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Transfer Functions

• In KMM342E: Dynamic models considered in ODE form

• In KMM411E: Alternative model form
based on Laplace transforms
Transfer Function Model
• Note: Both types of models can be used to determine the dynamic
behavior of a process
• TF: Characterize dynamic relationship of 2 process variables
• A dependent (output) variable Y ( s)
G ( s) 
• An independent (input) variable U ( s)
• Example: CSTR Important:
• IV: Ffeed → Cause Applicable to linear systems.
• OV: Cexit → Effect/Result What if the system is nonlinear?
Illustrative Example

• Mass balance:

• Component mass balance for A:

• :

1. ρ & V = const.
2. w1, w2, w = const.

Illustrative Example
Case I: x1 ≠ const. & x2 = const.
• Aim: Derivation of TF model between x & x1
Component mass balance (steady-state):

Dynamic – Steady-state:

• Deviation (perturbation) variables:

• Advantage: The initial condition term becomes zero
Simplifies the later analysis (Independent from IC)

Laplace transform:

IE: Case I
• Assumption: Initially system is at SS

• Rearrange in TF form between output and input

• Standart form:

• Process gain:

• Time constant:

• Physical interpretations of KP & τI

IE: Case II
Case II: x1 & x2 ≠ const.
• Two input variables: x1 & x2
• Derivation of 2 TF models between x & x1
x & x2
Component mass balance (steady-state):

Dynamic – Steady-state:

Laplace transform:

Assumption: Initially system is at SS

IE: Case II
• Rearrange in TF form between output and inputs

• Standart form:

• Process gains:

• Time constants:

• In order to derive TF between x & x1

• Assumption: x2 at SS value
• In order to derive TF between x & x2
• Assumption: x1 at SS value
IE: Case II
• G1(s) & G2(s): 1st order TF
• Denominators are 1st order in Laplace variable s
Three important aspects:
1. Principle of Superposition for linear models
• Effects of individual IVs on OV are additive
2. Simultaneous changes in both inputs can be analyzed
3. Using TF model:
• Output response for a specified input change can be calculated
• Example X I ( s )  G1 ( s ) X 1I ( s )
• If we know x1I (t )
• X 1I ( s ) can be determined
• x (t ) can be derived
Example V
• Consider Case I
• SS conditions: w1 = 600 kg/min, w2 = 2 kg/min, x1 = 0.05, x2 = 1
• ρ & V = const: ρ = 900 kg/m3, V = 2 m3
a) Calculate nominal exit concentration:

b) x1 suddenly change from 0.05 to 0.075 at t = 0

Derive an expression for response x(t):

Properties of TFs
1. Direct calculation of SS output change for a sustained input

Properties of TFs
2. Order of denominator polynomial (in s) = order of equivalent DE
• Form of the general linear nth order DE:
dny dy n1 dy d mu
an  an1  K a1  a0 y  bm m 
dt n
dt n1 dt dt
d m1u du
bm1 m1
 K  b1  b0u (4-39)
dt dt

• TF (all initial conditions = 0):


Y  s  i 0
bi si
G s   (4-40)
U s n
 ai si
i 0

• Order of TF is defined to be order of denominator polynomial.

Properties of TFs
• SS gain:

• Characteristic (denominator) polynomial:

• Can be factored into product:

• Time constant form:

• Provide information about speed and qualitative features of
system response.

Properties of TFs
3. Order of numerator and denominator polynomials are restricted
by physical reasons:

• Suppose a real process is modeled by

• “Physical realizability” condition:

• m > 0: TFs exhibit “numerator dynamics”

• m = 0: Many important cases
Properties of TFs
4. Additive property:
• A single output might be affected by more than one input

• Total output change:

Properties of TFs
5. Multiplicative property:
• Valid for sequential processes/process elements:

• Important in designing process control systems

• Since process units will be connected

Example VI
Stirred-tank heating process:
w = 200 lb/min, ρ = 62.4 lb/ft3,
C = 0.32 Btu/lbF, V = 1.60 ft3
SS values: Ti = 70 F, Q = 1920 Btu/min
Instantly: Ti = 90 F, Q = 1600 Btu/min
Question: Response of T?

V C  wC Ti  T   Q (1)
0  wC Ti  T   Q (3)

 wC Ti  Ti   T  T    Q  Q 
V C (4)

Example VI Cont.
Stirred-tank heating process:

Example VII
Two liquid surge tanks in series:
• Outlet flow from each tank is
proportional to height of liquid in tank
• Assumptions:
• Cross-sectional areas: A1 & A2
• Valve resistances: R1 & R2
• Question: TF relating q2 to qi?

Example VII Cont.
Two liquid surge tanks in series:

• Block diagram representation

• So far, we have emphasized linear models
• Can be directly transformed into TF models
• Most physical processes and physical models are nonlinear.
- But over a small range of operating conditions, the behavior
may be approximately linear.
- Linear approximations can be useful
- Especially for purpose of analysis
• Approximate linear models can be obtained analytically by a
method called “linearization”.
• It is based on a Taylor Series Expansion of a nonlinear function
around a specified operating point.
• Consider a nonlinear, dynamic model relating two process
variables, u and y:

• Perform Taylor Series Expansion around reference points: u  u

and truncate after the first order terms, yy

• Note that the partial derivative terms are actually constants because
they have been evaluated at the nominal operating point (at SS),
• In terms of deviation variables:

Example I
• Consider the stirred-tank blending system example:
• Assumptions:
• V = const & x2 = 1
• Derive TFs relating output variable (x) to input variables (w1, w2, x1)

• What is the reason of nonlinearity?


Example II

• Consider a tank liquid-level system

• Outflow passes through a valve
• Valve discharge rate is related to
square root of liquid level

• Derive appropriate dynamic model for process by linearization


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