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A review of the cutting of composite materials

S Gordon* and M T Hillery

Department of Manufacturing and Operations Engineering, University of Limerick, Plassey, Limerick, Ireland

Abstract: The increased use of composite materials has led to an increase in demand for facilities to
machine them. There are signicant differences between the machining of metals and alloys and that of
composite materials, because composites are anisotropic, inhomogeneous and are mostly prepared in
laminate form before undergoing the machining process. In most cases, traditional metal cutting tools and
techniques are still being used. While the process of metal cutting has been well researched over the years,
relatively little research has been carried out on the cutting of composite materials. This paper presents a
brief review of research on the cutting of bre reinforced polymer (FRP) composites and medium-density
breboard (MDF). Most of the research published is concentrated on the chip formation process and cutting
force prediction with unidirectional FRP materials. A review of some recent research on the prediction of
cutting forces for MDF is also presented.

Keywords: machining, bre reinforced polymer, medium-density breboard, composites

INTRODUCTION embedded in a matrix. The reinforcing phase may be in

the form of bres or particles or akes.
The process of metal cutting has been well researched over Naturally occurring composites include wood and bone.
the past 50 years [1–9] and it is well established that the Advanced composites are those materials that are tradition-
principal chip formation process in orthogonal metal cutting ally used in the aerospace industry because they offer better
with single-point cutting tools and continuous chip forma- performance than traditional materials. Examples are
tion is one of shear deformation. Research has been carried graphite/epoxy, aramid/epoxy and boron/aluminium compo-
out to a somewhat lesser extent on the machining of non- sites. Glass bre/polyester composites are widely used in the
metals. The increased use of composite materials in manu- marine and automotive industries. Natural materials may be
facturing in recent years has led to an increased demand for mixed with synthetics, as in the case of wood our lled
machining them. In most cases, traditional metal cutting polymer materials and in medium density breboard (MDF)
machine tools and techniques are still being used. However, where wood bres are bound together using a synthetic resin
the cutting processes with these materials differ considerably or other suitable binder [13, 14].
from the cutting of metals. The broad area of machining of
composites has been reviewed by Abrate and Walton [10] 1.1.1 Fibre reinforced composites
and A Ê ström [11]. A brief review of some commonly
machined composite materials and their machining charac- In bre reinforced composites, the bre is the major load-
teristics is set out below. bearing component. Where discontinuous bres are used,
they can be mixed with the matrix material to produce either
a random or a preferred orientation. Continuous bres are
1.1 Composite materials normally unidirectionally aligned as tapes, woven into a
fabric in an orthogonal arrangement, or wound around a
A composite is a structural material that combines two or mandrel. The mechanical behaviour of bre reinforced
more constituents in order to take advantage of the favour- composites at a macro level is inuenced by the properties
able characteristics of each [12]. They are combined at a of the matrix and the bres [12]. In general, bres contribute
macro level and are not soluble in each other. These high modulus, high strength and brittleness, whereas resins
constituents are typically a reinforcing phase which is contribute toughness, low density, low strength, low stiff-
ness, high thermal expansion and low thermal stability.
Polymer matrix composites exhibit a wide variety of failure
The MS was received on 22 April 2002 and was accepted after revision for
publication on 21 June 2002. modes including bre fracture, bre ‘pull out’ from the
* Corresponding author: Department of Manufacturing and Operations matrix, plastic ow in the matrix, delamination, etc. [15].
Engineering, University of Limerick, Plassey, Limerick, Ireland. Some of these failure mechanisms can resemble brittle
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fracture of the composite, while others resemble ductile tion of abrasive bres can cause rapid tool wear, and the use
failure. of PCD tooling is recommended where possible [18].
There are a number of problems associated with machin-
ing bre reinforced composite materials [10, 19]. The
1.1.2 Fibre reinforced polymers
varying material properties and degrees of anisotropy
Fibre reinforced polymers (FRPs) are an important group of cause difculty in predicting the behaviour of the material
composites, and a signicant amount of machining research while being machined. This can lead to specic problems of
in the literature has been on these materials. They can be FRP machining.
easily moulded and cured to a required shape, eliminating Damage can be caused to the composite material as
operations required in conventional metallic products. They follows:
are often machined as a nishing process in ‘near net shape’ (a) delamination due to local dynamic loading caused by
manufactured mouldings. different stiffnesses of the bre and matrix;
In comparison with monolithic materials, FRP composite (b) spalling and chipping and delamination of the material
materials have high specic modulus and specic strength, on exit from the cut;
so that weight can be reduced. The anisotropic nature of (c) fuzzing due to pulled out and crushed bres;
FRPs can be a disadvantage [12], but cost or weight saving (d) burning due to poor thermal conductivity.
can be achieved through orienting the reinforcing bres in
the plane where they will be most effective. The commonly Cutting tools may also be damaged by abrasive bres
machined materials in this category are glass bre rein- rounding the cutting edges prematurely. The difference in
forced polymer (GFRP) and carbon bre reinforced polymer hardness between the bre and matrix may lead to edge
(CFRP) composites, and most of the research in the litera- chipping of the tool. Also, the tool may be clogged by
ture has been concentrated on these. melted matrix material.

1.1.3 Medium-density breboard 3 RESEARCH ON THE MACHINING OF

Medium-density breboard (MDF) is a wood-based compo-
site material that is based on wood bres rather than
3.1 FRP materials
particles or veneers to produce sheet products. It is manu-
factured from lignocellulosic bres combined with urea 3.1.1 Model of Everstine and Rogers
formaldehyde or isocyanate-based resins [16]. The panels
are compressed to densities of between 496 and 801 kg/m3. The rst theoretical work on the cutting of FRP materials
The entire interbre bond is formed by the binder. It is was reported by Everstine and Rogers [20]. They formulated
typically produced in board form and is widely used in the a model for the prediction of minimum cutting force for
manufacture of furniture, cabinet making and ooring. It is parallel bres at 0¯ orientation, based on a continuum
easily machined and can be nished to a smooth surface. mechanics approach. They proposed a displacement eld
for the chip region analogous to the thick-zone model for
cutting of metals that was proposed by Oxley [8]. They
2 MACHINING OF COMPOSITES suggested that a ‘wrinkle’ was formed in the workpiece
material ahead of the tool tip owing to tensile loading from
the separation of the chip. They proposed a tentative
2.1 Fibre reinforced polymers
estimate of the principal cutting force, Fc , in terms of the
There are signicant differences between the machining of material properties, tool geometry and the proposed defor-
metals and alloys and the machining of composite materials mation. However, the assumed deformation pattern lacked
[17]. This is because FRP composites are anisotropic, experimental verication, and they acknowledged that other
inhomogeneous and are mostly prepared in laminate form modes of deformation were possible.
before undergoing the machining process. As the matrix
material has a low thermal conductivity compared with 3.1.2 Work of Koplev
metals and many inorganic materials, heat build-up during
machining can be a problem. Almost 10 years later, Koplev [21] carried out orthogonal
The behaviour of a composite material during machining cutting tests on CFRP composite material using a single-
depends on diverse bre and matrix properties, the bre edged tool and a shaping machine. He studied the chip
orientation and the relative volume of the matrix and bres formation process and the machined surface while cutting a
[18]. The tool continuously encounters alternate matrix and unidirectional material. The tests were carried out when the
bre materials whose response to machining can vary cut direction was both parallel to and perpendicular to the
greatly. The chip formation process can be either based on bre orientation. A quick stop device was used to investigate
fracture or shear or a combination of both, depending on the the chip formation process near the tool tip and in front of it.
bre orientation and tool geometry. The high volume frac- An innovative aspect of this work was the use of the so-
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with a layer of disturbed material on the surface where both

matrix and small pieces of bre were present. There was a
layer of cracked material below the surface, with cracks
running both parallel to and perpendicular to the surface. A
later study by Inoue and Ido [22] related the depth of this
damaged zone to the bre orientation angle and the cutting
edge radius of the tool.

Chip formation. Examination of the macrochip showed the

chips themselves to be relatively undisturbed, with no sign
Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of a macrochip [21] of plastic deformation. This suggested that the chips were
formed by brittle failure of both the bres and matrix.
Koplev explained the chip formation for each bre direction
called ‘macrochip method’ to handle and study the many as follows:
small chips produced by the cutting process. This method is
described as follows: 1. Machining perpendicular to the bres. During machin-
ing perpendicular to the bres, two separate effects occur
1. The workpiece surface is coated with a thin layer of near the tool tip. As the tool moves forward, it presses on
rubber-based adhesive, which is allowed to dry. the composite in front of it, causing the composite to
2. The machining takes place; after this all the chips stick to fracture and create a chip. At the same time there is a
the adhesive. downward pressure on the composite below the tool
3. The chips on the adhesive are transferred to a suitable producing the cracks referred to above.
support (i.e. double-sided adhesive tape) for later inves- 2. Machining parallel to the bres. When the composite is
tigation. machined parallel to the bres, the tool also applies
4. If required, the macrochip can be stretched to separate the pressure on the specimen, causing chips to be produced.
individual chips to facilitate examination. However, a crack appears in front of the tool tip,
A schematic diagram of the macrochip is shown in Fig. 1. indicating the start of the next chip. Surface cracking is
Koplev made a number of observations on the quality of not as deep as for machining perpendicular to the bres.
the surface produced and the mechanisms of chip formation The two mechanisms are shown in Fig. 2.
at various bre orientations. In a later work, Koplev [23] studied the relationship
between cutting forces and the chip formation mechanism
Surface quality. He found that the surface quality obtained and tool geometries. He found that the principal cutting
during machining was dependent on the bre orientation, force was proportional to the depth of cut and decreased
with the smoothest surface being obtained when the cut slightly with an increase in rake angle. However, he found
direction was parallel to the bre direction. He noted that the that a large reduction in the thrust force occurred when the
friction force caused by the tool pressing down on them relief angle was increased from 3 to 15¯ . He suggested that
caused tensile failure of the bres. Machining in the this was because the force was proportional to the contact
perpendicular direction caused greater surface roughness, area between the tool and workpiece. He also reasoned that

Fig. 2 Chip formation 0 and 90¯ bre orientation from Koplev [21]
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the cutting force was independent of tool wear as the tool 3.1.5 Theory of Takeyama and Iijima
did not cut into the material, and that the increased cutting
force was due to the increase in frictional force between the Takeyama and Iijima [26] studied the chip formation
tool and workpiece which in turn was due to the thrust force. process when cutting glass bre reinforced plastics with
continuous bres at various bre angles. They proposed a
model for predicting the cutting forces and surface nish as
3.1.3 Work of Sakuma and Seto a function of the bre angle.
They noted that, at 0¯ bre angle, cracking took place in
Sakuma and Seto [24] conducted face turning tests on
the direction of the bre, whereas at 90¯ bre angle blocky
undirectionally wound GFRP pipes in order to study the
chips were produced by fracture. At intermediate angles
effects of bre orientation on tool wear and cutting forces.
they reported a pattern of chip formation close to that of the
They noted chip formation processes similar to those of
metal cutting process with the angle of the ‘shear plane’
Koplev, and found that at small bre angles the bres were
being bound by that of the bre.
rst bent by the progress of the tool and then broken by
Based on this assumption, they proposed a model for
tension. For large bre angles, the glass bres were sepa-
prediction of cutting force based on the minimum energy
rated from the cut surface by bending and then broken by
theory of Merchant [27] as shown in Fig. 3:
shearing. They explained the variation in forces obtained
during cutting at different bre orientations as being due to
bt1 t…y0† cos…b ¡ g†
the shear strength of the glass bre being lower than the Fc ˆ
tensile strength. cos…f ‡ b ¡ g† sin f

3.1.4 Work of Hocheng et al.

Hocheng et al. [25] conducted milling tests on unidirec- bt1 t…y0 † sin…b ¡ g†
Ft ˆ …1†
tional carbon bre reinforced epoxy material in an attempt cos…f ‡ b ¡ g† sin f
to observe chip characteristics and evaluate machinability as
a function of bre direction and cutting conditions. They where
noted three distinct types of chip produced: Fc ˆ principal cutting force
Ft ˆ tangential cutting force
(a) powder-like chips which were tens of micrometres in f ˆ shear angle
diameter, y0 ˆ bre shear angle, i.e. the angle between the shear
(b) Ribbon-like chips which were several millimetres in plane and the bre direction
length, t…y0 † ˆ yield stress of the GFRP
(c) large brush-like chips. g ˆ rake angle
The powder-like chips suggested that the chips were b ˆ friction angle on the rake face
produced by fracture, in keeping with previous observations b ˆ width of cut
[21, 23]. Examination of the ribbon-like chips revealed that t1 ˆ depth of cut
they were composed of unbroken segments, each produced
The value for t…y0 † (the apparent shear strength of the
by fracture with bre breakage, which were attached by the
material) was obtained experimentally by means of a
relatively viscous matrix polymer. The large brush-like chips simple shear test. The results of Takeyama and Iijima are
were produced by delamination at the end of a cut, caused shown in Fig. 4.
by intralaminar shear. They made the following observations Although the values for the forces obtained compared
on surface roughness and cutting forces.
well with experimental data, this model has been criticized
Surface roughness. They noted that surface roughness for the following reasons:
increased at higher cutting speeds and lower feed rates.
They argued that this was due to thermal effects caused by a
build-up of heat owing to the poor thermal conductivity of
the material at the higher speed and low feed rate.

Cutting force. They noted that the component of the

cutting force parallel to the bres was less than that
orthogonal to the bres and explained this in terms of the
different failure mechanisms described by Koplev [21, 23].
The force required to cause failure of the bres by buckling
is less than that required to cause failure by shear. However,
their analysis was qualitative and no attempt was made to
predict the forces involved. Fig. 3 Orthogonal model of chip formation in GFRP
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produced by fracture. On examination of the chip root, they

found that a plane existed along which a macrocrack
propagated, resulting in the formation of the chip. This
plane corresponded to that found during the Iosipescu shear
test. They concluded that two events take place in the cutting
process when the bre orientation is less than 90¯ :
1. Fibres break in tension to produce the machined surface.
2. Chips are produced ahead of the cutting edge of the tool
by shearing of the matrix in a plane along the bre
The experimental results they obtained showed that the
Fig. 4 Experimental results obtained by Takeyama and Iijima cutting forces were higher for bre orientations less than
[26] 90¯ . The maximum force was for bre orientations between
30 and 60¯ , with minimum forces at 120 to 150¯ as shown in
Fig. 5.
1. The machinability of FRP is strongly dependent on the As the fracture of the material took place along the plane
machining direction, as shown by Koplev [21, 23], of the bres, they were able to model the relationship
Koenig et al. [19], Sakuma and Seto [24], Wang et al. between the bre orientation and the cutting forces by
[28, 29] and Arola et al. [30]. If the machining direction resolving the cutting forces parallel and perpendicular to
reverses, then the chip formation phenomenon will differ. the bres for bre orientations less than 90¯ and bre
Therefore, the model may not be valid for bre orienta- orientations greater than 90¯ separately. This is shown in
tions above 90¯ . Fig. 6.
2. There is no standard technique for measuring the shear For bre angles greater than 90¯ , the progress of the tool
plane angle in FRP materials. As the chips are generally causes the bres to experience compression and bending.
in powder form, it is extremely difcult to measure the
chip thickness and so calculate the shear plane angle as is
done in metal machining.
3. It is doubtful whether the mean angle of friction between
the chip and tool remains the same for all bre angles.
Therefore, using one mean value for all bre angles may
be incorrect.
4. Bhatnagar [17] pointed out that no details were given of
the shear test used to nd the shear strength as well as the
shear phenomena.

3.1.6 Work of Bhatnagar et al.

Bhatnagar et al. [17] presented some observations on the

orthogonal cutting of unidirectional CFRP material with
different bre orientations. They noted that the in-plane
shear strength of a material played a key role during
They proposed to overcome the shortcomings of the
Takayama and Iijima model by obtaining accurate values
for the shear strength of the composite material. They noted
that there was no single standard test method for the
determination of the shear strength at any given bre
angle. They used a novel procedure known as the Iosipescu
shear test [31, 32] to evaluate the shear strength of the
material accurately. From this, they were able to plot the
variation of in-plane shear strength with bre angle.
On conducting machining tests at bre orientations
greater than 90¯ , they found a chip formation process
similar to that of Koplev where the bres were being bent
and the chip was formed by delamination of the material.
For angles less than 90¯ , they found that a blocky chip was Fig. 5 Experimental results obtained by Bhatnagar et al. [17]

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varies for each bre orientation, and substitution of the

correct value is vital for the analysis.
7. Chip formation takes place in such a manner as to
minimize the cutting energy.
8. The matrix shear plane angle is independent of the tool
rake angle.
Substituting the bre angle instead of the shear plane angle
in Merchant’s model, Bhatnagar et al. predicted the cutting
forces as being

ta cos…b ¡ a†
Fc ˆ
sin y cos…y ‡ b ¡ a†


ta sin…b ¡ a†
Ft ˆ …2†
sin cos…y ‡ b ¡ a†

t ˆ in-plane shear strength of the material for a given bre
a ˆ area of the shear plane
y ˆ fibre angle
a ˆ rake angle
b ˆ friction angle
By taking force measurements, it was possible to derive a
value for b using Merchant’s circle. This, in turn, allowed a
value for the shear strength, t, to be calculated. This showed
good agreement with the results obtained from the Iosipescu
shear test up to 60¯ bre angle.
Fig. 6 Cutting mechanism of CFRP from Bhatnagar et al. By using the methodology in reverse, values for Fc and Ft
[17] could be predicted. Actual force measurements showed large
variations in Fc and Ft with bre angle. The cutting force
showed a gradual increase up to 90¯ degree bre angle, but
showed an increased rate of change at angles greater than
They are lifted upward by the tool and are broken by
90¯ . The thrust force was high compared with the cutting
shearing. In the case of bre angles less than 90¯ , they
force and varied considerably, with the maximum value at
tend to be tilted by the cutting force and are subjected to
30¯ bre angle and the minimum value at 150¯ . From
tension and bending as well as compression by the tool rake
analysis of the force data, Bhatnagar et al. observed that
face. Bhatnagar et al. made the same observation as Sakuma
the friction conditions at the rake face of the tool change
and Seta [24] on how the ratio of tensile to shear strength of
depending on the bre orientations, and that the effect of the
the bre affects the cutting forces.
rake angle on friction at the tool–chip interface is minimal.
To model the cutting process for bres less than 90¯ , they
took the same approach as Takayama and Iijima [26] of
assuming that the chip was formed along a shear plane and 3.1.7 Work of Wang
that the minimum energy principle applied [27]. They made
Wang et al. [28] studied the chip formation process in the
a number of further assumptions as follows:
orthogonal cutting of a unidirectional graphite/epoxy
1. A crack propagation plane exists along the bre direction composite in order to identify the inuence of tool geometry
at which the matrix shears. and bre orientation on the mechanisms of chip formation.
2. The cutting forces depend on the in-plane shear strength They used two methods of analysis: in situ analysis, which
of the respective bre angle. involved optical documentation of the chip formation
3. The type of cut is two-dimensional. process, and post-process analysis, which consisted of
4. The bre angle is between 0 and 90¯ . microscopic examination using quick stop techniques and
5. The effect of temperature is negligible. study of the macrochip obtained by the method proposed by
6. The coefcient of friction between the tool and the chip Koplev.
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They found that the chip formation mechanism varied The thrust force was found to be greater than the
greatly depending on the bre angle. At 0¯ bre orientation, corresponding principal cutting force during the cutting of
the material failed by peel fracture emanating from the tool materials with bre orientations between 0¯ and 90¯ . They
point and propagating along the bre/matrix interface. Chip attributed this to elastic recovery of the bres which under-
formation proceeded through chip advancement along the went deformation within the contact zone prior to fracture.
tool face until bending fracture occurred under cantilever This agrees with the results obtained by others [17,
loading. In bre orientations between 15¯ and 75¯ , the chip 21, 24].
formation mechanisms included fracture from compression- They also noted the effect that varying the tool geometry
induced shear across the bre axis combined with interfacial had on the cutting forces. They found that an increased rake
shearing along the bre direction. Chip ow occurred along angle caused a reduction in cutting forces when cutting a
a plane parallel to the bre orientation for all materials up to material with 0¯ bre orientation owing to the transition
90¯ . Chip formation mechanisms for materials greater than from microbuckling to peel fracture. At bre orientations up
75¯ were found to be primarily compression-induced frac- to 90¯ , an increase in rake angle produced an increase in
ture perpendicular to the bres and interlaminar shear the thrust force. Higher thrust values were found for tools
fracture along the bre/matrix interface. with smaller relief values, and cutting speed was found to
In line with previous researchers [17, 26], they observed have no effect on the forces involved. An increase in the
that the material removal process in all bre orientations depth of cut produced a linear increase in the forces
up to 90¯ appears to be governed by the in-plane shear involved.
properties of the material. At angles between 105¯ and 150¯ , Owing to the fact that for bre orientations between 15¯
out-of-plane fracture and delamination occurred ahead and 90¯ the chip ow occurred along the bre orientation, it
of the tool. The chip formation processes are shown in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7 Cutting mechanisms in the orthogonal machining of CFRP [29]

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was possible to resolve the principal cutting and thrust where V is the cutting speed and a, b, c, d, e and f are
forces along the direction of these bres as follows: constants based on the machining characteristics of the
material. Based on these relations, they predicted optimal
Ns ˆ Fc sin y ‡ Ft cos y rake and clearance angles which gave minimum cutting and
thrust forces.
and They also found that the magnitude of the resultant force
obtained during cutting was nearly equivalent to the summa-
tion of forces from the independent unidirectional plies as
Fs ˆ Fc cos y ¡ Ft sin y …3†
calculated previously on the basis of a rule of mixtures
approach. They concluded, therefore, that a multi-ply lami-
where nate material behaves like an assemblage of independent
Ns ˆ normal force materials.
Fs ˆ shear force in the bre direction In order to examine the dynamic effects and the periodi-
city of fracture events in the chip formation process, they
Typical results are shown in Fig. 8. Wang et al. noted that used spectral analysis to examine the nished surface prole
the abrupt discontinuities in the normal force corresponded [30]. Both unidirectional and multidirectional materials were
to the changes in chip formation mechanisms with bre examined. They compared the various spectra obtained with
angle that were observed earlier. the bre orientation in a unidirectional material, and found
In a further study [29] they examined the cutting process that the periodicity of the waveforms obtained corresponded
for a multidirectional laminate of the same material. The to the physical dimensions of the chip width found from
lay-up of the panel was ‰45¯ =¡ 45¯ =…0¯ =90¯ =45¯ =¡ 45¯ †2 Šs . analysis of the macrochip. This provided a more quantitative
Tests were carried using a variety of rake and clearance analysis of the chip size than visual inspection alone. For
angles. In general, they found that each layer behaved as it multidirectional laminate, spectral analysis showed that no
would in a unidirectional composite. Adjacent plies were periodicity existed, which agreed with the observation that
found to support those with bre orientations that tended to the material behaved as an assembly of independent materi-
exhibit macrofracture, and intralaminar damage, though als, each with its own chip formation characteristics.
evident, was not severe.
Contrary to the results obtained when machining unidir-
3.1.8 Arola and Ramulu
ectional material, the principal cutting force was found to be
greater than the thrust force for all cutting conditions and Arola and Ramulu [33] conducted a two-dimensional nite
tool geometries. By statistical analysis of the cutting force element analysis of the chip formation process for unidirec-
data, they were able to develop empirical models for the tional composites. Chip separation was modelled using a
principal cutting and thrust forces. Rake angle, a, and depth critical stress criterion based on the strength of the compo-
of cut, t, were identied as the main effects in the principal nents of the composite. Their model had a predened trim
cutting force, whereas clearance angle, g, and depth of cut plane which passed through the ank face or the tool. The
were the main effects in the thrust force model. They model was veried with experimental measurements of
modelled the thrust and cut forces as follows: cutting forces. The measured values for the cutting force
agreed well with the model, but the predicted values for the
Fc ˆ a ¡ ba ‡ ct ‡ da2 ¡ eVt ‡ f gt thrust force were incorrect owing to difculties in dening
…4† the fracture plane properly on account of the simplifying
Ft ˆ a ¡ bg ‡ ct ‡ da2 ¡ eat ‡ f gt
assumptions made in the model.

3.1.9 Model of Ramesh et al.

Ramesh et al. [34] proposed a nite element model for the

machining of unidirectional FRPs based on an anisotropic
plasticity theory. The material was modelled as being
homogeneous although anisotropic with a perfectly elastic
cutting tool.
Using physical and mechanical properties that had been
derived experimentally, they modelled the chip formation
process for a boron/epoxy composite, two types of GFRP
and graphite/epoxy composites at four bre orientations, 0¯ ,
45¯ , 90¯ and 135¯ . They reported similar variations in the
cutting forces with bre angle to Bhatnagar et al. [17] and
noted that the failure mode was predominantly by shearing
Fig. 8 Force versus bre orientation [29] of the matrix.
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3.1.10 Work of Mahdi and Zhang

Mahdi and Zhang [35] proposed an adaptive three-dimen-

sional algorithm for nite element analysis which allowed a
bre and surrounding matrix material to be modelled as a
composite cell. Adaptive remeshing was critical to this
model and was the focus of the work. The material separa-
tion at the tool tip was modelled by the ‘element death’
technique where an element was deemed to rupture at a
certain critical value of shear stress. While the results Fig. 9 Altintas model of the cutting process [51]
obtained seemed to agree with experimental observations,
the work was limited to the modelling of a single cell.
In further work [36] they presented a two-dimensional
cutting model to predict the cutting force behaviour of to be directly proportional to the depth of cut but indepen-
composites in relation to bre angle. In an approach similar dent of the uncut chip thickness. Therefore, the total cutting
to that of Ramesh et al. [34] they modelled the periodic forces could be expressed as
repetitive microstructural properties of the material as being
an equivalent homogeneous anisotropic material having a
Ft ˆ Ftc ‡ Fte ˆ Ktc bh ‡ Kte b
macro-stiffness equivalent to that of the combined matrix
and bre structure. The model led to a reasonable prediction Ff ˆ Ffc ‡ Ffe ˆ Kfc bh ‡ Kfe b
of the cutting force compared with experimental results. …5†
None of the above models made any attempt to predict the
chip size or shape.
where the subscripts c and e refer to the rake face and tool
edge respectively. The subscripts t and f denote the thrust
4 RESEARCH ON THE MACHINING OF and ank forces on the tool.
WOOD-BASED MATERIALS The cutting coefcients Kcr , Kce , Ktr and Kte were unique
for each tool/workpiece material combination and were also
Most of the reported work in the literature has dealt with dependent on the tool geometry. They were either obtained
tool wear in routing various wood species, e.g. references empirically from orthogonal cutting tests [49] or calculated
[37] to [42]. An early work on chip formation was presented from average force values obtained from milling tests [50].
by Pahlitzch et al. [43] in the machining of solid wood. In a later work [51], they modelled the cutting forces for
They investigated the chip formation process using a high- machining MDF as a function of the frictional forces acting
speed camera and attempted to predict the chip ow. on the rake face and on the ank face of a single-point tool
However, this research has limited applicability outside the during the cutting process as shown in Fig. 10. They
machining of solid wood. resolved the forces acting on the cutting tool along the
rake face and ank face of the tool and obtained expressions
for the coefcient of friction for each in terms of the
4.1 Machining of MDF machining coefcients as follows:
For the ank face
4.1.1 Work of Altintas

Altintas and his coworkers adapted a general mechanics and Kte ‡ Kfe tan g
mf ˆ
dynamics model for machining metals with helical end mills Kfe ¡ Kte tan g
[44–46] for predicting the cutting forces when machining
MDF. This approach was a development of earlier mechan-
istic force prediction methods that have been used for metals For the rake face
[47] and FRP [48]. The approach taken by Altintas was to
use a macromechanical model to predict the cutting forces Kfc ‡ Ktc tan a
as a function of the work material, tool geometry, chip load mr ˆ …6†
Ktc ¡ Kfc tan a
and cutting speed. In this model, the cutting forces Fc and Ft
were separated into ‘shear’ and ‘edge’ components as shown
in Fig. 9. In practice, the values obtained for mr were either negative or
The ‘cutting’ forces due to the contact between the very small, depending on the cutting conditions. This is
workpiece material and the rake face were assumed to be because the MDF chip is formed as small particles which do
linearly proportional to the uncut chip area. The ‘edge’ not ow along the rake face as a rigid body as explained
forces were believed to be due to friction between the previously. As a result, they concluded that the dominant
cutting edge and the newly cut surface and were assumed force on the rake face was the normal force exerted by the
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