are given easier tasks

by their teachers and are more focused on sports rather than academics.

Predominantly, the idea is that student-athletes have it easier than other students,

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passing their subjects with less effort compared to those who are not athletes.

Ferrer (2018) argued this to be untrue.

As stated by Ferrer (2018), some people think that student-athletes are

focusing more on their athletic side and putting less effort into their academic

performance but it's only a misconception. Student-athletes are actually

hardworking since they are practicing how to manage their time since they have to

work hard for their studies and also being an athlete. This shows the

misconceptions of being one of student-athlete, but because of the time that

student-athletes stick with their sports, the athletes tend to prioritize things that

they have discovered being a student-athlete.

Asserting that student-athletes are actually amongst the most hardworking

student body because they are able to balance and manage both their academics

and sports training. Relating to the paper, among the queries of the researchers is

the effects of athletic participation to students. The article showed that student-

athletes are more hardworking given that they have responsibilities not only to their

academics but also to the sports they participate in. Therefore, there are higher

chances of developing certain skills such as time management and excellent


Academic and Athletic Conflict

Henson (2013) stated that student-athletes often choose to sacrifice

academic work only to further immerse themselves to athletics. Spending the

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majority of their time training, practicing, and maintaining their bodily strength in

the field or the gym.

Henson (2013) claimed that such students are still not professionals in their

chosen sports, therefore require more time to train and enhance their athletic skills.

A student involved with athletics while studying, therefore, tends to have hardships

in balancing between being a student and an athlete. In turn, the students' grades

may lower. It requires skills and discipline in order to fulfill their obligations and

responsibilities towards both their academics and chosen sports.

Henson (2013) also stated that apart from the tedious training regiments,

another problem of student-athletes are the grades they must maintain. Some

schools set academic passing requirements to their athletes. If the athletes fail to

maintain a passing grade, they lose eligibility to play or participate in any sports-

related event in their school.

This shows that being a student-athlete involves responsibility and being

one also does not give the student a reason to not do well in school, they must

learn to balance both due to the fact that if they neglect their academics, then they,

in turn, will not be allowed to participate in athletics as well. Conflicts between the

factors involved in the students' academic and athletic dispositions are

unavoidable therefore a capable student should know how to handle them well.

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Foreign Studies

Positive Impact of Student Involvement in Sports to Academic Performance

“30 varsity sports participation was a significant positive predictor of college

preparedness and that participation in athletics does not deter students from

academics. Athletic participation led to more parental involvement, which had

positive impact on student performance” (O’Bryan, 2010 as mentioned in

Singleton, 2016). This states that involvement in sport activities by student-athletes

can positively influence their performance during class hours and these

involvements can let parents have more quality time with their children through

watching the games they play.

In relation to the study, this article proves that involvement in athletics can

help students build stronger relations with their parents and this better relationship

can motivate them to do better in their studies.

Participating in an extracurricular activity that includes physical activity

(school sport) results in an increased academic performance and higher-grade

point averages among student-athletes. This was found 14 to be largely due to

positive correlation between participation and increased memory, concentration,

and conscientious classroom behavior (Trudeau and Shepard, 2008 as stated in

Stucko,2018). This means that positive effects are shown by the students who

participate in athletics because this participation can lead to a more participative

behavior during academic activities and school hours.

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Connecting this to the paper, student-athletes who were proven to have a

positive behavior towards academic participation in classes can be considered as

students who have the ones who have increased cognitive skill such as memory,

concentration and conscientious behavior as stated in Trudeau and Shepard


Confidence of Student-Athletes

“Student-athletes are more confident than non-athletics students.” (Kohs,

2015). They have greater motivation and determination in terms of achieving their

goals and desires. This would help for their academic performances. In this study,

they also measured the level of confidence of student-athletes and non-athletic

students. The results show that male athlete have a greater level of confidence

that range to 27-45 than non-male athletic students. If they have a greater level of

confidence there is no problem with fulfilling their requirements in academic


Based on the research, student athletes were proven to have a better self-

confidence than those students who are not athletic. Comparing to the other results

from different studies, the researchers can say that having more self-confidence

can boost up the skills of a student-athlete so this individual can easily portray what

he wants to say and recite without hesitating on whether it is the right or wrong

answer because a student-athlete has confidence to show up what his opinion is.

Confidence is one of the vital skills needed for a student to graduate.

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Athletic Participation and Academic Achievement

According to a study conducted by Robert F. McCarthy (2014) entitled, "The

Effect of Athletic Participation on the Academic Achievement of High School

Students" which examined the relationship between athletic participation and

academic success on a sample population of 110 athletic participants in high

school for three years (2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-2013 school years) and were

compared to those students who did not participate with the sport events for those

years given. It focused on the growth rate, change in grade point average over the

years. On average, the achievement of athletes was significantly higher than that

of non-participants during the first year, but athletes lost some of this advantage

over the course of the study, meaning that they experienced negative growth. Non-

participants did experience positive growth that was statistically significant,

however, the effect size was small, meaning that the practical significance is

minimal. Based on the results of the study, it is difficult to make the argument that

athletics are linked to improved academic achievement. While athletic participation

can still be considered part of the overall education of students with numerous

benefits such as the development of leadership and teamwork skills (McCarthy,

2014, p.2).

Based on the article by Gil (2014) posted in The Guardian News and Media

site states that commitment and right attitude towards your chosen field helps an

individual to maintain stellar quality in participating sports activities and in

academics. According to the research published in the Internal Journal of the

History of Sports (2013 as cited by Gil, 2014) found that having "dual careers"

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build-up motivation for everyday trainings and preparation, stimulates intellectual

athletes and relieved stress. In addition, Stephen Baddeley claimed that those

students who balance their sport schedules and at the same time school

requirements are those who has self-discipline that lend itself to academic focus.

Commitment on Sport

Rothschild-Checroune, Gavelle,Dawson and Karlis (2013) found out that

participating in extracurricular activities such as sports requires time and effort to

be qualified for it. Commitments in this kind of activities negatively affect students

academically. They tend to focus more on practices, training, games, and meetings

than in their academic concerns. By this article, time commitments in sports can

affect the performance of a student academically and cannot able to manage time

because of the concerns of being an athlete.

Perceived Benefits of Sports Club Participation

A study, "Student Involvement Theory: Perceived Benefits of Sports Club

Participation at Rowan University" by Brian L. Stelzer (2012) sought to investigate

how those patterns of involvement affect the attitudes of students towards every

aspect of campus. It also examined the similarities between club sports, varsity

athletics and student government involvement in the university during the

academic year 2011-2012. Several patterns emerged based on the findings. First,

sport club athletes participate in multiple involvement activities. The highest

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involvement recorded based on their study is in physical or competitive activities.

University publications, religious organizations showed less involvement.

Student-Athletes’ Academic Success

According to Comeaux and Harrison (2011), a lot of variables are affecting

student-athletes in different aspects of their lives especially the academic

performance they do during class hours. When a student-athlete enrolls in a

university, that person may have lived experiences already or educational

background that may influence their academic performance even if they still pursue

doing sports. This supports the claim that participating in sport activities can boost

up the engagement of an individual to a more engaging academic performance

and successful academic relationship after graduation. Eitzen (2009) and

Wolverton (2008) as stated in Comeaux and Harrison (2011) expound that a

student-athlete should balance the time and prioritize things effectively in order for

them to participate equally in sports and classes. Amidst the limitations of sport

demands to more active participation during after class hours that relates to

academic works, a student-athlete may show less interaction compared to non-

student-athletes. According to their research, they have suggested that academic

support from the university and the personnel can boost up the motivation of

student-athletes to do better both during class hours and sport events.

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In relation to this paper, these researches showcase factors that may affect

how a student-athlete can be motivated and do more engaging tasks that may

driven up their will to balance their time in sports and classes well.

In contradictory to this, Potuto and O’Hanlon (2007) as stated in Comeaux

and Harrison (2011) analyzed that from the survey from 18 Division 1 athletes in a

university, more student-athletes viewed themselves as an athletic person rather

than studious person. This means that these students may do better in sport and

may show worse performance during school hours for they have lost the interest

to focus equally in studying while doing athletic activities.

Based on a narrative study of Harrison (2004), Division I student-athletes

were encouraged to perform with and equal focus towards a better academic

standing and athletic individuality during their college years. From this, the

researchers can infer that these student-athletes can have a brighter academic

success in the future once they graduated their undergraduate programs.

Common Misconceptions and Stereotype Towards Student-Athletes

Most students often complain that student-athletes are given more

privileges than others. That they get to choose which classes to take first, which

degrees to major in, and can easily get scholarships with the help of their coaches.

(Dowd, 2019).

However, Dowd (2019) discredited this misconception, stating that student-

athletes do this to avoid conflicts with sports practices, training, and competitions.

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Furthermore, Dowd (2019) stated that there is no priority for student-athletes

regarding this issue. Such measures are done so there is no conflict in schedules

of the student-athletes, therefore avoiding disruption to their academic


In relation to the study, the researchers aim to determine if such conflicts in

schedule do occur, as well as on how it affects the academic performance of the

student-athletes. The article expressed that even though student-athletes are often

misunderstood to be the privileged students, it is not the case. Teachers refrain

from giving student-athletes special treatment so as to not be unfair to other


Academic Support Effects on Student-Athletes’ Performance

Dilley-Knotes, Burnett, and Peak (2010) suggested that the use of different

academic support programs can drastically improve the performance of student-

athletes in terms of academic and extra-curricular activities. They have found out

that female athletes perform better with the use of support programs led by the

administration that ensured their academic standing and their progress towards

academic success. These programs were conducted by the provision of the

department of athletes and it was proven to help the students effectively.

In relation to the study, support programs from the administration can help

the student-athletes to be better in their academic performance even if they are

busy with their sport activities.

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Extracurricular Effects on Academic Achievement

In a study entitled “Secondary School Extracurricular Involvement and

Academic Achievement: A Fixed Effects Approach” by Lipscomb (2006), there

were researches conducted to examine the degree of student participation in

school-sponsored clubs and sports accounts for economic investment. It was also

determined in the study if there is a continuing effect of these participants in the

way a student learns and performs in the academe.

According to the findings of the study, students who were involved in

athletics had a 2% increase in their test scores in math and science, and students

who participated in clubs had a 1% increase in their test scores in math. Overall

there is a 5% increase in the Bachelor’s degree attainment expectations of

students who participated in either athletics or school-sponsored clubs.

According to Lipscomb (2006), participation in extracurricular activities like

sports, has a long-term effect on a student’s academic performance. As it can be

observed in their conclusion that there is a 5% increase in the Bachelor’s degree

attainment expectation, thus proving that participation in athletics is beneficial to a


Racial Differences in Environmental Predictors of Academic Achievement

Comeaux and Harrison (2007) stated in their study concerning Black and

White American student-athletes that racial belonging has direct effect on their

academic performance. They have found out that the contact and interaction

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between the two races and their communication to their specific coaches and

faculty has some varying extent that may hinder their effectivity to study while

doing sports. These faculty members have shown biased behavior to one of the

races that made the other students feel uncomfortable to speak to their members.

Relating this study to the paper, student involvement and the attitude from

the faculty members or their Physical Education instructors can affect their student

performance during classes and sport activities. This may lead to either better

performance if the faculty treat them equally or poor performance due to external

negative factors that affect their motivation and attitude.

Stress of College Student-Athletes and Non-Athletes

According to Wilson & Pritchard (2005), any student can experience stress,

however, student-athletes may experience a higher level of stress due to

requirements from both the academe and their responsibilities as a student-

athlete. Despite the fact that involvement in sports can help relieve stress, it still

becomes another cause of stress for students. Students involved in these activities

come up against circumstances that cause stress which are not experienced by

regular students. These being the immense number of hours in practice, loss of

fame or their ‘star status’, injuries gained from the game, and conflicts with their

fellow players and/or coaches.

In terms of academic stress, results have varied for there are some students

who feel stress due to missed classes however some students are just as stressed

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as their fellow schoolmates. It can also be observed that the environment and the

circumstance that the students are in, add as a factor to the pressure they are

feeling. As stated in the study students who are enrolled in a scholarship program

undergo more pressure compared to the students who are studying in a private

institution, as they student-athletes enrolled in scholarships are expected to do

better in their field.

As observed in the statements of Wilson & Pritchard (2005), students who

are involved in sports experience pressure and certain conditions which makes

studying difficult for them. However, according to the study, these conditions are

not a drawback for the students, as there were no reports of problems more than

their non-athletic peers. This being said participation in athletics can be stressful

for students, but does not limit their capabilities and potentials as a student.

Athletic, Academic and Social Experiences of Student-Athletes

Miller and Kerr (2002) found out that the student-athletes from Canada have

three central spheres that affects their lives of being both as student and a sports

athlete. These were described as athletic, academic and social sphere. These

spheres are considered as competitive to each other for they require both the time

and balance of priority of the students. The importance of these spheres varies

from time to time from enrollment of a student-athlete until his graduation.

In accordance to this study, there exists a third sphere that the student-

athletes must prioritize in order to survive their academic years, the social sphere.

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These student-athletes need connections and communication both on his

classmates and his fellow student-athletes which is very vital because every

person need other person for variety of reasons. Balance and knowing what to

prioritize over changing periods of time can help achieve the better academic

success after their graduation.

Local Studies

Varsity Players’ Student Performance

Manalo and Dela Cruz (2000) examined the factors that affect the

performance of student-athletes from Technological Institute of the Philippines and

it showed that the demographics such as age, gender, program, university they

are from, their length of stay from the team, and the profile of the coach, the age,

civil status, highest educational attainment and length of coaching can affect the

athletic performance of the students. They have found out that these factors can

directly affect the student-athletes’ performance during classes and athletic

activities given that these vary depending on each of the athletes.

This means that students’ involvement during sport activities and being a

varsity player of a university can be a positive or negative factor that influence their

performance during class hours. These factors can affect their academic success

in the future depending on the demographics given that varies among each


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Uyan (2017) developed a paper entitled “A Study between Sports

Participation and Academic Performance” conducted in Davao, Philippines and

found out that after giving 50 questionnaires asking for the number of hours the

respondent spend who participates in sport events and their corresponding

average mark, it showed that there is a positive correlation between involvement

in sport activities and academic success of students from Davao Oriental Regional

Science High School. Even though the result after using the Pearson

Correlation/Covariance Analysis is weak (0.1536), it still remained true that the

effect of student participation in sport activities enhances the academic success of

the students.


Student athletes are fortunate to avail scholarship to play for the school and

study for free. Scholarships are typically the primary opportunity given to the

student-athlete. Typically, student-athletes should be motivated by both

academics and game performance, and they have to set their goals to achieve

good performance in both academics and their field of sports (Del Rosario, 2013

as stated in San Miguel, 2019).

According to the study of San Miguel (2019), student-athletes from

Batangas State University JPLPC-Malvar using correlation method in analyzing

the data, there is a significant relationship between demographics of a student-

athlete and being motivated in participating in sports.

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Relating to this paper, if a student-athlete can be motivated through

demographics in sport, then this motivation can linger into that student to pursue

studying because that individual is influenced to work harder towards a goal that

student wants to achieve.

Sports Participation of Different Universities in the Philippines

According to Ignacio Ron., Ignacio Rod., and Buot (2017), many people

have issues about sport participation. Some individual says that athletes can

perform well in academic concerns because they are trained enough to have

greater motivation, determination, and confidence. But in some cases, athletes

cannot excel academically because of time management. They also mentioned

that the school should consider the academic and training schedules of the

students-athletes for them to function well in both commitments they chose. In their

training, they were able to enhance their physical aspects and fitness but they are

also able to mold their behavior and other internal concerns of students that will

help them with academic concerns.

Based on the study by Ignacio Ron, Ignacio Rod., and Buot (2017), there is

a significant relationship between students’ participation in sports and their

success academically. “Sports participation improved athletes’ perceptions on

academic excellence, mental processes and becoming more logical and patient”

(Ignacio Ron, Ignacio Rod., and Buot, 2017). This means that involvement in

sports is not a hindrance for studying, on contrary, sports can help a student to

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achieve better positive skills that they can apply to activities that relates to

academic performance.

Benefits of Sports Participation

According to Montecalbo, Rudolfo III and Buot (2017) on their study,

"Academic Achievement as Influenced by Sports Participation in Selected

Universities in the Philippines" it was examined that the relationship between

sports involvement and academic success of the sample population of 36

randomly selected collegiate athletes that participated in National State Colleges

and Universities Athletic Association Competition. The result showed that sports

participation and academic success linked together. Being involved in sports

developed and build-up self-discipline, mental/cognitive development and class

participation in school. It also influences the memory of the students, concentration

towards lessons, increases learning efficiency, attain higher school grade and

achieve a degree of academic success. (Montelcalbo-Ignacio, 2017)

With the same response on the study proposed by Dalaguit (2019) which

presents the result that, most of the respondents agreed that being involved in

sports and athletics helped them to improve better time management skills and

helped them to identify their life skills and determine their career path being

motivated to attend classes. Other respondents agreed to choose to compete and

agreed that academic support services helped them to succeed. The General Point

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Average of the respondents ranges from 1.0 to 2.0 which motivates them to

complete their degree and persistence to graduation.

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Student-athletes according to Sydney Story (2016) are defined as someone

who puts much effort in participating in sport activities while being a student who

complies with the requirements to graduate. These are students who participate in

sports are more likely to be successful during and after their time at school”

(Russell, 2019). Participation in athletics according to Florida National University

(2019) enhances a student-athlete’s different aspects of life such as physical,

mental, emotional and rationality. This was supported by Krings (2014) by saying

that sport provides educational results and good morality to students.

On contrary, Oppheimer (2015) found out that participating in sports while

studying is a major cause of distraction for academic success. Based on the

research provided, sports become the priority of students over complying with what

is required to pass academics. Ferrer (2018) supported that common

misconceptions about athletes states that these individuals work less hard than

the students who do not involve themselves on sport activities. As mentioned in

the article of Henson (2013), student-athletes are not professionals, therefore they

require more time and training to enhance their skills and this may consume their

time of studying. This balancing of time puts the student-athletes into higher level

of stress according to the study of Wilson and Pritchard (2005). These students

may skip classes because their sports may require training time that will consume

class hours so this causes more pressure to student-athletes compared to those

who are not.

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In the Philippines, Technological Institute of the University varsity players

were tested and based on the results, demographics affected the academic

performance of the student-athletes. Involvement in sports can influence a student

both positively and negatively (Manalo and Dela Cruz, 2000). Uyan (2017) found

out that students from Davao Oriental Regional Science High School have a weak

positive effect in involvement in sports to their academic performance with 0.1536

through Pearson Correlation Analysis. Based on San Miguel (2019), student-

athletes from Batangas State University showed motivated behavior after involving

themselves with sports compared to non-athletic students.

Connecting this to the paper, the studies and literatures presented varying

results of involvement in athletics to academic performance of different athletes in

universities. Weighing every study given, the results have shown that the positive

effects outweigh the negative effects of participation in sports. The students have

been analyzed that resulted to motivated behavior and better qualities and aspects

towards academic success.

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Chapter III


This chapter oversees the step-by-step methods and process the

researchers have to follow in order to proceed efficiently to the next chapter. The

method was chosen and carefully designed so that it fits the area of inquiry. The

chapter includes the research design the researchers used in the study, the

participants and how these participants were chosen, the setting where the study

was conducted, the instrumentation, and the data gathering process. The research

design was based on the whole quantitative type of the research, the

instrumentation was described as the most effective way of getting the needed

data, the step-by-step process of collecting the data, and how the paper will be

properly utilized and made.

Research Design

This study, "The Effects of Involvement on Athletics to Student Performance

of Grade 12 Senior High School Students of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng

Valenzuela" uses a quantitative descriptive research design. A descriptive

research is governed by the following rules. (1) subjects are generally measured

once. (2) establish an association between variables; and (3) may include a

sample population of subjects to ensure that a valid estimate of the relationship

between variables has been obtained (USC Libraries, 2019). Subjects or the

sample population for this study are Grade 12 student-athletes and the

researchers will measure if there is a significant relationship between being

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involved in sports with their academic achievement. Vital results of this study may

help the researchers to come up with a conclusion for the involvement in athletics

that may bring positive or negative effects in their academic performance in school.

Research Locale

The study will be conducted at Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela,

located in Poblacion II, Malinta, Valenzuela City, Philippines. This institution is a

state-owned public-school hosting senior high school and college students. The

university is under the jurisdiction of the city government of Valenzuela and was

established on June 5, 2002. The school offers five academic tracks for Senior

High school students, namely General Academic Strand (GAS), Humanities and

Social Sciences (HUMSS), Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

(STEM), Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM), and Arts and Design.

The university also offers over nineteen (19) courses for college students.

The respondents of the study will be given questionnaires while within the

vicinity of the university. The researchers chose to conduct the study in the said

place due to the convenience it provides. Also, as the query is centered on the

effects of student involvement in athletics, Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela

will be a suitable locale for the study.

The university was built under the supervision of Mayor Jose Emmanuel L.

Carlos. Its mission is to provide the citizens of Valenzuela an efficient and effective

institution of higher learning that will make them skillful, productive, competent,

competitive, civic-minded, and God-loving toward a peaceful, healthy and

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progressive city of Valenzuela. And its vision is to be a dynamic center for the

development of competent and competitive human resource as a foundation for

growth and advancement of the City of Valenzuela. These PLV students are

efficient for the researchers' study. Their characteristics and capability are

appropriate for being the researchers' respondents.


The respondents in this study is the whole population of student-athletes

from grade 12 students in Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela. These 70

student athletes are the athletes who participated in the intramural events in school

year 2019-2020. The researchers chose these 70 respondents as they will be the

main beneficiaries of this paper when the statement of the problem is answered by

the analysis of the data gathered in next chapters. The adapted study from Grimit

(2014) has a total number of 70 respondent given survey questionnaire but the 3

were not available for use because it lacked the needed information. 67

respondents are close to the 71 respondents in this study so the parameters of

these studies are very alike.

Sample and Sampling Technique

The researchers will use purposive sampling technique to gather

information through survey questionnaires among 71 Grade 12 senior high school

student-athletes from different fields of sport (volleyball, basketball, sepak, table

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tennis, chess and badminton) in Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela. The

researchers give the survey questionnaires to 23 volleyball athletes, 24 basketball

athletes, 3 sepak athletes, 8 table tennis athletes, 5 chess athletes and 8

badminton athletes with a total of 71 Grade 12 student-athletes of Pamantasan ng

Lungsod ng Valenzuela. The sampling technique that will be used in this study is

purposive sampling wherein the sample selected is based on the population of

grade 12 senior high school student-athletes from different fields of sport

(volleyball, basketball, sepak, table tennis, chess, and badminton). The

proponents will use this sampling technique to determine the effects of involvement

on athletics to student performance of Grade 12 senior high school students of

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela.


Salkind (2010) defined research instrumentation as tools or means that is

used to measure variables or items of interest in the data-collection process.

Instrumentation is the way of collecting the needed data from the respondents

which will serve as the feasibility of the research. In the book Advanced Research

Instrumentation and Facilities (2006), instrumentation is defined as a tool that

enables the researchers to discover new learnings and make the production of

knowledge more efficient.

The method that the researchers use as the instrument is survey method

through getting the general weighted mean from the Likert Scale the respondents

will answer based on the statement of the problems in given questionnaires.

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Survey method is defined as “questioning individuals on a topic or topics and then

describing their responses” (Jackson, 2011). The members of the sample who are

answering the questionnaire will remain anonymous from the readers of the paper

not until they write their names in the survey questionnaire themselves. The large

amount of data that will be analyzed by the researchers will describe how the

respondents answer through rating the statements in Strongly Agree (4), Agree

(3), Disagree (2), and Strongly Disagree (1) and the results will be computed

through general weighted mean.

Range =
N – the highest rate
1 - constant

Interval = 0.75
Figure 2 Formula in computing the range and interval.

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Table 1

The Interpretation Ranges based on the Scale Provided in the Respondent’s



1 (Strongly Disagree) 1.00-1.75

2 (Disagree) 1.76-2.50

3 (Agree) 2.51-3.25

4 (Strongly Agree) 3.26-4.00

The research questionnaire that will be used by the researchers will be an

adapted research questionnaire from Grimit (2014) wherein it is a mix of Likert

Scale set of questions and three questions that require direct answer from the


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Statistical Method to be Used

In analyzing the data, the researchers used the following formulae to show the

relations of the sample to the whole population of respondents. This statistical

method will be used to identify the verbal interpretation of each question

answered by the respondents in the Likert’s Scale.

∑(𝑋𝑖 × 𝑊𝑖)
Weighted Mean =
∑ 𝑊𝑖
∑ = Summation
Xi = Value
Wi = Weight

𝑊𝑀2 + 𝑊𝑀2 + ⋯ + 𝑊𝑀𝑛

General Weighted Mean =

WM – Weighted Mean
n – number of factors / statements

Figure 3 Formula in computing Weighted Mean and General Weighted Mean

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Table 2.1

Verbal Interpretation based on the achieved General Weighted Means of

each Likert Item in the Data


1.00-1.75 Strongly Disagree

1.76-2.50 Disagree
2.51-3.25 Agree
3.26-4.00 Strongly Agree

In this study the researchers will be using Pearson’s correlation coefficient as

the statistical treatment of the research paper. In measuring the association of two

continuous variables and calculating the strength of the relationship between two

variables, Pearson’s correlation coefficient is the most appropriate statistical

treatment to use (Haug, n.d.). Pearson’s correlation coefficient will be used to

measure the strength of the relationship of the variables, which in this case will be

the respondent’s General Weighted Average, the time consumed for their athletic

training, and the time they allot for academic related activities. In order to produce

a coefficient value which determines the strength of the variables a formula must

be followed.

The first step of performing this statistical treatment is to create a table:

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Table 2.2

Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient Formula

GWA (X) XY X2 Y2
Time (Y)

The given X and Y will be substituted by the total number of values from the

answers of the respondents in the questions 1 and 2. These values will be

multiplied to each other to get the value of XY. The value of X will be squared and

so is the value of Y to get the value needed for X2 and Y2 respectively.

The variable values based on the answer of the respondents in questions 2

and 3 will be multiplied in order to fill in the table, once the table has been filled,

the sum of the values will be placed on the most bottom part of the table where

the “total” is located.

The values will then be substituted in this formula to get the relationship of

two questions based on the Pearson’s Correlation coefficient.

𝑛(∑ 𝑥𝑦)−(∑ 𝑥)(∑ 𝑦)

√[ 𝑛 ∑ 𝑥 2 −(∑ 𝑥)2 ][𝑛 ∑ 𝑦 2 −(∑ 𝑦)2

N = General Weighted Average
Σxy = sum of the product of Training and Academic Time
Σx = Sum of Training time
Σy = Sum of Academic Time

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Σx² = Sum of squared Training Time

Σy² = sum of squared Academic Time

Figure 4 Formula in computing the Pearson Correlation Analysis

After completing the formula, the result will be the coefficient value. The

relationship between the variables will be deemed positive if the coefficient value

is positive. The relationship will be deemed negative if the value of the coefficient

is negative.

Table 2.3

The Pearson Correlation Coefficient Table

Strength of
Positive Negative
Small 0.1 to 0.3 -0.1 to -0.3
Medium 0.3 to 0.5 -0.3 to -0.5
Large 0.5 to 1.0 -0.5 to -1.0

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Data Gathering Procedure

Format survey questions from the adapted research of Grimit (2014)

entitled “Effects of Student Athletics on Academic Performance.”

Gathering the total population of grade12 student-athletes who

participated in the Intramurals activities in school year 2019-2020.

Submitting the research questionnaire to the statistician to revise and

suggest changes in accordance to the study and its respondents.

The researchers will then proceed to data gathering via survey

questionnaire method with a set of identification questions and Likert

The researchers will analyze the answers given through Pearson

Correlation method and General Weighted Mean.

Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendation.

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The researchers will gather information from the athletes of Grade 12 senior

high school students of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela to answer the

survey questionnaire about “The Effects of Involvement on Athletics to Student

Performance of Grade 12 Senior High School Students of Pamantasan ng

Lungsod ng Valenzuela.”

The researchers will first identify who among the Grade 12 students of

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela are athletes. After then, the survey

questionnaire will be handed to the identified respondents. The survey

questionnaire will be handed to the respondents in their break or free time. After

collecting the data necessary for the essence of this research, the researchers will

tally the information extracted from the totality of answers the survey questionnaire

has provided.

The answer supplied by the group of individuals involved in the data

gathering are then analyzed and finalized for the formulation of the results and


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Name(optional): __________________________ Designation (Sport): _________________

Strand and Section: _______________________

The researchers of HUMSS 12-1 is conducting a study entitled “The Effects of Involvement
in Athletics to Student Performance of Grade 12 Senior High School Students of Pamantasan ng
Lungsod ng Valenzuela” adapted from Grimit’s (2014) “Effects of Student Athletics on Academic
Performance.” The researchers wanted to prove that there are positive effects in involvement with
sport activities to academic performance of the student-athletes of grade 12 in PLV. This survey
questionnaire will serve as the data for the researchers to analyze through correlation analysis
and general weighted mean. The questions are adapted from the survey questionnaires from the
given research.

Directions: Please fill up the necessary information required in the questions provided.

1. What is your general weighted average during first semester of being a grade 12 student
in Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela? __________________
2. In average, how many hours do you usually spend on training for athletics? ____________
3. In average, how many hours do you spend for studying (doing academic activities,
reviewing, homeworks, etc.) _______________

Directions: Put a check mark (/) on the scale provided and state some explanations why you
chose the particular answer. 1 (Strongly Disagree) 2 (Disagree) 3 (Agree) 4 (Strongly Agree)

Strongly Strongly
Statements Disagree Agree
Disagree Agree
1. Athletics helped me develop better
time management skills.
2. My grades are better because I am a
student and athlete at the same time.
3. If studies proved without a doubt that
athletics negatively affected
academics, would you still choose to
compete at the collegiate level?
4. The academe support services has
helped me succeeding academically.

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5. I have attended the Association of

College and Universities event during
grade 11. (Agree for Yes, Disagree for
6. (If you answered yes in number 5) I
think that attending ALCU is beneficial
for me as a student and as an athlete.
7. (If you answered no in number 5) I am
interested in attending such events to
enhance my athletic abilities.
8. Athletics helped me to boost up my
motivation to attend classes or school
9. My athletic involvement is a great
decision and it helped me with my
performance during school hours.
10. I believe that involvement in sports
has made my Senior High School life
easier and more enjoyable.
11. I believe that the positive benefits and
effects of my involvement in sports
exceed any negatives.
12. My involvement with sport events
encouraged and motivated me to
complete my studies and pursue my
goal towards graduation.

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