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Nepenthe: Banishing of Sorrows

Humans are equipped with the ability to feel. We need to experience happiness, as well as grief or sorrow
in order to develop and live. The latter in particular is an essential component of our being and our spirit.
To endure. To experience such pains. A fresh sadness may be eradicated, but it will certainly be replaced
by another occurring one.

For none of us have the perfect lives. But what if there is a way out? An escapeway even for a moment in
time. Take for example, a flowering yielding plant across the globe is masked by its unfamiliarity to most
of us, accompanied with the sense of curiosity to practically wanting to know what it is. The question is,
what does it do?

Nepenthe, a flowering herb, referred to by the ancient writers, is renowned for making you forget, luring
your memory and mind to erase your certainty of doom as you make every effort to do so, it is a cure, a
potion to erase worries and pains. To banish sorrows. Everything heavy that has been fostering upon you
will be banished by the nepenthe. As we all experience different grief accompanied by problems,
nepenthe will be the cure.

It is a paradox to say that we wanted to put our pain, sadness, and misery behind us and just enjoy the
most joyful existence possible, but what is life without suffering? What's the sense of living when grief is
already sewn into our own being from the moment we live? We are here to experience such feelings, and
the only way to go on living is to provide accommodation for it and pretend that you will eventually be
able to get through it all.

A life without suffering is just a pipe dream, yet such an existence cannot be referred to as a life. We
necessitate it because it is essential to experience it, to be tested, and because it is a necessary step in the
process of rising to the surface and reach the tranquility that we all sought.

We are all born to survive, and the world in which we live is a battleground full of diverse difficulties.
Despite the sorrows and problems, your happiness, your loved ones, and your willingness or the very sole
reason for you to live should be the nepenthe of your life, the sole thing that will allow you to
momentarily forget your suffering. We all have Nepenthes in our lives, and that’s what it takes us to
survive on this battlefield.

In the world full of illness of sorrow, pain, and suffering, let us all be the Nepenthe of one another. Let’s
heal each other, hand in hand, and make everything worthwhile as we all keep on living our remaining
long lives in this world. Let us all banish these unwanted sorrows that has been struck upon our lives,
together, yes, together; for life is best lived when we journey with each other.

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