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Dear friends in Jesus Christ today we are in the 28th Sunday of ordinary time

Year A. In the gospel of today we have two Parables yes it may appear as one
Parable but scripture Scholars agree that there are two parables in this passage.
First there is a parable of the Wedding Banquet second the parable of the wedding
garment. Matthew places these Parables at the end of the public Ministry of Jesus
Jesus is in Jerusalem and the atmosphere for Jesus was not good. The chief priests
the elders the Pharisees and the Sadducees were continuously refusing to accept
Jesus call to conversion.
Today’s Gospel Jesus starts with the “The Kingdome of Heaven Is like a king
who” my Dear friends whenever any writer writes something they first tell the title
what their writing is all about, what is the purpose of their writing what message
they want to convey if we see all gospels the evangelists foretell the purpose on
opening verse to which scholars call INCIPIT for instance MT starts with “Jesus
the son of David, the son of Abraham” MK with “Jesus Christ, Son of God" other
evangelists do same. Same like today’s Gospel has its INCIPIT opening verse
which reveals each and every thing of Heaven. We need to understand this parable
of Jesus in this background. The parable says that the king prepared a feast, a banquet
for the wedding of his son so it was a very special banquet. When he asked his servants
to invite the guests they simply refused. These events are completely not normal In
Jewish Customs, when the invitations to a great feast ready this Parable directly speaks
about and accuses Jews. the invited guests who refuse to come for the banquet of the
Jews long ago, they had been invited by God to be his chosen people. yet when
God's son came into the world and they were invited to follow him. They out rightly
refused. The result of it was that the invitation of God went out to the people who were
at highways end at by ways. They are the Sinners and the Gentiles who never
Those who were ready took part in the banquet those who were not ready and with
proper garment were taken out the door is open for all but the door is not open for the
sinner to come and remain as a sinner sinners. At least make an effort to come out of
his or her state of sinfulness. He represent also the one who has not put on the Catholic
way of life. The one who come in the banquet of the lamb, who has not yet receive the
sacrament and take Holy Communion. This Parable also speaks about the spirit in
which we come to the house of the Lord the Garment here is the symbol of
preparedness and being ready for the banquet of the.
My dear brothers as I mentioned that today’s gospel talks about the mystery of heaven
so when we read these two parables, first parable takes us in book of revelation in
chapter 19. Where we see the marriage of the lamb. If we have ever noticed this
canticle occurs on each Sundays vespers which reminds us teaching of the church that
today we did not went to mass rather we went to heaven. Scholar scot Hahn writes his
book on mass as heaven on earth. He explains that in mass heaven touches the earth,
in mass God father, son and Holy spirit come, in mass his army of the angles come
down, the saints and Holy Mary come to meet us. And this is the Eucharist where God
Sacrifice his only begotten son, to fill our starvation so may get life in abundance.
My dear brothers today’s gospel asks some questions to us, how we prepare ourselves
when we go in the heavenly Banquet of the lamb, do we prepare our mind, body and
spirit for feast of the Lamb. Which kind of dress do we wear, and remember we should
not be boastful that I go lambs Supper rather it is God who invite us to his son’s
sacrifice. Amen!

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