Policy - Final Proposal

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- 非遗概念是 2003 年联合国公约通常,其概念新颖并持续发展,寻求合适的实践空间。

2. 研究问题、假设
- 中国与香港均有非遗相关的制定,两者在理念与发展上,定必因文化背景及政府角色而
-香港非物质文化遗产的发展于 2015 年开始,制度及支援定必不完美,应该如何制定未来
【香港政府没什么角色,只是提供 funding。政府应该从哪几个方面进行介入】

3. 文献回顾(国内外研究现状)

4. 国际上的非物质文化遗产概念/政策发展 以联合国教科文组织为论述核心

5. 中国的非物质文化遗产概念/政策发展

6. 香港的非物质文化遗产概念/政策发展 针对中国政策对香港政策的影响而讨论

7. 个案研究 位于香港的国家级非物质文化遗产—香港黄大仙信俗
- 实地研所
- 学者访问:游子安教授
- 传承机构代表访问:啬色园监院/行政总裁

8. 以黄大仙信俗为个案 现今香港非遗政策的利弊

9. 完善政策的建议与方法

10. 结论

11. 参考资料

policy evaluation report


write a policy evaluation paper for your final project.

Students can choose to write an academic paper that discusses debates or concepts related to
cultural development and policy of a specific creative field.

- Introduction of the study case and your research question:

State what policy-related problem you discover and how your final project will focusing on the
solution of the problem.

- Literature review:
Use existing references to frame your perspective to engage a research debate and to develop a
policy framework. You can select an impactful cultural policy project to evaluate and use it as a
model to compare and analyze your selected topic.

- Proposed evaluation methodology and design

Students are encouraged to use fieldwork interviews or onsite participant observation to collect
data for your evaluation. A detailed research design will help you to carry out a comprehensive
and insightful analysis of the research.

. Students are encouraged to be creative in selecting your policy case.

It will be highly useful if your policy evaluation report can reflect timely need of policy planning
related to Hong Kong and China in the post-COVID time.

An evaluation of projects from other places and countries will bring further inspiration to our
creative policy practice under related themes Hong Kong. Examples of policy agenda discussed in
class include nation-branding through art and culture; soft power in the form of popular culture,
and digital cultural policy for creative industry innovation and cultural development, etc. We will
further discuss topics about community art, heritage conservation and urbanization and global city
planning for the remaining semester. Students should feel free to select policies under these
themes for evaluation in the final projects.

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