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The 5 Love Languages Test (For teenagers)

By Dr Gary Chapman
Read each pair of statements and circle the one that best describes you.
Baca petikan bawah dan bulat satu jawapan yang sesuai dan berkaitan dengan awak.

1. 我喜欢与人一对一的相处 B
I like to spend one-on-one time with people
当有人给我实际帮助时,我感到被爱 A
I feel loved when someone gives practical help to me
2. 我喜欢别人送我礼物 C
I like it when people give me gifts
我真的很喜欢和亲近的人出去玩 B
I really enjoy hanging out with people close to me
3. 当亲近人搂着我的时候,我感到被爱 E
I feel loved when someone I’m closed to puts an arm around me
当我收到亲近之人的礼物时,我感到被爱 C
I feel loved when I receive a gift from someone im close to.
4. 礼物是爱的象征,对我来说很重要 C
Gifts are symbols of love that are important to me.
当人们给我口头肯定时,我感到被爱 D
I feel loved when people give me verbal affirmation.
5. 我喜欢花时间与我的朋友及家人 B
I like to spend time with friends and family
我喜欢收到来着朋友或家人的礼物 C
I like to receive little gifts from friends and family
6. 肯定的话语对我来说很重要 D
Words of acceptance mean a lot to me.
当他人帮助我时,我知道他爱我 A
I know someone loves me when he or she helps me.
7. 我喜欢收到肯定的便条及短信 D
I like to receive affirming notes and texts
我喜欢被拥抱 E
I like to be hugged.
8. 我喜欢与朋友及家人在一起,在一起做东西 B
I like being with and doing activities with friends and family.
我喜欢有人对我说客气及善良的话 D
I like it when kind words are spoken to me.
9. 他人所做的比他人所说的 对我的影响更大 A
What someone does affects me more than what he or she says.
拥抱让我感觉到联结及重视 E
Hugs make me feel connected and valued.
10 我重视表扬,避免批评 D
. I value praise and avoid criticism
几件小礼物对我来说比一件大礼物更有意义 C
Several small gifts mean more to me than one large gift.
11 我会觉得很亲近当与别人一起相处或做东西时 B
. I feel close to someone when we are talking or doing something together

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我会觉得很亲近当朋友及家人时常触摸我时 E
I feel closer to friends or family when they touch me often.
12 当人们称赞我的成就时,我会感到感激 D
. I appreciate when people compliment my achievements.
我知道他人爱我既使他人为我做他们不喜欢的东西 A
I know people love me when they do things for me that they don’t enjoy doing.
13 我喜欢朋友及家人迎接我时给我个拥抱 E
. I like when my friends and family greet me with a hug
我喜欢他人在倾听我时对我所说的内容表现出真正的兴趣 B
I like it when people listen to me and show genuine interest in what I’m saying.
14 我感觉到被爱当朋友及家人在我的工作或项目上帮助我 A
. I feel loved when friends and family help me with jobs and projects.
我真的很喜欢收到朋友及家人的礼物 C
I really enjoy receiving gifts from friends and family.
15 我喜欢人们称赞我的外表 D
. I enjoy when people compliment my appearance.
我感觉到被爱当他人花时间理解我的感受 B
I feel loved when people take time to understand my feelings.
16 当亲近的人触摸我时,我感到被爱 E
. I feel secure when someone close to me is touching me
服务的行为让我感觉被爱 A
Acts of service make me feel loved.
17 我感激别人为我做的小事 A
. I appreciate the many little things that people do for me.
我珍视别人制作给我的礼物 C
I value gifts that people make for me.
18 我真的很享受一对一,全神贯注的体验 B
. I really enjoy the experience of one-on-one, undivided attention.
我真的很享受当有人为我做一些服务 A
I really enjoy it when someone does some act of service for me.
19 当人们触摸我时,我感到被爱 E
. I feel loved when people touch me.
当人们做事帮助我时,我感到被爱 A
I feel loved when people do things to help me.
20 生日时,我感到被爱当我收到礼物 C
. For my birthday, I feel loved when I I receive a gift.
生日时,我感到被爱当有人对我说有意义的话 D
For my birthday, I feel loved when someone speaks meaningful words to me.
21 当他人送我礼物时,我知道他在想我 /(为我着想) C
. I know someone is thinking of me when he or she gives me gift.
当有人帮我做家务时,我感到被爱 A
I feel loved when someone helps me with my chores.
22 我喜欢和我亲近人一起去走走 B
. I like to go places with people I’m closed to.
当我喜欢某人时,我会与那个人接触(拥抱,推搡,击掌等) E
When I like someone, I make contact with that person (hug, shove, high five, etc)
23 当有人耐心得倾听并且不打断我时,我会感到很感激 B
. I appreciate it when someone listens patiently and doesn’t interrupt me.
当有人记得重要的日子并且带个礼物时,我会感到很感激 C
I appreciate it when someone remembers special days with a gift.

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24 我喜欢知道人们对于帮助我完成日常工作的足够关心 A
. I like knowing that people are concerned enough to help me with my daily tasks.
我喜欢与亲近的人进行全天的冒险及旅行 B
I enjoy full-day adventures or trips with someone close to me.
25 从家人或亲戚那里得到一个吻让我感到被爱 E
. Getting a kiss from a parent or older relatives make me feel loved.
毫无特殊原因从家人或亲戚那里得到一件礼物让我感到被爱 C
Receiving a gift for no special reason from a parent or older relative makes me feel
26 我喜欢被告知我是很感激/感谢的 D
. I like to be told that I’m appreciated.
我喜欢人们在与我谈话时看着我 B
I like for people to look at me when we’re talking.
27 我喜欢与我亲近的人坐很靠近 E
. I like to sit close to people I enjoy being with.
当有人告诉我我有多魅力时,我会感到很感激 D
I appreciate when someone tells me how attractive I am.
28 来自亲近之人的礼物对我来说总是特别的 C
. Gifts from people I’m close to are always special to me.
我感觉良好当亲近之人触摸我时 E
I feel good when someone I’m close to, touches me.
29 当有人热情地完成我要求的某些任务时,我感到被爱 A
. I feel loved when someone enthusiastically does some tasks I’ve requested.
当我被告知他/她有多欣赏我时,我感到被爱 D
I feel loved when I’m told how much he OR she appreciates me.
30 我每天都需要被接触及联系 E
. I need to be touched every day.
我每天都需要肯定的话语 D
I need words of affirmation every day.

Points Percentage Rank

(A) Acts of Service 服务行为 : ____ /30 x 100 = _____ % _____
(B) Quality time 质量时间 : ____ /30 x 100 = _____ % _____
(C) Receiving gifts 收到礼物 : ____ /30 x 100 = _____ % _____
(D) Words of affirmation 肯定言语 : ____ /30 x 100 = _____ % _____
(E) Physical Touch 身
体触摸 : __
__ /30 x 100 = _____ %

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