Edu Lab - Kinematics

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Studying graphically the motion of a puck

Figures (a), (b), (c), and (d), represent curves that describe different types of motion of pucks in
rectilinear motion.

A. Studying figure (b)

1) Figure (b) corresponds to a uniform rectilinear motion. Justify.
2) What is the value of the acceleration of the puck?
3) Calculate the speed of the puck.

B. Studying figures (a), (c), and (d)

1) Figures (a), (c), and (d) corresponds to accelerated motion. Justify.
2) Calculate the acceleration corresponding to each figure.
3) Determine the equations of the graphs in figures (a), (c), and (d).
Studying the motion of a car
A car moves on a rectilinear path, the variation of its
instantaneous velocity as a function of time described
graphically by the following curve

The curve shows that the car undergoes two phases of motion.

1) Precise the interval of time of each phase.

2) Justify the nature of motion of the car in each phase.
3) Calculate the acceleration of the car in each phase.
4) Calculate the distance covered by the car.

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