1909 Me by Me

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Me by me

This is an extended piece of work. Take care with your writing and remember to use
sentences and paragraphs.
Below are some guidelines to help you to structure your essay.

Paragraph 1:
Introduce yourself, say what your name is and if your name has a meaning, mention
that. Say where you live and where and when you were born. If you know your star sign,
say what that is.

Paragraph 2:
Write about your family. Tell me where you live and how many people live with you. Do
you have any brothers or sisters? Do you have any other relatives who you are
particularly fond of? Do you have any pets? Do you have any relatives living abroad? Do
you have any funny stories about your family?

Paragraph 3:
Write about your neighbourhood. What is there to do there? Are there any places which
are of particular importance to you? Have you recently moved here from another part of
the country or even from another part of the world? Do you like living in your

Paragraph 4:
Describe your home. Do you live in a house or a flat? Do you like your home? Which is
your favourite room and why? Describe your bedroom and tell me about your favourite

Paragraph 5:
Write about your hobbies. What do you do in your spare time? Do you like to watch T.V.?
What else do you like to do? What is your favourite food? Where is your favourite place
to go on holiday?

Is there anything else that I should be warned about you??

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