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NAME : I Putu Ada

NIM : 2002612020645

 B. Question For Comprehension

1. Definition of marketing is marketing as the process of planning and executing the
conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create
exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objective.
2. The purpose of marketing activities is to bring about exchange.
3. Exchange is the process by which parties provide something of value to one another
to satisfy the needs of each.
4. Utility is the added value of a product.
5. The four types of utility are form, place, time and possession.
6. By making products available when consumer want and needs them, so marketing
creates time utility.
7. By making product available where consumers need or want to obtain, so marketing
create place utility
8. When the ownership of a product is transferred from seller to buyer, marketing
creates possession utility
9. Marketing is important to organization and consumer alike because it touches the
lives of all members of society. Most people would agree that marketing costs are
worth it because the many and varied marketing activities enable us to satisfy our
needs and wants
10. The diferent of need from want are a need is something required for human survival
such as food, water, shelter and clothing. While a want is something desired but not
necessary necessary for basic survival.
11. Market is a place of a group of potential customer with the authority and ability to
purchase a particular product or service that satisfies their collective demand.
12. The two major market are consumer and Industrial.
13. Market segmentation is process of the dividing market into subgroups with similar
14. Marketing concept is a management philosophy stating that an organization should
strive to satisfy the needs of consumers through a coordinated set of activities to
achieve objectives.
 Exercise 1

1. b. Marketing activities
2. a. Utility
3. b. Need
4. a. Want
5. a. Market
6. c. Consumer Market
7. a. Industrial Market
8. a. Market segmentation
9. b. Marketing concept

 Exercise 2
1. Provide
2. Activities
3. Promotion
4. Product
5. Consumer
6. Marketing
7. Purchase
8. Mignonette
9. Exchange
10. Utility
11. Distribution

 Exercise 3

1. Consumer
2. Denied
3. Iron
4. Pay
5. Card
6. One
7. Formation
8. Saving
9. Save
10. Rating
11. Percent
12. Buy
13. Annualy
14. Investigate
15. Agree
16. Age
17. Business
18. Move
19. Figure
20. Interest
21. Charge
22. Monthly
23. Account
24. Cost
25. Compare
26. Payment
27. Report
28. Rate
29. Agreement
30. File

 Exercise 1-a

1. I did too
2. I did too
3. I do too
4. I did too
5. I did too
6. I did too
7. I did too
8. I do too

 Exercise 1-b

1 So Do I
2 So Do I
3 So Do I
4 So Did I
5 So Did I
6 So Did I
7 So Do I
8 So Do I
9 So Did I
10 So Do I
 Exercise 2-a

1. I don’t either
2. .I don’t either
3. I didn’t either
4. I don’t either
5. I don’t either
6. I don’t either
7. I don’t either
8. I didn’t either
9. I won’t either
10. I don’t either

 Exercise 2-b

1. Neither do I
2. Neither do I
3. Neither do I
4. Neither do I
5. Neither would I
6. Neither did I
7. Neither can I
8. Neither can I
9. Neither did I
10. Neither do I

 Exercise 3-a

1. I don’t understand neither spanish nor French

2. His speechs neither exciting nor interesting
3. He eats neither meat nor fish
4. Ms. Zuraida invites neither you nor me
5. Mr. Lukman works neither hard nor fast

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