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Ejercicios Unidad 16

16.1 0bserva los dibujos. ¿Qué ha

ocurrido? Usa unade estas expresiones en laforma correcta.
ge te bed elean his shees
close the door stop raining
fall down have a shower

He has deaned his shoes.


She huscoscÀ lhe door



He hes bat a
6 taken

16.2 Completa las frases con uno de los verbos de la lista.

break buy decide fmisth forget
invite read See
go go
not/see take tel! not/tell
1 Can Ihave a look at
your newspaper? Yes, I. ve finished with it.
21.a She's
3 'Where is Liz?' SOmhe new shoes. Do you want to see
ot here. themn?
4 I'm looking for SheE. out
5 Look! SomebodyPaula.A you her?
that window.
6 Does Lisa know that you're
7 I can't find my umbrella. going away?
'Yes, I old her.
8 Where are my glasses? I don't know.
9 I'm looking for Sarah. Where Iasst them
10 Iknow that woman, but she ?
11 Sue is having a party tonight. She her nane.
aAAo a lot of people.
12 What are you going to do? you Aectded.?
13 A: Does Bill know about the meeting
B: Idon't think so. IhoeA al tomorrow?
14 Do you want this magazine?" *No, I..avXe0
it, thanks
16.3 Traduce al inglés.
de vacaciones =
1He terminado mi trabajo. on holiday
2 ';Dónde está Gerry?' Ha salido. ordenador computer
3 Hemos invitado a mucha gente a nuestra fiesta.
4 Sandra ha perdido sus llaves. ¿Las has visto?
5 ;Ha llegado Mary?' No la he visto:
6. whae oue hey you parents qore on ho lida y.
1 Have you bough a ne tompuler
5. Has mary arived No lhaen seen hoe r
4.Sondro has o her Keys, Mave
3. we hae
2. Where
muiled.oloogle our pory
1.1 bave ased
Ejercicios Unidad 17
17.1 Eseritbe una frase sobre cada dibujo usando just. This is our
new car.

everybody! NEW CARS
1 They've just arived.
2 He hasqust qoh up 3They have usl bough
4 The
17.2 Completa las frases usando already +

What time is Paul He's aiready arriwed.

2 Do your friends want to see arriving?
the film?
Don't forget to phone Tom.
No, theyhawaSeen, 1t
When is Martin
Do you want to read the going away?,hCd
He has.aad
When does Sarah start hernewspaper?
new job?
17.3 Para cada dibujo escribe una SheS..aA.
frase con just (They've just.. | She's just ..
negativa con yet (They haven't .. yet | She hasn't. yet
etc.) o una frase
1 a feu minutes
ago 4jew minutes ROW 3
OuT SooA 4go a few minntes

(she /go/ out)

She haSnt qone cut yet. (the bus / go) (the train / leave)
4 a few minutes
busnSgaNhe ich has.nt
NOu 5 afenw mimtes
a feur minutes

(he / open / it)

(they /finish / their dinner) (itstop / raining)

17.4 Escribe preguntas usando yet.

1 Una amiga tiene un nuevo
Have you started your trabajo. Quizá ya ha empezado a trabajar. Le
new jcb yet? preguntas:
2 Un amigo tiene
nuevos vecinos. Quizáya los ha
you conocido, Le preguntas:
3Una amiga tiene que pagar la
factura del teléfono. Quizá ya la ha pagado. Le
4 Tom quería vender su
coche. Quizáya lo ha vendido. Le preguntas a
otro amigo sobre Tom:
17.5 Traduce al inglés.
1Acabo de encontrar meet
encontrarme aJulia.
2 Aún no hemos 6 ¿Has cerrado ya la
visto esa pelicula. 7 Aún no hemos puerta? lavadora=
3 ¿Ya has limpiado tus usado la washing machine
4 sHas zapatos? 8 Has escrito ya a tus lavadora nueva. de (8) =in/from
va tu amigos de
Ejercicios Unidad 18
18.1 Escribe las prequntas que le haces a Helen empezando por Have you ever...?


1(London?) Have you ever been to London?

2 (play /golf?) No, never.
Have you ever plaued qolf? Yes, many times.
3(Australia?) Have oxvebese,n ralin
4 (ose/ your passport?) Yes, once.
5(y / in a helicopter?) Haueucyer No, never.
6 (win /a race?) Yes, a few times.
7 (New York?)
ave yaucuerjon...a.ract No, never.
8 (drive la bus?) Yes, twice.
9 Haue No, never.
(break/ your leg?) HaveOVCVsb.toMeh qour. Yes, once.
18.2 A partir de sus respuestas en el
ejercicio 18.1, escribe frases sobre Helen.
1(New York) She's been to New York twice.
2 (Australia) Shesbecn G
3 (win a race).S Ausalie Ce C
4 (fty / in a heneVr iSAt
Ahora escribe sobre ti. ¿Cuántas veces has
5 (New York) Ia. Ve
hecho estas cosas?

6(play / nMcenc
7 (drive / tennis)aeaeus
a pkCd
8 (be / late for work or Ctuck
18.3 Mary tiene 65 años y suvida ha sido LecoSchooL aluzys
PRESEIST PERFECT. interesante. Escribe frases sobre sus experiencias usando el
have be all over the word
a lot of interesting things
write many different-jobs
travel meet
alot of interesting people
ten books married chree times
1 She nas had. mau different jobs.
2 She

18.4 Completa las frases con gone o been.

1 Bill is on holiday at the moment. He's.gone
to Spain.
2 Where's Jane?' She's not here. I think she's. to the bank.
3 Hello, Sue. Where have you ? Have you to the bank?
4 Have you eveT to Mexico? 'No, never.
5 My parents aren't at home at the moment. They've Out.
6 There's a new restaurant in town. Have you to it?
7 Rebecca knows Paris well. She's there many times.
8 Helen was here earlier, butIthink she's now.

18.5 Traduce al inglés. empresa firm

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