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Name & Designation of the Inspecting Officer:

Date of Inspection:

1. (a) Name of the Gram Panchayat :

(b) Name of the Panchayats Samiti & Zilla
Parishad :
2. Number of members: Total SC ST Women
(a) Number of elected members :
(b) No. of ex-officio members : - - - -

3. (a) Name of Pradhan, with reservation category, if

any :
. (b) Name of Upa-Pradhan with reservation
category, if any :

(c) Upa-Samitis: : Whether Sanchalak Whether foundation No. of refresher

is in position training received training received
(Yes/No) (Yes/No) (Yes/No)
(i) Artha O Parikalpana,
(ii) Krishi O Pranisampad Bikas
(iii) Siksha O Janasasthya
(iv) Nari,Sishu Unnayan O Samaj Kalyan
(v) Shilpa O Parikathama
Employees of Gram Panchayat: Whether in position (Yes/No) YES
(d) Executive Assistant :
(e) Secretary :
(f) Job-Assistant :
(g) Nirman Sahayak(s)
(h) Sahayak :
(i) G.P. Karmees :

4 (a) No. of General Meetings held u/s 16 during last No. of meetings Average attendance
financial year and upto the period of inspection
of current financial year with average (i)Last Year
attendance in percentage of total No. of (ii)Current Year
members :
(b) No. of Meetings held by Upa-Samitis during
last financial year and upto the period of
inspection of current financial year with
average attendance in percentage of total No. of
members. :

Name of Upa Samiti No. of meetings and attendance

Last Year Average Current Average

Attendance Year attendance
(i) Artha O Parikalpana Upa Samiti
(ii)Krishi O Pranisampad Bikas Upa-Samiti
(iii) Siksha O Janasasthya Upa-Samiti
(iv) Nari, Sishu Unnayan O Samaj Kalyan Upa-Samiti

(v) Shilpa O Parikathamo Upa-Samiti

5. (a) Total No. of Gram Sansads : 13

(b) No. of Gram Sansads that have held meetings Half Yearly Meeting Annual Meeting

6. (a) Whether duties u/s 19 are being performed

properly :
(b) Performance in the following areas is to be
mentioned particularly along with expenditure
made and source of fund. :
(i) Sanitation and drainage
(ii) Preventive measures taken
against common diseases
(iii) Clearing and disinfecting the
sources of supply and storage
of water :
(iv) Protection and repair of
building and other properties
vested in Gram Panchayat :

7. (a) Duties performed u/s 20 & 21 with

expenditure made and source of fund, not
covered under (b) :
(b) Particulars of the following are to be
mentioned along with expenditure made for its
maintenance / promotion and source of fund. :
(i) No. of Sishu Siksha Kendras and
Madhyamik Siksha Kendras along with
enrolment :
(ii) No. of Rural Dispensaries, Health Centres
and I.C.D.S Centres
(iii) Extension of Social Forestry during the :
last financial year(Area covered in acres or
total length of rows)
(iv) Sinking of Tube-wells and excavation/re- :
excavation of Ponds and Tanks during the last
financial year

8. Description of works of improvement /

maintenance of roads, culverts, waterways,
cannels, etc. u/s 25 during the last financial
year :

9. a)
Opening Allotment U.C.
Description of assigned schemes Expenditure Balance
balance as received submitted
2. 13th Finance Commission
3. I. A. Y.
4. B. R. G. F.
5. 14Th Finance Commission
7. P.B.G.
8. V.W.S.C.
9. B.E.U.P.
10. 3rd State Finance Commission
11. Hariali/Watershed development
12. Fund for improving public health and
maintenance of health Centre etc.
13. Any other scheme/Own Fund
(b) Are Scheme wise registers kept? :
(c) If not, which scheme(s)is left out & why?
(d) Are measurement books maintained properly?
(e) (i)No. of building permission given U/s 23 in
last financial year :
(ii) Total amount of fees collected in last
financial year :
(iii) How many buildings spotted that were
constructed without permission u/s 23
(iv) What action has been taken or :
contemplated against constructions mentioned
at (iii)

10. Whether Gram Panchayat has taken any action

u/s 26 & 27 regarding pollution of water
sources within its jurisdiction
(i) No. of such places identified :
(ii) Nos. with reference to which notice had :
been issued :
(iii) Status of compliance
(iv) Case of non compliance, if any :
(v) Action taken thereof :

11. Whether the Gram Panchayat maintains the

register of its properties u/s 42 (1)
(i) Whether up-dated, mentioning the last date :
of entries made :
(ii) Reasons for failure in updating :
(iii) Whether there is any encroachment :
thereon(give brief description)
(iv).Whether any action is taken or :
contemplated for removal of encroachment
(v)Whether self-assessed list of assets duly

12 Whether any Information Register is

maintained. If so,
(a)Whether register for such applications
maintained :
(b) How many applications received under
Year No. of No. of No. of cases
the Right to Information Act in the previous
Application cases where no
year and in the current year & in how many
received informati information
cases the iinformations were supplied.
on given has been
Current Year

13 Whether the Gram

Panchayat has during
before executed schemes
through GUS. If so, -
(a) How many schemes
(b) Total amount of fund
involved :

14. (a) Particulars of own source

revenue on account of Current year Last year Year before last Total arrear tax
(i) Taxes[ u/s 46 (1)] (a)2019-20 (b)2018-19 (c)2017-18 (b+c)
: Assess Reali Assess Realiz Assess Reali Total Total arrear
ment zation ment ation ment zation arrear collection

(ii) Non Tax Revenues Received

[u/s47(1)] Current year Last year Year before last
Fees :
Rates :
Tolls :
Total :
(b) From contribution, grants Received
from Govt. of or any Local Current year Last year Year before last

(c) Major items of utilisation

of own source revenue
(d) No. of Tax Collectors
engaged? Date of
termination of their
agreement. :
(e) Does the Gram Panchayat
preserve counterfoils of

15. (a) Please give details how

funds are kept including
details of Bank Accounts
& balance as on date
(b) Whether amount received
(i) and paid have been
entered in Cash Book.
Mention balance
(bank/cash) as on date :
(ii) Cash Book was last
updated on…31.05.2019 :
(c) Whether following
Registers are maintained:
(1) Advance Register
(2) Cheque / Draft Receipt :
(3) Cheque Book Register :
(4) Allotment Register
(5)Register for receipt of :
letters :
(6) Register for issue of
letters :
(7) Durable Stock Register
(8) Register for
(9) Appropriation Register
(10) Inspection Register
(11) Birth and Death
Register :
(12) Complaint Register
(13) Any other Register :

(d) Total amount of
unadjusted advances with
year wise break up :
mentioning names of
recipients, purpose and
(e) Whether the G.P. is
maintaining accounts
using GPMS software :

(f) Whether updated entries

are made :
(g) Whether print outs are
taken for cash book and
other ledgers :
(h) If there is any problem in
operationalising GPMS

16. (a) Whether last year’s

Budget was passed in due
time :

(b) Whether it was based on

proposals from Gram
Unnayan Samiti (Gram
Sansad) and was prepared
Upa-Samiti and area of
activity wise
(c) Status of current year’s
Budget :

(d) Whether it is based on

proposals from Gram
Unnayan Samiti (Gram
Sansad) and was prepared
Upa-Samiti wise and area
of activity wise
(e) Whether Panchayat Samiti
was duly informed u/s 48
(2) :

17. (a) Whether any expenditure

was incurred in
contravention of section
(b) Details thereof :

(c) Reasons thereof :

18. (a) Whether last year’s

Annual Actions Plan was
prepared :

(b) If so, was it based on

proposals from Gram
Unnayan Samiti(Gram
Sansad) and was prepared
Upa-Samiti and area of
activity wise ?
(c) If no, why? (mention
specific difficulty in this
regard) :

(d) Whether the Annual

Action Plan and the
budget has distinct
correlations :
(e) If not, how such plan is
proposed to be
implemented? :

19 (a) When was the last Internal

Audit & covered which
period :
(b) Major observations made
in such last audit
(c) What corrective steps
were taken on the
observations of the
Internal Auditor? :

20 (a) Date of last Audit by

E.L.A. :

(b) Whether Audit Report was

discussed in a special
meeting :

(c) If not, reasons for such

omission :

(d) Steps taken to comply

with audit objection :

(e) In case of non compliance,

reasons thereof and date
by which compliance
(f) Major observations in last
audit not yet settled
(g) Total No. of outstanding
audit paras :

(h) Memo No.& date under

which the last audit
compliance report was :

21 (a) When was the last :

inspection held and by
(b) What were the major :
observations of such
(c) Have these been acted
upon? Please mention
specific steps :
(d) In case such steps were
not taken give reason :

22. Serious financial

irregularities including
defalcation if any
(a) Brief description of
specific instances :
(b) Action taken by the
G.P. :

23. Action on the basis of last

self-evaluation report:
(a) Major weaknesses
(i).on institutional
performance :
(ii) as service provider :
(b) Steps taken for
(i).on institutional
performance :
(ii)as service provider :

24. The latest self-evaluation

report of the Gram
Panchayat to be reviewed
by the Inspecting Officer
and his comments on (a)
correctness of the report
and (b) follow up action
for improvement, if taken
by the Gram Panchayat
should be mentioned.
(If space is not adequate
attach a separate paper)

Signature of the Inspecting Officer

with date

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