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Kelompok 8

 Adinda Dwi Pratiwi (2)

 Anggun Aprilia Andhini (5)
 M Rivaldi (20)
 Zahra Adinda (36)

SMANTI 2023 Basketball Tournament

•Terms Of Reference :

Mr. Handoko, as extracurricular basketball coach at State Vocational School 1 Cilacap, has
request a report on the basketball tournament at State High School 3 Cilacap. The report must be
submitted no later than September 15 2023.

•Procedur :

The extracurricular basketball coach will conduct training for 10 core team members, including:

1. Prepare training for one month before competition.

2. Physical exercise such as warm-up, running, and skipping
3. The coach will explain the theory to the team members on "how to break down the
opponent's defense."
4. Provide motivation to the members to be mentally prepared.

•Fiddings :

1. Team members were dissatisfied with the inadequate training facilities.

2. Information provided by the committee to the players was too sudden.
3. Team members felt comfortable at the tournament venue.
4. Team members made many new friends during the competition.

•Conclusions :

1. The activity is held to enhance the experience of the team members.

2. Team members require longer training time.
3. Inadequate training facilities during the training.

•Recommendations :

To improve the extracurricular basketball activity at State Vocational High School 1 Cilacap, we
offer some suggestions:

1. Improve training facilities and equipment.

2. Encourage more student participation with a more effective recruitment program.
3. Organize more friendly matches to expand students' competitive experience.

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