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Curriculum Based Assessment (CBA)

Educational assessment or educational evaluation is the systematic process of

documenting and using empirical data on knowledge, skill, attitudes, and beliefs to refine
programs and improve student learning (Ostrander & Herman, 2015). The aim of the academic
assessment was to check his client current performance in all subjects. The main purpose of
conducting curriculum based assessment was to check the clients current perform,ance in the
class and assessed client in reading and writing. There was a presenting complaints by client
difficulty in learning, teacher reported didn’t well in studies, therefore there was need of
curriculum based assessment.
Checking of Books &Copies. The child was asked to bring her bag with him so that
trainee school counselor checked the copies and books. Client used to bring the bag with him
during session. He placed the bag on floor, trainee checked the bag. In the bag the books and
copies were placed separately. The binding of copies and books were in their good state. Trainee
counselor checked the notebooks in which classwork and homework were checked. There were
also mistakes in homework and classwork. Client scored below average in all subjects excepts
math. In Math client scored above average.
Urdu and English Reading Assessment. An assessment that examines a student's
decoding skills looks at a child's reading accuracy. One example of this type of measure is to
have a student read a passage of text as clearly and correctly as possible (Meisinger, 2010).
The aim of the English and Urdu reading assessment was to assess the fluency and
recognition of letters and words. For the English reading, trainee asked the client to open your
favorite chapter. The students selected the paragraph that he was also read in class. The child
read the paragraph of three lines in which he found difficulty to pronounce words i.e. forget,
meaning, next, fight, accept, program, seen etc. Due to which client fluency also effected.
Client was unable to read the words through segmentation. He was tried to read through rote
method. In paragraph there were 20 words from which 10 words were correct but 10 words were
incorrect. Through English reading it cleared that client known the sounds of words he had
recognition but he didn’t used segmentation method to read the words .During assessment of
English client was a little bit confused. But client praised him during reading it also motivated
and reinforced the client.
The purpose of Urdu reading assessment was to assess the client fluency and recognition
of Urdu. The client was asked to select his favorite chapter and paragraph which he was also read
in class. During Urdu reading client facial expression was confused, but he was showing
motivation during reading the paragraph. . He seemed motivated to read the Urdu paragraph. The
Urdu paragraph consisted of 3 lines in which she made only two mistakes. As client find
difficulty in reading the Urdu words but he tried to read the words through segmentation. He had
the recognition of letter and sounds. In paragraph there were 22 words from which 12 words
were correct but 10 words were incorrect. Client had no fluency during Urdu reading; he used to
read the words through segmentation. From assessment it revealed that client had recognition of
letters and sounds, but client had lack of ability in segmented the letters, blending them with each
other etc.
Table 5
Clients Score on Reading Assesment of Urdu and English

Subject Total Words Incorrect Words Correct Words

English 20 10 10

Urdu 22 10 12

Urdu and English Writing Assessment. Writing assessment can also refer to
the activities and practices used to evaluate student writing and learning (Hout et al., 2012).
Written assessment of Urdu and English was done with the client to assess his
performance in Urdu and English writing. Client was written with the right hand. He was asked
to write a paragraph from her favorite chapter of Urdu and English. In Urdu she selected a
paragraph of 3 lines, he started writing the paragraph in Urdu. He used to see the words again
and again while writing. He was seem anxious while writing. Client was paying appropriate
excessive pressure on pencil while writing. He used to write most of the words below the line.
Dictation. Dictation is a technique where the learners receive some spoken input, hold
this in their memory for a short time, and then write what they heard( Nation, 1999). The purpose
of the dictation was to assess the child ability to recall the correct spelling of the words as well
she had the recognition of letters or not. The words of the dictation were taken from child
favorite chapter, from that paragraph which she read.
Moreover, trainee school counselor used to dictate the words and the client wrote them.
Where he didn’t understand what trainee speak he asked again to repeat the word. In urdu
dictation, Trainee school counselor dictate 10 words from which 5were wrong and 5 were
correct. Client was confusing while writing dictation. As he found difficulty in blending some
Overall, it seemed that client had recognition of letters but he found difficulty in blending

Table 6

Correct words Respond by client Errors

‫رہنمائ‬ ‫ہنائ‬ Omission

‫زریعہ‬ ‫زریا‬ Addition

‫زائع‬ ‫زایا‬ Addition

‫میل جول‬ ‫مل جل‬ Omission

‫جیب‬ ‫جاب‬ Addition

‫دل دادہ‬ ‫دل دادا‬ Addition

In English Dictation assessment trainee dictate 8 words from client’s favorite chapters. It
was from the paragraph that client read also. Client facial expression was calmed while English
dictation. The client was able to write 4 words correctly and the 4 words were wrong in which
su omission errors were find out. Through English dictation , it seemed that client had the
phoneme awareness as she had the recognition of letters as well as sound. Client was finding
difficulty in blending the the words properly
Table 6
Responses of Client on English Dictation

Words Responses of client Errors

About abot Omission

Next Net Omission

Forever Fover Omission

Seen sen Omission

Cognitive Assessment Battery (CAB)
The cognitive assessment battery (CAB) is based on different tests to identify the
learning abilities and disabilities of a child of 7 years and older. This test was administered to the
child to identify the learning difficulties of child as well as a neuropsychological tool to
understand the child’s current cognitive status, strengths, and weaknesses. The cognitive
assessment battery also identifies the brain function of the child (Naeem & Mehmood, 2011). In
this battery, different tests were mentioned that had different functions and all were based on the
child learning in different domains.

Digit Span.It is the measure of memory span which is the number of items, usually
words or numbers that a person retain or recall. It was an attention test to assess how many
numbers a person was able to retain. There was a forward and backward counting assessment.
Forward measures immediate memory and backword measures working memory
( Nugent,2013). It was also used to assess the client’s attention and concentration. The aim of
using this test was to assess the child’s attention, learning, and concentration problem which
become hindrances in remembering and encoding the lesson.
To perform this test all instructions were given to client. This test takes 10 to 15 minutes
to conduct.

Quantitative interpretation

Table 7

Clients Score on Digit Span Test

Forward digit score Backward digit score Total Score

6 4 10

Qualitative interpretation

First of all, clear instructions were given to the client so that he would understand how to
respond to the test. The school psychologist was psych educated the client that she will speak
some sequences of digits and the client had to repeat the sequence. There were two trials of the
test i.e. the forward sequence of digits and then the backward sequence of digits. The client
seemed to be excited as he liked the digits he responds well in the test. The outcome of this
assessment was that the client had the appropriate attention span and concentration. However,
the extraneous variables played their role in the learning of clients i.e. home environment
classroom environment and teacher learning strategies, etc.

In forward digit span the client didn’t faced difficulty to understand the instructions. By
giving example client responded on first item and understand it very well. When trainee asked
started the test and asked him forward digits score client took 2 to 3 second and recalls it. Client
was showing interest during the test. But by time when number of digits increases client took
more time 5 to 7 seconds to recall it. Client respond well in first 6 digit items but in seven digit
items client change the sequence and didn’t recall it in both trial. It showed that client had
average attention and concentration.

In backward digit span client didn’t understand the instruction easily. Then trainee school
counselor repeats it with more example and did a trial with client. After instructions and
understanding trainee started to ask the backward digits. Client find difficulty to recall it, he took
10 seconds in first two trial. In the third backward digit number client took 15 seconds to recall
it. When difficulty level increases in fourth backward digit number client took 20 seconds to
recall the both trials but client recall them wrong. During backward number of digits client
interest level was decreases.

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