CCS 3020

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CCS 3020

Library Work

Ronnie D. Talabucon Jr.

BSCS 3 – SC 972

Answer the following:

1. Give 3 critical characteristics of information, and, in your own words, briefly define
each characteristic. (6 points.)

A. Confidentiality
 It means that the information is only accessible to authorized
entities. It is not disclosed without the proper authorization and
permissions from the owners of the information.
B. Integrity
 It means that the information maintains its accuracy, completeness
and it prevents any alteration from any external and unauthorized
C. Availability
 It means that the information is available when needed at all times,
this means that whenever the information is required, there is no
difficulty in accessing it.

2. Give the 3 types of data ownership, and, in your own words, summarize their
respective responsibilities. (9 points.)
A. Data Owners
 The data owner acts as a manager for specific data areas. They
guarantee correct data definitions, certified glossaries, and
information both inside and outside the organization. They manage
duties related to data quality, evaluate and support the master data
management plan, and work with other data owners to find
solutions to problems. Data owners, who are usually senior staff,
provide feedback on software and regulations that affect their data
domain. Due to the hectic work, they do every day to ensure the
accuracy of the data, they are supported by data stewards.
B. Data Stewards
 A data steward is responsible for managing specific datasets to
maintain data quality. They are experts who understand the data's
significance and practical use. Working closely with stakeholders,
they ensure data objectives are met by participating in detailed
strategies. Data stewards collaborate within a decision-making
council to address concerns and find solutions. They define data,
set usage guidelines, identify desired systems, and establish quality
standards. Some organizations have dedicated stewards, often from
the business line, while others combine stewardship with other
roles. In either case, a skilled data steward ensures data integrity
and quality organization-wide.
C. Data Custodians
 The role of a data custodian is to establish and maintain security
measures for specific data collections, ensuring they meet the
standards set by the Data Governance Framework outlined by the
data owner. Data custodians are IT professionals who are
responsible for managing the security and storage infrastructure of
one or more data sets in accordance with the data governance
policies of the organization.
3. In your opinion: Is Information Security an art, a science, or something else? Explain
in not more than 5 sentences. (5 points.)
 I see Information Security as a profession, it is much like Security
as a profession in real life. Just like how security guards secure a
building such as a bank or establishment, people who are in charge
of Information Security share the same roles and responsibilities,
only in this case they will be securing data within Data Storage
Facilities virtually. It is also a science in the way that we
continually strive to find ways to improve this security by way of
scientific methods more specifically methods of research into more
efficient and secure data storage practices.

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