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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Hari dan Tanggal : Juma’at / 12 Mei 2023
Waktu : 09.30 -11.00
Petunjuk Umum :
Perhatikan dan ikuti petunjuk pengisian Lembar Jawaban yang disediakan;
Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawab;
Laporkan kepada pengawas kalau terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak, atau jumlah soal kurang;
Dahulukan mengerjakan soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah;
Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang benar dengan menghitamkan bulatan jawaban;
Apabila Anda ingin memperbaiki/mengganti jawaban, bersihkan jawaban semula dengan penghapus
sampai bersih, kemudian hitamkan bulatan jawaban yang menurut Anda benar;
Periksalah seluruh jawaban Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas.

(1) Berilah tanda silang (X) pada huruf A, B, C, atau D pada jawaban yang benar dan tepat!

The following test is for question 1 to 3.

Platypus is a semi aquatic mammal from East to North Australia including Tazmania. Platypus is one of
species of mono dream and the five extreme species. Platypus is also the one and only mammal that lays eggs
instead of giving birth. They lay eggs instead of giving birth because it can make them live young. Platypus
have a flat body and tail and are all covered with dense brown fur to keep them warm. They have webbed feet
and large robbery nets. They use their tail for story joy. Platypus are species that are close to ducks and they
are mammals. Their weights are varieties around 0.7 to 2.4 kg and males are larger than females. Male total
length averages to 50 cm while the female major approximately 45 cm. Platypus has an average temperature
of 32 degrees Celsius and typical of the placental mammals

1. What is the topic of text ?

A. Platypus C.Hipopotamus
B. Octopus D. Dinosaurus
2. How much does platypus weight?
A. 0.7 to 3.0 kg C. 0.7 to 2.4 kg
B. 0.7 to 2.6 kg D. 0.7 to 10 kg
3. The writer’s purpose in that report text is
A. To retell story about the platypus
B. To Entertain the reader about Platypus
C. To tell the kind of Platypus
D. To Describe Platypus in General

The following test is for question 4 to 6.

4. True Friends
Once upon a time, there were two close friends who were walking through the forest together. They knew
that anything dangerous can happen any time in the forest. So they promised each other that they would
always be together in any case of danger.
Suddenly, they saw a large bear getting closer toward them. One of them climbed a nearby tree at once.
But unfortunately the other one did not know how to climb up the tree. So being led by his common sense,
he lay down on the ground breathless and pretended to be a dead man.
The bear came near the one who was lying on the ground. It smelt in his ears, and slowly left the place
because the bears do not want to touch the dead creatures. After that, the friend on the tree came down and
asked his friend that was on the ground, “Friend, what did the bear whisper into your ears?” The other
friend replied, “Just now the bear advised me not to believe a false friend.”

What is the purpose of the text?

A. To tell the story about true friends
B. To describe the true friends
C. To analyze the character of true friends
D. To Persuade how be a good friends
5. Choose the correct answer based on the text!
(1)There are two close friends who were walking in the forest
(2)There are two people were running on the street
(3)One of them climbed the tree
(4)They were climbed on the tree
A. (1) and (3) c. (1) and (2)
B. (2) and (3) d. (1) and (4)
6. Based on the text generic stucture of “the True
Friends” are...
A. General classification – description
B. Orientation – complication- resolution
C. Resolution – Orientation – Complication
D. Conclution – resolution - complication
The following test is for question 7 to 10.

Ant-eaters are perhaps the most curious looking animals.

Their long head and snout look like tubes, and they have no teeth at all. Their
front legs are very strong and armed with heavy curved claws with which they
break open the nets of ants and termites and then, when the insects rush out, use
their long, sticky tongues to lick them up at great speed.
True ant-eaters are found in the swamps and forests of central and South America.
Scaly ant-eaters, or pangolins, are found in Africa and tropical Asia.
Various other insect-eating animals are sometimes called ant-eaters, although they
really belong to other groups of animals. One of them is the ant-bear, which lives
on the plains of South and Central Africa. This has long, erect ears but short blunt
claws, an almost hairless tail, yellow brown in color. Unlike the true ant-eaters, it
has small teeth.

7. The text tells us …

A. the story of ant-eaters C. the discussion of ant-eaters
B. the report of ant-eaters D. the description of ant-eaters
8. What is the ant-bear?
A. The animal has long, erect ears and small teeth
B. The animal looks like a pangolin.
C. The animal has no sticky tongue
D. The animal does not like to eat ants.

Read the text and answer questions 9-10!

A cactus (plural: cacti) is any member of the plant family Cactaceae, native to the Americas. They are often
used as ornamental plants, but some are also crop plants. Cacti are grown for protection of property from wild
animals, as well as many other uses.
Cacti are part of the plant order Caryophyllales, which also include members like beets, gypsophila, spinach,
amaranth, tumbleweeds, carnations, rhubarb, buckwheat, plumbago, bougainvillea, chickweed and knotgrass.
Cacti are unusual and distinctive plants, which are adapted to extremely arid and hot environments, showing a
wide range of anatomical and physiological features which conserve water. Their stems have adapted to
become photosynthetic and succulent, while the leaves have become the spines for which cacti are well
Cacti come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. The tallest is Pachycereus pringlei, with a maximum recorded height of
19.2 m, and the smallest is Blossfeldia liliputana, only about 1 cm in diameter at maturity. Cactus flowers are large, and
like the spines and branches arise from areoles. Many cactus species are night blooming, as they are pollinated by
nocturnal insects or small animals, principally moths and bats. Cacti range in size from small and globular to tall and

9. “Cacti are unusual and distinctive plants, which …”

(1) Characteristic
(2) Typical
(3) Unique
(4) Different
The synonym of the word “distinctive” is …
a. (1) and (2) c. (3) and (4)
b. (2) and (3) d. (4) and (2)
10. Where can we find cacti mostly?
A. In the jungle.
B. On the beach.
C. On the mountain.
D. In the arid and hot region.

The following test is for question 11 to 12

Dear Ariani
Congratulations on your winning at the regional chess competition!
Your hard work has been paid off.
Wishing you get the best result in the higher competition.
Good luck!
11. How does Samson probably fell when giving the greeting card to Ariani?
A. Proud C. Amused
B. Anxious D. Surprised
12. Why does Samson send the greeting card?
A. To compliment Ariani on her success.
B. To congratulate Ariani on her winning.
C. To encourage Ariani to be successful.
D. To tell Ariani win in the higher competition.
13. Writer the text in order to …..
A. thank C. compliment
B. apologize D. congratulate

The following test is for question 14 to 15.

All students must join the class meeting from 10th March to 15st March 2019.
14. What is the text about?
A. The class meeting in a school.
B. The winner of the English meeting.
C. An invitation to join an English meeting.
D. The plan of having an English meeting.
15. Who must join the activity?
A. All students C. headmaster
B. All teacher D. staff

The following test is for question 16 to 17.

To : All students
We would like to inform you, that we would be having the school holiday from Thursday 8th to Saturday 10th
August 2015.
During the holiday, our school has already made plans! We want to go camping in the Highlands to a place
called Aviemore. It’s an outdoor centre where you can learn to climb, canoe and fish and do all sorts of
exciting things.
Of course, we have to take you to Edinburgh Castle and the Festival too. Don’t worry; you aren’t going to be
bored! The school pays for all students, so you are free of charge.
Don’t forget to take your changing clothes with you. it may be wet. For those who want to go, please meet
Mr. Ananta at the teacher’s office.
Sincerely Yours

16. What should the students do to join the activity?

A. To pay for the trip
B. To go to the teacher’s office
C. To meet the headmaster
D. To bring the changing clothes
17. From the text we know that …
A. There are at least 5 activities that the school offers
B. The students should bring their own food
C. The holiday will last for two days
D. The holidays won’t be excited

The following test is for question 16 to 19.

Komodo dragon is a member of the monitor family, Varanidae. It is the world’s largest living
lizards. It grows to be 10 feet (3 meters) long and weighs up to 126 kg and belong to the most
ancient group of lizards still alive.
It is found mainly in the island of Komodo and on other small islands, Rinca, Padar, and Flores.
The natives call the dragon, ora, or buaya darat (land crocodile).
The Komodo dragon has a long heavy tail, short, strong legs, and rough skin. It is covered with
small dull, colored scales. It can sprint at up 18 km per hours, but only for short distances. When
it opens its wide red moth, it shows row of teeth like the edge of a saw.
Komodo dragons are good simmers and may swim the long distance from one island to another.
Like other lizards, they swim by undulating their tails, and their legs held against their body.
The Komodo dragon is totally carnivorous. It hunts other animals during the day. It hunts deer,
wild pigs, water buffaloes, and even horses. While smaller komodos have to be content with
eggs, other lizards, snakes and rodents. Komodo dragons are cannibals. The adult will prey on
18. the young one as well as the old and sick dragons.
The writer’s purpose in writing the text is ….
Lizard digs a cave with its strong claws in the cave at night.
A. to retell the events in komodo island.
B. to inform about classification of komodo.
C. to describe about komodo dragon in general.
D. to persuade reader to keep komodo habitat.
19. Komodo dragons are cannibals because …
1..they hunt deer, wild pigs, water buffaloes and even horses.
2..they prey on young ones as well as old and sick dragons
3. they feed on eggs, lizards, snakes and rodents.
4. they eat anything they meet.
The correct answer is…
A. 1 and 2 C. 2 and 3
B. 2 and 4 D. 3 and 4
20. “they swim by undulating their tails”
The synonym of the underlined word is…
(1) Waving
(2) Scrolling
(3) Rolling
(4) Straight

A. 1 and 3 C. 3 and 4
B. 1 and 2 D.2 and 4
21. Which of the following is not the characteristic of a komodo dragon?
1. Rough skin and strong clows
2. it is omnivor
3. It grows to be 10 feet (3 meters) long and weighs up to 126 kg
4. Rows of red teeth and straight tail.
A. 1 and 2 C. 1 and 3
B. 2 and 3 D. 2 and 4
The text is for questions no 22- 25
Once upon a time an owl and a pigeon met and talked.
“There are more owls than pigeons,” said Owl.
“No, way,” said Pigeon, “There are many more pigeons.”
“Let’s count!” answered Owl, “We will meet in the big wood a week from today.”
On that day. the owls came first. The trees were full of them. The owls laughed and said, ”
Soon they heard a loud roar from the sky. Pigeons were coming from everywhere! The owls could
not believe there could be so many pigeons. They sat there moving their heads back and forth
staring with wide eyes.
The owl stared so long and hard at the pigeons that their eyes just stayed that way. Then, one by
one the one the owls took off, fled into the sky.
In the meantime, the pigeons were shouting to each other, celebrating their victory . Since then,
owls have always travelled at night when the pigeons are asleep.
22. Why were the owls laughing when they first arrived?
A. They were making jokes about the pigeons.
B. They were telling foolish stories about the pigeons.
C. They were sure they would outnumber the pigeons.
D. They were talking about how ugly the pigeons were.

23. Why were the owls staring at the pigeons?

A. They were afraid that the pigeons would.
B. They were shocked there were so many pigeons.
C. They’d like to count the number of all the pigeons.
D. They wanted to scare the pigeons by acting wicked.
24. What can we learn from the story?
A. Boasting will do more harm to others.
B. Friendship is very easy to build.
C. We can do anything if we are together.
D. Being too proud does not make us noble.
25. The writer’s purpose of writing the text is ….
A. to entertain the readers.
B. to describe owls and pigeons.
C. to relate the writer’s experience.
D. to explain how owls have big, flat eyes.
The text is for questions no 26- 29

Making fried banana or Making pisang goreng is very easy.

First you need some good bananas and some frying oil. You can slice the bananas into thin
slices, then fry them in very hot oil until they turn brown. If you like, you can sprinkle some

sugar on top. Otherwise, roll the bananas in flour before you fry them.

26. The suitable title of the text above is …

A. How to frying bananas
B. How to make fried banana
C. How to roll the bananas in flour
D. How to slice the bananas into thin slices
27. What is the first we do when we want to make fried banana?
A. Need some good bananas
B. Need some sugar
C. Slice bananas
D. Fry the bananas
28. If you like, you can sprinkle some sugar on top.
the synonym of the underlines word is
A. Powder C. purity
B. Liquid D.clearness
29. What is next steps after you slice the bananas into thin slice?
A. Fry the bananas C. cut the bananas
B. Boil the water D. sprinkle the bananas

The following test is for question 30 to 32.

Holiday to Yogyakarta

On Wednesday, my students and I went to YogyakartA. We stayed at Dirgahayu Hotel which is

not far from Malioboro.
On Thursday, we visited the temples in Prambanan. There are three big temples, the Brahmana,
Syiwa and Wisnu temples. They are really amazing. We visited only Brahmana and Syiwa
temples, because Wisnu temple is being renovated.
On Friday morning we went to Yogya Kraton. We spent about two hours there. We were lucky
because we were led by a smart and friendly guide. Then we continued our journey to Borobudur.
We arrived there at four p.m. At 5 p.m. we heard the announcement that Borobudur gate would be
In the evening we left for Jakarta by wisata bus

30. The text above mainly discusses about…

A. the writer’s trip to Yogyakarta
B. the writer’s first visit to Prambanan
C. the writer’s impression about the guide
D. the writer’s experience at Yogya Kraton

31. Choose the true sentences based on the text!

1) The students stayed at Dirgahayu Hotel
2) The students went to Bali
3) The Students went to Yogjakarta
4) The Students stayed at Nugraha Hotel
A. (1) and (3) C. (2) and (3)
B. (1) and (2) D. (3) and (4)
32. The purpose of the text is to…
A. tell past events
B. entertain readers
C. describe the smugglers
D. inform readers about events of the day

The following test is for question 33

33. Who is the warning addressed to?

A. The government c. The construction company
B. The construction workers d. All road users

The following test is for question 34 and 35

You Raise Me Up
by Josh Groban
When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary
When troubles come and my heart burdened be
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence
Until You come and sit awhile with me.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be.
You raise me up to more than I can be.
34. What is the theme of the song ?
A. A social life
B. A love story
C. A motivation
D. A nature lover

A. 1 and 3 C.2 and 3

B. 2 and 1 D.1 and 4

35. What is the meaning of 'You raise me up' song?

A. No one person in my life has power to raise me up except my friend.

B. someone gains strength from another person's love. Also it can mean a person is getting strength
through god.
C. One can easily be mistaken for the other.
D. A shining example of every good quality I aspire to as a girl.

The following test is for question 36

Missing Child

Her name is Anna Williams, she is 8 years old and 125 cm tall.

Last seen in front of her house at Jalan Gunung Soputan 1 No. 16A wearing a red shirt with
elmo face printed in front of it and black and white checkered shirt. If you happen to see her,
please contact the nearest police station or her parents at the number below :

Robin (0321) 4141322, Nina (0321) 4445454

There will be proper reward for those who can help us to find her
36. Based on announcement above, which statements are true or false?

Statements True False

Anna was found in front of her house.
You can only contact police station if you see Anna.
Anna was last seen in front of her house
There isn’t any reward for people who help finding

The following test is for question 37





Saturday, January Fifth

Full Sail University

37. Based on announcement above, which statements are true or false?
3300 University Blvd
Statements True False
Farewell Park –will
be held on January Fifth
That’s a birthday party announcement
RSVP to Bobby Fish
Lunch at 10.00 AM
Lunch will be held on 12.30 PM

The following test is for question 38

My love Futu,

Now you are turning 23.

Wishing your birthday full of joy and wonderful memories.
Happy Birthday!
May you have a healthy and long life and grab the bright future!


38. Based on greeting card above, which statements are true or false?

Dear Susanti, True False
Futu is turning 23
Ona the
sad of party announcement
loss your beloved mommy,
That’s a farewell
With partysympathy
our deepest announcement
Vandra is a sender a greeting card
May your beloved mommy rest in peace.
we iscannot
for question
come to39
the funeral.
Wish you and your family hold on tightly and full of patience.

Warm regards,
Tito and family
39. Based on announcement above, which statements are true or false?

Statements True False

writers’ intention to wish Susanti and family be fine.
writers’ intention to express their condolences.
From the text we know Tito’s mother has passed away
From the text we know Susanti father has passed away

The following test is for question 40


1. Bring the water to a boil: Bring the water to boil in a small saucepan. Rice expands as it cooks, so use a
saucepan large enough to accommodate. A 2-quart saucepan for one to two cups of uncooked rice is a good
2. Measure the rice and water: For most rice, use a 1:2 ratio of one cup of rice to two cups of water. Measure a
half cup of uncooked rice per person and scale this ratio up or down depending on how much you’re making.
Some rice varieties will need a little less or a little more water as it cooks, so check the package for specific
3. Remove the lid and fluff: Fluff the rice with a spoon or a fork, and let it sit for a few moments to “dry out” and
lose that wet, just-steamed texture
4. Rice is done when tender: Start checking the rice around 18 minutes for white rice and 30 minutes for brown
rice. When done, the rice will be firm but tender, and no longer crunchy. It is fine if it’s slightly sticky but
shouldn’t be gummy. If there is still water left in the pan when the rice is done, tilt the pan to drain it off.
5. Turn off the heat and let stand a few minutes, covered. This steams the rice just a little more.
6. Cover and cook: Cover the pot and turn the heat down to low. Don’t take off the lid while the rice is cooking
— this lets the steam out and affects the cooking time.
7. Add the rice: When the water has come to a boil, stir in the rice, salt, and butter (if using), and bring it back to
a gentle simmer
8. Serve the rice: Left over rice keeps well in the fridge for several days, so you can make extra ahead to serve
9. Rinse your rice: It’s good practice to rinse your rice in a strainer before cooking. This isn’t strictly necessary,
but it will rinse off any dusty starch on the surface of the rice along with any leftover chaff or stray particles.
(Some rices have more starchy coating than others.)

40. Based on announcement above, which statements are true or false?

Statements True False

For most rice, use a 1:2 ratio of one cup of rice to two cups of
Start checking the rice around 18 minutes for white rice and
30 minutes for brown rice.
Cover the pot and turn the heat down to high
Start checking the rice around 35 minutes for white rice and
30 minutes for brown rice.

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