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Date: JANUARY 20 2024

Objective: Provide guidance on the types of training available and how to access them.
Highlight success stories and case studies of individuals who have made a difference during
emergencies. Promote community engagement in disaster preparedness and response. A
community's response time is critical in emergency situations. Trained able-bodied
personnel can act swiftly and efficiently, providing immediate assistance, conducting search
and rescue operations, and rendering first aid to those in need. The ability to take
meaningful action can save lives.

Location: Brgy. Bading Covered Court Butuan City

Participants: Marc Monato , Juacho Gerona , Keith

Morola , LordArthur Romanillos , JohnClaide Baldo , Adrian
Dumanacal , Christian Travero

Activity Schedule:
Time Activity Description Responsible Person Contact Info
[Time] [Describe the activity] [Name of Volunteer] [Email/Phone]
[Time] [Describe the activity] [Name of Volunteer] [Email/Phone]
[Time] [Describe the activity] [Name of Volunteer] [Email/Phone]
[Time] [Describe the activity] [Name of Volunteer] [Email/Phone]
Materials and Resources:

• [List materials and resources needed for the activity, e.g., tools, equipment,
supplies, literature, etc.]
Safety Precautions:

• [List any safety guidelines or precautions for the participants.]

Instructions for Participants:
[Provide a brief overview of the activity and the roles of each participant.]
Community Engagement Plan:
[Outline how the community will be engaged during the activity. This may include a
description of how you plan to interact with community members, deliver the service, and
involve them in the process.]
Documentation and Evaluation:
[Explain how the activity will be documented and evaluated. This could include taking
photographs, collecting feedback from participants and community members, or any
specific metrics for success.]
Follow-up Plan:
[Describe what happens after the community service activity, such as reporting, sharing
results, or planning future activities.]
[If applicable, outline the budget for the activity, including estimated expenses and sources
of funding.]
[Provide space for additional notes or

remarks.] Signatures:

• [Organizer's Signature]

• [Participant's Signature]

• [Community Member's Signature (if relevant)]

Date of Completion:
[Specify the date when the activity was completed.]

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