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भारतीय डाक विभाग / DEPARTMENTOF POSTS : INDIA

वरिष्ठ अधीक्षक का कार्यालय / OFFICE OF THE SENIOR SUPERINTENDENT

कोलकाता विमानपत्तन छं टाई मंडल / KOLKATA A.P. DIVISION, KOLKATA-700028

The Senior Superintendent, Kolkata Airport Sorting Division, Kolkata-700028, on behalf of

the President of India has agreed to grant the contract for hiring two vehicles for pick-up,
collection and deliver of Postal Mails for a period of one year and agree to abide by fully &
unconditionally by the terms & conditions as laid down hereunder.


1. Vehicle should report to the respective places as per direction of the authority. For
delayed placing /non- supply of vehicles /Unsatisfactory and uncomfortable condition of the
vehicles etc., cost incurred for making alternative arrangement of vehicles along with 20% of
penalty of the total bill of that day will be realized from the vendor.
2. In case of providing vehicles found to be unsatisfactory /uncomfortable conditions the
contract may be terminated at any time without assigning any reason thereof.

3. In case of accident, etc., damage caused to the vehicle will be the contractor’s liability.
4. No Columns of the Technical Bids as well as Commercial Bids should be kept blank. In
case of no information, to be provided or no bid to offer, the respective columns of the
Technical Bids and Commercial Bids should be filled in by NIL remark.

5. The vehicles should be in excellent running condition and fit for long distance journey.

6. The vehicles should not have been manufactured more than 2 years before the date of
Calling of offers.

7. The contractor shall provide duly licensed and experienced driver for operating the
vehicle and pay the wages to him. The driver should not have any past criminal records.

8. Department will not bear any en-route expenditure including traffic violation etc of
responsibility while in use.

9. The car should be placed duly cleaned and washed. The driver should not be intoxicated/
drunk while on duty.

10. The driver must wear a uniform to be provided by the vehicle provider. The uniform
should always be cleaned and properly ironed.

11. The driver must be provided with a working mobile telephone connection, so that driver
can be contacted by the officers/officials, whenever required. This is essential and will not be
waived off. The cost of the mobile phone as well as monthly recharge cost will be borne by
the vehicle provider.
12.The vehicles should be placed daily refilled with adequate fuel.

13. Vehicles are generally to be provided on all the days of the week and also as per direction
of the authority.
14. The vehicle should be maintained and kept in good order and necessary repairing work be
carried out by the contractor this own cost.
15. Successful bidder shall be paid the actual amount after necessary checking and
verification of the bill raised by him in the first week of the following month in respect of
previous month.

16. Record keeping work to be done by the concerned MBCs. A daily record indicating time
and mileage for the vehicle shall be maintained in a Log Book and the copy of the Log Book
for the concerned period should be submitted along with the bill raised for the period .Log
Book may be maintained in prescribed proforma containing Date, Time of Departure/Arrival
from /to Head Quarter or Reporting Office, Place of Visit. Total Kms travelled, Signature of
the Officer etc.

17. There will be a contract between The Government and Registered Agency and will not
confer any right on the agency personnel to demand for permanent absorption in the
Department in future.

18.It would be the personal responsibility of the bidder for observance of minimum wage Act
1948 while making payment to the Driver(s) engaged by them.

19. Capacity of the vehicle must be <= 1 tones.

20. Closed body (covered van) must be water resistance.
21. Preferably Chota Hati (Tata Ace) or equivalent.
22. In case, the vehicle breaks down or driver is unable to continue duty at any time/day, the
service provider must be made alternative arrangement of vehicle of that day
23. If the vehicle is plying excess kilometers/hours i.e. over 8 hours or 50 km , the extra
payment to be made to the vendor @ Rs. 30/km or Rs. 200/hr.
24. Period of agreement is for one year unless extended by the DOP for further period of
maximum one year or less.
25. Bidder must furnish the following details for the vehicle to be offered.

a) Name of the firm

b) Make of vehicle/Manufacture
c) Model Type
d) Month/Year of manufacturer
e) Registration No.
f) Types of fuel used
g) Fitness/Road worthiness
h) Insurance validity of the vehicle
i) Permit Type
j) Road Tax Paid upto
k) PUCC valid upto

More over, it is also agreeable to us that the Department of Post will not be held responsible
for any loss/damage to the person/ vehicle what so ever it may be ,in case of accident of the
vehicle as per related clause of e-tender document and also all t ypes of taxes /liabilities will
not be borne by the Department of Posts .


Senior Superintendent,
Kolkata Airtport Stg. Dn,

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