Suicide Assessment and Prevention in A Multidisciplinary Model

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Suicide Assessment and

Prevention in a
Multidisciplinary Model
Paul Zarkowski MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
University of Washington

Senior Psychiatry Supervisor

Sound Mental Health
Financial Disclosure
• Paul Zarkowski MD has no financial relationships to
disclose relating to the subject matter of this
Section 1
History of Community
Mental Health
Before Community Mental Health

Western State Hospital

Main hospital building, 1892
Dean Brooks MD
1916 - 2013

MGM via Photofest,

brooks-cuckoos-nest-doctor-dies-at-96.html, accessed 12/9/2022
Creation of Community Mental Health

Sound Mental Health

Building A, 1976
Sound Mental Health Today
Section 2
Suicide Assessment
Suicide Assessment
Step 1
• One single question • Một câu hỏi duy nhất
• Critical point for • Điểm mấu chốt để tư
referral in primary care vấn về chăm sóc sức
khỏe ban đầu
• Organized plan
• How much time is spent • Kế hoạch có tổ chức
thinking about suicide? • Đã dành bao nhiêu thời
• Preparations? gian để nghĩ về việc tự
• How organized? tử?​​
• Rehearsal? • Có sự chuẩn bị?​
• Tổ chức như thế nào
• Diễn tập như thế nao ?​
Case Fatality Rate per Agent
USA, 1989-1997






Poison by Gas


0 20 40 60 80 100

Case Fatality Rate (%)

Spicer RS and Miller TR. Am J Public Health. 2000;90(12):1885-1891.

Case Fatality Rate by Pesticide
Korea1, India2 and Sri Lanka3


Yellow Phosphorus




0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

1Lee JW et al J Korean Sci 2015 Oct; 30(10): 1517–1521 2Venugopal R et

al. J Gastroint Dig Syst 2018 8.3 3Eddleston M et al. Lancet 2005 Oct 22-
Case Fatality Rate by Medication
USA, 2011-2012









0.00% 1.00% 2.00% 3.00% 4.00% 5.00% 6.00% 7.00%

Miller TR et al. JAMA Network Open 2020 3(3) e200607 Data

shown are for 2012 dataset.
Time to Completed Suicide after Initial Attempt
USA, 1986-2007

Bostwick JM et al. American Journal of Psychiatry 2016
Similar Findings Reported Worldwide

• 90 studies
– UK and Ireland 30%
– Scandinavia & Finland
– Rest of Europe 19%
– North America 11%
– Australia & New Zealand

Owens D et al. British Journal of Psychiatry 2018 181:193-9

Suicide Assessment
Step 2
• Based on entire • Dựa trên toàn bộ cuộc
interview phỏng vấn
• Future orientation • Định hướng trong
• How much do they care tương lai
about the things in their
life? • Họ quan tâm về những
thứ trong cuộc sống của
• Meaning and purpose? họ nhiều như thế nào?​
• Compare with any • Ý nghĩa và mục đích?​
suicidal ideation • So sánh với bất kỳ một
ý tưởng về tự sát nào
Suicide Assessment
Step 3
• Risk factors • Các yếu tố rủi ro
identified in được xác định từ
numerous sources nhiều nguồn
• Reversible factors • Các yếu tố có thể
• Irreversible factors đảo ngược
• Risk variation in • Các yếu tố có thể
triple digits không đảo ngược
• Biến đổi rủi ro tăng
gấp 3 lần
S.A.D. P.E.R.S.O.N.S.
(Kỹ Thuật Ghi Nhớ Cho Người Học Tiếng Anh)​
S: Male sex S: giới tính nam
A: Older age A: tuổi lớn hơn
D: trầm cảm
D: Depression
P: đã từng thực hiện
P: Previous attempts E: lạm dụng chất cồn
E: Ethanol abuse R: mất đi tư duy suy nghĩ hợp lý
R: Rational thinking loss S:không có hỗ trợ từ những quan
S: Social supports lacking hệ
O: Organized plan O: kế hoạch có tổ chức
N: không có vợ/chồng
N: No spouse
S: bệnh tật
S: Sickness
Suicide Incidence
by Sex and Region



Africa Americas South-East Asia Europe Eastern Western Pacific
Male Female

World Health Organization,,
accessed 10/8/2022
Suicide Incidence
by Age, Sex and Race/Ethnicity
USA 2019-2020

Ehlman DC et al. Mobidity and Mortality Weekly Report 2022 Feb 25 Vol 71(8)
Odds Ratio of Suicide
By General Medical Condition
Canada, 1992-2000
Severe Pain (2.51-6.59)

Bipolar Disorder (1.57-8.18)

Depression (3.27-4.75)

Psychosis and Agitation (1.93-3.50)

Anxiety and Sleep Disorder (2.27-4.75)

Seizure Disorder (1.42-4.07)

Moderate Pain (1.04-1.47)

Congestive Heart Failure (1.00-1.85)

Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (1.06-1.58)

Dyslipidemia (0.32-0.60)

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5

Juurlink DN et al. Arch of Int Med 2004;164(11):1179-1184

Odds Ratio of Suicide
By General Medical Condition
Taiwan, 2002-2012
Mood Disorder (7.06-7.79)

Psychotic Related Disorder (5.63-6.53)

Anxiety Disorder (2.57-2.81)

Substance Use Disorder (2.51-3.20)

Cancer (1.77-1.98)

Cerebral Vasular Disease (1.26-1.40)

Chronic Kidney Disease (1.11-1.35)

Diabetes Mellitus (1.16-1.26)

Hypertension (0.85-0.91)

Dyslipidemia (0.72-0.80)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Liu CH et al. Journal of Cardiac Failure 2018 Nov;24(11):795-800

Odds Ratio of Suicide
By Month After Cancer Diagnosis
Taiwan, 2002-2012

Wang SM et al. International Journal of Cancer 2018 May 15;142(10):1986-1993

Odds Ratio of Suicide
By Psychiatric Condition
Japan, 2006-2009
Major Depression (3.45-11.2)

Dysthymic Disorder (0.35-7.30)

Brief Psychotic Disorder (0.71-8.29)

Panic Disorder (1.25-24.4)

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (1.18-8.13)

Alcohol Dependence (1.58-8.58)

Alcohol Abuse (1.07-19.7)

Drug Dependence (0.63-14.7)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Hirokawa S et al. Journal of Affective Disorders 2012 Oct;140(2):168-75

Suicide Incidence
By Marital Status, Sex and Age
USA, 1978-1981
Males Females

Smith JC et al. American Journal of Public Health, 1988 Vol 78 No 1

Odds Ratio of Suicide
By Marital Status, Sex and Age
Norway, 1991-2012

Oftedahl Naess E et al. SSM Population Health 2021, Vol 15. 100853
Odds Ratio of Suicide
By Days from Separation
Norway, 1991-2012



0-30 31-92 93-183 184-365 >365
Male Female

Oftedahl Naess E et al. SSM Population Health 2021, Vol 15. 100853
Odds Ratio of Suicide
By Marital Status, Sex and Age
Taiwan, 1997-2003
Males Females
Married Never Married Divorced Widowed 6

5 5

4 4

3 3

2 * 2
* * * * *
1 1 * * *
0 0
<35 35-50 51-64 >64 <35 35-50 51-64 >64

*Confidence Interval includes 1.0- not significant.

Hey JY et al. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 38(3) June 2008

Odds Ratio of Suicide
Marital Status, Sex and Social Support
China, 2005 - 2008
14 Females
12 12
10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4
2 * 2 *
0 0
No Yes Yes No <32 32-37 >37 No Yes Yes No <32 32-37 >37

Married Living Alone Social Support Married Living Alone Social Support

*Confidence Interval includes 1.0- not significant.

Zhang J et al. American Journal of Psychiatry 2010 167(7) 773-781

Integration of Risk Factors
P = b1x1 + b2x2 + b3x3 + b4x4 + b5x5 + b6x6 + b7x7 + b8x8 + b9x9 + b10x10

• Determines safe limit in • Xác định giới hạn

balance between an toàn cân bằng giữa
ideation and future ý tưởng và quyết
orientation định trong tương lai
Section 3
Validating the Risk
Rescue Rating
Risk Rescue Rating
• Risk Factors • Các yếu tố rủi ro
• Agent used • Những chất đã sự dụng
• Impaired consciousness • Suy giảm ý thức
• Lesions/toxicity • Thương tổn/độc tính
• Reversibility • Sự đảo ngược
• Treatment required • Sơ đồ điều trị cần thiết
• Rescue Factors • Các yếu tố để giải cứu
• Location • Địa điểm
• Person initiating rescue • Người bắt đầu giải cứu
• Probability of discovery by • Xác suất phát hiện ra
any rescuer bởi người cứu hộ
• Accessibility to rescue • Khả năng tiếp cận để cứu hộ
• Delay until discovery • Trì hoãn cho đến khi
tìm được

Weisman AD & Worden JW. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1972;26:553-560.

County of Residence
of Suicide Completers
King County Neighbor County Distant County Out of State
Hotel Population General Population

Zarkowski P & Avery D. Suicide Life Threat Behav. 2006;36:578-581.

Purpose of Hotel Visitors
King County from Out of Town




Visit Friends &


2003 Market Profile and Economic Impact of Seattle-King County Visitors, CIC
Research, San Diego, 2004
Purpose of Hotel Visitors
Local Residents of King County

? House Remodel

? Pest Control

Romantic Getaway

? Early AM Flight

? Domestic
Hotel Room Suicide
King County 2002-2004
• Out of town visitors1
5 cases
(31,655 rooms)(61.7%)(2.3/room)(3 yr)(0.94)
=3.7 cases of suicide/100,000
Relative risk 0.365 compared with national rate, p<.01
• Local residents2
14 cases
(31,655 rooms)(61.7%)(2.3/room)(3 yr)(0.06)
=173 cases of suicide/100,000
Relative risk 14.8 compared with county rate, p<.0001
Hotel Room Suicide
Las Vegas (Clark County)
• 145,000 hotel rooms
• 88% occupancy
• Relative risk vs gen. pop.
• Local county residents
• 16.3, p<.0001
• Out of county visitors
• 0.377, p<.0001

Gemar K, Zarkowski P & Avery D. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiology

Method of Suicide
Las Vegas









0 10 20 30 40 50 60
General Population Hotel Population

Gemar K, Zarkowski P & Avery D. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiology

US Multiple Cause of Death
• Increased suicide risk in Clark
50 County
• Odds of suicide is 50% greater for residents
of Clark County, compared to residents
All Other elsewhere at home
30 Deaths
• Visitors to Las Vegas are at double the risk
compared to those that stayed home or
20 visited other counties
• Leaving Clark County was associated with a
20% decline in odds of suicide, compared to
those that stayed home
Visitors Home

Wray M et al. Social Science in Medicine. 2008;67(11):1882-1888.

Possible Confounds
• Replicated in Orange County, Fl.
• Increased risk in residents
• Decreased risk when residents left county
• Risk increased in travelers to OC compared to
other counties, but not compared to those
that stayed home.
• Clark County Coroner Data
• 33 visitors committed suicide in a hotel over a
3-year period
• 27 visitors were in a site other than a hotel
• 8.3 cases/100,000 people

Zarkowski P & Nguyen D. Social Science in Medicine. 2012;74(10):1471-1473.

Hotel Room Suicide
Wayne County
• Multivariate logistic regression1
• Divorce, hanging, substance abuse and
out of county residence.
• After correcting denominator2
• Relative risk vs gen. pop.
• Local county residents, 27.0,
• Out of county visitors, 0.524,
• Three visitors traveled to see
Dr. Jack Kevorkian for physician
assisted suicide

1Wasserman I & Stack S. Death Studies. 2008 32(8):757-67

2Zarkowski P, Dever R & Avery D. Primary Care Companion CNS Disorders. 2019

Hotel Room Suicide
Travis County, Texas
• Relative risk vs gen. pop.
• Local county residents
• 16.4, p<.0001
• Out of county visitors
• 0.193, p<.01
• Method of suicide
• Risk ratio of gunshot
• 0.27, p<.01

Zarkowski P, Dever R & Avery D. Primary Care Companion CNS Disorders. 2019
Hotel Room Suicide
Cuyahoga County
• 2nd smallest number of
hotel rooms in sample,
15,394 units
• Relative risk vs gen. pop.
• Local county residents
• 15.1, p<.0001
• Out of county visitors
• 0.176, p<.0001

Zarkowski P, Dever R & Avery D. Primary Care Companion CNS Disorders. 2019
Hotel Room Suicide
Orange County
• 2nd largest number of
hotel rooms in sample,
53,697 units
• Relative risk vs gen. pop.
• Local county residents
• 37.8, p<.0001
• Out of county visitors
• 0.124, p<.0001

Zarkowski P, Dever R & Avery D. Primary Care Companion CNS Disorders. 2019
Incidence of Suicide


250 King
/100,000 150 Travis

True Visitors General Population Local Residents

Zarkowski P, Dever R & Avery D. Primary Care Companion CNS Disorders. 2019
Method of Suicide
Risk Ratio, 3 Clark
Hotel vs 2.5 Wayne
General 2 Travis
Population Cuyahoga
1 Orange

Gunshot Wound Hanging Drug Toxicity

Zarkowski P, Dever R & Avery D. Primary Care Companion CNS Disorders. 2019
Marital Status


Risk Ratio, 2.5
Hotel vs 2 Wayne
1.5 Travis
Population Cuyahoga

Single Married Divorced Widowed

Zarkowski P, Dever R & Avery D. Primary Care Companion CNS Disorders. 2019
Section 4
Clinical Management of
the Suicidal Patient
Patient Management
Establish and Maintain a
Therapeutic Alliance
• Barriers • Một số rào cản
• Patient may view • Bệnh nhân đôi khi cho r
psychiatrist/therapist ằng các bác sĩ tâm lí và
as an adversary. các nhà trị liệu là người
• False/unrealistic hopes xấu
• Countertransference • Những hy vọng sai và
thiếu thực tế
• Phản di chuyển hướng
cảm xúc
American Psychiatric Association Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Psychiatric
Disorders: Compendium 2006. American Psychiatric Publishing; 2006.
Attend to Patient Safety
• Observation and • Quan sát và theo dõi
monitoring • Loại bỏ những đồ vật có
• Removing potentially thể gây thương tích
hazardous items hoặc có hại

American Psychiatric Association Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Psychiatric

Disorders: Compendium 2006. American Psychiatric Publishing; 2006.
Determine a Treatment Setting
• Least restrictive • Những môi trường ít
environment, yet safe hạn chế nhưng an toàn
and effective và hiệu quả
• Hospitalization • Nhập Viện
• Outpatient Care • Chăm sóc ngoại trú
• Balanced with, • Được cân bằng với
• Disrupted employment • Gián đoạn công việc
• Financial stress • Căng thẳng tài chính
• Social stigma • Kỳ thị xã hội

American Psychiatric Association Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Psychiatric

Disorders: Compendium 2006. American Psychiatric Publishing; 2006.
Develop a Treatment Plan
• Mix of biological and • Kết hợp giữa trị liệu sinh
psychosocial therapies học và trị liệu tâm lý xã
• Address substance use hội
• Ongoing possible • Bàn về lạm dụng các chất
modification of plan with • Các sự thay đổi đang xảy
change in suicidal ra về kế hoạch để thay
ideation and behavior đổi suy nghĩ và những
hành vi liên quan đến tự

American Psychiatric Association Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Psychiatric

Disorders: Compendium 2006. American Psychiatric Publishing; 2006.
Collaborate with Other Clinicians
• Clear role definitions • Định nghĩa vai trò rõ ràng
• Regular communication • Thường xuyên giao tiếp
among team members với mọi người trong đội
• Advance planning for • Lên kế hoạch nâng cao để
management of crises đối phó với khủng hoảng
• Clarify team approach bất ngờ
with patient • Vạch rõ cách tiếp cận của
đội đối với bệnh nhân

American Psychiatric Association Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Psychiatric

Disorders: Compendium 2006. American Psychiatric Publishing; 2006.
Promote Adherence to Plan
• Create atmosphere in • Tạo bầu không khí phù
which patient is free to hợp để bệnh nhân trao
disclose feedback đổi ý kiến
• For meds, explain; • Đối với thuốc men, hãy
• May take weeks for giải thích rằng:​
benefit to show • Có thể phải chờ vài tuần
• The need to continue để thấy các lợi ích của
once symptoms recede thuốc
• What to do if questions • Tiếp sử dụng thuốc kể cả
emerge khi các triệu chưng đã
• Làm gì khi các vấn đề xảy

American Psychiatric Association Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Psychiatric

Disorders: Compendium 2006. American Psychiatric Publishing; 2006.
Patient and Family Education
• Goals • Các mục tiêu
• Mental illness is real • Bệnh về tâm lý là có thật
• Role of psychosocial • Vai trò của sự căng thẳng
stressors về tâm lý
• Course is not linear • Khóa học không
• Identify signs of relapse tuyến tính
• Family history of suicide • Phát hiện những dấu
does not make suicide hiệu của việc tái phát
inevitable • Tiền sử gia đình về tự
sát không làm cho việc tự
tử khỏi xảy ra

American Psychiatric Association Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Psychiatric

Disorders: Compendium 2006. American Psychiatric Publishing; 2006.
Antidepressants and Suicidal

• Swedish Health Registry

• All patients 6 to 59 yo started on an SSRI between 2006 to 2013
• Rate of completed suicide was 68.7/100,000 after initiation of tx.

Lagerberg T et al. Neuropsychopharmacology 2022 Mar;47(4):817-823

Antidepressants and Suicidal
Behavior by Age

Lagerberg T et al. Neuropsychopharmacology 2022 Mar;47(4):817-823

Antidepressants and Suicidal
Behavior by Medication

All analyses were adjusted for time varying treatment with non SSRI
antidepressants and benzodiazepines. Strongest correlation was for
benzodiazepines with IRR of 1.71 (1.58-1.86)

Lagerberg T et al. Neuropsychopharmacology 2022 Mar;47(4):817-823

• Decreases both attempts • Giảm tỉ lệ tự tử thất bại
93% and completed 93% và tự tử thành công
suicides 82% 92%​
• Unipolar > Bipolar II > • Trầm cảm Unipolar
Bipolar I > Bipolar II > Bipolar I​
• Meta Analysis of 34 • Phân tích tổng hợp từ 34
studies1 nghiên cứu1​
• No similar effect for • Không có bất kì hiệu ứng
depakote, lamotrigine or nào tương tự đối với các
carbamazepine chất như: depakote,
lamotrigine hoặc

Baldessarini RJ et al J Clin Psychiatry 2003; 64(suppl 5):44–52

• Reduction in • Giảm các ca tự sát bất
suicide attempts with thành với mức độ thành
high degree of success công cao từ 5 giảm xuống
from 5 to 0 in 88 0ở
neuroleptic resistant 88 bệnh nhân tâm thần
patients phân liệt kháng thuốc an
with schizophrenia thần sau khi bắt đầu sử
after starting clozapine1 dụng clozapine1
• 83% reduction in in • Giảm 83% tỷ lệ tử vong
mortality from suicide in do tự tử ở người đang sử
current users vs past dụng clozapine2 và những
users of clozapine2 người từng sử dụng trong
quá khứ
1Meltzer HY & Okayli G. American Journal of Psychiatry 1995; 152:183–190 2Walker AM
et al. Epidemiology 1997; 8:671–677
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
• Correct negative • Chấn chỉnh các suy nghĩ
thoughts and behaviors và hành vi tiêu cực
• 9 systemic reviews and • 9 bài đánh giá có hệ
meta-analysis thống và phân tích tổng
• Decreased suicide hợp
attempts • Giảm tỷ lệ tự tử bất
• RR 0.77 (0.69 to 0.87) thành
• RR 0.77 (0.69 to 0.87)​

Wu H et al. J Affective Disorders 2022 Aug 27;S0165-0327(22)00923-5

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
• Prioritizes suicidal behavior • Ưu tiên tập trung cho các
and other self directed hành vi liên quan đến việc
violence tự sát và các biểu hiện có
• 18 controlled trials thể gây thương tích cho
bản thân
• Reduced self directed • 18 buổi thử nghiệm có
violence kiểm soát
• d = -.379 (-.581 to -.176)
• No significant effect on • Giảm bạo lực tự hướng cá
suicidal ideation nhân
• d = -.379 (-.581 to -.176)​
• d = -.229 (-.473 to .016)
• Suy nghĩ về tự tử không có
thay đổi nhiều
• d = -.229 (-.473 to .016)​

DeCou CR et al. Behavioral Therapy 2019 Jan;50(1):60-72

Section 5
Efficacy of
Harm Reduction
CO from Coal Gas
England and Wales

Kreitman N, Br J Prev Soc Med, 1976 June; 30(2) 86-93

Ban of WHO Class I Pesticides
Sri Lanka 1995

Gunnel D, Int J Epidemiol 2007; 36:1235-1242

Ban on Paraquat
Korea 2012
• Ban on manufacture
and import 2011
• Total ban on use
• Decrease in suicide
attempts without an
increase in attempts
with other types of

Lee JW et al J Korean Sci 2015 Oct; 30(10): 1517–1521.

Suicide Barriers on Bridges
• Two adjacent bridges in
Washington DC
• Ellington and Taft
• Average of 4 deaths/year
by jumping
• After installation of
effective barriers on the
Ellington in 1986, no
increase in suicide on Taft
• Aurora Bridge, Seattle
• Previous to installation of
barriers in 2011, was #2 in
USA in number of bridge
PW & Silverman MM. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 1994;24:89-99
2Zarkowski P American Journal of Psychiatry 2008 Sep;165(9):1126
Thank you.

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