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Elimination of the use of social networks for children under 13 years of age

The use of social media raises significant concerns regarding privacy and
security, as data is often shared that may violate these aspects. Cyberbullying,
which has evolved from harassment on platforms such as Messenger, Facebook
and Twitter, is now manifesting worryingly on Instagram, with calls for group
self-harm. In addition, a growing addiction to these networks, particularly
Instagram, has been observed due to its ease of use and visual appeal.
Excessive time on social media can lead to psychological disorders, such as
anxiety, depression, body dysmorphic disorder, and narcissistic traits, among
others. “FOMO Syndrome” (fear of being left out) also presents itself as a
problem, as teens fear missing out on something important online. Finally,
social media can be a place where self-harming behavior and even suicidal
ideation is promoted, highlighting the need to address these issues effectively.

Development of the topic:

Information technologies and social networks have transformed the interaction
between Public Administrations and citizens. Local governments face the
challenge of adapting to these tools to achieve agile and transparent
communication. Citizens play an active role in public management, providing
valuable information. Social networks allow continuous dialogue with citizens,
improve the relationship with the government and offer options for monitoring
and controlling management. The introduction of platforms such as Facebook
and Twitter promotes participation and communication in the institutional
sphere and citizen culture. It is essential to define needs to avoid duplication of
efforts. Social networks are a meeting space between municipalities and the
population, and it is necessary to be prepared to adopt this new form of
communication. Openness and responsiveness to citizen demands are crucial
for the success of municipal management, using technology to guarantee
transparency, access to public information, accountability and citizen
participation. Social networks can be valuable learning tools for adolescents, as
they allow quick access to useful information both for academic education and
for other complementary knowledge. However, excessive use of social media
can have negative effects on the physical and mental health of adolescents, as
indicated by studies that link intensive use with symptoms of depression and
anxiety. To avoid addiction to social networks, it is recommended to limit
notifications, set times for reviewing them, learn about how they work and, in
case of problems, seek help from mental health professionals. Furthermore, the
significant growth in social media use in 2020, due to online education and
work, caused isolation and socialization difficulties in adolescents, leading to
panic attacks and social anxiety. The platforms most used by teenagers are
TikTok, Facebook and Snapchat, and it is essential to understand their
particularities to address addictions effectively. The use of social networks
among minors went from 39% in 2017 to 69% in 2022, reveals an IFT report.
(Communication 39/2023) April 25.

According to government instructions, you are asked to follow these steps:

Dialogue and keep communication open with your daughters and sons; be
interested in your digital activities and friendships; pay attention to the
information you share on networks, such as photos and videos; teach how they
can protect their own information and respect that of others; Find out and teach
how to protect yourself from cyberbullies; check that they use network privacy
controls; Insist that they avoid meeting someone they only know online. Put the
age filters; use monitoring programs, especially if you suspect that your
children are in danger online; review internet history; be careful with the chats
they use, especially live ones; use safe search engines; Use parental controls on
phones and other gadgets. And my solutions for this problems are the next:

Education and awareness:

Implement education programs in schools to teach adolescents about the risks
and benefits of social media use.
Promote the importance of balanced and healthy use of social networks.
Set time limits:
Parents can set daily time limits for social media use, especially during study
hours and sleep time.
Use parental control apps and tools to monitor and limit access.
Encourage offline activities:
Encourage teens to participate in extracurricular activities, sports, art, or other
activities that do not involve screens.
Monitor content:
Help teens understand the importance of privacy and safety online.
Make sure they are aware of privacy settings and how to report inappropriate
Seek professional help:
If a teen shows signs of social media addiction or experiences serious negative
effects on their life, seek help from a mental health professional.

Delblanch, M. D. M. (2022, July 13). Problemáticas de las redes sociales en adolescentes

ISEP. Retrieved from:

De Gobernación, S. (n.d.). Algunos riesgos de las redes sociales para niñas, niños y

adolesce. .. Retrieved from


Municipal, I. N. P. E. F. Y. E. D. (n.d.). La importancia de las redes sociales en los gobiernos

locales. Retrieved from


De Protección De Niñas Niños Y Adolescentes, S. N. (n.d.). Es fundamental evitar el uso

excesivo de redes sociales en adolesc. . . Retrieved from


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