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Award to

at The International Online Seminar
as Participant

"Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Setting"

Organized by Cito Health Event
On Saturday, May 6, 2023, in Jakarta, Indonesia
Via Zoom App

NO. 0684/DPP.PPNI/SK/K.S/III/2023
Participants: 5 SKP, Speakers: 5 SKP, Committee/Moderator: 4 SKP

CEO Cito Health Event Head of Committee

Ns. Desi Luanda Dewi, S.Kep., M. Kep Ns. Sifa Sari Junia S.Kep
NIRA 31720393823 Keynote & Invited Speakers from, NIRA 36740591391
Cito Health Event
No. Izin Badan Hukum AHU-0001387-AH.01.14 Tahun 2019
Award to

at The International Online Seminar
as Participant

"Pain Management In Children Suffering From

Life-Limiting Illnesses: Learning About The Best Practices"
Organized by Cito Health Event
On Sunday, May 7, 2023, in Jakarta, Indonesia
Via Zoom App
NO. 0685/DPP.PPNI/SK/K.S/III/2023
Participants: 5 SKP, Speakers: 5 SKP, Committee/Moderator: 4 SKP

CEO Cito Health Event Head of Committee

Ns. Desi Luanda Dewi, S.Kep., M. Kep Ns. Sifa Sari Junia S.Kep
NIRA 31720393823 Keynote & Invited Speakers from, NIRA 36740591391
Cito Health Event
No. Izin Badan Hukum AHU-0001387-AH.01.14 Tahun 2019

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