Essential Learning and Literacy Kindergarten 1 TG - 9789988897666

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Language and
Kindergarten 1
Teacher’s Guide

Adwoa Nkrumah • Evelyn Kwarteng

NNF Esquire Limited
P.O. Box AN 8644, Accra - North, Ghana.

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First published 2020

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Printed in Ghana by NNF Esquire Ltd

ISBN 978-9988-8976-6-6

Authors: Adwoa Nkrumah, Evelyn Kwarteng

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Introduction v

Term One

Strand 1: All About Me 1
Sub-strand 1: I am a wonderful and unique creation 2
Sub-strand 2: The parts of the human body and their functions 9
Sub-strand 3: Caring for the parts of my body 13
Sub-strand 4: Keeping my body healthy by eating good food and taking my
vaccination 19
Sub-strand 5: My environment and my health 24
Sub-strand 6: Protecting ourselves from home and road accidents 31

Strand 2: My Family 39
Sub-strand 1: Types and members of my family 40
Sub-strand 2: Origin and history of my family 46
Sub-strand 3: Family celebrations and festivals 52
Sub-strand 4: My school rules and regulations 56

Term Two
Strand 3: Values & Beliefs 63
Sub-strand 1: Our family values 64
Sub-strand 2: My cultural values 71
Sub-strand 3: Our religious values 76
Sub-strand 4: Our beliefs 82

Strand 4: My Local Community 89

Sub-strand 1: Knowing the special places in my local community 90
Sub-strand 2: Knowing (who) the important people/occupation
in my community 96
Sub-strand 3: Knowing the special leaders in my community 102

Strand 5: My Nation Ghana 109

Sub-strand 1: History and celebration of Ghana’s independence 110

Term Three
Strand 6: All Around Us 119
Sub-strand 1: Living and non-living things 120
Sub-strand 2: Living things - animals (domestic and wild) 127
Sub-strand 3: Water 133
Sub-strand 4: Air 138
Sub-strand 5: Plants -1 144
Sub-strand 6: Plants -2 151
Sub-strand 7: Gardening 157
Sub-strand 8: Light - Day and night 164
Sub-strand 9: Changing weather conditions 171

Strand 7: My Global Community 179

Sub-strand 1: Connecting and communicating with the global community 180

Glossary 188
RATIONALE between teachers and learners, as well
The rationale for the Kindergarten as between learners and their peers.
Curriculum is to provide through play Teachers become more confident in their
and use of creative learning and practice, feel trusted by learners, and can
teaching approaches a positive learning develop better classroom management
experiences to learners at this level and positive discipline practices. Play-
so that they are ready for school. The based learning further helps to develop
first eight years in a child’s life are the the inherent potential of learners and the
formative and the most critical years critical thinking and imagination skills.
and require that the learning to which
they are exposed are appropriate in PHILOSOPHY
enhancing their curiosity, creativity and The Early Years learning curriculum is
critical thinking. The kind of physical informed by three main philosophical
and psychological environments that ideas, namely the Brain research,
are created, the interactions and the Developmental theory and the Social
experiences adults have with learners Constructivism. Firstly, learner’s brain;
influence and have lasting effects on from birth to ages eight undergoes
them. At this stage the child requires maximum development. During this
basic needs like nutrition, warmth, health, developmental period, the young child’s
security, interaction and stimulation for brain is extraordinarily active, developing
social, emotional psychological, physical very fast, and this is the optimal time
and cognitive development. It is during for learning and development for
this stage that the child establishes life. Early years are critical and very
learning patterns, attitudes, personality important because the experiences a
and a sense of being. Learners generally child encounters at that period have a
learn by practice and this is done decisive impact on the development of
naturally and best through play. They connections in the brain. During this
are very active, curious, and explorative critical and “sensitive period” of the
and enjoy listening to stories. This early years, the child develops language
natural tendency should be the basis and literacy skills, physical, psycho
for designing teaching and learning motor, cognitive, emotional control and
programmes for young learners. interpersonal social skills. It is important
for every growing child to be exposed to
Since learners learn better in a positive learning experiences that are positive,
learning environment, where they feel appropriate and holistic instead of
emotionally and physically safe to fragmented and compartmentalised.
enjoy learning, play-based learning this
curriculum has at its heart this practices LEARNING PHILOSOPHY
essential for motivating learners to Developmental theories affirm that
attend, stay in school and perform better learners go through distinct and unique
socially and academically. An integrated, stages in their development as they
inquiry and discovery approach to move through their early years. Every
teaching and learning will foster caring, child is very unique and develop at their
supportive and committed relationships own pace.

In language and cognitive skills LEARNING OUTCOMES
development, learners go through Learning outcomes are grade specific.
different stages that are unique. This They describe, in observable and
curriculum identifies the individual measurable terms, what learners must
differences and variability in a child’s be able to demonstrate, with respect to
development and affirms that the each of the content standards, to meet
differences would not be seen as deficit grade level expectations.
or weaknesses, but rather rich and
appropriate developmental experiences The learning outcomes for each content
to help them bridge home and school standard become progressively more
experiences. This curriculum ensures complex as learners move up the grade
that classroom experiences are made levels. This is done to ensure that
rich and activities are developmentally learners become increasingly more
appropriate to cater for the different and proficient in their understandings and
unique stages. their use of these understandings as they
move through the grade levels.
Further, the current curriculum relies on It should be noted that learning outcomes
social constructivist philosophical notions define what students should understand
which emphasises that learners learn and be able to do. They do not define
better when they are actively involved in teaching methods. Teachers are free to
their own learning: Learning is a social select the instructional strategies they
and interactive process. Learners learn feel are most appropriate for ensuring
better when they interact and share ideas that learners can meet the learning
with adults and other knowledgeable outcomes.
peers around them. The typical
characteristics of the learners at the early It should be noted that in early primary,
years is that they are active, explorers, learner’s learning is focused around a
builders, also extremely curious and limited number of content standards. By
thus learn best when they are involved p3, however, learners are expected to be
actively in their own learning process. developing understandings with respect
For such learners, learning and play are to all five standards.
inextricably linked and as learners play
and interact with their friends, they learn Order of learning outcomes within a
better. content standard
The content standards themselves, and
Finally, to promote high quality learning, the learning outcomes for a given content
that is functional, meaningful, and standard, are not necessarily organized
authentic, the growing child needs a sequentially. For example, just because
safe, warm, nurturing, and welcoming learning outcome A comes before
Physical, social, emotional and learning outcome B does not mean that
psychological environment. This is vital learning outcome A should be addressed
because research affirms that the type of before learning outcome B. Teachers
environment created for the child is key might want to address learning outcome
to their successful development and a B before learning outcome A, or address
brighter future. the two learning outcomes at the same

The illustrative term and weekly schemes Communication and Collaboration
of work provided in this resource guide (CC)
serve as examples of how teachers might Learners will be able to use languages,
organize learning for a given grade level. symbols and texts to exchange
information about themselves and their
ASSESSMENT TASKS experiences. Learners will actively
Assessment tasks are simple problems participate in sharing ideas and engaging
or task that district staff, head teachers or in dialogues. This will be able to boost
classroom teachers can use to measure their listening and speaking skills. They
whether learners have met the standards will also learn to listen, respect, value
described in the performance standards. other people’s views and be able to work
Each task has a simple to interpret scale together with peers.
to allow teachers to determine whether a
given learner is performing at, below or Cultural identity and Global
above expectations for their grade levels. Citizenship (CG)
Assessment tasks are included for the Develop learners to put country and
end of year performance standards. service first by making them understand
what it means to be active citizens.
CORE COMPETENCIES Inculcating in them a strong sense of
Core competences describe a body of environmental, social, and economic
skills that teachers at all levels should awareness, with emphasis on protecting
seek to develop in their learners. the environment. Learners make use of
The competences presented here the knowledge, skills, attitudes acquired
describe a connected body of core to contribute effectively towards the
skills that are acquired throughout the socioeconomic development of the
processes of teaching and learning. Core country and on the global stage. Build
competences include the following: skills to critically analyse cultural trends,
identify and contribute to the global
Critical thinking and Problem world.
solving (CP)
Developing in learners’ cognitive and Personal Development and
reasoning abilities to enable them to Leadership (PL)
analyse and solve problems. Learners Improving self-awareness, health,
will be able to analyse and find solutions building self-esteem; identifying and
to problems using their own experiences. developing talents, skills, of self
This will allow learners to embrace the and others. Also, fulfil dreams and
problem and take responsibility for their
aspirations. It involves recognising
own learning.
the importance of values such as
Creativity and Innovation (CI) honesty and empathy; seeking the
This competence will help learners to well-being of others; distinguishing
develop an entrepreneurial skill that between right and wrong; fostering
requires imagination, (ingenuity of ideas, perseverance, resilience, and self-
arts, technology and creativity. Learners confidence; exploring leadership,
will be able to think independently and self-regulation and responsibility, and
create solutions to address problems. developing love for lifelong learning.

STRUCTURE OF LANGUAGE AND writing/print. The reader must be
LITERACY CURRICULUM able to read fluently, coherently,
There are four main language skills understand what is read before
to develop in learners right from the responding to it. The reader
early years in other to help them responds to something that is read
become successful in their future in many way; answer questions
education. These skills are: arising from the passage/text
♦♦ Listening (Oral language) read, retell, summarize texts
♦♦ Speaking (Oral language) read in his/her own words to
♦♦ Reading show understanding of the texts,
♦♦ Writing act it out or write a response to
it. Reading is closely linked to
Explanation of the meaning of the Writing and must not be treated as
four skills is as follows: an isolated skill.
♦♦ Listening
This is the ability to accurately ♦♦ Writing
receive, attend to, understand It is the ability to express
and interpret messages in the one’s thought clearly and
communication process, e.g., comprehensively in writing. Writing
the ability to listen to, understand may be in the form of scribbling,
and follow directions, instructions drawing, simple sentences, short
etc. given in a language. This is essays, compositions, summaries,
closely related to Speaking. The letters, etc.
two skills move together.
The relationship among these
♦♦ Speaking quadruplet skills is that “Listening”
This is the ability to speak a and “Reading” are referred to
language clearly, and in a way that as “Receptive Skills”; the skills
will be understood by listeners. through which a learner receives
This is an oral communication communication or a message.
skill that learners should be “Speaking” and Writing” are referred
encouraged to practise to to as the “Productive/Expressive
perfection because it serves Skills” because these skills help the
as a foundational skill to other learner to respond to a message
language and literacy skills. received, or knowledge acquired, by
expressing his/her understanding
♦♦ Reading either through speaking the language
Reading which is a receptive and/or through writing. When a child
skill is closely linked to Listening. scribbles, draws, paints, writes new
This is the ability to receive a stories, letters, simple sentences,
written message through reading short essays, or any form of
it, attend to it, and understand compositions, he/she is producing
what is conveyed in a piece of language. It is in this context that we
need to teach these skills and not see taken from Our World and Our People
them as isolated skills. of which the other learning areas are
interwoven, therefore the teacher
Besides the dimensions just must think through and plan as well
discussed, learning language and as adopt strategies and activities that
literacy involves the acquisition of will facilitate the connection.
two major behaviours. These are
“Knowledge and Understanding” It is therefore important to create
and the “Use of Knowledge”. communication-rich and print-rich
“Knowledge and Understanding” classroom environments that will
refers to the ability to identify and help motivate learners to use and
recall, for example, letter-sound experience authentic ways which in
relationship, manipulation of sounds turn fosters the foundational language
in speaking and writing, etc. acquired and literacy skills. It is essential for
through Listening and Reading the teacher to label the major objects
and the principles of grammar (board, door, windows, teacher’s
acquired through instruction. “Use table, learning centres), teaching
of Knowledge” implies the ability to and learning materials and other
use the language in writing and in classroom displays bilingually (in a
speaking. Ghanaian language and the English
language) to promote bilingualism
Reading is another complex skill and biliteracy.
which has many other components.
For learners to become fluent THE SIX ESSENTIAL LANGUAGE
and skilled readers, they need to AND LITERACY SKILLS
acquire the following six essential Phonemic Awareness: Awareness
components of reading. These are to recognize that spoken language
phonemic awareness, concept of is made up of series of sounds.
print, alphabetic knowledge and Learners need to have the ability to
phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, notice, think about, and work with the
fluency) as well as the other learning individual sounds in spoken words.
areas (numeracy, our world and our
people and creative arts). This is Concept of Print: The knowledge and
because the appropriate integration skills of identifying, understanding
of the language and literacy skills and working with print. Learners need
into the other learning areas and vice to know how print works (writing/
versa promote learners’ early literacy reading from left to right, top to
acquisition that will prepare them to bottom, proper handling of books/
succeed in the higher academic and print, etc.)
social endeavours.
Alphabetic Knowledge and Phonics:
In this integrated thematic KG Ability to identify the letter names
curriculum, the strands (themes) are and their respective sounds and the
manipulation of the sounds to make skills. These activities include
meaningful words. Learners need songs, rhymes, storytelling, role
these knowledge and skills to enable play/dramatization, conversation,
them work out appropriate patterning reading to learners, shared reading,
of words into meaningful utterances listening comprehension, giving
and writing. Phonics instruction and responding to commands/
teaches learners the relationship instructions/directions, making and
between the letters of alphabets of a responding to requests, presentation,
written language and the individual etc. The purpose of each of these
sound(s) they make in spoken segments is to encourage learners
language (letter-sound relationship). to listen carefully, recite, sing, carry
out instructions and speak both the
Vocabulary: Words that learners Ghanaian and the English languages
must know to enable them interact with confidence.
effectively. Effective vocabulary
instruction broadens learners’ sight Oral activities such as community
words that facilitates fluency and circle time, discussion using
comprehension. conversation posters or wordless
books, etc. are good platforms to
Comprehension: Ability to understand introduce the strands and/or sub-
spoken language as well as written strands.
text. Having rich interaction and
frequent reading to learners promote The teacher must endeavour to do
their comprehension of words or frequent read aloud with learners
utterances. especially in the English language so
that they will be exposed to the oral
Fluency: Ability to read a text correctly aspect of the languages. The daily/
and quickly. This language and frequent reading must integrate the
literacy skill enables the learner to instruction of the language skills. This
become familiar with words so much practice will facilitate their language
so that the recognition of such words skills, enrich their vocabulary and
is automatic to them and they read inculcate in them the habit of reading.
them without effort. The skill is crucial
to language and literacy development Above all, the teacher must
because it provides a bridge between endeavour to use the mother tongue-
word recognition and understanding based bilingual medium of instruction
(comprehension) (MTB-BMoI) and consciously teach
the languages as much as possible in
ORAL LANGUAGE (LISTENING play-based activities so that learners
AND SPEAKING) will be able to acquire effective skills
Oral language activities (Listening in speaking.
and Speaking) enhance the
acquisition of the six essential
Rhymes and songs
Songs and rhymes are a staple Internet links
of the preschool and kindergarten ♦♦
classroom, and have been for UCKAqou7V9FAWXpZd9xtOg3Q -
generations. Little Baby Bum - Nursery Rhymes
& Kids Songs
The list of rhymes and songs below ♦♦ -
are a few compiled youtube links that Head Shoulders Knees and Toes
can go a long way to help make your ♦♦
lessons interesting and succesful. - This is the way we brush our
This is the way we brush our teeth ♦♦ -
This is the way we brush our teeth safety at home
brush our teeth ♦♦
brush our teeth watch?v=4lYlaNZ2u40 – family
This is the way we brush our teeth members story
We do it in the morning! ♦♦ -
role of family members
Brushing up, and ♦♦ - our
brushing down family rhyme and song
left and right and round and round ... ♦♦ -
A nice white smile will then be found! shapes
We’ve brushed really well! ♦♦ -
traffic light
This is the way we brush our teeth ♦♦ -
brush our teeth moral story
brush our teeth ♦♦ -
This is the way we brush our teeth body language
We do it in the evening! ♦♦ -
good manners
Brushing left, and ♦♦ -
brushing right relating well with others
Brushing our teeth are bright til! ♦♦ -
Then we say [yamn] “good night!” places in the community
We’ve brushed really well! ♦♦ -
ghana’s independence
This is the way we brush our teeth ♦♦
brush our teeth watch?v=zFGydQHh0KA – story
brush our teeth on living and non-living things
This is the way we brush our teeth ♦♦ -
We do it twice a day! what is air

♦♦ - ♦♦ -
thirsty crow grow your plant
♦♦ - ♦♦ -
What do Plants Need to Grow types of soil
♦♦ - ♦♦ –
uses of plants Noah’s ark
♦♦ - ♦♦ -
parts of plant aeroplane up in the sky

Starter activities
♦♦ Musical Balloons - What you ♦♦ Follow the leader: the Leader,
need to do is play your music and begins moving around with actions
have each child grab a balloon that the rest of the players must
when the music starts have kids mimic. Anything — including wildly
bounce their balloons in the air flailing his hands or furiously
and move to the music. When the scratching his head — what the
music stops they have to freeze leader does, the others must
and whoever is holding a balloon follow. Those players who disobey,
“wins.” or lag behind the leader’s motions
are out of the game.
♦♦ Statues - Have children move to
the music and when it stops they ♦♦ Red light green light: One
have to be still like a statue. person is chosen to be ‘It’ (the
traffic light) and he/she stands a
♦♦ We All Fall Down – Play music good distance away from the other
and have kids move around when players with his back to them. The
the music stops they all fall down. other players stand in a line facing
♦♦ The Word Dance – Have kids ♦♦ When It calls ‘Green Light,’ the
write a word on a slip of paper and other players move towards him
then make up a dance to go with until he spins around, calling ‘Red
that. Light.’ When they hear the red
♦♦ If you’re happy and you know light command the other players
it– Play “If You’re Happy and You must freeze on the spot. Any child
Know it” and change around the seen moving must return to the
words to end with shake your starting line. The children must
bottom, do the twist, dance like a remain frozen until the next ‘Green
ballerina, hop on one foot…. Light’ command is given.
♦♦ Play continues in this manner until
someone reaches and tags It. The
tagger becomes the new It and
the game begins again.
♦♦ Mr/Mrs Wolf - Choose one player ♦♦ Mr Crocodile calls out one colour
to be Mr. (or Mrs.) Fox. The goal name and any of the players
of the game is to get past the Fox wearing that colour are safe to
without getting caught. To start, cross past Mr Crocodile to the
have the Fox stand about 20 feet other side of the yard/room. For
away from the other players with example, if Mr Crocodile calls,
their back turned to the other “Blue,” anyone wearing blue is
players. The players then say, safe to cross.
“What time is it Mr./Mrs. Fox” The ♦♦ Once the safe players are across
Fox responds with a certain time to the other side of the space, the
(whatever the Fox chooses) and players not wearing the selected
the other players should walk colour must try to run across
forward that many steps. For to the other side of the yard/
example, if the Fox says it’s five room without being caught by Mr
o’clock, the players should take Crocodile.
five steps (any size step) forward. ♦♦ The player that is caught becomes
This continues until the Fox the next Mr Crocodile and the
responds to “What time is it, Mr./ game starts again.
Mrs. Fox” by saying “Midnight!”
At that point, the Fox chases ♦♦ Frog jumps - Hop hop, back and
the players back to the starting forth like a frog.
line trying to tag them. The first
player that gets tagged by the ♦♦ Dolphin Jump - Make a circle on
Fox becomes the Fox for the next the floor, let learners jump in and
game. out many times.
♦♦ To make the game more
challenging and help children ♦♦ Bean bag balance game -
develop more physical skills, you Arrange empty baskets or bowls
can have them hop their steps on infront of the class. Call a learner,
one foot or even skip forward. give him or her 5 neatly folded
socks. Upon whistling, the learner
♦♦ Mr Crocodile - All of the players picks 1 socks and puts on his/her
(except one who is chosen as foot and lifts that foot and drops
‘Mr Crocodile’) stand side by side the socks in the basket/bowl.
at one side of the yard or room,
facing the other side. Mr Crocodile ♦♦ Animal Dance - Let children
stands in the middle of the yard or pick a card at random and have
room. them dance to the music as that
♦♦ The players chant, “Please Mr animal. Consider, talk about and
Crocodile may we cross the encourage things like the typical
river? If not, why not, what’s your types of movements of each
favourite colour?” animal. Does the animal usually
move fast/slow, with big/small
movements, quietly/loudly, on all SUGGESTED TIME ALLOCATION
fours? etc. On an average two to three hours
per sitting, depending on the age
♦♦ Dancing with Props - Provide a and level of learners, each period
selection of props (balloon, wigs, consisting of thirty minutes, is
twigs, flowers, scarfs, ribbon, hat, allocated to the teaching relevant
etc) and have children choose physical play-based activities with
one at a time to dance with. Talk equal participation, co-ordination
about how each item changes or of each learner to develop their
influences their movement. Extend cognitive skills at the preschool level.
this by allowing children to search
out and find their own props to
dance with. Can they dance with a
partner while still using their prop?

Term One

Strand: 1
All about me
Strand 1: All about me

Sub-strand 1: I am a wonderful and unique creation

LESSON 1: My unique self 2-7

Warming Up
Content Standard Have learners flip their fingers and move
K1.1.1.1 Demonstrate the shoulders while you clap for them to
understanding that all learners are dance.
wonderful and have unique body
features that make them different from Main Activities:
other people and other God’s creation Activity 1
in the environment. • Put leaners in a community circle.
Let them sing different action songs/
Indicator rhyme and dance as well. E.g
K1. Identify and talk in simple Me ba nsa te sɛ obi ne ba nsa
sentences about the features of our Na ne to na ‘ɛyɛ me fɛ’
body that make us unique and different
from other God’s creation.
K1. Sing an action song that
helps learners name the parts of the I have two eyes, they are the same same
body and point to them. same
I have two legs, they are the same same
Learning Outcome same
♦♦ Learners will be able to name parts I have two ears, they are the same
of the body and point to them. samesame
I have two buttocks, they are the same
Essential for Learning same same.
Learners know that they have eyes and
legs. • Let learners touch the part of their
bodies as they sing or say the rhyme.
New Words • Use the following questions to guide
unique, different, girl, boy. the learners who cannot talk fluently
Resources What is your name?
Crayons, pictures of parts of the body, How old are you?
posters. Are you a girl or a boy?
What do you like?
Core Competencies What do you dislike?
Personal Development and
Leadership (PL)
Communication and collaboration (CC)

Sub-strand 1 I am a wonderful and unique creation

Activity 2 Answers
Lesson 1to exercises
My unique selfin the Workbook
• Refer learners to page 3. Let them Match the names to the part of the body
Practice 1 and point them.
say the rhyme; “Head, shoulders, Practice 1
knees and toes”. Make sure
Ear Neck
everybody takes active part and point
to the parts of their bodies as they
recite the rhyme.

Activity 3 Eye Foot

• Have learners identify parts of their
body. Hold a part of the body, say
“nose” and let learners hold theirs
and say the name. Do these activities Hand Nose
for the rest of the parts of the body.

Activity 4
• Have learners work in pairs. One
Leg Mouth
mentions a name of the part of the
body and the other holds that part.
Let them take turns. Give them 6 All about me
posters/pictures of parts of the body Practice 2
for learners to identify their names Learners to tick head, ear, mouth.
and point to them.

Activity 5 Practice 3
• Have learners sing different songs Learners to draw and write their name
(in either a Ghanaian language or
in English) that identify parts of their Practice 4
body. Let them perform an action on 1 → mouth
it. Eg. “I have two eyes”. 2 → foot
3 → hand
Review Exercise 4 → ears
Have learners work in groups of four.
Give them pictures of a human being Practice 5
with parts of their body missing. They Learners to draw
should identify the parts that are missing. - one eye
Draw a head and leave out ear and eye. - mouth
- one ear

Assessment for Learning Practice 6

Refer learners to Practice 1 - 6 on pages Learners to draw missing hand, arm, and
2-7 of the Workbook for exercise. leg.

Diagnostic Assessment 5. Did the learners ask you
The diagnostic assessment will enable questions during and after the
you the teacher assess yourself and lesson?
know whether the lesson was successful 6. Were learners able to do the
or not. exercises at the end of the
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the 7. Reflect on three things you did
lesson taught. very well.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. 8. How are you going to build on
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson this achievement in subsequent
taught from the introduction to the lessons?
conclusion. 9. Reflect on two challenges
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking you faced when teaching the
yourself the following questions: lesson.
1. How did the lesson go? 10. How are you going to rectify
2. Was the introduction catchy? these in subsequent lessons?
3. Were you able to catch the P: Plan: If you get the chance to
learners’ attention throughout teach the same lesson, what plans
the lesson? (strategies) will you implement to
4. Were the learners able to enhance teaching so that learners
answer your questions during will understand and enjoy it?
and after the lesson?

LESSON 2: Relating different parts of a book to our pages
body parts 8-10

Main Activities
Content Standard
K1.1.1.1 Demonstrate the Activity 1
understanding that all learners are • Read a short story about parts of the
wonderful and have unique body body from a book to learners. Use
features that make them different from think-pair-share for learners to talk
other people and other God’s creation about the front and back cover of the
in the environment. book.

K1. Recognise and talk about
the different parts of book, (the front/
cover page of a book and back of a
book) and relate the content of the text
to our body parts.

Learning Outcome
♦♦ Learners will be able to relate parts Activity 2
of a book to our body parts. • Relate the different parts of a book to
the parts of the body.
New Words • Books have front view. We also have
Unique, different, front cover, back a front view.
page, book. • Books have back covers/views. We
also have back views.
Resources • Let them talk about what they see at
Learners’ book, crayons, pencils, the front and back of the book. Let
picture of front book and cover of them also talk about the front and
books. back of themselves. They should
work in pairs.
Core Competencies
Critical thinking and innovation Activity 3
(CI) • Point to the pictures on the back
Creativity of the book and have learners talk
about the pictures, showing parts of
the body. Let them do picture walk
Warming Up through the text.
Have learners recite the rhyme “Head,
shoulder, knees and toes”.

Activity 4 Diagnostic Assessment
• Have learners work in groups of four. The diagnostic assessment will enable
Give them different books for them to you the teacher assess yourself and
identify the front covers and the back know whether the lesson was successful
covers. or not.

Review Exercise In other words, you have to “TRAP” the

Have learners work in pairs. They should lesson taught.
face each other and talk about parts of T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
the body by naming them. One turns his R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
or her back towards the other and talk taught from the introduction to the
about the features they see there. conclusion.
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
Assessment for Learning yourself the following questions:
Refer learners to Practice 1 - 3 on pages 1. How did the lesson go?
8-10 of their learners book for exercises. 2. Was the introduction catchy?
3. Were you able to catch the
learners’ attention throughout
Answers to exercises in the Workbook the lesson?
4. Were the learners able to
Practice 2 answer your questions during
Learners to colour the teacher writing on and after the lesson?
the board. 5. Did the learners ask you
questions during and after the
Practice 3 lesson?
Learners to colour the part with title and 6. Were learners able to do the
author. exercises at the end of the
7. Reflect on three things you did
very well.
8. How are you going to build on
this achievement in subsequent
9. Reflect on two challenges
you faced when teaching the
10. How are you going to rectify
these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

LESSON 3: Describing ourselves using positive page
expressions 11

Content Standard
K. Demonstrate the
understanding that all learners are
wonderful and have unique body
features that make them different from
other people and other God’s creation
in the environment.
• Call two learners of the same sex
Indicator both with different heights to the front
K1. Use new and positive of the class. Have learners describe
expressions/vocabulary related to the
them by their height. For example,
parts of the body.
Ama is short and Akos is tall.
Learning Outcome
♦♦ Learners will be able to use positive Activity 2
expressions to describe themselves. • Group all learners according to
fairness and darkness. Let them
Essential for Learning describe themselves.
Learners can name parts of their
bodies. Review Exercise
Have learners be in a semi-circle, one
New Words stands infront and describe himself or
Fair, dark, tall, short, girl, boy. herself. Eg “I am a boy. I am tall/dark”.
Make sure everybody has his or her turn.
Pictures/posters of different genders Assessment for Learning
and different structures, crayons, Refer learners to Practice 1 on page 11
pencils, cut-out body parts. of the Workbook for exercises.

Suggested Homework
Let learners draw themselves and colour.
Warming Up
Have learners sing the song “Kyerewoti”
Answers to exercises in the Workbook
or any song that they know.

Main Activities Practice 1

Learners to trace.
Activity 1
• Call two learners to the front of the
class, a boy and a girl. Let learners
describe them by gender. Adjoa is a
girl. Dela is a boy.

Diagnostic Assessment 5. Did the learners ask you
The diagnostic assessment will enable questions during and after the
you the teacher assess yourself and lesson?
know whether the lesson was successful 6. Were learners able to do the
or not. exercises at the end of the
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the 7. Reflect on three things you did
lesson taught. very well.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. 8. How are you going to build on
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson this achievement in subsequent
taught from the introduction to the lessons?
conclusion. 9. Reflect on two challenges
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking you faced when teaching the
yourself the following questions: lesson.
1. How did the lesson go? 10. How are you going to rectify
2. Was the introduction catchy? these in subsequent lessons?
3. Were you able to catch the P: Plan: If you get the chance to
learners’ attention throughout teach the same lesson, what plans
the lesson? (strategies) will you implement to
4. Were the learners able to enhance teaching so that learners
answer your questions during will understand and enjoy it?
and after the lesson?

Strand 1: All about me

Sub-strand 2: The parts of the human body and their functions

LESSON 1: Functions of the parts of the body 12-15

Warming Up
Content Standard Have learners sing any song connected
K1.1.2.1 Demonstrate the with the functions of parts of the body.
understanding of appropriate names of
the parts of the body and describe the Main Activities
functions of each part.
Activity 1
Indicator • Put learners in a community circle.
K1. Using a conversation poster Let learners sing songs about the
of body parts, learners talk about the body parts and what they do. Eg.
functions of the parts of the human What can the eyes do? The eyes can
body that we can see. see and see. What can the ears do?
K. Use visual information to aid The ears can hear and hear.
comprehension before, during and after
reading a text on functions of the parts Activity 2
of the human body. • Let learners perform different
activities to enable them to identify
Learning Outcome the functions of parts of the body.
♦♦ Learners will be able to identify the 1 e.g. Let them cover their mouth
functions of parts of the body. and ask if they can talk.
2 Blindfold learners and let them
Essentials for Learning search for objects. eg. book.
Learners can identify and name parts of
their bodies. Activity 3
• Have learners play “Pick and act”
New Words They pick a body part and they
functions, smell, hear, eat. perform what that body part can do.

Resources Activity 4
Pictures of body parts performing some • Put learners in a community circle.
functions, crayons, pencils Show the Big Books to learners. (If
you don’t have the Big Book make
Core Competencies one for yourself). Demonstrate how
Communication and collaboration (CC) books are read from left to right
Critical thinking to learners. Guide them to read
Personal Development and Leadership pictures.

• Using think-pair-share, have learners Diagnostic Assessment
talk about what they have learnt The diagnostic assessment will enable
about the functions of parts of the you the teacher assess yourself and
human body from the book. know whether the lesson was successful
or not.
Activity 5
• Have learners work in groups of four In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
or six. They should form a circle. One lesson taught.
stands in the middle, focus on a letter T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
eg. ‘s’ as ‘see’, ‘smell’ and performs R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
activities with smelling and seeing. taught from the introduction to the
Review Exercise A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
Have learners sing song related to the yourself the following questions:
functions of the body parts. Eg.Olaa, 1. How did the lesson go?
olaaa, tra la lala. 2. Was the introduction catchy?
3. Were you able to catch the
Assessment for Learning learners’ attention throughout
Refer learners to Practices 1 - 3 on the lesson?
pages 12-15 of the Workbook for 4. Were the learners able to
exercises. answer your questions during
and after the lesson?
Answers to exercises in the Workbook 5. Did the learners ask you
questions during and after the
Practice lesson?
Learners to draw a hand. 6. Were learners able to do the
exercises at the end of the
Practice 2 lesson?
Learners to circle 7. Reflect on three things you did
1 eat very well.
2 smell 8. How are you going to build on
3 see this achievement in subsequent
4 hear lessons?
9. Reflect on two challenges
Practice 3 you faced when teaching the
Learners to colour. lesson.
10. How are you going to rectify
Practice 4 these in subsequent lessons?
Learners to trace over the word P: Plan: If you get the chance to
underlined. teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

LESSON 2: Using different parts of the body to pages
perform action 16-17

• Stand in front of the circle. Point to

Content Standard one part of the body, say “eye” and
K1.2.1.2 Demonstrate the ask them what can the eyes do.
understanding of appropriate names of Expected answers: the eyes can see,
the parts of the body and describe the the eyes can read etc.
functions of each part. What can the hands do? The hands
can clap, the hands can write etc.
K1.2.1.3 Learn and use new/vocabulary Activity 2
related to what they do with the parts of • Let learners sing the following songs
the body. What can the mouth do?
K1.2.1.4 Sing songs about functions of The mouth can eat
the body parts and perform the actions What can the legs do?
on it. The legs can walk

Learning Outcome Activity 3

♦♦ Learners will be able to perform • Call some learners to the front of the
actions with the body parts whiles class to “Pick and Act”. Put pictures
singing. of mouth, nose, legs, etc on your
table. The learner picks one and
Essential for Learning performs an action with it. e.g. if a
Learners can identify the names of the learner picks the mouth, he/she can
parts of the body. sing a song or pretend to be eating.

New Words Activity 4

eat, smell, hear, clap. • Call out a body part and let learners
perform its function. E.g point to the
Resources legs and everybody starts to walk.
Pictures/posters of parts of the body Point to the ‘ear’ and everybody
performing some functions. pretends to hear something from
someone. Continue the above activity
until all parts of the body hasw been
Warming Up used for their functions.
Have learners sing “I have two eyes”.
Review Exercise
Put learners into groups of four. Let them
Main Activities act out all the functions of all parts of the
Activity 1
• Put learners in a community circle.

Assessment for Learning
Refer learners to Practices 1 - 2 on Diagnostic Assessment
pages 16-17 of the Workbook for The diagnostic assessment will enable
exercise. you the teacher assess yourself and
know whether the lesson was successful
Suggested Homework or not.
Have learners draw parts of the body
which can smell. In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
lesson taught.
Answers to exercises in the Workbook
Using different parts of the body to
T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
Lesson 2 perform an action R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
Practice 1 Match the part of the body to its function. taught from the introduction to the
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
yourself the following questions:
1. How did the lesson go?
1 b 2. Was the introduction catchy?
3. Were you able to catch the
learners’ attention throughout
the lesson?
2 c
4. Were the learners able to
answer your questions during
and after the lesson?
d 5. Did the learners ask you
questions during and after the
4 6. Were learners able to do the
exercises at the end of the
20 All about me 7. Reflect on three things you did
Practice 2 very well.
Learners to draw. 8. How are you going to build on
this achievement in subsequent
9. Reflect on two challenges
you faced when teaching the
10. How are you going to rectify
these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

Strand 1: All about me

Sub-strand 3: Caring for the parts of my body

LESSON 1: Personal hygiene (1) 18-20

Content Standard Core Competencies

K1.1.3.1 Demonstrate understanding Communication and collaboration (CC)
of the importance of personal hygiene Critical thinking
and how to care for my body parts e. g. Personal Development and Leadership
hand, feet, finger nails - washing, face (PL)
washing, nose.
Warming Up
Indicator Ask these questions;
K1. Sing songs and recite What was the first thing you did when
rhymes about how we take care of each you woke up this morning?
part of the body and demonstrate how What did your parent do for you after
to do it. e.g. This is the way we wash bathing you?
our face. Let different learners answer these
K1. Watch a short video clip and questions.
talk about how to care for the various
parts of the body. Main Activities
Activity 1
Learning Outcome • Have learners sit in a community
♦♦ Learners will be able to identify the circle. Let them sing different songs
correct ways to care for each part of about caring for the parts of the body.
the body. eg. “This is the way I wash my face”.
Insert another one here.
Essentials for learning
Learners have been bathing and Activity 2
cleaning their teeth everyday. • Put learners in a community circle.
Show a video clip on how to clean
New Words parts of the body. Ask them questions
hygiene, fingernails, nail cutter. after the video. E.g
(1) What materials were used to clean
Resources the teeth? (Toothbrush and
soap, towel, nail cutter, brush, toothpaste).
toothpaste, toothbrush, pictures/posters (2) After bathing, what was used to wipe
of people taking good care of their the body? (Towel) Write their
bodies. answers on the board.

Activity 3 Diagnostic Assessment
• Read aloud the story in the (Big The diagnostic assessment will enable
Book) to learners. Let them listen you the teacher assess yourself and
attentively. Show the pictures in the know whether the lesson was successful
book to learners about how to care or not.
for different parts of the body. E.g
washing your hands, face, brushing In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
your teeth and bathing. lesson taught.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
Activity 4 R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
• Create a cleanliness corner in the taught from the introduction to the
classroom. Display materials used in conclusion.
taking care of the body. E.g (towel, A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
toothbrush, mirror, toothpaste, comb yourself the following questions:
etc.) Have learners take turns to go 1. How did the lesson go?
to the centre to care for their body. 2. Was the introduction catchy?
Eg. One will go and comb the hair, 3. Were you able to catch the
another can pretend cleaning the learners’ attention throughout
teeth etc. the lesson?
4. Were the learners able to
Review Exercise answer your questions during
Have learners work in pairs. Each and after the lesson?
learner mention two items used in taking 5. Did the learners ask you
care of the body. questions during and after the
Assessment for Learning lesson?
Refer learners to Practice 1 - 3 on pages 6. Were learners able to do the
18-20 of the Workbook for exercises. exercises at the end of the
Answers to exercises in the Workbook 7. Reflect on three things you did
Practice 1 very well.
1 water, soap. 8. How are you going to build on
2 accept different answers and ask this achievement in subsequent
them the reason. lessons?
Let them know it’s advisable to wash 9. Reflect on two challenges
their hands often. you faced when teaching the
Practice 2 10. How are you going to rectify
1 water these in subsequent lessons?
3 cup P: Plan: If you get the chance to
5 arm/fingers teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
Practice 3 enhance teaching so that learners
B 1 water, sponge, soap will understand and enjoy it?
2 1, 2, accept learners answers and
ask them theri reasons.
C Learners to trace.

LESSON 2: Personal hygiene (2) 21-24

Warming Up
Content Standard Have learners sing “This is the way I
K1.1.3.1. Demonstrate understanding wash my hands”
of the importance of personal hygiene
and how to care for my body parts e. g.
hand, feet finger nails- washing, face Main Activities
washing, nose.
Activity 1
Indicator • Have learners sit in a community
K1. Talk about what we use circle. Let learners listen to you as
in caring for the human body in our you read story on the theme to them.
everyday life as they listen to a read Demonstrate how to care for different
aloud text. parts of the body. Wash your face
K1. Show and explain why and hands, brush your teeth and cut
learners’ books are open from right to your fingernails.
Activity 2
Learning Outcome • Show pictures in the book by doing
Learners will be able to: picture walks. Let them tell you the
♦♦ explain why their books are open direction you are going as you open
from right to left. the pages. Use the think-pair-share
♦♦ identify the words that care for the strategy. Let them discuss how to
body. take care of parts of their body.

Essential for Learning Activity 3

Learners can identify the functions of • Give out learners Workbooks to
parts of the body. them. Let learners glance through the
book, page by page while observing
New Words the pictures to reinforce the left-right
wash, brush, bath, toothbrush, and top-bottom movement in reading.
toothpaste. Demonstrate and let them do the
Toothbrush, word cards with the words Activity 4
that show how to take care of the • Have learners sing several songs on
human body e.g wash, brush, bath etc. caring for the body.
This is the way I clean my teeth,
Core Competencies Clean my teeth, clean my teeth.
Communication and collaboration (CC) This is the way I clean my teeth, early
Critical thinking in the morning.
Personal Development and Leadership • Demonstrate how to stretch the
(PL) words and have them follow along
just doing the actions.

Repeat these activities several times Diagnostic Assessment
using the appropriate words. The diagnostic assessment will enable
you the teacher assess yourself and
Activity 5 know whether the lesson was successful
• Display the cut-out tools/materials or not.
on your table. Let learners pick and
demonstrate appropriate ways of how In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
that tool is used to clean the body. lesson taught.
Introduce the words: wash, bath, T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
brush, cut, nails, one after the other, R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
to learners. taught from the introduction to the
Review Exercise A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
Using think-pair-share, let learners talk yourself the following questions:
about why we should care for our bodies. 1. How did the lesson go?
2. Was the introduction catchy?
Assessment for Learning 3. Were you able to catch the
Let learners draw themselves brushing learners’ attention throughout
their teeth. the lesson?
4. Were the learners able to
Suggested Homework answer your questions during
Draw two things used in taking care of and after the lesson?
parts of the body. 5. Did the learners ask you
Answers to exercises in the Workbook questions during and after the
Practice 1 6. Were learners able to do the
Learners to thick: exercises at the end of the
brush, towel, soap, sponge lesson?
tooth brush, tooth paste. 7. Reflect on three things you did
very well.
Practice 2 8. How are you going to build on
Learners to colour. this achievement in subsequent
Practice 3 9. Reflect on two challenges
Learners to colour. you faced when teaching the
Practice 4 10. How are you going to rectify
Learners to trace the first sound. these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

LESSON 3: Words about personal care of the body 25

Main Activities
Content Standard
K1.1.3.1. Demonstrate understanding Activity 2
of the importance of personal hygiene Model for them how to stress the words
and how to care for my body parts e. g. and have them do the same (bath, wash,
hand, feet finger nails - washing, face clean). Repeat and stress the words
washing, nose. several times with learners.

Indicator Activity 3
K1. Stress the words that show Display tools for cleaning the body on
caring for the body as learners sing your table. Let learners identify their
songs about personal care of the body names eg. (towel, soap, sponge, comb,
parts and clap hands on the rhythm of nail cutter etc.) Now call a learner and
the songs E.g. wash, brush, cut nails. let he/she pick one of the tools and
demonstrate how that tool is used to
Learning Outcome clean the body.
♦♦ Learners will be able to share words
about personal hygiene. Activity 4
Introduce the letter-sound for the week
Essential for Learning /c/. Let them say the sound several
Learners now know that they have to times. Write some words on the board
brush their teeth twice daily. and let learners identify the letter sound
/c/ and underline them.
New words 1 clean
words, stress, tools 2 care
3 nail cutter
Resources 4 cup
word cards, tools for cleaning parts
of the body. e.g towel, tooth brush, Review Exercise
toothpaste, comb. Have learners work in pairs. Let them
stress and say tthe following words
words in turns: clean, bath, wash, brush.
Warming up
Assessment for Learning
Have learners sing the song
Refer learners to Practice 1 on page 25
“This is the way. I brush my teeth” (2x)
of the Workbook for exercises.
This is the way I wash my face (2x)
This is the way I bath myself (2x)
Answers to exercises in the Workbook
Let learners clap the rhyme as they sing
the songs and make action on the stress
Practice 1
words (wash, bath, brush).
Learners to trace.

Diagnostic Assessment
The diagnostic assessment will enable
you the teacher assess yourself and
know whether the lesson was successful
or not.

In other words, you have to “TRAP” the

lesson taught.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
taught from the introduction to the
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
yourself the following questions:
1. How did the lesson go?
2. Was the introduction catchy?
3. Were you able to catch the
learners’ attention throughout
the lesson?
4. Were the learners able to
answer your questions during
and after the lesson?
5. Did the learners ask you
questions during and after the
6. Were learners able to do the
exercises at the end of the
7. Reflect on three things you did
very well.
8. How are you going to build on
this achievement in subsequent
9. Reflect on two challenges
you faced when teaching the
10. How are you going to rectify
these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

Strand 1: All about me

Sub-strand 4: Keeping my body healthy by eating good food and

taking my vaccination
LESSON 1: Eating good food 26-29

Content Standard New Words

K1.1.4.1 Demonstrate the Banku, bread, brodoo, alphabet
understanding that eating good
food and taking all my childhood Resources
vaccinations will keep me growing Samples of vegetables and fruits, yam,
healthy and strong. bread, eggs, cooking oil, crayons,
pencils pictures of the six groups of
Indicator foods, letter cards of the alphabets, etc.
K1. Learners talk about different
types of food they eat at home and Core Compegtencies
classify those that can make them grow Communication and collaboration (CC)
healthy. (Body building food, energy Personal Development and Leadership
giving food, etc.) (PL)
K1. Tell their own short stories Critical thinking and Problem-solving
about pictures in the Big book to be skills
read. Communication
K1. Listen attentively, respond to
an information text about foods we eat
to keep healthy and use new content
words learnt to create simple sentence
Warming Up
(orally) on how to keep healthy.
Let learners sing any song that they
Learning Outcome know about food. Eg. “Bankye bankye
Learners will be able to: ͻde wͻ fufu”
♦♦ Identify food to eat to keep our
bodies strong and healthy. Main Activities
♦♦ Retell their own stories after
showing them pictures in a book. Activity 1
♦♦ Listen attentively to read-aloud text • Have learners sit in a community
on balanced diet and form simple circle. Ask learners questions to find
sentences with the new words out things we have to do to keep
learnt. healthy and strong. Show pictures
on different kind of balance food.
Essentials for Learning We need to eat to help us grow. Use
Learners have been eating food like think-pair-share strategy.
rice and stew and yam and nkontomire.

Activity 2
• Show pictures from the Workbook Answers to exercises in the Workbook
on page 30. Ask them to make Practice 1 - 3
connections to the written symbols Learners to trace.
under them. Encourage learners to
give examples of words that contain Practice 4
the prominent sound in the word of 1 They are eating
the day eg. fat, mat, dat, sat. Write 2 To grow, to be healthy
these words on the board for learners 3 2, 3, several times depending on
to read. learners anser.
4 Learners to answer
Activity 3
• Have learners sit in a semi-circle. Diagnostic Assessment
Read aloud text on balanced diet The diagnostic assessment will enable
to learners (note; you can get it on you the teacher assess yourself and
YouTube). Mention and explain the know whether the lesson was successful
different types of food we have. or not.
Fat and Oil. Such foods are high in fat In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
and sugar e.g: margarine, cheese. lesson taught.
Protein e.g beef and chicken. T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
Carbohydrates e.g starchy food, bread, R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
cereal and rice. taught from the introduction to the
Calcium which helps the bones. conclusion.
Fruits and vegetable. A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
Whole grain foods eg. Bread, wheat. yourself the following questions:
1. How did the lesson go?
Activity 4 2. Was the introduction catchy?
• Guide learners to examine the food 3. Were you able to catch the
they eat at home, what they bring to learners’ attention throughout
school and what they buy in school. the lesson?
Are they eating balanced meals? 4. Were the learners able to
answer your questions during
Review Exercise and after the lesson?
Have learners work in pairs. Let them 5. Did the learners ask you
talk about food that needs to be eaten for questions during and after the
them to be healthy. lesson?
6. Were learners able to do the
Assessment for Learning exercises at the end of the
Refer learners to Practice 1 - 4 on pages lesson?
26-29 of the Workbook for exercises.

7. Reflect on three things you did 10. How are you going to rectify
very well. these in subsequent lessons?
8. How are you going to build on
this achievement in subsequent P: Plan: If you get the chance to
lessons? teach the same lesson, what plans
9. Reflect on two challenges (strategies) will you implement to
you faced when teaching the enhance teaching so that learners
lesson. will understand and enjoy it?

LESSON 2: Identifying beginning letters 30-32

Content Standards Activity 2

K1.1.4.1 Demonstrate the • Have learners identify the letter B
understanding that eating good and the food items with the first letter
food and taking all my childhood B ie. banku, beans, banana. Now,
vaccinations will keep me growing mix the picture cards of food items
healthy and strong. that do not have /b/……… in their
names with other cards. eg. rice,
Indicator cocoyam, yam.
K1. Sing alphabet song about • Play “Show and Tell”. Ask a learner to
food and identify the beginning letter of pick a picture card that matches with
the most common food item in season “B” food item and show it to the class.
in the environment. E.g. Banana begins • Talk about food items that are not
with /b/. good for the body Eg.too much sugar
and oily foods. Encourage learners to
Learning Outcome reduce intake of these foods.
♦♦ Learners will be able to identify the
beginning letter of common food Activity 3
found in the community. • Let learners know the good food
found in the environment which are
Essential for Learning healthy to be eaten Eg. nkontomire,
Learners can give examples of some all greens and all types of fruits.
food group eg. protein → egg and meat.
• Encourage learners to form simple
sentence orally with the new words
Warming Up learned. Encourage every learner to
Have learners sing any song on food eg. make an attempt e.g.
Dͻkono ne nam 2x I like nkotomire stew.
ͻkͻbͻ atwede I eat fruits every day.
Nam hwe dͻkono 2x
Kokromoti sͻre 2x Review Exercise
Ɔfa nam de bͻ dͻkono so 2x Use the think-pair-share strategy for
learners to talk about two of the six food
types they have learnt.
Main Activities
Assessment for Learning
Activity 1 Refer learners to Practice 1 - 3 on pages
• Put learners into a semi-circle. Let 30-32 of the Workbook for exercise.
them sing a song on the English
alphabets. Display the picture cards
of food items on a table. Match the
letter cards to them.
A (apple), B (banana), P (pear), O (orange)

Suggested Homework 9. Reflect on two challenges
Have learners draw one fruit they like you faced when teaching the
and colour it. lesson.
10. How are you going to rectify
Answers to exercises in the Workbook these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
Practices 1 - 2 teach the same lesson, what plans
Learners to trace. (strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
Practice 3 will understand and enjoy it?
Learners to draw.

Diagnostic Assessment
The diagnostic assessment will enable
you the teacher assess yourself and
know whether the lesson was successful
or not.

In other words, you have to “TRAP” the

lesson taught.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
taught from the introduction to the
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
yourself the following questions:
1. How did the lesson go?
2. Was the introduction catchy?
3. Were you able to catch the
learners’ attention throughout
the lesson?
4. Were the learners able to
answer your questions during
and after the lesson?
5. Did the learners ask you
questions during and after the
6. Were learners able to do the
exercises at the end of the
7. Reflect on three things you did
very well.
8. How are you going to build on
this achievement in subsequent

Strand 1: All about me

Sub-strand 5: My environment and my health

LESSON 1: Keeping the environment clean (1) 33-35

Warming Up
Content Standard Have learners recite the rhyme “Mama
K. Demonstrate understanding mama, I am sick” with actions.
of how keeping our home and school
environment clean can keep us healthy Main Activities
and strong. Activity 1
• Put learners in a semi-circle. Show
Indicator pictures of a clean environment
K1. Talk about how we can keep and a dirty environment to learners.
our environment clean in order to avoid Refer learners to page 33 of the
getting sick. Workbook. Using think-pair-share
strategy, let them talk about the
Learning Outcome pictures. Let them identify from
Learners will be able to the pictures, the things that make
♦♦ Keep their environment clean in the environment dirty. (Picture B).
order to be healthy. Again, let them discuss how we
make the environment dirty. e.g.
Essentials for learning throwing rubbish around, urinating in
Learners have been sweeping and rivers, not sweeping and dusting our
dusting their classrooms. classrooms. Defecating everywhere,
etc.) show posters of dirty and
New Words swampy areas in the city to learners.
Environment, dirty, clean, sickness. Let them talk about the pictures in
Materials used in cleaning the Activity 2
environment e.g. brooms, brush, • Using the think-pair-share strategy,
pictures/posters of clean environment let learners come out with the various
and dirty environment. ways they can keep their classrooms
and the compound clean and neat.
After a while, ask the paired groups
Core Competencies
to come out with what they discussed
Communication and collaboration (CC) e.g avoid littering, sweeping and
Personal Development and Leadership dusting our classroom daily, avoiding
(PL) littering of papers and plastic bags
Critical thinking and innovation(CI) etc.

Review Exercise Diagnostic Assessment
Put learners into groups of four. Let each The diagnostic assessment will enable
group come out with one answer for this you the teacher assess yourself and
question. “What should we do to avoid know whether the lesson was successful
getting sick?” or not.
Expected answers
(a) washing hands regularly with soap In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
under running water lesson taught.
(b) sweeping and dusting regularly T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
(c) avoiding littering our environment. R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
taught from the introduction to the
Assessment for Learning conclusion.
Refer learners to Practice 1 - 3 on pages A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
33-35 of the Workbook for exercises. yourself the following questions:
1. How did the lesson go?
Answers to exercises in the Workbook 2. Was the introduction catchy?
3. Were you able to catch the
Practice 1 learners’ attention throughout
1 B the lesson?
2 by cleaning 4. Were the learners able to
3 Accept any answer with reasons but answer your questions during
let learners know its better to live in and after the lesson?
an environment like one in picture A. 5. Did the learners ask you
questions during and after the
Practice 2 lesson?
Learners to tick: 6. Were learners able to do the
1 Cutlass exercises at the end of the
3 Broom lesson?
4 Mop bucket and brush 7. Reflect on three things you did
6 Hoe very well.
8. How are you going to build on
Practice 3 this achievement in subsequent
Learners to tick: lessons?
1 Man planting tree 9. Reflect on two challenges
4 Boy sweeping with broom you faced when teaching the
5 Man collecting dirt in gutter lesson.
10. How are you going to rectify
these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

LESSON 2: Keeping the environment clean (2) 36-37

Content Standard Core Competencies

K1.1.5.1 Demonstrate understanding Communication and collaboration (CC)
of how keeping our home and school Personal Development and Leadership
environment clean can keep us healthy (PL)
and strong. Critical thinking and innovation
Indicator Creativity
K1. Recognise that written
symbols in books carry important
information about the pictures. Warming Up
K1. Listen attentively to the read Have learners sing any song connected
aloud text and share what they have to cleanliness of the environment.
learnt about diseases we can get from
dirty environments. Main Activities
K1. Compose their stories
about pictures in the book to be read to Note: these activities are practical
enable them understand that important Activity 1
messages are hidden in books. • Put learners in a community circle.
Do picture walk through the Big
Learning Outcome Book. Note (if you do not have the
Learners will be able to: Big Book, you can create your own,
♦♦ Listen to read aloud text about based on the various themes in the
diseases and compose their own curriculum. Make sure they are boldly
stories. written with clear pictures. You can
♦♦ Compare their own stories about use the pictures in the Workbook
pictures in books. as well if they are appropriate). Ask
learners to tell a story about the
Essentials for learning pictures they see. (You can refer
Learners can identify things used to them to page 36 let them observe
clean the environment e.g. brooms, the nurse, write a story about her
ceiling brushes, etc. and compare their stories with the
New words
Environment, messages, stories. Activity 2
• Ask learners to tell a story about the
Resources pictures they see. Through interactive
Story books with pictures, posters/ reading of the big book, have
pictures, cut-out words and letters on learners compare their stories to the
cleanliness. author’s version to see if they are
similar or different.

Activity 3 2 Hospital, accept others answers from
• Now introduce the “KWL”. Ask learners with reasons.
learners to tell you what they already 3 Doctor, Nurse, my mother, etc.
know about diseases we get from
dirty environment. Expected answers: Practice 2
diarrhoea, cholera, malaria, etc. Learners to trace.
Encourage them to ask questions on
what they want to know about the Practice 3
theme. A learners to trace
B Learners to circle /a/ in the words.
• Now read the story about dirty
environment and the diseases that
we can get to learners. Make sure Diagnostic Assessment
every learner is listening attentively. The diagnostic assessment will enable
you the teacher assess yourself and
Activity 4 know whether the lesson was successful
• Let learners tell you what they have or not.
learnt after the read-aloud lesson (L).
KWL simply means: In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
K-What learners know already, lesson taught.
W- what learners want to know, T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
L- What learners have learnt. R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
After the story. pair learners to share taught from the introduction to the
what they have learnt. conclusion.
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
Activity 5 yourself the following questions:
• Let learners come up with rules about 1. How did the lesson go?
how to take care of their books. Show 2. Was the introduction catchy?
these word cards to learners to read 3. Were you able to catch the
them: neat clean tidy clear learners’ attention throughout
the lesson?
Review Exercise 4. Were the learners able to
Put learners into groups of five. Give answer your questions during
them word cards of the four words. Let and after the lesson?
them trace the words into their jotters. 5. Did the learners ask you
Assessment for Learning questions during and after the
Refer learners to Practice 1 and 2 lesson?
on pages 36-37 of the Workbook for 6. Were learners able to do the
exercises. exercises at the end of the
Answers to exercises in the Workbook 7. Reflect on three things you did
very well.
Practice 1 8. How are you going to build on
1 dirty environment, mosquito bite, this achievement in subsequent
eating bad food, etc. lessons?

9. Reflect on two challenges
you faced when teaching the
10. How are you going to rectify
these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

LESSON 3: Pre-writing activities (letters) 38-39

Write it boldly on the board /a/. Select

Content Standard words with the vowel /a/ which relate
Demonstrate understanding of to diseases from the environment.
how keeping our home and school E.g. cholera, diarrhea etc. Write them
environment clean can keep us healthy on the board. Read the words aloud
and strong. and let learners repeat after you
several times. Let them identify the
Indicator ‘a’ letters in the words.
K1. Sing alphabet songs that
contain the letter of the week. Activity 2
K1. Begin to write letters of the • Have learners come out with different
alphabet. words with the /a/ sound in it. E.g.
Ama, ant, apple, Asante, Asare, etc.
Learning Outcome Let learners pronounce the words
♦♦ Learners will be able to sing the after you several times.
alphabet song and start writing
letters of the alphabets. Activity 3
• Now, ask learners who have the /a/
Essentials for Learning sound in their names to stand up
Learners can trace pictures and words. and wave their hands. Note: Help
learners who are not able to identify
New words that they have ‘a’ vowel in their
Alphabet, trace. names calling their names to stand
Slates, jotters, sand tray, pencils, chalk Activity 4
etc. • Have learners begin to write the
letters of the alphabets now. Have
Core Competencies learners flip their fingers, shake their
Communication and collaboration (CC) hands and clap while singing any
Personal Development and Leadership local song eg. “kyer3 woti, kyerewa
(PL) ano”.

Warming Up Activity 5
Have learners sing alphabet songs. • Stand with your back facing the class
A,B,C,D……. and write the letter ‘a’ in the air, let
learners do the same. They should
Main Activities
write on slates, sand-tray and in their
Activity 1 jotters.
• Introduce the lowercase of the vowel
/a/ to learners.

Activity 6 Diagnostic Assessment
• Use the same method for learners to The diagnostic assessment will enable
write the letter ‘d’. you the teacher assess yourself and
know whether the lesson was successful
Review exercise or not.
Have learners work in pairs. Let them
practise writing the letter ‘a’ and ‘b’ at the In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
backs of their partners with their fingers. lesson taught.
Let them talk about their experiences. T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
Assessment for learning taught from the introduction to the
Refer learners to Practice 1 and 2 conclusion.
on pages 38-39 of the Workbook for A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
exercises. yourself the following questions:
Suggested Homework 1. How did the lesson go?
Let learners write the letters of the 2. Was the introduction catchy?
alphabet ‘a’ and ‘b’ in their homework 3. Were you able to catch the
books. learners’ attention throughout
the lesson?
Answers to exercises in the Workbook 4. Were the learners able to
answer your questions during
Practice 1 and after the lesson?
Learners to trace. 5. Did the learners ask you
questions during and after the
6. Were learners able to do the
exercises at the end of the
7. Reflect on three things you did
very well.
8. How are you going to build on
this achievement in subsequent
9. Reflect on two challenges
you faced when teaching the
10. How are you going to rectify
these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

Strand 1: All about me

Sub-strand 6: Protecting ourselves from home and road accidents

LESSON 1: Keeping safe in the environment 40-43

Content Standard Resources

K1.1.6.1 Demonstrate understanding A book on protecting against accidents,
of measures to take to keep safe (from sharp objects e.g. knives, blades,
accidents, hurts, and harms). pictures/posters of harmful objects.

Indicator Core Competencies

K1. Talk about possible Communication and collaboration (CC)
accidents we can have at home and Personal Development and Leadership
at school and safety measures we can (PL)
take to avoid them. Critical thinking and innovation
K1. Recognise that spoken (CI)
words are represented in written Creativity
language in books.
K1. Listen to and respond to a Warming Up
read aloud text about keeping safe in Have learners recite a rhyme or sing a
the environment. song related to the topic e.g. “if you see
a traffic light”.
Learning Outcome
Learners will be able to: Main Activities
♦♦ Identify possible home and/ or road
accident that occur. Activity 1
♦♦ Identify how to take measures • Revise with learners about possible
against home/school accidents. accidents they learnt during their
♦♦ Listen to a read aloud text from a OWOP lesson. Put learners into
book on how to keep yourself safe groups of six. Let them discuss
in the environment. possible home/school and road
accidents. Let them present their
Essentials for Learning findings by role-playing the various
Learners know how to keep the accidents and how to avoid them.
environment clean eg sweeping,
scrubbing, putting dirty things in bins, Activity 2
etc. • Do a picture walk through the Big
Book. Note: if you do not have that
New Words book, create yours and make the
Environment, accidents, safety letters legible. Use the Language
measures. Experience Approach (LEA).

Have learners tell their own stories Review Exercise
from the pictures. Write their stories Divide the class into three.
for them. Read the words one by one Group One role-play how to cross the
and let learners read after you. Let road safely.
them compare the author’s stories Group 2: how to use sharp objects safely.
with theirs. Group 3: avoiding fire accidents.

Activity 3 Assessment for Learning

• Put learners in a community circle. Refer learners to Practice 1 - 4 on pages
Use K.W.L strategy. Let learners 40-43 of the Workbook for exercises.
tell you what they know already
about the theme. (Keeping safe in Answers to exercises in the Workbook
the environment) e.g playing with
scissors or blade, crossing roads Practice 1
without watching. Ask learners to tell Learners to trace.
you more of what they want to know
about the theme/topic. Practice 2
1 Playing with a naked wire and
Activity 4 socket
• Read to learners, the theme of 2 No, because it change electrocute
safety measures we need, to avoid him.
accidents. Show pictures along as
you read to them. Stress on harmful Practice 3
objects like blades, scissors, boiling 1 Look left, look right and look left
water, electricity, etc. Now ask again.
questions to elicit from learners what Get an elderly to help you
they learnt e.g. check if no car is coming
Mention two objects that can cause 2 2 times.
harm. 3 You will have to stop for the car to
How will you protect yourself from pass.
• Have learners role-play these Practice 4
activities. 1 petrol, gas, candles, coil, etc.
2 call an elderly person.
Activity 5 3 water, fire extinguisher, sand.
• Have learners work in pairs. They will
learn from each other how electricity,
fire, crossing roads can cause
accidents. Play “Show and Tell”. One
picks an object and the other tells
how it can cause accident and how
to keep safe from that objects. E.g.
one picks a picture of a blade and the
other tells how it can cause accidents
and what to do to keep safe from
sharp objects.

Diagnostic Assessment 5. Did the learners ask you
The diagnostic assessment will enable questions during and after the
you the teacher assess yourself and lesson?
know whether the lesson was successful 6. Were learners able to do the
or not. exercises at the end of the
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the 7. Reflect on three things you did
lesson taught. very well.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. 8. How are you going to build on
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson this achievement in subsequent
taught from the introduction to the lessons?
conclusion. 9. Reflect on two challenges
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking you faced when teaching the
yourself the following questions: lesson.
1. How did the lesson go? 10. How are you going to rectify
2. Was the introduction catchy? these in subsequent lessons?
3. Were you able to catch the P: Plan: If you get the chance to
learners’ attention throughout teach the same lesson, what plans
the lesson? (strategies) will you implement to
4. Were the learners able to enhance teaching so that learners
answer your questions during will understand and enjoy it?
and after the lesson?

LESSON 2: Clapping and counting syllables 44

Clap the word “strangers” and

Content Standard let learners tell you the number
K1.1.6.1 Demonstrate understanding of syllables in it. There are two
of measures to take to keep safe (from syllables. stran - gers
accidents, hurts, and harms). 1 2
• Let learners clap and pronounce the
Indicator word “electricity”. Learners will notice
K1. Clap and count syllables in that it has five syllables e-lec-tri-ci-ty.
longer words. 1 2 3 4 5

Learning Outcome Activity 2

♦♦ Learners will be able to read longer • Quiz learners about the words written
words with more than one syllable. on the board one after the other. In
each case, let learners clap and call
Essentials for Learning out the name to identify the number
Learners can say and write the vowel of syllables.
Review Exercise
New Words Have learners work in pairs. Let them
Syllables, words. call out two words on their own and let
them determine the number of syllables
Resources in each word. Write these words in
Word cards for words like bicycle, lorry, learners’ homework books to identify the
accident, road. number of syllables in them.
1 Boy 2 Girl
Core Competencies 3 Safely
Personal Development and Leadership
(PL) Assessment for Learning
Refer learners to Practice 1 on page 44
for exercises.
Warming Up
Have learners say the rhyme “if you see Answers to exercises in the Workbook
the traffic light”.
Practice 1
Main Activities 1 → 5
2→ 2
Activity 1 3→ 2
• Write these words on the board. (1) 4→ 2
Strangers, (2) traffic, (3) accident 5→ 2
and (4) electricity. Let learners 6→ 2
understand that we invent words
according to the syllables.

Diagnostic Assessment 5. Did the learners ask you
The diagnostic assessment will enable questions during and after the
you the teacher assess yourself and lesson?
know whether the lesson was successful 6. Were learners able to do the
or not. exercises at the end of the
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the 7. Reflect on three things you did
lesson taught. very well.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. 8. How are you going to build on
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson this achievement in subsequent
taught from the introduction to the lessons?
conclusion. 9. Reflect on two challenges
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking you faced when teaching the
yourself the following questions: lesson.
1. How did the lesson go? 10. How are you going to rectify
2. Was the introduction catchy? these in subsequent lessons?
3. Were you able to catch the P: Plan: If you get the chance to
learners’ attention throughout teach the same lesson, what plans
the lesson? (strategies) will you implement to
4. Were the learners able to enhance teaching so that learners
answer your questions during will understand and enjoy it?
and after the lesson?

LESSON 3: Expressing how to protect ourselves 45

Main Activities
Content Standard
K1.1.6.1 Demonstrate understanding Activity 1
of measures to take to keep safe (from • Have learners revise what they learnt
accidents, hurts, and harms). from the previous lesson.
Let them work in pairs. They will
Indicator learn from each other how the
K1. Use vocabulary learnt following can cause accidents.
to express and demonstrate how to 1. Electricity
protect themselves from hurt, harm, 2. Crossing road
strangers, sharp objects, electricity and 3. Using sharp objects
Activity 2
Learning Outcome • Now have learners work in groups of
♦♦ Learners will be able to four. Give each group a drawn cut-
demonstrate how to protect out objects that can cause accidents.
themselves from accidents. One picks it and the other tells what
kind of accident it can cause e.g.
Essentials for Learning
Learners can identify some objects
which can cause accidents e.g. sharp
objects like blades, scissors, knives. it can cut you.

New Words
Strangers, protect, accident, safety.

Resources it can cut you.

Sharp objects, e.g. scissors, blades
and knives. Pictures of zebra crossing
and a sentence card which reads “do
not go near. Activity 3
• Play “Pick and Act”. One learner
Core Competencies picks the picture of an object. He or
Critical thinking and Problem Solving she tells and acts how it can cause
(CP) accidents and how he or she can
Creativity and innovation (CI) protect himself from it.

Warming Up
Have learners recite the rhyme “if you
see a traffic”.

Review Exercise Diagnostic Assessment
Have learners work in pairs; let them The diagnostic assessment will enable
read the captions on the word cards and you the teacher assess yourself and
talk about them. know whether the lesson was successful
or not.
Do not go near fire. In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
lesson taught.
Assessment for Learning T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
Refer learners to Practice 1 on page 45 R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
of the Workbook for exercise. taught from the introduction to the
Suggested Homework A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
Ask learners to draw one object that can yourself the following questions:
cause accidents. 1. How did the lesson go?
2. Was the introduction catchy?
Answers to exercises in the Workbook 3. Were you able to catch the
learners’ attention throughout
Practice 1 the lesson?
Learners to trace. 4. Were the learners able to
answer your questions during
and after the lesson?
5. Did the learners ask you
questions during and after the
6. Were learners able to do the
exercises at the end of the
7. Reflect on three things you did
very well.
8. How are you going to build on
this achievement in subsequent
9. Reflect on two challenges
you faced when teaching the
10. How are you going to rectify
these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

Strand: 2
My family
Strand 2: My family

Sub-strand 1: Types and members of my family

LESSON 1: Elements of a book 48-49

Warming Up
Content Standard Have learners sing any song they like
K1.2.1.1 Demonstrate understanding and enjoy most.
of the importance, roles and
responsibilities of family members. Main Activities

Indicator Activity 1
K1. Discuss different types of • Have learners sit in a community
family they have at home, their roles circle.
and responsibilities. • Have learners mention the people in
K1. Demonstrate that print their family and what they see each
matches with illustration in a book. person do. e.g. daddy preparing
breakfast, mummy cooking, elder
Learning Outcome siblings washing clothes and cleaning
♦♦ Learners will be able to identify the the house.
key elements of a book.
Activity 2
Essential for Learning • Show pictures/posters of extended
Learners have been reading pictures in families. Use the think-pair-share
books. strategy to talk about what they see
the members of their families do.
New Words
Elements, author, writer, illustrator Activity 3
illustrations. • Put learners into smaller groups
and let them role-play the roles and
Resources responsibilities of different families.
Story book, learner’s Workbook.
Activity 4
Core Competencies • Have learners sit in a semi-circle.
Communication and collaboration (CC) Hang the poem at a place where
Personal Development and Leadership everyone can see.
Critical thinking and innovation
(CI) From a book to a child
Creativity I am your friend.
Handle me with care.
Don’t throw me on the floor.

Lesson 1 Elements of a book
Don’t pour water or oil on me. Practice 2
Use the words from the word bank to lable
the parts of the book.
Don’t bend me else my spine will break.
If you handle me with care, Cover Title
Your siblings will also enjoy me.
Activity 5
• Guide learners to identify the
illustrator the author/writer, back
cover, front cover and spine.
• Give them the Workbook to use for
this activity.
• Let them rub their fingers on the
front, back page and spine of the Illustrator

Activity 6
• Using interactive reading, let learners Cover, Author, Illustrator, Spine, Title
track the poem as you read. Run a
pointer under the words as you read.
My family 53
When you read, make sure learners
are tracking you.

Review Exercise
Refer learners to page 48 of the
Workbook. Have learners point to the
front page, back page and spine of the

Assessment for Learning

Refer learners to Practice 1 and 2 on
pages 48 - 49 of the Workbook for

Answers to exercises in the Workbook

Practice 1
Learners to trace.

Diagnostic Assessment 5. Did the learners ask you
The diagnostic assessment will enable questions during and after the
you the teacher assess yourself and lesson?
know whether the lesson was successful 6. Were learners able to do the
or not. exercises at the end of the
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the 7. Reflect on three things you did
lesson taught. very well.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. 8. How are you going to build on
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson this achievement in subsequent
taught from the introduction to the lessons?
conclusion. 9. Reflect on two challenges
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking you faced when teaching the
yourself the following questions: lesson.
1. How did the lesson go? 10. How are you going to rectify
2. Was the introduction catchy? these in subsequent lessons?
3. Were you able to catch the P: Plan: If you get the chance to
learners’ attention throughout teach the same lesson, what plans
the lesson? (strategies) will you implement to
4. Were the learners able to enhance teaching so that learners
answer your questions during will understand and enjoy it?
and after the lesson?

LESSON 2: Roles and responsibilities of family members 50-53

Main Activities
Content Standard
K1. Demonstrate that prints Activity 1
matches with illustration in a book. • Get a story about family members
from a book and read to learners.
Indicator: Show pictures first to learners to
K1. Listen, interact actively in predict what the story is about.
a read aloud session on a story about • Now do a picture walk in the story
families and use the new vocabulary with learners.
learnt to describe the roles and
responsibilities of their family members. Activity 2
• Using interactive reading, pause
Learning Outcome often and let learners talk about
♦♦ Learners will be able to identify the the family members and what they
roles and responsibilities of family themselves do to help the family.
Activity 3
New Words • Let learners tell you what prevails in
role, responsibilities, family members their families.
nuclear, extended family. 1 What do you as a learner do to
help the family?
Resources 2 What does mother do to help the
Pictures of family members, pictures family?
and posters of family members 3 What about father and the
performing some roles. siblings?
• Get different learners to talk about
Core Competencies the roles of each member in the
Communication and collaboration (CC) family.
Personal Development and Leadership
(PL) Review Exercise
Have learners work in pairs. Let
them read from word cards, the new
vocabulary they have learnt
Warming Up
Repeat the poem learnt during the cooking washing sweeping
previous lesson, “From a book to the
Child”. Assessment for Learning
Refer learners to Practice 1-4 on pages
50-53 of the Workbook for exercises.

Answers to exercises in the Workbook 3. Were you able to catch the
learners’ attention throughout
Practice 1 the lesson?
Learners to colour the mother. 4. Were the learners able to
Practice 2 answer your questions during
Learners to trace. and after the lesson?
5. Did the learners ask you
Practice 3 questions during and after the
Learners to trace. lesson?
6. Were learners able to do the
Practice 4 exercises at the end of the
Learners own answers. lesson?
7. Reflect on three things you did
Diagnostic Assessment very well.
The diagnostic assessment will enable 8. How are you going to build on
you the teacher assess yourself and this achievement in subsequent
know whether the lesson was successful lessons?
or not. 9. Reflect on two challenges
you faced when teaching the
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the lesson.
lesson taught. 10. How are you going to rectify
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. these in subsequent lessons?
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson P: Plan: If you get the chance to
taught from the introduction to the teach the same lesson, what plans
conclusion. (strategies) will you implement to
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking enhance teaching so that learners
yourself the following questions: will understand and enjoy it?
1. How did the lesson go?
2. Was the introduction catchy?

LESSON 3: Words with similar beginning sounds 54

Main Activities
Content Standard Activity 1
K1.2.1.1 Demonstrate understanding • Call out the names of learners whose
of the importance, roles and first name begin with /a/ sound and
responsibilities of family members. write the names on the board.
• E.g. Asante, Akorfa, Asienim, Abrafi,
Indicator Adjo, Apoakwa and Antwi. Call out
K 1 . Identify the names and the names and let learners repeat
words with similar beginning sounds. after you. Let them listen carefully
and identify the first sound of each
Learning Outcome name /a/.
♦♦ Learners will be able to identify
words with similar beginning Activity 2
sounds. • Repeat activity 1 with learners
with different names with similar
Essential for Learning beginning. Sounds eg. /b/ sound.
Learners can say and write the letter E.g. Boakye, Bortey, Boateng, Ben
sounds /a/ and /b/. and Bubune. Let them identify the
beginning letter sounds of each
New Words name. Write them on the board and
Beginning, letter-sounds. let learners circle the beginning letter
sound /b/.
Word cards of some names with Review Exercise
beginning sounds e.g. Kwesi, Kate, Have learners work in groups of five.
Kweku, Kafui, Ama, Ansah, Asante, Let them mention their family members’
names and come out with names which
Core Competencies have similar beginning sounds.
Critical thinking and innovation (CI)
Creativity Assessment for Learning
Refer learners to Practice 1 and 2 on
page 54 of the Workbook for exercises.
Warming Up
Have learners sing and dance with Suggested Homework
“Obiara yawo no dwoda okonto” Draw yourself washing dishes at home.
Make sure they sing the song from
Answers to exercises in the Workbook
Monday to Sunday so that everybody
Practice 1
gets the chance to dance. Let them form
Learners to write K in each box.
a big circle.
Practice 2
Learners to circle A.

Strand 2: My family

Sub-strand 2: Origin and history of my family

LESSON 1: My family and where we come from 55-56

Warming Up
Content Standard Have learners sing any local song they
K1.2.2.1 Demonstrate knowledge of the know.
origin and history of our families.

Indicator Main Activities

K1. Listen and tell stories Activity 1
about origin and history of their family • Have learners sit in a community
members. circle. Ask learners to greet their
K1. friends in the language they speak
Demonstrate that print matches with at home. Find out whether learners
illustration in a book. know the names of the languages
they speak at home.
Learning Outcome
Learners will be able to: Activity 2
♦♦ Talk about origin and history of their • Tell learners the story about Joojo
family members. who lives in Accra but his home town
♦♦ Listen to a read aloud text and form is Cape Coast and their language is
oral sentences. “Fante”. Ask question about the story.
Let learners know the origin of some
New words ethnic groups. e.g. Volta→the Ewe,
Origin, history, family. Accra→the Ga, Kumasi→the Asante,
Tamale→Dagomba or Gonja.
A book which contains the theme, word Activity 3
card and sentence cards with different • Show the book you want to read
greetings. to learners. Let them look at the
front page illustrations to predict the
Core Competencies story. Read the story to learners.
Communication and collaboration (CC) Let learners track the text as you
Personal Development and Leadership read. Pause often and ask questions
(PL) to monitor whether learners are
Critical thinking and Problem Solving following and understand what you
(CP) are reading.
Creativity and innovation (CI)
Activity 4
• Put learners into groups of four. Let
them take turns in retelling the story.

Let them form simple sentences Diagnostic Assessment
with the words orally hometown, The diagnostic assessment will enable
language, tribe. you the teacher assess yourself and
know whether the lesson was successful
or not.
Review Exercise
Let learners be in pairs. Let them talk In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
about themselves, the languages they lesson taught.
speak, their hometown and the food they T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
usually eat at home. R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
taught from the introduction to the
Assessment for Learning conclusion.
Refer learners to Practice 1 and 2 on A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
pages 55 - 56 of the Workbook for yourself the following questions:
exercises. 1. How did the lesson go?
2. Was the introduction catchy?
Answers to exercises in the Workbook 3. Were you able to catch the
learners’ attention throughout
Practice 2 the lesson?
B 1 Joojo’s father 4. Were the learners able to
2 5 years answer your questions during
3 cape coast and after the lesson?
4 He learnt his local language. 5. Did the learners ask you
He went to see fisherman pulling questions during and after the
their net and how they paddle the lesson?
canoe. 6. Were learners able to do the
5 Fante exercises at the end of the
C Learners expected to draw lesson?
fish, canoe, sea, palm tree, people, 7. Reflect on three things you did
etc. very well.
8. How are you going to build on
this achievement in subsequent
9. Reflect on two challenges
you faced when teaching the
10. How are you going to rectify
these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

LESSON 2: Identifying names and words with similar pages
beginning sounds 57-58

Main Activities
Content Standard
K1.2.2.1 Demonstrate knowledge of the Activity 1
origin and history of our families. • Give learners their Workbooks. Let
them examine the front page and
Indicator: back page of their books as well as
K1. Listen, interact actively in a the spine.
read aloud session on a story about the • Have learners recite the poem “From
origin and history of a child’s family. a book to a child”. Have learners
K1. Identify the names and listen to you as you read the story on
words with similar beginning sounds. page 59 to them.

Learning Outcome Activity 2

Learners will be able to: • As you read, pause often and
♦♦ Listen to a story about the history of let learners relate the story to
a child’s family. themselves. E.g. Ask questions like
♦♦ Identify names and words with “Where were you born and where
similar beginning sounds. is your home town. Joojo was born
in Accra but he comes from Cape
New words Coast. What about you? Let learners
Family, origin, history. answer questions based on the story.

Resources Activity 3
A book with a history of some families, • Display the Ghana map on the board.
crayons, pencil, map of Ghana and Guide learners to identify their home
recorded collections of traditional town on it. When they mention the
music. towns, use your pointer to point it out
for them.
Core Competencies
Communication and collaboration (CC) Activity 4
Personal Development and Leadership • Now sing a traditional song of a
(PL) region and let those who come from
Critical thinking and Problem Solving that region stand up and dance. E.g.
“All those from the Ashanti Region,
stand up bring your song and dance
in front of the class”. Let them dance
to the music.
Warming up
Let learners sing and dance to any
traditional song they know.

Activity 5 Diagnostic Assessment
• Guide learners to identify names The diagnostic assessment will enable
and towns with similar beginning you the teacher assess yourself and
sounds. Let them mention the names know whether the lesson was successful
of their home towns. Pronounce or not.
them and let them listen and identify
the towns with similar initial sounds. In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
e.g. Kumasi, Kintampo, Koforidua, lesson taught.
Kumawu, Konongo. T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
Review Exercise taught from the introduction to the
Have learners work in pairs. They conclusion.
should identify the front, back pages of A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
the Workbook. They should identify the yourself the following questions:
author and the illustrator as well. 1. How did the lesson go?
2. Was the introduction catchy?
Assessment for Learning 3. Were you able to catch the
Refer learners to Practice 1 and 2 learners’ attention throughout
on pages 57-58 of the Workbook for the lesson?
exercises. 4. Were the learners able to
Answers to exercises in the Workbook answer your questions during
and after the lesson?
Practice 1 5. Did the learners ask you
1 Mankessim, Mampong, Mamfi questions during and after the
2 Somanya, Mampong, Saltpond lesson?
3 Asamankese, Asokore, konongo, 6. Were learners able to do the
Adom exercises at the end of the
4 Agona, Bekwai, Osino, Bechem lesson?
7. Reflect on three things you did
Practice 2 very well.
1 he, his 8. How are you going to build on
2 more, made, may this achievement in subsequent
3 look, like lessons?
4 the, that 9. Reflect on two challenges
5 day, did you faced when teaching the
10. How are you going to rectify
these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

LESSON 3: Pre-writing 59

• Write the strokes on the board. Have

Content Standard learners write some in the sand tray,
K1.2.2.1 Demonstrate knowledge of the in their jotters and use their fingers to
origin and history of our families. write at the back of their friends.
• As learners write in the air, let
Indicator learners recite this song: “Straight
K1. Talk about the basic straight”
concepts of writing: write from left to ‘a curve, a curve, a curve’ ‘left – right,
right and top to bottom. left-right’.

Learning Outcome Activity 2

♦♦ Learners will be able to identify • Make lines from left to right in the air
words with similar beginning and on the board for learners to do
sounds. same.
• Let learners do this on their tables,
New words sand tray, and at the back of their
Sounds, similar. friends. Repeat the same methods
for writing the curves.
Word cards of some words with similar Review Exercise
beginning sounds eg. Koforidua, Have learners work in pairs. They make
Kumasi, KoKrokoo, Kokonte, Nkrumah, strokes from left to right and curves
Nkansah, Nkani, etc. at the back of their friends using their
fingers. Let them take turns.
Core Competencies
Creativity and innovation(CI) Assessment for Learning
Communication and collaboration (CC) Refer learners to Practice 1 page 59 of
the Workbook for an exercise.
Warming Up
Have learners tap their fingers one at a Suggested Homework
time. Do one hand at a time and another Give learners plain sheets of paper to
as they learn movement. make strokes up and down, left and right
and present it to class the next day.
Main Activities
Answers to exercises in the Workbook
Activity 1
• Stand in front of the class with your Practice 1
back facing them. Model how to Learners to trace.
make straight lines in the air for
learners to follow the direction and
repeat the same.

Diagnostic Assessment 5. Did the learners ask you
The diagnostic assessment will enable questions during and after the
you the teacher assess yourself and lesson?
know whether the lesson was successful 6. Were learners able to do the
or not. exercises at the end of the
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the 7. Reflect on three things you did
lesson taught. very well.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. 8. How are you going to build on
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson this achievement in subsequent
taught from the introduction to the lessons?
conclusion. 9. Reflect on two challenges
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking you faced when teaching the
yourself the following questions: lesson.
1. How did the lesson go? 10. How are you going to rectify
2. Was the introduction catchy? these in subsequent lessons?
3. Were you able to catch the P: Plan: If you get the chance to
learners’ attention throughout teach the same lesson, what plans
the lesson? (strategies) will you implement to
4. Were the learners able to enhance teaching so that learners
answer your questions during will understand and enjoy it?
and after the lesson?

Strand 2: My family

Sub-strand 3: Family celebrations and festivals

LESSON 1: Special family days 60-61

Warming up
Content Standard Have learners sing the birthday song.
K1.2.3.1 Demonstrate the knowledge “Happy birthday to you”.
of celebrations and festivals that the
individual families celebrate. Main Activities

Indicator Activity 1
K1. Talk about some special • Show a picture of children celebrating
family days and activities e.g. birthdays, birthday. You can refer to learners
naming, festivals, etc. book at page 60. Have learners use
K. Demonstrate the proper the think-pair –share strategy. Let
way to handle a book. them look at the picture and talk
about the things they see in the
Learning Outcome pictures. Eg. toffees, cake, balloons,
Learners will be able to: etc.
♦♦ Talk about special family days.
♦♦ Identify how to handle a book Activity 2
carefully. • Put learners into groups of
four. Let them talk about their
Essential for learning family celebrations (eg. “Dipo”,
Learners have been celebrating their “Akwantukese”) and share with the
birthdays or have been attending their whole class. Let them talk about
friends’ birthday celebration. how they celebrate their birthdays.
Let them sing and dance to some
New words celebration songs e.g. “Happy
Celebrations, festivals, birthdays. birthday to you”.

Resources Activity 3
balloons, toffees, chocolates, pictures/ • Give out story books to learners.
posters of celebrations. Demonstrate how to handle and open
the books while learners watch you.
Core Competencies • Using your big book, call out some
Communication and collaboration (CC) learner to come and open the book.
Personal Development andLeadership Now, ask each learner to open his/
(PL) her Workbook. Let them open the
Critical thinking and Problem Solving book page by page until they get to
Creativity and innovation (CI) the last page.

Review Exercise Diagnostic Assessment
Have learners work in pairs. Let one The diagnostic assessment will enable
learner open the book page by page you the teacher assess yourself and
while the other learner watches. Let them know whether the lesson was successful
take turns. or not.

Assessment for Learning In other words, you have to “TRAP” the

Refer learners to Practice 1 and 2 lesson taught.
on pages 60-61 of the Workbook for T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
exercises. R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
taught from the introduction to the
Answers to exercises in the Workbook conclusion.
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
Practice 1 yourself the following questions:
Learn to trace 1. How did the lesson go?
2. Was the introduction catchy?
Practice 2 3. Were you able to catch the
Learners expected to draw: learners’ attention throughout
cake, drinks, table, chair, food, etc. the lesson?
4. Were the learners able to
answer your questions during
and after the lesson?
5. Did the learners ask you
questions during and after the
6. Were learners able to do the
exercises at the end of the
7. Reflect on three things you did
very well.
8. How are you going to build on
this achievement in subsequent
9. Reflect on two challenges
you faced when teaching the
10. How are you going to rectify
these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

LESSON 2: Festivals 62-64

Main Activities
Content Standard
K1.2.3.1 Demonstrate the knowledge Activity 1
of celebrations and festivals that the • Put learners into a community circle.
individual families celebrate. Use the KWL Strategy. Ask learners
to tell you what they already know
Indicator about any local festival. Get different
K1. Talk about some special learners to talk e.g. Akwasidae, Dipo,
family days and activities e.g. birthdays, Aboakyir and Damba.
naming, festivals, etc.
K1. Talk about the basic Activity 2
concepts of writing: from left to right, • Read one festival in your Big Book
and top to bottom. to learners. eg. Akwasidae. Check
Google and YouTube for more
Learning Outcome examples. As you read the text, call
Learners will be able to: some of the learners to demonstrate
♦♦ Listen and interact during read loud how to open the pages. Repeat this
session and share their ideas. activity throughout the reading.
♦♦ Identify that we write from left to • Ask questions after the reading
right and top to bottom. session and ask learners what they
have learnt.
Essential for Learning
Learners can scribble lines and curves. Activity 3
They can also listen to stories and retell • Stand with your back facing the
them. class. Make several strokes in the air
and on the board. Direct learners to
New Words make several strokes in the air, sand
Right, left, top, bottom, interact, festivals trays and on their tables. Draw their
attention to the top to bottom writing.
Crayons, pencils, jotters, “your Big Activity 4
Book”. • Now, make strokes and curves from
left to right while learners watch you.
Core Competencies
Communication and collaboration (CC) Review Exercise
Personal Development and Have learners work in pairs. Give them
Leadership (PL) sheets of paper. Let them make strokes
up and down and left to right.
Warming up
Have learners flip their fingers, clap and
sing “Happy Birthday to you”

Assessment for Learning Diagnostic Assessment
Refer learners to Practice 1 - 3 on pages The diagnostic assessment will enable
62 - 64 of the Workbook for exercises. you the teacher assess yourself and
know whether the lesson was successful
Suggested Homework or not.
Draw one thing you like when you attend
a birthday party. In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
lesson taught.
Answers to exercises in the Workbook T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
Practice 1 taught from the introduction to the
Learners to colour and trace the words. conclusion.
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
Practice 2 yourself the following questions:
Learners to colour and trace words. 1. How did the lesson go?
2. Was the introduction catchy?
Practice 3 3. Were you able to catch the
Learners drawing. learners’ attention throughout
the lesson?
4. Were the learners able to
answer your questions during
and after the lesson?
5. Did the learners ask you
questions during and after the
6. Were learners able to do the
exercises at the end of the
7. Reflect on three things you did
very well.
8. How are you going to build on
this achievement in subsequent
9. Reflect on two challenges
you faced when teaching the
10. How are you going to rectify
these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

Strand 2: My family

Sub-strand 4: My school rules and regulations

LESSON 1: Members of my school family 65-66

Main Activities
Content Standard
K1.2.4.1 Demonstrate understanding of Activity 1
the rules and regulations that governs • Have learners sit in a community
the members of the school. circle.
• Ask them what they learnt at
Indicator “OWOP” on this theme. (Note: Look
K1. Talk about the members for a story or book which talks about
of the school, activities they do and family members) Ask the following
create rules and regulations that should questions:
govern their classroom. i Who is your best friend?
ii Name some of your classmates.
Learning Outcome iii Who is your teacher?
♦♦ Learners will be able to identify the iv Who is your head teacher?
members of the school family. v Do you have friends outside your
Essential for Learning • Have learners use the think-pair
Learners have classmates and friends -share strategy to answer these
in the school. questions. Let learners know that the
head teacher, your teacher, other
New Words teachers, classmates form the family
Head teacher, teacher, classmates, members of the school.
family. • Ask learners if there are others, we
have not mentioned. Let the learners
Resources mention them. E.g. workers in the
Pencil, crayons, pictures/posters of school, vendors, etc.
members of the school family.
Activity 2
Core Competencies • Let learners tell you some special
Communication and collaboration (CC) activities that go on in the school.
Personal Development and Leadership Have learners work in groups of four.
(PL) Let them talk about the topic and
report to the class.
Warming up: Have learners recite any Expected answers:
rhyme or song which is related to the 1 Teachers teach learners;
topic. 2 Learners learn;

3 Learners tidy up the classroom Diagnostic Assessment
and the school compound; The diagnostic assessment will enable
4 Head teacher makes sure everything you the teacher assess yourself and
goes on well in the school; know whether the lesson was successful
5 We sing songs, we say rhymes and or not.
we play lot.
• Write some of these points on the In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
board and read through with a pointer lesson taught.
and let learners read after you. T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
Review Exercise taught from the introduction to the
Working in pairs, have learners mention conclusion.
two people who belong to the school A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
family. yourself the following questions:
1. How did the lesson go?
2. Was the introduction catchy?
Assessment for Learning 3. Were you able to catch the
Refer learners to Practice 1 and 2 learners’ attention throughout
on pages 65-66 of the Workbook for the lesson?
exercises. 4. Were the learners able to
answer your questions during
Answers to exercises in the Workbook and after the lesson?
5. Did the learners ask you
Practice 1 questions during and after the
Learners to colour and trace lesson?
6. Were learners able to do the
Practice 2 exercises at the end of the
1 classroom lesson?
2 Teacher (man), books, boy, girl, chair, 7. Reflect on three things you did
chalk board, dress very well.
3 books 8. How are you going to build on
4 one girl this achievement in subsequent
9. Reflect on two challenges
you faced when teaching the
10. How are you going to rectify
these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

LESSON 2: Rules and regulation in the classroom 67-68

Main Activities
Content Standard
K1.2.4.1 Demonstrate understanding of Activity 1
the rules and regulations that governs • Look for a book which contains rules
the members of the school and regulations for schools before
you go to the class or write it on a big
Indicator cardboard. Have learners identify the
K1. Demonstrate that print front and back page of the book. Let
matches with illustration in a book them talk about it in pairs.
K1. Use the vocabulary acquired
in the read aloud session to prepare Activity 2
rules and regulations to govern your • As you read to learners, use a pointer
school. to run through the words for learners
to track the text. Pause often and let
Leaning Outcome learners ask you questions about the
♦♦ Learners will be able to identify pictures. Let them predict what will
rules and regulations which govern follow next. Ask questions about what
their school. you read to them.
• Revise what you read to learners by
Essential for Learning asking them questions about what
Learners know that they have to keep they are not supposed to do e.g. we
quiet when teacher is talking / teaching. have to come to school early. Read
the text again to learners. Write the
New Words new words on the board as you read
Misbehave, rules and regulations, obey, the text. When you come to a new
obedient, word, use context clues to explain for
learners to understand. Misbehave
Resources rules, regulation.
Cut-out words of the new words,
pencils, crayons, pictures/posters of Activity 3
people showing respect. • Have learners work in groups of five
to create their own rules for the class.
Core Competencies Learners should report to the whole
Critical thinking and Problem Solving class. Write some of the rules at the
(CP) corner of the board and read through
Creativity and innovation (CI) with learners every day.
1 Come to school early.
Warming up 2 Do not talk when teacher is
Have learners clap and jump ten times teaching.
and sing any local song familiar to them. 3 Do not litter the classroom and the
school compound.

4 Do not fight or bully anyone. Diagnostic Assessment
5 Learn to say please and thank The diagnostic assessment will enable
you when needed. you the teacher assess yourself and
know whether the lesson was successful
Review Exercise or not.
Have learners work in groups of four.
Give word cards to each group to read In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
the words in turns. lesson taught.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
Assessment for Learning R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
Refer learners to Practice 1 and 2 taught from the introduction to the
on pages 67-68 of the Workbook for conclusion.
exercises. A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
yourself the following questions:
Answers to exercises in theinWorkbook
Rules and regulations the 1. How did the lesson go?
Lesson 2 classroom 2. Was the introduction catchy?
Tick(√) the right commands to follow at
Practice 1
school. 3. Were you able to catch the
learners’ attention throughout
the lesson?
4. Were the learners able to
answer your questions during
and after the lesson?
5. Did the learners ask you
questions during and after the
6. Were learners able to do the
exercises at the end of the
7. Reflect on three things you did
very well.
8. How are you going to build on
this achievement in subsequent
9. Reflect on two challenges
My family 71 you faced when teaching the
Practice 2 lesson.
1 clean the board 10. How are you going to rectify
2 pick a book these in subsequent lessons?
3 write P: Plan: If you get the chance to
4 put your hand behind you teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

LESSON 3: Rhyming words 69-70

Warming up
Content Standard Have learners recite the rhyme
K1.2.4.1 Demonstrate understanding of “To market to market”
the rules and regulations that governs to buy a fat pig
the members of the school home again home again joggerty-jog.”

Indicator Main Activities

K1. Identify and look for more
rhyming words in different rhymes Activity 1
related to school. • Have learners sing some songs and
K1. Recognise and identify the recite some rhymes that they know
target letter name for the week in given already. Write this rhyme on the
words related to the school. board.
Hey diddle, diddle,
Learning Outcome The cat and fiddle,
Learners will be able to: The cow jumped over the moon;
♦♦ Identify some common rhyming The little dog laughed
sounds in a rhyme. To see such sport,
♦♦ Identify the target letter name in And the dish ran away with the spoon
given words.
Activity 2
Essential for Learning • Ask from them the rhyming words in
Learners have been reciting rhymes the rhyme. “diddle, diddle” “moon,
in their class eg. “One two, buckle my spoon”.
shoes” • Write the rhyming words at a corner
of the board for learners to read on
New Words their own.
Diddle, fiddle, moon, spoon • Teach more rhymes with rhyming
Rhyme written on a cardboard, letter Activity 3
card, words cards. • Write the letter “s” as the letter to
be learnt for the week on the board.
Core Competencies Write some words on the board with
Communication and collaboration (CC) the /s/ sound. Let learners identify
Personal Development and where the /s/ sound is located. Is it at
Leadership (PL) the beginning, middle or ending?
Critical thinking and Problem
1. School;
2. Second;
3. Spoon;

4. Learners; Suggested Homework
5. Members; Let learners write the letter “s” in the
6. Messenger. Workbook.

• Let learners circle the “s” in the Answers to exercises in the

words. Workbook
Activity 4 Practice 1
• Demonstrate how to write the letters 1 spoon, soon
in the air for learners to observe. Now 2 hat, sat, mat
let learners write letters in the air with 3 sip, tip, nip
you. 4 not, hot, rot
5 slice, rice, nice
Activity 5 Lesson 3 Rhyming words

• Have learners practise writing the Practice

Practice 22
Draw a line from each word on the left to
its rhyming word on the right.
letter “s” on their tables, sand-trays Example
and at the back of their friends with pan pig
their fingers. Let learners take turns
when writing at the back of their wig pen
2 sam got
Review Exercise
Have learners work in pairs to identify
the letter “s” in the following words 3 hat tin

(1) message, (2) same, (3) as,

(4) numbers, (5) sound. 4 hen fan

Assessment for Learning 5 not fat

Refer learners to Practice 1 and 2
on pages 69-70 of the Workbook for 6 pin pam

74 My family

Diagnostic Assessment 5. Did the learners ask you
The diagnostic assessment will enable questions during and after the
you the teacher assess yourself and lesson?
know whether the lesson was successful 6. Were learners able to do the
or not. exercises at the end of the
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the 7. Reflect on three things you did
lesson taught. very well.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. 8. How are you going to build on
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson this achievement in subsequent
taught from the introduction to the lessons?
conclusion. 9. Reflect on two challenges
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking you faced when teaching the
yourself the following questions: lesson.
1. How did the lesson go? 10. How are you going to rectify
2. Was the introduction catchy? these in subsequent lessons?
3. Were you able to catch the P: Plan: If you get the chance to
learners’ attention throughout teach the same lesson, what plans
the lesson? (strategies) will you implement to
4. Were the learners able to enhance teaching so that learners
answer your questions during will understand and enjoy it?
and after the lesson?

Term Two

Strand: 3
Values and
Strand 3: Values and beliefs

Sub-strand 1: Our family values

LESSON 1: Good manners 72-73

Content Standard Core Competencies

K. Demonstrate understanding Communication and collaboration (CC)
of the good manners that our families Personal Development and Leadership
values and why they value them. (PL)
Personal development and Leadership
Indicator (PL)
K1. Identify the good manners
our families value and how it can Warming Up
change our personal likes and dislikes. Have learners sing this song.
“Hello, hello, how are you”
K1. Demonstrate that spoken I’m fine, I’m fine, thank you’
words are represented in written words/
print. Main Activities

Learning Outcome Activity 1

♦♦ Leaners will be able to: • Put learners in a community circle.
♦♦ Identify good manners our family’s Use think-pair-share to talk about
value. their likes and dislikes. Write them on
♦♦ Identify that spoken words are the board.
represented in written words/print.
Children,s Children’s dislikes
Essentials for learning
Learners say good morning to To be loved Beating
theirteacher when they go to school in Attention Threatening with cane
the morning. Playing Insulting
Eating sweets Laughing at them
New Words
Good morning, good afternoon, good Security Sending them on
evening, likes, dislikes.
Pampering Asking them to wash
Resources plates
Pictures/posters showing the various Brushing their teeth.
greetings, crayons, pencils etc.
• Write their likes and dislikes on
manila cards and paste them on the

Activity 2 Assessment for learning
• Now, let learners talk about what Refer learners to Practice 1 and 2
their parents and grandparents value on pages 72-73 of the Workbook for
most and why it is necessary to exercises.
respect and follow those values e.g.
Obedience, respect, helping people Answers to exercises in the Workbook
in need, truthfulness.
Practice 1
Activity 3 Learners to trace.
• Let learners know that spoken words
could be written in text. Go through Practice
Lesson 12 Good manners
what they like and dislike (previous Match the pictures with the correct
Practice 2
lesson) with them. Display them greetings.
on the board. Read through with a
pointer, for learners to know, that good bye
what they said/spoke could be written
in words.

Review Exercise
good morning
Have learners work in pairs. Let them
talk about why they should respect their
grandparents and parents values. 3

good evening


Values and beliefs 77

Diagnostic Assessment 5. Did the learners ask you
The diagnostic assessment will enable questions during and after the
you the teacher assess yourself and lesson?
know whether the lesson was successful 6. Were learners able to do the
or not. exercises at the end of the
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the 7. Reflect on three things you did
lesson taught. very well.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. 8. How are you going to build on
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson this achievement in subsequent
taught from the introduction to the lessons?
conclusion. 9. Reflect on two challenges
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking you faced when teaching the
yourself the following questions: lesson.
1. How did the lesson go? 10. How are you going to rectify
2. Was the introduction catchy? these in subsequent lessons?
3. Were you able to catch the P: Plan: If you get the chance to
learners’ attention throughout teach the same lesson, what plans
the lesson? (strategies) will you implement to
4. Were the learners able to enhance teaching so that learners
answer your questions during will understand and enjoy it?
and after the lesson?

LESSON 2: Importance of greetings 74

Main Activities
Content Standard Activity 1
K. Demonstrate understanding • Refer learners to the story on page
of the good manners that our families 74. Read the story about Abu to
value and why they value them. learners.
• Let them listen attentively. Ask oral
Indicator questions about the story and let
K1. Listen to a story on learners answer using the think-pair-
importance of exhibiting good manners share strategy.
in our everyday life and role-play how to • Let learners discuss (1) why the boy
use simple daily greetings with different refused to greet the old lady? (2)
people in the society. What moral lesson have they learnt
from the story?
Learning Outcome
♦♦ Learners will be able to listen to a Activity 2
story on the importance of exhibiting • Guide learners to know the various
good manners. daily greetings and when they are
Essentials for Learning
Learners have learnt how to accept Good morning for mornings
family values obey and respect them. Good afternoon for afternoons
E.g. Greeting everybody you meet and Good evening for evenings
being obedient and respectful to adults Good night when going to bed
and teachers.
Activity 3
New words • Have learners role-play the daily
Greetings, good afternoon, good greetings. One to three learners
evening, good morning. should go out and return in turns to
greet.(for morning) ‘Good morning’
Core Competencies and the class responds the same.
Communication and collaboration (CC) Have another set go out and come
and greet for afternoon and evening.

Review Exercise
Have learners work in groups of four.
Warming Up Give out the greeting cards to each
Let learners sing this song group. One picks say; “Good morning”
“Abofra y3 somak) a and everybody stand up and greet. Let
Obiara p3 nas3m (3x) them have turns.
Nti y3 somak)”

Assessment for learning Diagnostic Assessment
Refer learners to Practice 1 on page 74 The diagnostic assessment will enable
of the Workbook for exercises. you the teacher assess yourself and
know whether the lesson was successful
Answers to exercises in the Workbook or not.

Practice 1 In other words, you have to “TRAP” the

1 Abu lesson taught.
2 To collect mangoes T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
3 No. Because he disrespected her R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
4 He fell in a trap and was bitten by a taught from the introduction to the
snake. conclusion.
5 Show respect to others. A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
Live in peace with others. yourself the following questions:
1. How did the lesson go?
2. Was the introduction catchy?
3. Were you able to catch the
learners’ attention throughout
the lesson?
4. Were the learners able to
answer your questions during
and after the lesson?
5. Did the learners ask you
questions during and after the
6. Were learners able to do the
exercises at the end of the
7. Reflect on three things you did
very well.
8. How are you going to build on
this achievement in subsequent
9. Reflect on two challenges
you faced when teaching the
10. How are you going to rectify
these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

LESSON 3: Pre-writing and phonic activities 75-81

Warming Up
Content Standard Let learners sing the alphabets songs “A
K1.3.1.1 Demonstrate understanding B C D E F G H___, ___”
of the good manners that our families
values and why they value them. Main Activities

Indicator Activity 1
K1. Recognise that spoken • Write these words on the board.
words are made up of individual speech Greetings, visitor, keywords, school.
sounds and letters that can be written Guide learners to say the words
down. slowly stretching them using rubber
band. Have learners identify the
K1. Recognise details in shapes number of syllables in each word;
and height of the letter for the week and e.g. Visitor is stretched as vi si tor
write it legibly and correctly. with three syllables.

Learning Outcome Activity 2

♦♦ Learners will be able to • Have learners circle the letter ‘s’
♦♦ Identify that spoken words are made in the words on the board. E.g.
up of speech words and letters. greeting(s), vi(s)itor, (s)chool,
♦♦ Write some selected letters of the keyword(s).
Activity 3
Essential for learning • Using some phonic games, assist
Learners can identify and say the sound learners to replace different sounds/
for /s/ and write it in their exercise letter at the beginning of some
books. selected words to create new words
e.g. (1) man, fan, sat, can (2) pen,
New Words
hen, fen (3) sit, pin, bin, fin
Alphabets, sounds.
Activity 4
• Have learners watch you while you
Word cards of the words (school,
model some pre-writing exercises.
greetings, conversation, keywords,
Model writing of some letters,
example a, b, d in the air and write
some on the board for learners to
Core Competencies
Personal development and Leadership
• Let learners write the letters in the air
Communication and Collaboration (CC) using their fingers, on their tables, in
Creativity Innovation (CI) sand-trays, on slates and on the back
Critical Thinking and Problem solving of their friends using their fingers.

(Note: Teach writing of the letters Diagnostic Assessment
one by one and move on to the The diagnostic assessment will enable
next letter when they can write the you the teacher assess yourself and
previous one). know whether the lesson was successful
or not.
Assessment for learning
Refer learners to Practice 1 – 7 on pages In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
75-81 of the Workbook for exercises. lesson taught.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
Answers to exercises in the Workbook R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
taught from the introduction to the
Practice 1 conclusion.
A Learners to say and trace /A/ and /a/. A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
B Learners to colour. yourself the following questions:
1. How did the lesson go?
Practice 2 2. Was the introduction catchy?
A Learners to say and trace /B/ and /b/. 3. Were you able to catch the
B Learners to colour and circle /B/. learners’ attention throughout
the lesson?
Practice 3 4. Were the learners able to
A Learners to say and trace /C/ and /c/. answer your questions during
B Learners to colour and circle /c/. and after the lesson?
5. Did the learners ask you
Practice 4 questions during and after the
A Learners to say and trace capital ‘D’ lesson?
and small ‘d’. 6. Were learners able to do the
B Learners to write d under each exercises at the end of the
picture. lesson?
7. Reflect on three things you did
very well.
Practice 5 8. How are you going to build on
A Learners to say and trace /E/ and /e/. this achievement in subsequent
B Learners drawing. lessons?
9. Reflect on two challenges
Practice 6 you faced when teaching the
A Learners to say and trace /F/ and /f/. lesson.
B Learners to circle – f in fresh, fish 10. How are you going to rectify
and fit. these in subsequent lessons?
C Learners to colour. P: Plan: If you get the chance to
teach the same lesson, what plans
Practice 7 (strategies) will you implement to
A Learners to say and trace /G/ and /g/. enhance teaching so that learners
B Learners to colour. will understand and enjoy it?

Strand 3: Values and beliefs

Sub-strand 2: My cultural values

LESSON 1: Showing respect 82-83

Content Standard Core Competencies

K1. Talk about some important Personal development and Leadership
cultural values and good manners that (PL)
promote respect and politeness. Communication and collaboration (CC)
Critical thinking and Problem Solving
Indicator (CP)
K1. Talk about some important Creativity and innovation (CI)
cultural values and good manners that
promote respect and politeness.
Warming Up
K1. Recognise the basic Have learners sing any cultural song
components of a book using the Big common in the locality.
Book on showing respect.
Main Activities
Learning Outcome
♦♦ Learners will be able to identify Activity 1
some cultural values and manners • Put learners in a community circle.
that promote respect and Let them sing any cultural value
politeness. songs and rhymes. “Abofra ketewa
bi w) ho”. Show the greeting cards to
Essentials for learning learners and let them role play.
Learners know that they have to greet Good morning
Good afternoon
in the morning, afternoon and evening
as “Good morning, Good afternoon and Good evening
Good evening” respectively.
• Pick one of the greeting cards.
New Words Read with the learners stressing on
Good manners, please, thank you, the syllables and the sound of the
permission first letter. Let learners pronounce
the words after you. Have learners
Resources demonstrate how to greet adults,
Pictures/posters of people showing father, mother, etc in the society. Let
good cultural values, pencil, crayons, them demonstrate all the greetings.
cut-out words e.g.?

Thank you. Please may I go out? Please Thank you May I go out

Activity 2 E.g.
• Give out conversational posters with 1. Please teacher, may I go out?
the inscriptions. 2. Please may I take your pencil?
3. Thank you. Mama
• Go through the sentence with 4. Please, how are you Esi?
learners. Create a scenario for • Write some of the words on the
learners to tell the appropriate polite board. Let learners fill in the missing
words/phrases to use and explain letters.
why. Tha__k
E.g. Call a boy and girl to the front of P__ease
the class. Give one packet of crayons
to the girl. Ask the boy to ask her for Review Exercises
one. Let the class tell you what the Have learners work in pairs. Let them
boy should say and what he should use polite words “please” and “thank
say when the girl gives him the you” to form sentences.
crayons. ‘Please give me a crayon’.
“Thank you”. Have learners role-play Assessment for learning
some of the scenarios. Refer learners to Practices 1 and 2 on
pages 82-83 for learners to do exercises.

Activity 3 Answers to exercises in the

• Use “Your Big book” on how to show Workbook.
respect and politeness. Let them
know how to handle books correctly. Practice 1
Have learners talk about the front/ 1 Aku
cover page, the body and the end 2 A man and woman
page of the book. Have picture walk 3 Ask for help to cross the road
from the cover page illustration and She said thank you to the man
the body/content up to the end with She asked permission from her
learners. teacher.
• Write the keywords on the board 4 The man helped her to cross the
before reading the story. E.g. Good road.
morning, please, thank you, may I 5 Be careful at all times.
go out. Explain the meaning of the
words first before reading the text to Practice 2
learners. A 1 may
2 respect
Activity 4 3 think
• Have learners use some of the 4 please
keywords to form sentences on their 5 sorry
own. 6 help
B Learners to trace

LESSON 2: Cultural values 84-85

Warming Up
Content Standard Have learners sing any local songs
K1. Talk about some important which show respect.
cultural values and good manners that
promote respect and politeness. Main Activities

Indicator Activity 1
K1. Use positive words learnt • Use your Big Book or write your own
from the teacher-read-aloud of the Big story about a girl who refused to obey
Book to talk about how to show respect her parents, or read the story of Aku
to teachers and peers at school. on page 82 to learners. Do picture
walk through the text.
K1. Identify the location of • Looking at the pictures, let learners
individual sounds in a given word predict what the story will be.
(beginning or end of a word).
Activity 2
Learning Outcome • Let learners use think-pair-share to
♦♦ Learners will be able to: talk about what they learnt from the
♦♦ Use the positive words learnt to story relating it to how good it is for
talk about how to show respect to a child to adopt their cultural values.
adults, teachers and peers. Write the keywords on the board
♦♦ Identify the location of sounds in a before reading the story e.g. Good
given word. morning, please, thank you, may I go
out, etc. Explain the following words
Essentials of learning before reading the text to learners.
Learners can form sentences with polite Read the story slowly to learners.
words like ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ . Pause for learners to predict what will
New Words
Respect, predict, positive, thank you, Activity 3
please. Have learners use some of the keywords
to form sentences on their own. E.g.
Resources • Please teacher, may I go out?
cut-out words of polite words e.g. • Please may I take your pencil?
pictures/posters of people showing • Thank you Mama.
respect. • How are you Esi?

Core Competencies Write some of the words on the board.

Personal Development and Leadership Let learners fill in the missing letters.
(PL) Pl__ase (2) Tha____k yo__

• Have learners describe different Assessment for learning
ways to show respect to teachers Refer learners to Practices 1 and 2
and their parents. on pages 84-85 of the Workbooks for
Activity 4
• Introduce the letter sound for the Suggested Homework
week /p/ to learners. Write words Have learners underline /p/ in the
which have the letter sounds at the following words (1) President (2)
beginning and middle on the board. Pawpaw (3) Perpetual (4) Parcel.
Have learners pronounce the words
after you and let them circle the Answers to exercises in the Workbook
letters. E.g. please, pear, people, Lesson 2 Cultural values

pepper, promise, pebbles. Practice

Practice 11 Write the first sound under each picture.

flask orange jam

Activity 5
• Have learners write the letter P in
their exercise books. They should
first write it in the air, on slates, in
sand-trays and at the backs of their
friends using fingers.
f o j
Review Exercise
Have learners work in pairs. Let them net flower rake
use polite words such as please and
thank you to form sentences.

Assessment for learning

Refer learners to Practices 1 and 2
on pages 84-85 of the Workbook for n f r
88 Values and beliefs
Review Exercise Practice 2
Let learners work in pairs. Give them 1 A boy and a girl shaking hands
sentence strips. Read the sentence to A boy smiling
Let them. They identify the words that A girl smiling
begin with letter sound /p/. 2 Thank you
Please Papa, can I take your pink how are you
pencil? 3 Showing respect and appreciation
4 After someone has helped you,
After someone gives you a lift,
If your teacher permits you to go out,

Diagnostic Assessment 5. Did the learners ask you
The diagnostic assessment will enable questions during and after the
you the teacher assess yourself and lesson?
know whether the lesson was successful 6. Were learners able to do the
or not. exercises at the end of the
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the 7. Reflect on three things you did
lesson taught. very well.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. 8. How are you going to build on
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson this achievement in subsequent
taught from the introduction to the lessons?
conclusion. 9. Reflect on two challenges
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking you faced when teaching the
yourself the following questions: lesson.
1. How did the lesson go? 10. How are you going to rectify
2. Was the introduction catchy? these in subsequent lessons?
3. Were you able to catch the P: Plan: If you get the chance to
learners’ attention throughout teach the same lesson, what plans
the lesson? (strategies) will you implement to
4. Were the learners able to enhance teaching so that learners
answer your questions during will understand and enjoy it?
and after the lesson?

Strand 3: Values and beliefs

Sub-strand 3: Our Religious values

LESSON 1: Religious and moral values (1) 86-87

Warming Up
Content Standard Have learners sing song “Jesus is
K1.3.3.1 Demonstrate understanding coming this way”.
of the religious and moral values and
virtues we need to exhibit as good Main Activities
Christians and Muslims.
Activity 1
Indicator • Have learners sit in a semi-circle. Let
K1. Recite rhymes and talk them sing songs and recite rhymes
about religious values and how to show which depict religious values. Using
it. the think-pair-share strategy let
learners tell you what are normally
Learning Outcome preached to them when they go for
♦♦ Learners will be able to identify the Sunday School. i.e “peace, love,
religious values (love, peace, and forgiveness”.
forgiveness) of the three religious
groups. Activity 2
• As a class, discuss the common
Essentials for learning moral values to learners (1) love (2)
Learners sing songs at their various peace (3) forgiveness. Take them
worship places to worship the supreme one by one and let learners talk
being. about them
1. How to show love to people.
New Words 2. When do we have to forgive our
Shrine, Moslem, Mosque, Church, friends?
Christians, Traditional Priest. 3. How to live in harmony or peace
with the people in class, school
Resources and at home.
Pictures/posters of places of worship,
crayons, pencils. Activity 3
Divide the class into three groups.
Core Competencies Write the three virtues on a piece of
Communication and collaboration (CC) paper.
Personal Development and Leadership
Peace Forgiveness love

Note: Let the words accompany pictures.
Let each group pick one of these and Diagnostic Assessment
dramatise the religious and /or moral The diagnostic assessment will enable
values they picked. you the teacher assess yourself and
know whether the lesson was successful
Review Exercises or not.
Have learners work in groups of four. Let
each learner form a sentence with one of In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
the words learnt. lesson taught.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
Assessment for learning R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
Refer learners to Practices 1 and 2 taught from the introduction to the
on pages 86-87. Have learners sing conclusion.
the songs. If they don’t know how to A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
sing them, teach them in advance. Go yourself the following questions:
through Practice 1 and 2 with learners. 1. How did the lesson go?
2. Was the introduction catchy?
Answer to exercises in the Workbook 3. Were you able to catch the
learners’ attention throughout
Practice 1 the lesson?
1 At church 4. Were the learners able to
2 Sing, pray, dance, clap answer your questions during
3 Jesus and after the lesson?
4 Help others, share with others 5. Did the learners ask you
questions during and after the
Practice 2 lesson?
1 At the mosque 6. Were learners able to do the
2 Pray exercises at the end of the
3 Mat, beads, plastic kettle lesson?
7. Reflect on three things you did
very well.
8. How are you going to build on
this achievement in subsequent
9. Reflect on two challenges
you faced when teaching the
10. How are you going to rectify
these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

LESSON 2: Religious and moral values (2) 88-89

Warming Up
Content Standard Have learners sing these songs
K1.3.3.1 Demonstrate understanding (1) Jesus loves me
of the religious and moral values and (2) Allah Mungode
virtues we need to exhibit as good
Christians and Muslims. Main Activities

Indicator Activity 1
K1. Handle books correctly and • Use your “Big Book” (Note: If you
with care. don’t have the big book, make your
own “Big Book” or search on Google
K1. Interact actively with peers to get information on the various
during a teacher-read aloud session themes). Today’s theme is ‘Religious
about religious and moral values, use and Moral values’. Use visual
visual information to understand the information and gestures to explain
unfamiliar words when reading and use the key words before you start the
new vocabulary acquired to create short reading (peace, love, forgiveness).
Activity 2
Learning Outcome • Read the text to learners slowly.
♦♦ Learners will be able to Assist them to identify the keywords
♦♦ identify appropriate way of handling (peace, love, forgiveness) which are
books. the moral values for the theme. Let
♦♦ use new vocabulary acquired to learners form sentences with the new
create short sentences. words.
E.g (1) I love everybody.
New Words (2) Please, forgive me.
Religious values, moral values, love, (3) Let peace stay with us.
forgiveness, peace. (4) Let us work in peace.

Resources Review Exercise

Word cards and sentence strips on new Have learners work in pairs. Let them
words. Crayons, pencils. form sentences with the three words
‘peace, forgiveness and love’.
Core Competencies
Personal development and Leadership Assessment for learning
(PL) Refer learners to Practice 1 and 2
Communication and collaboration (CC) on pages 88-89 of the Workbook for
Creativity Innovation (CI) exercises.
Critical thinking and Problem solving

Answers to exercises in the Workbook 4. Were the learners able to
answer your questions during
Practice 1 and after the lesson?
Learners to colour their place of worship. 5. Did the learners ask you
questions during and after the
Practice 2 lesson?
A Learners to trace 6. Were learners able to do the
B Bible → B exercises at the end of the
Pot → P lesson?
Mat → M 7. Reflect on three things you did
very well.
C bat mat pat 8. How are you going to build on
this achievement in subsequent
Diagnostic Assessment 9. Reflect on two challenges
The diagnostic assessment will enable you faced when teaching the
you the teacher assess yourself and lesson.
know whether the lesson was successful 10. How are you going to rectify
or not. these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the teach the same lesson, what plans
lesson taught. (strategies) will you implement to
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. enhance teaching so that learners
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson will understand and enjoy it?
taught from the introduction to the
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
yourself the following questions:
1. How did the lesson go?
2. Was the introduction catchy?
3. Were you able to catch the
learners’ attention throughout
the lesson?

LESSON 3: Pre-writing exercise 90

(1) God loves me

Content Standard (2) There is peace at home.
K1.3.3.1 Demonstrate understanding
of the religious and moral values and Activity 2
virtues we need to exhibit as good • Have learners practise writing these
Christians and Muslims. two words on their tables, sand-tray
and in their jotters.
K1. Write letters legibly and Assessment for learning
boldly. Have learners write the two words in
their exercise books.
Learning Outcome “Peace” “Love”.
♦♦ Learners will be able to write letters
of words depicting moral values. Answers to exercises in the Workbook

Essentials for learning Practice 1

Learners can form oral sentences with Learners to trace
words e.g. love and peace.

New Words Diagnostic Assessment

Peace, love, forgiveness.
The diagnostic assessment will enable
Resources you the teacher assess yourself and
Word cards of some moral values. know whether the lesson was successful
or not.
Core Competencies
Creativity and innovation (CI) In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
lesson taught.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
Warming Up R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
Have learners click their fingers /shake taught from the introduction to the
their hands and clap while singing their conclusion.
favourite song. A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
yourself the following questions:
Main Activities 1. How did the lesson go?
Activity 1 2. Was the introduction catchy?
• Write these words boldly on the 3. Were you able to catch the
learners’ attention throughout
board peace and love. Have learners
the lesson?
pronounce it using the rubber band
4. Were the learners able to
style. Let learners tell you when
answer your questions during
these value words are used. E.g. Let and after the lesson?
them spell the words and form simple
sentence. E.g.

5. Did the learners ask you 9. Reflect on two challenges
questions during and after the you faced when teaching the
lesson? lesson.
6. Were learners able to do the 10. How are you going to rectify
exercises at the end of the these in subsequent lessons?
lesson? P: Plan: If you get the chance to
7. Reflect on three things you did teach the same lesson, what plans
very well. (strategies) will you implement to
8. How are you going to build on enhance teaching so that learners
this achievement in subsequent will understand and enjoy it?

Strand 3: Values and beliefs

Sub-strand 4: Our beliefs

LESSON 1: God the creator 91-92

Warming Up
Content Standard Have learners sing any religious songs
K1.3.4.1 Demonstrate understanding common to everybody.
of and relating well with people with Main Activities
different beliefs.

Indicator Activity 1
K1. Talk about God as the • Use K.W.L Strategy.
Creator of all things and discuss • K. Have learners share what they
different ways that people worship him. know about God. E.g. He is the
Supreme Being. He created human
K1. Handle their religious beings, animals and plants.
scriptures (book) appropriately. • W. Now ask learners to ask you
questions about God. Find out from
Learning Outcome learners the religious groups that
Learners will be able to
they belong to. Let them tell you
♦♦ Identify God as the creator of all
things the different names given to God in
♦♦ Handle religious books carefully their Religions e.g Muslims calls him
and appropriately. Allah, some Akan African Traditional
Worshippers call him Nyame,
Essentials for Learning Christians call him God.
Learners know that there is a God who • L. Have learners talk about what they
created human beings and animals. learnt about the topic.
New Words
Activity 2
Creator, God, worship.
• Put learners into three religious
Resources groups. Let them talk about how they
Bible, Quran, pictures/posters of places worship their God. Briefly let learners
of worship and people worshipping tell the class how they worship the
God, crayons, pencils. Supreme Being.
• L. Encourage learners to appreciate
Core Competencies each other and share what they have
Personal development and Leadership learnt from their peers.
Communication and collaboration (CC)
Critical thinking and Problem Solving Activity 3
(CP) • Show the Bible, Quran, Bible stories,
Creativity and innovation etc. to learners. Displays them on
(CI) your table.

Teach learners how to open the Diagnostic Assessment
books,l paying attention to page The diagnostic assessment will enable
numbers from the beginning to the you the teacher assess yourself and
end. know whether the lesson was successful
Let them recite the rhyme from a or not.
book to a friend.
Create your own story. Use the story In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
to assist learners appreciate and lesson taught.
respect other religious books. T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
Review Exercise taught from the introduction to the
Have learners sing songs of the three conclusion.
religious bodies and dance. A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
yourself the following questions:
Assessment for learning 1. How did the lesson go?
Refer learners to practices 1 and 2 on 2. Was the introduction catchy?
pages 91-92 of the Workbook. Direct 3. Were you able to catch the
learners to identify the things made by learners’ attention throughout
God and answer the oral activity on page the lesson?
95. 4. Were the learners able to
answer your questions during
Answers to exercises in the Workbook and after the lesson?
5. Did the learners ask you
Practice 1 questions during and after the
1 God lesson?
2 learners choice 6. Were learners able to do the
3 learners answers exercises at the end of the
4 learners answers lesson?
7. Reflect on three things you did
Practice 2 very well.
1 H 8. How are you going to build on
3 M this achievement in subsequent
4 F lessons?
9. Reflect on two challenges
you faced when teaching the
10. How are you going to rectify
these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

LESSON 2: Different ways of worshiping God 93-96

Warming Up
Content Standard Have learners sing some religious songs
K1.3.4.1 Demonstrate understanding common to them and dance to the
of and relating well with people with music.
different beliefs.
Main Activities
K1. Interact actively with peers Activity 1
during a teacher-read aloud session • Have learners sit in a communal
about religious beliefs, use visual circle. Use your Big Book or get
information to understand the unfamiliar information from YouTube. Read
words when reading and use new aloud the text on different religious
vocabulary acquired to talk about their groups in Ghana and how they
beliefs. worship their gods. Ask what they
know before reading (K). Encourage
Learning Outcome them to ask questions about what
♦♦ Learners will be able to they want to know (W). Use usual
♦♦ use new vocabulary acquired to talk information e.g. pictures/posters
about their beliefs. to explain information words, like
church, shrine and mosque.
Essentials for learning
Learners know that there are three Activity 2
main religious bodies in Ghana. • Learners can ask questions like why
(Christianity, Islam and African Moslems go to the Mosque only
Traditional Religion). on Fridays, etc. As you read the
text, pause often and have learners
New Words respond to some questions which will
Religion, christianity, church, mosque, relate the information to their lives
shrine. E.g Moslems wash their feet, mouth
and nose before praying. This means
Resources you have to be clean before talking to
Pictures/posters of different religious Allah.
worshipping places, crayons, pencils.
Activity 3
Core Competencies • Have learners share what they
Personal Development and Leadership have learnt from the story. Let them
(PL) work in pairs and later share what
Personal development and Leadership they learnt with the whole class.
(PL) E.g. all the religious bodies preach
Communication and collaboration (CC) about peace, harmony love and
Critical thinking and Problem Solving forgiveness.

Activity 4
• Ask learners the following questions. Practice 4
1. How will you relate well with 1 Astupi – Christian
people from different religious Baba – Muslim
group? Awo – Traditionalist
• Let learners group themselves in 2 Baba
their various religious groups. 3 Awo gave him one of her pencil
1. Group A - Christians 4 Share what we have with others
2. Group B - Moslems who do not have.
3. Group C - Traditionalist
• One group sings one of their songs
and all the other religious groups Diagnostic Assessment
dance together. They should take The diagnostic assessment will enable
turns. Encourage learners to sing and you the teacher assess yourself and
dance to the various music as a way know whether the lesson was successful
of appreciating each other and living or not.
in harmony with different people from
religious groups. In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
lesson taught.
Review Exercise T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
Have learners role-play what their R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
religious leader does when they are taught from the introduction to the
leading worship. conclusion.
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
Assessment for learning yourself the following questions:
Refer learners to Practice 1 - 4 on pages 1. How did the lesson go?
93-96 of the Workbook. 2. Was the introduction catchy?
3. Were you able to catch the
learners’ attention throughout
the lesson?
4. Were the learners able to
Answers to exercises in the Workbook answer your questions during
Practice 1 and after the lesson?
1 Learners choice 5. Did the learners ask you
2 Singing at church questions during and after the
3 He is praying lesson?
4 Band, whisk, chain 6. Were learners able to do the
C Learners to trace exercises at the end of the
Practice 2 7. Reflect on three things you did
Learners to colour very well.
8. How are you going to build on
Practice 3 this achievement in subsequent
1 Shrine lessons?
2 Whisk
3 Pot, doll, egg, drink

9. Reflect on two challenges
you faced when teaching the
10. How are you going to rectify
these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

LESSON 3: Sight words 97-98

Activity 2
Content Standard • Put learners into groups of four.
K1.3.4.1 Demonstrate understanding Give them the sight word cards.
of and relating well with people with In their groups, let them read in
different beliefs. turns. Explain the words to them.
Encourage them to form simple
K1. sentences with the words orally.
Play different musical instrument,
sing religious songs and dance on the Activity 3
music. • Write some of the sentences on the
Learning Outcome 1 This is for me.
♦♦ Learners will be able to read sight 2 I am beautiful.
word cards. 3 Sit on your chair.
4 I want to go home.
Essential for Learning • Let learners trace the sight words in
Learners can identify initial letter their exercise books.
sounds in words.
Review Exercise
New Words Have learners work in pairs. Let them
Sight words. form oral sentences with these sight
Resources 1 my
Letter cards, word cards, sight words. 2 have

Assessment for Learning

Refer learners to Practice 1 and 2
Warming up on pages 97-98 of the Workbook for
Have learners squeeze their fingers, flip exercises.
their hands and clap.
Answers to exercises in the Workbook
Main Activities
Practice 1
Activity 1 Learners to read, trace and colour words.
• Write the sight words boldly on the
board. Cat, an, my, we at, bat. Practice 2
• Guide learners to read the sight Learners to trace the sight words and
words several times. read the sentences.

Diagnostic Assessment 5. Did the learners ask you
The diagnostic assessment will enable questions during and after the
you the teacher assess yourself and lesson?
know whether the lesson was successful 6. Were learners able to do the
or not. exercises at the end of the
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the 7. Reflect on three things you did
lesson taught. very well.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. 8. How are you going to build on
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson this achievement in subsequent
taught from the introduction to the lessons?
conclusion. 9. Reflect on two challenges
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking you faced when teaching the
yourself the following questions: lesson.
1. How did the lesson go? 10. How are you going to rectify
2. Was the introduction catchy? these in subsequent lessons?
3. Were you able to catch the P: Plan: If you get the chance to
learners’ attention throughout teach the same lesson, what plans
the lesson? (strategies) will you implement to
4. Were the learners able to enhance teaching so that learners
answer your questions during will understand and enjoy it?
and after the lesson?

Strand: 4
My local
Strand 4: My local community

Sub-strand 1: Knowing the special place in my local community

LESSON 1: Special places in my community (1) 100-101

Warming Up
Content Standard Have learners recite the rhyme.
K1.4.1.1 Demonstrate understanding ‘Mama mama I am sick.
of the special places in our local Call the doctor very quick,
communities. Doctor doctor shall I die?
No my baby do not cry’.
Main Activities
K1. Visit and talk about some
special places in our community. Activity 1
K1. Use visual information • Put learners in a community circle.
(illustrations) when reading. Ask them where they go when they
fall sick i.e hospital. Let learners
Learning Outcome tell you the people they meet at the
♦♦ Learners will be able to hospital and what they do.
♦♦ Identify and name special places in
the community. • Refer learners to page 101 of the
♦♦ Use illustrations when reading and Workbook. Let them do the oral
talk about what they see. activities on the page.

Activity 2
Essentials for learning • Let learners talk about other
Learners have been going to some important places they know e.g.
special places. E.g. hospital, market. market, chiefs palace,etc. Have
learners work in pairs. Let them
New Words discuss why these places are
Hospital, market, palace, police station, important. E.g. A market is important
post office. because it is a place where we buy
goods, provisions etc. without the
Resources market, we shall not get food to eat.
Crayons, pencils, pictures/posters
of special places e.g. hospital, chief Activity 3
• Use your “Big Book.” If you do not
palace, etc.
have one, look for a book where you
can get the theme. Go through the
Core Competencies pictures from cover to cover as you
Personal development and Leadership flip the pages. Let learners talk about
(PL) what they see in the pictures.
Communication and collaboration (CC)
Creativity and Innovation (CI

Activity 4 Diagnostic Assessment
• Now read the book on special places The diagnostic assessment will enable
in the community to learners. Use you the teacher assess yourself and
visual information (posters and know whether the lesson was successful
pictures) to explain new words like or not.
chief palace, police station, post
office to learners. Ask learners In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
questions to test understanding of lesson taught.
text. T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
Review Exercise taught from the introduction to the
Play ‘pick and act’. Divide the class into conclusion.
3 groups. One group role-play a scene A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
at the market the second group play a yourself the following questions:
scene at the hospital and the last group 1. How did the lesson go?
play a scene at the police station. 2. Was the introduction catchy?
3. Were you able to catch the
Assessment for learning learners’ attention throughout
Refer learners to Practice 1 and 2 on the lesson?
pages 100-101 of the Workbook for 4. Were the learners able to
exercises. Have learners say the rhyme answer your questions during
‘To market to market’ and answer the oral and after the lesson?
questions there. 5. Did the learners ask you
questions during and after the
Answers to exercises in the Workbook lesson?
Practice 1 6. Were learners able to do the
B 1 Hospital exercises at the end of the
2 Doctor, a nurse lesson?
3 Doctor, nurse, medicine, needle 7. Reflect on three things you did
4 Learners answers very well.
8. How are you going to build on
Practice 2 this achievement in subsequent
1 Market, store lessons?
2 Market 9. Reflect on two challenges
3 A fat dog you faced when teaching the
4 Learners answers lesson.
5 Learners answers 10. How are you going to rectify
these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

LESSON 2: Special places in my community (2) 102-103

Main Activities
Content standard
K1.4.1.1 Demonstrate understanding Activity 1
of the special places in our local • Use the K.W.L strategy to read about
communities. the theme (important places in the
community) to learners. Let them
Indicator tell you what they know about the
K1. Listen attentively and important places in the community
interact with peers during a teacher- (e.g. police station). Encourage them
read-aloud session about special to ask more about what they want to
places in our community and answer know.
Activity 2
Learning Outcome • Ask them what they know about the
♦♦ Learners will be able to; listen to police station. Who are sent there?
‘read-aloud’ session about special What do policemen /women do? Can
places in our community. you describe their uniform? Read
aloud slowly and pause for learners
Essential for learning to interact with peers. Read a story
Learners have been going to hospital on someone who stole money and
when they are sick. Some of the was sent to the police station. Ask
learner’s mothers sell at markets. learners to work in pairs about what
they learnt from the ‘read aloud’
New Words session.
Hospital, market, retell, story.
Activity 3
Resources • Refer learners page 102 of
Pictures/posters of markets, post office, Workbook.
palace etc. crayons, pencils, word cards • Let them do a picture walk on the
of names of special places. page. Have them predict what is
happening in the pictures on the
Core Competencies pages. Let them answer the oral
Personal development and Leadership questions there.
Communication and collaboration (CC) Review Exercise
Creativity Innovation (CI) Have learners work in pairs. Let them
discuss why people should be careful
so that they are not sent to the police
Warming Up
Have learners recite ‘To market to

Assessment for learning Diagnostic Assessment
Refer learners to Practice 1 and 2 on The diagnostic assessment will enable
pages 102-103 of the Workbook for you the teacher assess yourself and
exercises. know whether the lesson was successful
or not.
Answers to exercises in the Workbook
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
Practice 1 lesson taught.
B 1 building drums, stool, umbrella T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
flags, tree, grass, women, basket, R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
fruits, taught from the introduction to the
2 A – market conclusion.
B – stool office A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
C – school yourself the following questions:
D - chiefs palace 1. How did the lesson go?
2. Was the introduction catchy?
3. Were you able to catch the
Lesson 2 Special places in my community (2) learners’ attention throughout
Practice 2 Write the first sound for the items on the the lesson?
Practice 2 left and match to where it can be found on
the right. 4. Were the learners able to
answer your questions during
and after the lesson?
syringe s 5. Did the learners ask you
1 questions during and after the
6. Were learners able to do the
exercises at the end of the
7. Reflect on three things you did
very well.
3 8. How are you going to build on
this achievement in subsequent
envelope lessons?
4 9. Reflect on two challenges
you faced when teaching the
sword lesson.
103 10. How are you going to rectify
My local
All about
these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

LESSON 3: Pre-writing activities 104

Activity 2
Content Standard • Show learners how to write it on the
K1.4.1.1 Demonstrate understanding board. Have learners write in the air,
of the special places in our local on slates, tables and at the back of
communities. their friends using their fingers. Pair
learners, give them sheets of paper
Indicator and let them practise writing it.
K1. Find as many words in the
community in which we can find the Activity 3
new letter-sound for the week. • Scaffold learners to look for words
with the letter ‘k’ which could be
Learning Outcome found in the community. Write them
♦♦ Learners will be able to find more on the board.
words for the new letter sound /k/. • Read the words and let learners
read after you. (1) kitchen, kettle,
Essentials for learning coke, lake, kite, market, cake, kaba,
Learners can find words for the letter kenten, kente, akok). Call learners
sound /m/. e.g. man, mama, mat. to come and circle the letter ‘k’ in the
words. Let them pronounce the word
New Words first before circling it.
Kitchen, kitten, cookies, kick.
Activity 4
Resources • Make a ‘word wall’ (a chart on the
Word cards of new words (kick, kitchen wall) and keep track of all the words
kitten), crayons, pencils. found with the letter ‘k’. Anytime
learners find a new word with the
letter ‘k’ add it to the list.

Activity 5
Warming Up • Teach a tongue twister rhyme with
Have learners recite the rhyme “To the sound ‘k’ in it. Write these on the
market to market” board
• “Ketty caught the kitten in the
Main Activities kitchen”. How many /k/ sounds have
you identified? Circle them on the
Activity 1 board. Refer learners to page 104
• Introduce the letter ‘k’ which is to be of the Workbook. Go through the
used for the week. Teach the correct tongue twister sentences on the page
pronunciation of the letter sound /k/. with learners. Let them identify the
letter ‘k’ and underline them.

Assessment for learning 4. Were the learners able to
Refer learners to Practice 1 on page 104 answer your questions during
of the Workbook for exercises. and after the lesson?

Answer to Workbook 5. Did the learners ask you

questions during and after the
Practice 1 lesson?
1 Circle t 6. Were learners able to do the
2 Circle c exercises at the end of the
3 Circle k lesson?
4 Circle k 7. Reflect on three things you did
very well.
B Learners to trace 8. How are you going to build on
this achievement in subsequent
Diagnostic Assessment lessons?
The diagnostic assessment will enable 9. Reflect on two challenges
you the teacher assess yourself and you faced when teaching the
know whether the lesson was successful lesson.
or not. 10. How are you going to rectify
these in subsequent lessons?
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the P: Plan: If you get the chance to
lesson taught. teach the same lesson, what plans
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. (strategies) will you implement to
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson enhance teaching so that learners
taught from the introduction to the will understand and enjoy it?
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
yourself the following questions:
1. How did the lesson go?
2. Was the introduction catchy?
3. Were you able to catch the
learners’ attention throughout
the lesson?

Strand 4: My local community

Sub-strand 2: Knowing (who) the important people/occupation in

my community
LESSON 1: People in my community and the work they pages
do. 105-107

Content Standard Core Competencies

K1.4.2.1 Demonstrate knowledge of Communication and collaboration (CC)
the people in the community and their Personal Development and Leadership
occupation. (PL)
Cultural identity and Global citizenship
K1. Talk about who the (CGC)
neighbours are, the work they do and Critical thinking and problem-solving
how important their profession are in (CP)
the community. Creativity and Innovation (CI)
Critical thinking
K1. Demonstrate that sentences
are made of words and that words are Warming Up
separated in print. Recite rhyme on “Farmer, farmer go to
Learning Outcome
Learners will be able to:
♦♦ Identify the important people in their Main Activities
community and the work they do.
♦♦ Identify that sentences are made up Activity 1
of words. • Introduce the theme by revising the
important cultural values and good
Essentials for Learning manners.
Some learner’s parents do formal and • What do you say when you need
informal work like trading, farming something from somebody? “We say
(informal) nursing, teaching (formal). please”
• What do you say again when the
New Words
Formal, informal, fisherman, person satisfies your needs? “We say
fishmonger, community, occupation, thank you.”
important, carpenter. • Let learners answer more questions
on our cultural values and manners.
Pictures/posters of formal and informal Activity 2
work places, telescope, syringe, • In a community circle, have learners
needles, tools for carpenter, etc. Cut- talk about the occupation of their
out word cards, crayon, pencils. parents. Guide learners with the
terminologies to guide the discussion
on the theme.

(e.g. doctor, nurse, teacher, farmers, • Call different leaners to rearrange
trader, fisherman, driver, etc). Guide the words. Ensure that learners
learners to group the occupation into have a space in between them when
formal and informal sectors. Give rearranging the words to form the
examples of each category. sentences.

Review Exercise
Formal Job Informal Job
Have learners work in pairs. Let them
Teacher Farmer talk about the profession they will like to
Nurse Trader do when they grow up. They should give
Doctor Fishmonger
Police Officer Fisherman Assessment for learning
Refer learners to Practice 1 - 3 on pages
Soldier Mason
105-107 of the Workbook for exercises.
• Let learners select the job they
Answers to exercises in the Workbook
want to do when they grow up. Let
them explain why they want that
Practice 1
Learners to trace
Activity 3
Practice 2
• Have learners play the game “Be the
1 Fire, fish, bow, woman
word”. Write the sentences on the
2 She is smoking fish
board. “I want to be a nurse”. Cut out
this sentence into individual words as
Practice 3
1 1 and 4 → informal
I want to be a nurse 2 2 and 3 → formal

• Mix the words up. Call six learners,

three girls and three boys to the front
of the class. Let them randomly pick
the words. Ask learners to read the
words they picked several times.

Activity 4
• Have learners rearrange the words
to form the sentence “I want to be a
nurse”. Have different learners pick
these words and rearrange the words
to form this sentence. “This is a

This a is Fishmonger

LESSON 2: The importance of occupations 108-109

Warming Up
Content Standard Have learners recite a rhyme and sing
K. Demonstrate knowledge of a song connected with occupation. E.g
the people in the community and their “Doctor doctor I am sick”.
Main Activity
K1. Interact with resource people Activity 1
from different occupation. • Invite some formal/informal
professionals to the school. E.g ( a
K1. Recognize the letter-sound
nurse, a farmer). Before they come,
learnt in the previous week in words.
coach learners the questions they
Learning Outcome should ask the resource persons. E.g
♦♦ Learners will be able to: 1. What work do you do?
♦♦ Interact with some resource persons 2. How important is your work to the
in the community. community?
♦♦ Identify the letter sound learnt the 3. How did you become a nurse/
previous week. farmer?
4. How can I be like you?
Essentials for learning
Learners can identify uniforms of • Using the K.W.L strategy, allow
some formal occupation e.g doctors, learners to say all they know about
policemen etc. a nurse/farmer (K). Now encourage
learners to ask the questions you
New Words coached them. (W). Allow resource
Resource person, occupation,
persons to:
1. Talk about themselves to learners.
Resources 2. What they do.
Crayons, pencils, pictures/posters of 3. How and why they chose that
some resource persons in their uniform professions.
(draw one) costume of some jobs. 4. Why they are very important in
the community.
Core Competencies
Communication and collaboration (CC) Activity 3
Personal Development and Leadership • Have learners use the think-pair-
(PL) share strategy to share what they
Cultural identity and Global citizenship have learnt from the resource
(CGC) persons.
Critical thinking and problem-solving
Creativity and Innovation (CI)
Critical thinking

Review Exercise 4. Were the learners able to
Have learners work in groups of four. Let answer your questions during
them talk about what they learnt from the and after the lesson?
resource persons. 5. Did the learners ask you
questions during and after the
Assessment for learning lesson?
Refer learners to Practice 1 and 2 on 6. Were learners able to do the
pages 108-109 of the Workbook for exercises at the end of the
exercises. lesson?
7. Reflect on three things you did
Answers to exercises in the Workbook very well.
8. How are you going to build on
Practice 1 this achievement in subsequent
Learners to colour and trace. lessons?
9. Reflect on two challenges
Practice 2 you faced when teaching the
Learners to colour and trace. lesson.
10. How are you going to rectify
Diagnostic Assessment these in subsequent lessons?
The diagnostic assessment will enable P: Plan: If you get the chance to
you the teacher assess yourself and teach the same lesson, what plans
know whether the lesson was successful (strategies) will you implement to
or not. enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
lesson taught.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
taught from the introduction to the
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
yourself the following questions:
1. How did the lesson go?
2. Was the introduction catchy?
3. Were you able to catch the
learners’ attention throughout
the lesson?

LESSON 3: Pre-writing (letter sounds) 110-111

Warming Up
Content Standard Have learners flip their fingers, clap their
K1.4.2.1 Demonstrate knowledge of hands and shake their hands.
the people in the community and their
occupation. Main Activity
Activity 1
Indicator • Write the letter “K” on the board.
K1. Recognise the letter-sound Write the words learnt previously with
learnt in the previous week in words. the letter “K” either at the beginning,
middle or end of the words. e.g.
K1. Write boldly and legibly the Kokrokoo, Kumasi, Konongo,
target letter for the week and add a Kookoo. Have learners read the
name of a friend to it. words and underline the letter “k”.

Learning Outcome Activity 2

♦♦ Learners will be able to: • Write these words on the board.
♦♦ Identify the letter sound /k/ learnt Kwesi (5) Koko
previously in some given words. Kite (6) King
♦♦ Write boldly and legibly the letters Key (7) Kick
for the week /o/ Kind (8) Knock
• Have learners pronounce the letter
Essentials for learning ‘K’ in the words.
Learners can identify the letter sound K
and write it. Activity 3
• Write these words on the board for
New Words leaners to determine which words
Target word, treasure, hunt. have the /k/ sound in them. Let
learners underline these words.
Resource • Mankessim, School, Community,
Word cards of some selected words. Kite, Teacher, Kelewele, Tnock,
Eg. Kwesi, Koko, sentences written in Doctor, Fishmonger.
Activity 4
Core Competencies • Write the target letter ‘o’ on the
Communication and collaboration (CC) board. Have learners give you words
Personal Development and Leadership which contain the letter ‘o’ e.g. (1)
(PL) okro (2) Okailey Oko Okoto. Let
Cultural identity and Global citizenship learners underline the letters with the
(CGC) /o/ sounds.
Critical thinking and problem-solving
(CP) Activity 5
Creativity and Innovation (CI) • Start to write the ‘O’ in the air with
Critical thinking learners. Write some on the board
whiles learners write on their tables,

sand-trays and at the back of their Diagnostic Assessment
friends. Let them practise in their The diagnostic assessment will enable
jotters before asking them to write in you the teacher assess yourself and
their exercise books. know whether the lesson was successful
or not.
Review Exercise
Have learners work in pairs. Let them do In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
‘treasure hunt’ for words beginning with lesson taught.
‘O’. T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
Assessment for learning taught from the introduction to the
Refer learners to Practice 1 and 2 on conclusion.
pages 110-111 of the Workbook for A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
exercises. yourself the following questions:
1. How did the lesson go?
Suggested Homework 2. Was the introduction catchy?
Let learners write the letter ‘K’ and ‘O’ in 3. Were you able to catch the
their homework exercise books. learners’ attention throughout
the lesson?
4. Were the learners able to
answer your questions during
Answers to exercises in the Workbook and after the lesson?
5. Did the learners ask you
Practice 1 questions during and after the
A 1 no lesson?
2 yes 6. Were learners able to do the
3 yes exercises at the end of the
4 yes lesson?
5 no 7. Reflect on three things you did
6 yes very well.
7 no 8. How are you going to build on
8 yes this achievement in subsequent
9 yes lessons?
B Learners will trace 9. Reflect on two challenges
you faced when teaching the
Practice 2 lesson.
Learner’s choices 10. How are you going to rectify
these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

Strand 4: My local community

Sub-strand 3: Knowing the special leaders in my community

LESSON 1: Special leaders in my community 112-114

Content standard Core Competencies

K1.4.3.1 Demonstrate understanding Communication and collaboration (CC)
and knowledge of the special leaders Personal Development and Leadership
and their roles in our communities. (PL)
Cultural identity and Global citizenship
Indicator (CGC)
K1. Talk about and describe the Critical thinking and problem-solving
traditional and religious leaders in our (CP)

K1. Listen attentively to an Warming Up

informational read aloud text on who Have learners recite the rhyme “I am a
our special leaders are and respond little tea pot”.
by sharing what they have learnt about
the different ways they support the Main Activities
Activity 1
Learning Outcome • Put learners in a community circle.
Learners will be able to: Show pictures/posters of special
♦♦ Identify special leaders in our leaders like, the Chief Imam, the
community. Members of Parliament, etc. Let
♦♦ Listen to read-aloud text on special them talk about the pictures and tell
leaders in community and how they their friends what they know about
support the community. the people and whether they have
such people in their community. Ask
Essentials of learning them to mention the names of the
Learners know that there is a chief in chiefs, queen mothers, pastors in the
their community. community.

New Words Activity 2

Community, chief, imam, leaders. • Read a book which talks about
special people in the community to
Resources learners. Have learners come out
Pictures showing some special leaders with all they know about the chief and
e.g. Chief, queen mother, imam, etc. the queen mother in their community (K).
posters, pencils, crayons, etc.

Have learners ask more questions Practice 2
about the imam and the pastors they 1 A chief, A queen mother
know in their community e.g. their 2 Traditional leaders
names and what they do to help the 3 Yes
community. (W) 4 Settle disputes, lead in community
Activity 3
• Now, read the text on chief and Practice 3
queen mother aloud to learners. Learners to trace and match:
Pause as often as possible to give Imam → 4
chance to learners to interact with Chief → 1
you and their peers. Queen mother → 3
• Have learners listen attentively. Ask Pastor → 2
questions to find out the level of
understanding. Diagnostic Assessment
• Let learners share what they have The diagnostic assessment will enable
learnt with the whole class (L). you the teacher assess yourself and
• Note: Use the same strategy to know whether the lesson was successful
teach the other special leaders in the or not.
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
Review Exercise lesson taught.
Have learners work in pairs, using the T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
think-pair-share strategy to talk about R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
what they heard from the read aloud taught from the introduction to the
sessions. conclusion.
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
Assessment for learning yourself the following questions:
Refer learners to Practice 1 - 3 on pages 1. How did the lesson go?
112-114 for exercises. 2. Was the introduction catchy?
3. Were you able to catch the
Answers to exercises in the Workbook learners’ attention throughout
the lesson?
Practice 1 4. Were the learners able to
1 An Imam answer your questions during
2 A pastor and after the lesson?
3 Spiritual leaders 5. Did the learners ask you
4 a – church questions during and after the
b – mosque lesson?
5 Pastor – leads worship, prayer, teach 6. Were learners able to do the
Imam – leads prayers exercises at the end of the
7. Reflect on three things you did
very well.

8. How are you going to build on P: Plan: If you get the chance to
this achievement in subsequent teach the same lesson, what plans
lessons? (strategies) will you implement to
9. Reflect on two challenges enhance teaching so that learners
you faced when teaching the will understand and enjoy it?
10. How are you going to rectify
these in subsequent lessons?

LESSON 2: Pre-writing activity 115

Main Activities
Content Standard
K1.4.3.1 Demonstrate understanding Activity 1
and knowledge of the special leaders • Write the new letter on the board. /a/.
and their roles in our communities. Introduce the new letter sound. Let
leaners pronounce the words after
Indicator you.
K1. Recognise and identify • Have learners write in the air and on
target letter name and the sound in other surfaces before they write it into
items and names of words in the home. their exercise books.

Learning Outcome Activity 2

♦♦ Learners will be able to Read the • Write these words on the board for
letter sound /a/ and write it in the learners to identify the letter ‘a’ in
Workbook. them. Let them underline them. (a)
apple (b) ananse (c) ant (d)
Essential for learning asuse (e) amase (f) asempa.
Learners know that the chief settles
disputes in the community. Activity 3
• Guide learners to come out with
New Words their own words with the /a/ sound in
Role-play, chairman, rego. them.

Resources Activity 4
Regalia of a chief, P.T.A Chairman, • Divide the class into three groups.
pictures of a chief, word cards with Let them role-play the roles
the /a/ sound in them. E.g. Ant, asase, 1. The chief of their community
asempa. 2. The P.T.A Chairman and the
Assembly member.
• Have learners rehearse this several
Core Competencies
times. At a P.T.A meeting, have
Personal Development and Leadership
learners dress in full. They play the
roles of the three important leaders
Cultural identity and Global citizenship
who are to support the school. Try to
create more innovative ideas for this

Review Exercise
Warming Up
Have learners work in pairs, they write
Have learners sing any local song which
two words witj /a/ sound in it. talk about
is common to them. the activities which went on during the
role play.

Assessment for learning 4. Were the learners able to
Refer learners to practice 1 on page 115 answer your questions during
of the Workbook for exercises. and after the lesson?
5. Did the learners ask you
Answers to exercises in the Workbook questions during and after the
Practice 1 lesson?
A Learners to circle /f/ sound 6. Were learners able to do the
B Learners to trace exercises at the end of the
Diagnostic Assessment 7. Reflect on three things you did
The diagnostic assessment will enable very well.
you the teacher assess yourself and 8. How are you going to build on
know whether the lesson was successful this achievement in subsequent
or not. lessons?
9. Reflect on two challenges
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the you faced when teaching the
lesson taught. lesson.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. 10. How are you going to rectify
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson these in subsequent lessons?
taught from the introduction to the P: Plan: If you get the chance to
conclusion. teach the same lesson, what plans
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking (strategies) will you implement to
yourself the following questions: enhance teaching so that learners
1. How did the lesson go? will understand and enjoy it?
2. Was the introduction catchy?
3. Were you able to catch the
learners’ attention throughout
the lesson?

LESSON 3: Role of special leaders in our community 116-117

Activity 2
Content Standard Let each group leader tells the whole
K1.4.3.1 Demonstrate understanding class what they discussed in their
and knowledge of the special leaders groups. e.g. chief and queen mother
and their roles in our communities. settle disputes. They give lands for
goverment projects.
K1. Role-play the various Activity 3
leaders and what they do in the Now let learners role-play what they
community. discussed in their group with full regalia.
Note: (If your class is too large, you can
Learning Outcome
♦♦ Learners will be able to identify add the role of the P.T.A chairman, etc.)
the roles of the leaders in the
community and role-play their roles. Activity 4
At a P.T.A meeting, let learners dress in
Essential for Learning full regalia to play the roles of the chief,
Learners know some important people P.T.A Chairman, Imam, Queenmother
in the community e.g. Chief, Imam. who are to support school for
New words
role-play, community, leaders, regalia. Review Exercise
In groups of four, have learners talk
Resources about the role-play they performed.
regalia of some leaders. e.g. (chief
imam, queen mother) Assessment for Learning
Refer learners to Practices 1 and 2 on
Core Competencies pages 116-117 of the Workbook for
Critical thinking and problem-solving exercises.
Creativity and Innovation (CI) Answers to exercises in the Workbook

Warming up Practice 1
Have learners sing any local song 1 Learners to trace a.
common to learners. 2 Learners to trace b.
3 Learners to trace c.
Main Activities 4 Learners to trace a, b and c.
Activity 1
Divide the class into four groups Practice 2
(depending on the number in the class). 1 Chief.
Let group 1 talk about the role of the chief. 2 Settling dispute.
Let group 2 talk about the role of the imam. 3 and 4 Learners answer.
Let group 3 talk about the role of the priest.
Let group 4 talk about the role of the
assembly member.

Diagnostic Assessment 5. Did the learners ask you
The diagnostic assessment will enable questions during and after the
you the teacher assess yourself and lesson?
know whether the lesson was successful 6. Were learners able to do the
or not. exercises at the end of the
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the 7. Reflect on three things you did
lesson taught. very well.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. 8. How are you going to build on
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson this achievement in subsequent
taught from the introduction to the lessons?
conclusion. 9. Reflect on two challenges
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking you faced when teaching the
yourself the following questions: lesson.
1. How did the lesson go? 10. How are you going to rectify
2. Was the introduction catchy? these in subsequent lessons?
3. Were you able to catch the P: Plan: If you get the chance to
learners’ attention throughout teach the same lesson, what plans
the lesson? (strategies) will you implement to
4. Were the learners able to enhance teaching so that learners
answer your questions during will understand and enjoy it?
and after the lesson?

Strand: 5
My nation Ghana
Strand 5: My nation Ghana

Sub-strand 1: History and celebration of Ghana’s independence

LESSON 1: Ghana’s idependence day celebration 120

Warming Up
Content Standard Have learners sing the National Anthem.
K1.5.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of the
history and independence of Ghana Main Activities
Activity 1
Indicator • Have learners sit in a community
K1. Locate their home regions circle. Ask them about their hometown
on an outline map of Ghana and talk and the region that they come from.
about the history behind their festivals. Before this give a sheet of paper
as homework for parents/guardians
K1. Learners retell the story to write their hometowns and the
about Ghana’s independence. regions they come from and the
festival they celebrate to their wards.
Learning Outcome • Display a big poster of the map of
♦♦ Learners will be able to; Ghana showing the 16 regions in
♦♦ Locate their home regions on an different colours on the board.
outline map.
♦♦ Tell the story they have heard about Activity 2
Ghana independence. • Demonstrate by pointing to the
location of your home region. Tell the
New Words class a brief history of your festival.
Independence, map of Ghana, festival, Have learners take turns to pick the
region, celebration. colour from the cut-out papers that is
the same as the colour of their region
Resources and locate their region on the map.
Ghana map, pictures of learners Encourage learners to talk about their
marching on 6th March. festival that they know.

Core Competencies
Communication and collaboration (CC)
Personal Development and Leadership
Cultural identity
Cultural identity and global citizenship

Answers to exercises in the Workbook

Practice 1
1 6th March 1957
2 They march at independence square.
3 Kwame Nkrumah

Diagnostic Assessment
The diagnostic assessment will enable
you the teacher assess yourself and
know whether the lesson was successful
or not.

In other words, you have to “TRAP” the

lesson taught.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
taught from the introduction to the
Activity 3 A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
• Have learners be in a community yourself the following questions:
circle. Let learners tell you what 1. How did the lesson go?
they know about Independence Day 2. Was the introduction catchy?
celebration. e.g. what they see on T.V 3. Were you able to catch the
and what they do at school. learners’ attention throughout
• Encourage learners to ask questions the lesson?
related to what they want to know
4. Were the learners able to
about the Independence Day
answer your questions during
Activity 4 and after the lesson?
• Briefly tell learners a story about 5. Did the learners ask you
the Independence Day of Ghana questions during and after the
and why we celebrate it on 6th lesson?
March. Mention the names of 6. Were learners able to do the
those who contributed to Ghana’s exercises at the end of the
independence. Show pictures to lesson?
learners. 7. Reflect on three things you did
very well.
Review Exercise 8. How are you going to build on
Have learners work in pairs. Let them this achievement in subsequent
retell the story/history behind the 6th lessons?
March. 9. Reflect on two challenges
you faced when teaching the
Assessment for learning lesson.
Refer learners to Practice 1 on page 120 10. How are you going to rectify
of the Workbook for exercise. these in subsequent lessons?

P: Plan: If you get the chance to
teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

LESSON 2: Making simple sentences 121

Warming Up
Content Standard Have learners sing the National Anthem.
K1.5.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of the
history and independence of Ghana Main Activities

Indicator Activity 1
K1. Show peers that sentences • Write these sentences on the board.
are made of words and that words are 1. Today is Independence Day.
separated in print. 2. Ghana is free forever.
3. I want to march.
K1. Listen attentively and • Read through the sentences with
interact with peers during a teacher- learners. Cut-out the words from the
read-aloud session about the sentences and let learners know that
sentences are made up of words.
Independence Day of Ghana
• Call two girls and two boys to the
front of the class. Let them read the
Learning Outcome first sentence on the board. Let them
Learners will be able to identify the number of words in the
♦♦ Identify that sentences are made up sentence. Mix the cut-out words and
of words. ask the learners to pick one. Now use
♦♦ Listen to read-aloud session about “Be the word” to rearrange the words
the Independence Day of Ghana. to form the sentence. Each learner
becomes the word he/she selects.
Essentials for learning
is Today Day Independence
Learners know the story behind the 6th
March celebration.
Activity 2
New Words • Cut-out the second and third
“ Be the word”, sentences. sentences. Call different learners
to come and pick the words and re
Resources arrange them to form the original
Word cards sentence. Leave the sentences on
the board to guide them.
Core Competencies
Activity 3
Personal Development and Leadership
• Follow the before reading, during
(PL) reading and after reading strategies
Cultural identity and global citizenship as you read an informational text on
(CG) Independence Day of Ghana. Use
Communication and collaboration (CC) visual information such as pictures
Personal Development and Leadership to explain unfamiliar words such as,
(PL) celebration, independence, freedom
Cultural identity march.

Activity 4 Diagnostic Assessment
• Learners should identify and share The diagnostic assessment will enable
what they have learnt about the you the teacher assess yourself and
Independence Day and 6th March. know whether the lesson was successful
Encourage learners to interact or not.
actively with their peers during the
teacher read aloud session on the In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
theme. lesson taught.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
• Ask leading questions and have R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
learners answer to bring out the taught from the introduction to the
main point in the text. E.g conclusion.
1. On which date did Ghana get its A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
Independence? yourself the following questions:
2. Who declared the Independence 1. How did the lesson go?
Day? 2. Was the introduction catchy?
3. What was his declaration words? 3. Were you able to catch the
learners’ attention throughout
Activity 5 the lesson?
• Have learners use the new 4. Were the learners able to
vocabulary learnt (celebrate, answer your questions during
independence, freedom) to form and after the lesson?
sentences. 5. Did the learners ask you
• questions during and after the
Review Exercise 6. Were learners able to do the
Show video of 6th March celebration to exercises at the end of the
learners. lesson?
7. Reflect on three things you did
Assessment for learning very well.
Refer learners to Practice 1 on page 121 8. How are you going to build on
of the Workbook for exercise. this achievement in subsequent
Answers to exercises in the Workbook 9. Reflect on two challenges
you faced when teaching the
Practice 1 lesson.
Learners to trace 10. How are you going to rectify
these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

LESSON 3: The Ghana flag 122

Activity 2
Content Standard • Play the pledge and let them listen
K1.5.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of the several times. Have learners recite
history and independence of Ghana. alongside the recording.

Indicator Activity 3
K1. Show peers that sentences • Play “Yɛ ara yɛn asase ni”. Have
are made of words and that words are learners listen carefully. Let them
separated in print. recite along with the recording.

Learning Outcome Activity 4

Learners will be able to • Show the national flag to learners.
♦♦ Recite the National Pledge. Let them identify the red, green,
♦♦ Identify the colours of the national yellow and black star in the middle.
Review Exercise
Essentials for learning In small groups of four, give materials to
Learners can sing the national anthem. learners to prepare the Ghana flag.

New Words Assessment for learning

Flag, national anthem Refer learners to Practice 1 on page 122
of the Workbook for exercises.
Core Competencies
Personal Development and Leadership Answers to exercises in the Workbook
Cultural identity Practice 1
Learners to colour and trace the name

Warming Up
Have learners sing the national anthem.

Main Activities
Activity 1
• Ask the class to stand up, with
the correct posture i.e standing at
attention hand on the chest, learners
listen to a recording of the national
anthem. Let them sing along several

Diagnostic Assessment 5. Did the learners ask you
The diagnostic assessment will enable questions during and after the
you the teacher assess yourself and lesson?
know whether the lesson was successful 6. Were learners able to do the
or not. exercises at the end of the
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the 7. Reflect on three things you did
lesson taught. very well.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. 8. How are you going to build on
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson this achievement in subsequent
taught from the introduction to the lessons?
conclusion. 9. Reflect on two challenges
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking you faced when teaching the
yourself the following questions: lesson.
1. How did the lesson go? 10. How are you going to rectify
2. Was the introduction catchy? these in subsequent lessons?
3. Were you able to catch the P: Plan: If you get the chance to
learners’ attention throughout teach the same lesson, what plans
the lesson? (strategies) will you implement to
4. Were the learners able to enhance teaching so that learners
answer your questions during will understand and enjoy it?
and after the lesson?

LESSON 4: Pre-writing activity 123-124

Activity 2
Content Standard • Ask learners to form words with the
K1.5.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of the letters e.g. Asem, apple, pen, pear,
history and independence of Ghana. mango, etc.
Activity 3
Indicator • Now let learners sing different
K1. Sing alphabet song and songs on the English alphabets.
point to the letters of the alphabet in the A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H
classroom. • Display a lot of the letters in the
classroom. Let them pick the letter as
Learning Outcome they sing the song along.
♦♦ Learners will be able to sing
alphabet songs and pick and show Activity 4
the letters in turns. • Pick some of the letters to form
words. E.g
Essentials for learning
Learners can pronounce the sounds of A M A P E N
some letters of the alphabets e.g. /a/,
Review Exercise
New Words Put learners into groups of four, they pick
Alphabet some of the alphabets to form words.

Resources Assessment for learning

Letters of the English alphabet from A- Refer learners to Practice 1 and 2 on
Z on cards, crayons, pencils. pages of the Workbook 123-124 for

Answers to exercises in the Workbook

Warming Up
Let learners sing any local song the Practice 1
know and dance Learners to read and trace.

Main Activities Practice 2

Activity 1 A 1 Ten
• Display the letters of the alphabet in 2 Ben
the classroom. Pick the letters whose 3 Pen
sounds they have learnt already. ‘a’, 4 Den
‘p’ and ‘in’. 5 Hen
6 Men
B Learners to write

Diagnostic Assessment 5. Did the learners ask you
The diagnostic assessment will enable questions during and after the
you the teacher assess yourself and lesson?
know whether the lesson was successful 6. Were learners able to do the
or not. exercises at the end of the
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the 7. Reflect on three things you did
lesson taught. very well.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. 8. How are you going to build on
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson this achievement in subsequent
taught from the introduction to the lessons?
conclusion. 9. Reflect on two challenges
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking you faced when teaching the
yourself the following questions: lesson.
1. How did the lesson go? 10. How are you going to rectify
2. Was the introduction catchy? these in subsequent lessons?
3. Were you able to catch the P: Plan: If you get the chance to
learners’ attention throughout teach the same lesson, what plans
the lesson? (strategies) will you implement to
4. Were the learners able to enhance teaching so that learners
answer your questions during will understand and enjoy it?
and after the lesson?

Term Three

Strand: 6
All around us
Strand 6: All around us

Sub-strand 1: Living and non-living things

LESSON 1: Different types of things around us 126-129

Main Activities
Content Standard Activity 1
K1.6.1.1 Demonstrate understanding of • Refer learners to page 126 and teach
living and non-living things. them the rhyme on living and non-
living things.
K1. Talk about different types of Activity 2
things around us and classify them into • Take learners out to observe and
living things and non-living things. identify things around them. Back
to the classroom, have learners talk
K1. Participate actively in an about or mention things they saw
interactive read aloud story about living moving e.g. hens, goat, reptiles, cow,
and non-living things. etc. (Draw two) Ask this question.
Did you see the plants moving? Use
New Words think-pair-share for learners to talk
Syllables, living things, non-living about and conclude that the leaves of
things, grow, die, give birth. the plants also move.

Resources Activity 3
Plants, flowers, pictures/posters of living • Let them come out examples of non-
and non-living things. E.g. animals, living things such as cars, tables,
human beings, cars, tables, aeroplane, earoplane, books etc. (Draw two).
ship. Guide learners to classify the list on
the board into living and non-living
Core Competencies things.
Communication and collaboration (CC) Living Things Non-living things
Personal Development and Leadership
Birds, Cars, aeroplane,
(PL) tables, pencils,
Communication and Collaboration (CC) Dogs, cows, books, bottle.
Creativity and Innovation (CI) hens, ants, fishes,
flowers butterflies.

• Living things grow, eat, die, move on

Warming Up their own and reproduce.
Have learners sing/recite rhyme on living • Non-living things cannot move on
and non-living things e.g. “Akoo Ketewa their own, they do not eat, they do
bi”. not give birth.

Activity 4 4 Because it can move eat, breathe,
• Take your Big Book, which contain grow big, etc.
the text of living and non-living 5 Not a living thing
things. Take learners through the pre- Because it cannot move on its own.
reading activity. E.g. Have learners C Learners to trace.
observe the book and have a picture
walk with learners. Let them predict Practice 2
the content of the story. Read the text l – cat, zebra, bird, girl and lion
to learners. Ask questions to find out n – book, telephone, bottle, bell
whether learners are following you.
Practice 3
Activity 5 A Learners answers
• After reading, take learners through B Learners drawing
post-reading activities, retell the
story. Ask them questions.
1. How many categories can we Diagnostic Assessment
classify things? The diagnostic assessment will enable
2. Mention two living and two non- you the teacher assess yourself and
living things that you know. know whether the lesson was successful
3. Give two characteristics of each or not.
living and non-living things.
4. Which of the living things do you In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
like? Why? lesson taught.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
Review Exercise R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
Have learners recite the rhyme on page taught from the introduction to the
126. conclusion.
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
Assessment for learning yourself the following questions:
Refer learners to practices 1 – 3 on 1. How did the lesson go?
pages 126-129 of the Workbook for 2. Was the introduction catchy?
exercises. 3. Were you able to catch the
learners’ attention throughout
Answers to exercises in the Workbook the lesson?
Practice 1 4. Were the learners able to
B answer your questions during
1 Die, grow, move on their own, grow, and after the lesson?
change, eat food, breath. 5. Did the learners ask you
2 Don’t grow, questions during and after the
do not die lesson?
cannot move on their own 6. Were learners able to do the
do not food exercises at the end of the
do not breathe lesson?
3 Because it cannot move, die, grow, 7. Reflect on three things you did
etc. very well.

8. How are you going to build on
this achievement in subsequent
9. Reflect on two challenges
you faced when teaching the
10. How are you going to rectify
these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

LESSON 2: Clapping/counting syllables words 130-131

Main Activities
Content Standard
K. Demonstrate understanding Activity 1
of living and non-living things. • Write some letters on the board e.g.
Encourage learners to identify the
Indicator letter sounds and pronounce them.
K1. Blend letter sounds to form E.g. /a/, /p/, /I/, /m/, /o/.
words related to the theme
Activity 2
Learning Outcome • Write some names of living and non-
Learners will be able to living things on the board. E.g. cat,
♦♦ Clap the syllables of names of tree, river, table, dog, cow, aeroplane.
objects. Have learners clap the syllables
of the names of the objects e.g.
Essentials for learning aeroplane has three syllables cat,
Learners can form words with initial tree, dog all have one syllable.
letter sounds e.g /a/, /p/
Activity 3
New Words • Let learners write examples of the
Syllables. names of objects with one syllables
and those with more than one
Resources syllables. E.g.
Word cards e.g. • One syllable words - book, cat,
dog, mat, pen.
cat tree river book • Two syllable words - table,
crayons, pencils, word cards. bucket, blanket, pencil, motto,
Core Competencies
Communication and Collaboration (CC) Review Exercise
Creativity and Innovation (CI) Have learners work in pairs. Let them
Problem Solving and Critical Thinking write two words each for living and non-
(PC) living things.

Assessment for learning

Refer learners to Practice 1 and 2 on
pages 130-131 of the Workbook for
Warming Up
Have learners recite the rhyme on “Living

Answers to exercises in the Workbook Diagnostic Assessment
Practice 1 The diagnostic assessment will enable
a →1 you the teacher assess yourself and
b →2 know whether the lesson was successful
c →2 or not.
d →3
e →2 In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
f →1 lesson taught.
g →3 T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
h →2 R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
I →1 taught from the introduction to the
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
Practice 2 yourself the following questions:
1 bag 1. How did the lesson go?
2 book 2. Was the introduction catchy?
3 bat 3. Were you able to catch the
4 rat learners’ attention throughout
5 hate the lesson?
6 frog 4. Were the learners able to
7 boat answer your questions during
8 coin and after the lesson?
Learners tracing 5. Did the learners ask you
questions during and after the
6. Were learners able to do the
exercises at the end of the
7. Reflect on three things you did
very well.
8. How are you going to build on
this achievement in subsequent
9. Reflect on two challenges
you faced when teaching the
10. How are you going to rectify
these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

LESSON 3: Initial sounds of objects 132-133

Main Activities
Content Standard
K1.6.1.1 Demonstrate understanding Activity 1
of living and non-living things. • Refer learners to page 128 of the
Workbook. Let them identify the living
Indicator and the non-living things on the page.
K1. Identify and write initial • Mention a name, write it on the board
sounds of the objects. and have learners circle the initial
sound. E.g. Cat, table, pencil, hen.
Learning Outcome
Learners will be able to Activity 2
♦♦ Identify and write initial sounds of • Call out and show a word and show a
objects. word for learners to identify the initial
letter sound and pick the correct
Essentials for learning letter sound to match it.
Learners can clap and identify the Eg. P - Pencil D - dog
number of syllables of the names of B - book .
objects. • Repeat the above activity with
different words.
New Words
Syllables, initial sounds. Activity 3
Let learners match pictures with their
Resources initial letter sounds.
Pictures of living and non-living things,
pencils, crayons, letter cards/word
cards. table
Core Competencies
Problem Solving and Critical Thinking
Communication and collaboration (CC)
Personal Development and Leadership
Warming Up Review Exercise
Have learners recite the rhyme “Living Have learners work in pairs. Let them
things”. call out a name of an object while the
other person calls out the initial letter

Assessment for learning Diagnostic Assessment
Refer learners to Practice 1 and 2 on The diagnostic assessment will enable
pages 132-133 of the Workbook for you the teacher assess yourself and
exercises. know whether the lesson was successful
or not.
Suggested Homework
Ask learners to draw one living and one In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
non-living thing each.. Write their names lesson taught.
under. T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
Answers to exercises in the Workbook taught from the introduction to the
Practice 1 A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
1 b yourself the following questions:
2 d 1. How did the lesson go?
3 g 2. Was the introduction catchy?
4 p 3. Were you able to catch the
5 s learners’ attention throughout
6 r the lesson?
7 p 4. Were the learners able to
8 t answer your questions during
9 f and after the lesson?
5. Did the learners ask you
Practice 2 questions during and after the
1 →b lesson?
2 →f 6. Were learners able to do the
3 →v exercises at the end of the
4 →r lesson?
5 →a 7. Reflect on three things you did
very well.
8. How are you going to build on
this achievement in subsequent
9. Reflect on two challenges
you faced when teaching the
10. How are you going to rectify
these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

Strand 6: All around us

Sub-strand 2: Living things - animals (domestic and wild)

LESSON 1: Domestic and wild animals 134-137

Warming up
Content Standard Have learners recite any rhyme animals
K1.6.2.1 Demonstrate understanding of e.g. “Fiddo is dog”.
domestic and wild animals.
Main Activities
Indicator Activity 1
K1. Sing and talk about different • Put learners in a community circle.
kinds of animals, what they eat, the Show a video clip of domestic and
sound they make and put them into wild animals to learners. Learners
groups should watch carefully.
K1. Handle a book correctly e.g. 1 the sound they make.
2 the food they eat.
hold the book upright and open right to
3 where they could be found.
E.g. Dog , sheep, cock are found in
the homes. They eat food and plant
Learning Outcome and they make sounds like wow
Learners will be able to wow, mbεε, kokrokro respectively.
♦♦ Identify domestic and wild
animals. Activity 2
♦♦ Handle books correctly with care. • From the video let learners tell you
the animals they found in the forest
Essential for Learning eg. tiger, lion, snails, etc.
Learners have been tracking stories
when teacher is reading. • Now, let learners tell you the uses
of some these animals. Some of the
New Words domestic animals are used as pets or
Domestic, wild animals, forest, bush, protection while others are used for
protection. food. e.g. cats and dogs are used as
pet or protection whereas goat and
Resources cock are used for food.
Pictures of domestic and wild animals,
pencils. Activity 3
• Guide learners to talk about other
Core Competencies living things around the home
Communication and collaboration (CC) e.g. insects like ants, houseflies,
Personal Development and Leadership grasshopper, cockroaches, etc.
Let learners know that we have
to prevent them from entering the
Communication and Collaboration (CC)
homes We must make sure they do
Creativity and Innovation (CI) not come near our food.

Activity 4 Practice 2
• Have learners sing any song on 1 Insects
animals. Take your Big Book and 2 Ant, cockroach, housefly,
show it to learners. Let them be in grasshopper, dragon fly and
groups of four. Give the Big Book to mosquito
them in turns and let them open it. 3 At home
Have them take turns. Do a picture 4 Keeping your surrounding clean
walk with learners. Let them discuss weeding grown weeds
the pictures giving attention to the
Practice 3
1 cat and cow
Activity 5
2 cat → meow
• Guide learners to read aloud the
cow → moo-moo
sentences using echo-reading. e.g.
1 I like cat
Practice 4
2 I call it pussy
• Demonstrate the proper way of
holding a book, opening the pages
from right to left etc. Have learners
recite “from a book to the child”.

Review Exercise
Have learners work in groups of four.
Give them their Workbook. Let learners
pretend to read the book. Demonstrate
the appropriate handling of books with

Assessment for Learning

Refer learners to Practices 1- 4, on
pages 134-137 of the Workbook for

Answers to exercises in the Workbook

Practice 1
1 Cat, dog, pig, goat, sheep and
2 Elephant, bear, wolf, zebra,
3 Learners answer.
4 Learners answer.

Diagnostic Assessment 5. Did the learners ask you
The diagnostic assessment will enable questions during and after the
you the teacher assess yourself and lesson?
know whether the lesson was successful 6. Were learners able to do the
or not. exercises at the end of the
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the 7. Reflect on three things you did
lesson taught. very well.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. 8. How are you going to build on
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson this achievement in subsequent
taught from the introduction to the lessons?
conclusion. 9. Reflect on two challenges
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking you faced when teaching the
yourself the following questions: lesson.
1. How did the lesson go? 10. How are you going to rectify
2. Was the introduction catchy? these in subsequent lessons?
3. Were you able to catch the P: Plan: If you get the chance to
learners’ attention throughout teach the same lesson, what plans
the lesson? (strategies) will you implement to
4. Were the learners able to enhance teaching so that learners
answer your questions during will understand and enjoy it?
and after the lesson?

LESSON 2: Initial sound of animal names 138-141

Warming up
Content Standard Have learners sing “Old MacDonald had
K1.6.2.1 Demonstrate understanding of a farm”.
domestic and wild animals.
Main Activities
K1. Tap or clap and count the Activity 1
syllables of the names of animals and • Have learners make sounds of the
identify the initial sound of the animal various domestic animals. Call the
names. names of the animal and let all
learners mimic the sounds it makes
K1. Review list of letter sounds e.g. mention a cat and all learners
learnt and use letter sounds to list and will mimic meaow, meaow, meaow.
match the pictures of domestic animals. Repeat for the other animals like dog,
cock, goat and sheep.
Learning Outcome
Learners will be able to Activity 2
♦♦ Clap and identify the number of • Play a song about animals for
syllables of the names of animals learners to listen. Let them mention
and their initial sound. the names of the animals they heard
♦♦ Use letter sounds to match pictures from the song and mimic the sounds
of domestic animals. they make.

Essential for Learning

Learners can form words with the letter Activity 3
sounds /a/, /m/, /p/. • Show pictures of animals to learners.
Let them call out their names. Write a
New Words list of domestic names on the board.
Syllables, domestic animals. Pronounce the names and learners
shout the number of syllables.
Resources eg. dog and learners shout 1, goat → 1,
Letter cards, word cards, crayons, chicken → 2, mosquito → 3.
Activity 4
Core Competencies • Revise the list of letter sounds learnt
Personal Development and Leadership with learners.
(PL) /a/, /b/, /p/, /m/, /d/, /e/
Communication and Collaboration (CC) • Have learners pronounce the above
Creativity and Innovation (CI) letter sounds and form words with
Problem Solving and Critical Thinking them e.g. /b/ bag, /p/ pet, /m/ man,
(PC) /d/dog.

Activity 5 Answers to exercises in the Workbook
• Put learners into groups of four, give
out papers and ask learners to list Practice 1
animals in their homes whose name 1 2
begin with following. 2 1
1 /c/ → cat 3 2
2 /d/ → dog 4 3
3 /g/ → goat 5 2
4 /s/ → sheep 6 2
5 /c/ → chick 7 2
6 /h/ hen 8 2
7 /p/ parrot 9 3

Activity 6 Practice 2
• Let learners make simple sentences 1 g
with the names of animals listed. Let 2 h
them write the name of the animal 3 a
they like best. 4 t
e.g. 1 I love cats. 5 l
2 My pet name is pussy.
3 Dogs bark wow, wow. Practice 3
A 1 Goat
Review Exercise 2 Dog
Have learners work in pairs and let them 3 Cat
come up with two words which start with 4 Housefly
the initial letter sounds /d/, /c/ and /s/. B Learners to trace.

Assessment for Learning Practice 4

Refer learners to practices 1 - 4 on Learners to draw.
pages 138-141 of the Workbook for

Suggested Homework
Which animal sounds “wow wow”
Which animal sounds “mbɛɛ” ________?
Which animal sounds “meaw meaw” _?

Diagnostic Assessment 5. Did the learners ask you
The diagnostic assessment will enable questions during and after the
you the teacher assess yourself and lesson?
know whether the lesson was successful 6. Were learners able to do the
or not. exercises at the end of the
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the 7. Reflect on three things you did
lesson taught. very well.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. 8. How are you going to build on
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson this achievement in subsequent
taught from the introduction to the lessons?
conclusion. 9. Reflect on two challenges
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking you faced when teaching the
yourself the following questions: lesson.
1. How did the lesson go? 10. How are you going to rectify
2. Was the introduction catchy? these in subsequent lessons?
3. Were you able to catch the P: Plan: If you get the chance to
learners’ attention throughout teach the same lesson, what plans
the lesson? (strategies) will you implement to
4. Were the learners able to enhance teaching so that learners
answer your questions during will understand and enjoy it?
and after the lesson?

Strand 6: All around us

Sub-strand 3: Water

LESSON 1: Where we get water from 142-145

Warming up
Content Standard Have learners recite the rhyme on pages
K1.6.3.1 Demonstrate understanding of 142 and 143.
sources of water and its uses.
Main Activities
Indicator Activity 1
K1. Talk about where we get • Put learners in a community circle.
water from and its uses. Let them discuss where they get
K1. Listen and interact with water from in their community. e.g.
teacher and peers as they listen to a streams, pipe, lagoon, etc.
read aloud text on the uses.
Activity 2
• Using the think-pair-share strategy,
Learning Outcome have learners talk about the uses of
Learners will be able to water. Let them share their ideas with
♦♦ Identify the sources of water. the whole class. Write what they say
♦♦ Make simple sentences with words on the board. Uses of water;
from read aloud text. 1 Drinking
2 Bathing
Essential for learning 3 Washing
Learners drink water everyday and they 4 Watering plants and flowers etc.
can identify the initial letter sounds of
some words. Activity 3
• Get a text with sources and uses of
New words water. Have learners sit in a semi-
Falling, stream, faraway, raincoat, circle. Take them through the pre-
sources, lagoon, stream, lake reading activities in your Big Book
Resources 1 discussing the cover page, front
Pictures of sources of water, pictures of page, author’s name
people using water at different times. 2 picture walk
3 explanation of key words
Core Competencies
Activity 4
Communication and collaboration (CC) • While reading the text on sources
Personal Development and Leadership and uses of water, write some of
(PL) the key words on the board. Use
Creativity and Innovation (CI) illustration/pictures to explain the
Problem Solving and Critical Thinking keywords to learners. e.g. pictures of
(PC) sources of water:

• Ask questions during the reading Activity 4
to assist learners monitor their • Have learners role-play some uses
understanding. of water. “Pick and act”. A learner
picks one of the words and act eg.
Activity 5 When he/she picks “bathing” then he/
she pretends bathing. “Charade”
• Take learners through the post-
also could be used. (One learner act
reading activities. without talking for others to guess the
1 retell the text. meaning for the activity.
2 answering questions and
summarising the text. Review Exercise
Have learners work in pairs. Each person
Review Exercise comes out with two words which have
Have learners work in pairs. Each person ending sound /ng/.
tells three sources at water and two uses
of water. Assessment for Learning
Refer learners to Practices 1 - 2 on pages
146-147 of the Workbook for exercise.
Assessment for Learning
Refer learners to practices 1 - 4 on Answers to exercises in the Workbook
pages 142-145 of the Workbook for Practice 1
exercise. 1 Rain
2 Learner’s answer
K1. 3 Learner’s answer
Main Activities
Practice 2
Activity 1 1 Rain, rivers, lakes, streams, ponds,
well, tap.
• Revise the meaning of the key words
2 Rain, because all the other sources
for ‘uses of water’. Write the words get water after it rains.
on the board. Wash, drink, cook, 3 Rain water.
garden, bath. 4 Learner’s answers. Let them give
• Use illustration in the form of pictures you reason why they choose it.
demonstration to explain the meaning
of the words. Practice 3
1 → c Rain
Activity 2 2 → a Well
• Guide learners to identify the initial 3 → d Stream
4 → e Tap
sound of the listed words on the
5 → b River
board. Let learners circle the initial
sounds (d)rinking, (b)athing, (w) Practice 4
ashing, (c)ooking, (g)ardening. Learners to trace:
1 Rain
Activity 3 2 Tap
• Repeat this activity with the ending 3 Well
sounds of the listed words eg. 4 Sea
washing the initial sound is /w/, 5 Lagoon
ending sound /ng/, bathing the initial 6 Stream
sound is /b/ and ending sound is /ng/. 7 River

Diagnostic Assessment 5. Did the learners ask you
The diagnostic assessment will enable questions during and after the
you the teacher assess yourself and lesson?
know whether the lesson was successful 6. Were learners able to do the
or not. exercises at the end of the
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the 7. Reflect on three things you did
lesson taught. very well.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. 8. How are you going to build on
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson this achievement in subsequent
taught from the introduction to the lessons?
conclusion. 9. Reflect on two challenges
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking you faced when teaching the
yourself the following questions: lesson.
1. How did the lesson go? 10. How are you going to rectify
2. Was the introduction catchy? these in subsequent lessons?
3. Were you able to catch the P: Plan: If you get the chance to
learners’ attention throughout teach the same lesson, what plans
the lesson? (strategies) will you implement to
4. Were the learners able to enhance teaching so that learners
answer your questions during will understand and enjoy it?
and after the lesson?

LESSON 2: Begining and ending letter sounds 148-149

Main Activities
Content Standards
K1.6.3.1 Demonstrate understanding of Activity 1
sources of water and its uses. • Put learners in a community circle.
Refer learner to the Workbook on
Indicator page 146. Have learners do picture
K1. Recognise letter sounds and walk at the page. Write the new
names which begin words that describe words on uses of water on the board.
how human beings and animals use 1. Washing.
water. 2. Bathing.
3. Drinking.
K1. Use a variety of new 4. Cooking.
vocabulary learnt about the sources of 5. Gardening.
water to make simple sentences orally
Activity 2
Learning Outcome • Guide learners to use the words to
Learners will be able to: about uses of water in their everyday
♦♦ Identify mention a word related to life. Let them pick pictures and
how humans, plants and animals words and form sentences orally.
use water. Write some of their sentences on the
♦♦ Use new vocabulary learnt on uses board. E.g.
of water to form sentences. 1 wash: I wash my everyday.
2 bath: Mummy will bath me today.
New Words 3 cook: Cook rice for me.
Gardening, mapping, watering, bathing,
cooking. Activity 3
• Invite learners to go to the board and
Resources underline the new words. Make sure
Letter cards, word cards, crayons, everybody in the class form at least
pencils, pictures of people using water one sentence orally.
in different ways.
Review Exercise
Have learners work in groups of four.
Each person forms a sentence with one
Warming up of the new words.
Have learners recite rhyme about
a falling rain
b Sources of water Assessment for learning
Refer learners to Practice 1-2 on pages
148-149 of the Workbook for exercise.

Suggested Homework Diagnostic Assessment
Let learners underline the beginning and The diagnostic assessment will enable
ending letter sounds. you the teacher assess yourself and
Wash. know whether the lesson was successful
Bath. or not.
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
Answers to exercises in the Workbook lesson taught.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
Practice 1 R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
1 b taught from the introduction to the
2 c conclusion.
3 w A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
4 g yourself the following questions:
5 w 1. How did the lesson go?
6 m 2. Was the introduction catchy?
7 b 3. Were you able to catch the
8 m learners’ attention throughout
the lesson?
Practice 2 4. Were the learners able to
1 ng answer your questions during
2 ng and after the lesson?
3 ng 5. Did the learners ask you
4 ng questions during and after the
5 ng lesson?
6 ng 6. Were learners able to do the
7 ng exercises at the end of the
8 ng lesson?
7. Reflect on three things you did
very well.
8. How are you going to build on
this achievement in subsequent
9. Reflect on two challenges
you faced when teaching the
10. How are you going to rectify
these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

Strand 6: All around us

Sub-strand 4: Air

LESSON 1: The presence of air 150-152

Warming up
Content Standard Have learners recite the rhyme on page
K1.6.4.1 Demonstrate understanding 150 about air.
of the presence of air and tell its
importance. Main Activities

Indicator Activity 1
K1. Share their understanding • Have learners answer the oral
question about the rhyme on the
and describe the presence of air
page 150 of the Workbook. Using
through experimentation.
think-pair-share, have learners
discuss what was said about “air” in
K1. Use visual information to the rhyme, i.e. you cannot touch air,
help them understand the text they you cannot see it, you can blow it. Do
read. not pollute it.

Learning Outcome Activity 2

Learners will be able to • Take learners outside the classroom
♦♦ Share their experience after to fly kites.
activities of the presence of air. • Tie cloths around their waists and
♦♦ Tell their experiences after read hold the opposite ends over their
aloud text on air. heads while they run.
• Blow air into balloons.
Essential for Learning
Learners have been seeing papers and Review Exercise
rubbers blown by the wind. Put learners into groups of four. Let them
talk about their experiences after the
activities they performed outside.
New Word
air, kite, experiment
Main Activities
Core Competencies
Communication and collaboration (CC) Activity 1
Personal Development and Leadership • Show “Your Big Book” to learners.
(PL) Give it to them in turns to look at
Creativity and Innovation (CI) the cover page and the front page.
Problem Solving and Critical Thinking (Note: make sure your Big Book
(PC) contain information on ‘air’. If not get
information from the internet).

• Whiles you are reading show picture Practice 2
to learners to predict what they think Learners to trace.
would happen before reading each
page of the book to them. Diagnostic Assessment
The diagnostic assessment will enable
Activity 2. you the teacher assess yourself and
• Ask questions as you read along know whether the lesson was successful
to test learners understanding. or not.
Eg. What are the uses of air? Use
think-pair-share to get answers from In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
learners. lesson taught.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
Activity 3 R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
• Refer learners to page 151. Have taught from the introduction to the
picture walk with learners. Let conclusion.
them predict or talk about what is A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
happening in each picture. yourself the following questions:
1. How did the lesson go?
Review Exercise 2. Was the introduction catchy?
Have learners work in pairs. They talk 3. Were you able to catch the
about three things that air can do. learners’ attention throughout
the lesson?
Assessment for Learning 4. Were the learners able to
Refer learners to practices 1 - 3 on answer your questions during
pages 150-152 of their work book for and after the lesson?
exercise. 5. Did the learners ask you
questions during and after the
Answers to exercises in the Workbook lesson?
Practice 1 6. Were learners able to do the
B 1 air exercises at the end of the
2 no lesson?
3 no 7. Reflect on three things you did
4 by feeling it. very well.
8. How are you going to build on
Practice 2 this achievement in subsequent
1 children running with clothes behing lessons?
them. 9. Reflect on two challenges
2 a boy blowing air into a balloon. you faced when teaching the
3 a boy fanning fire. lesson.
4 a boy and girl flying kites. 10. How are you going to rectify
these in subsequent lessons?
5 a man pumping a tyre.
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
6 canoe on a river.
teach the same lesson, what plans
7 all the activity are using air.
(strategies) will you implement to
8 air.
enhance teaching so that learners
9 learners own observation.
will understand and enjoy it?

LESSON 2: Position of sounds in words 153

Activity 2
Content Standards • Write the target sound on the board.
K1.6.4.1 Demonstrate understanding /ai/. Have learners practise the
of the presence of air and tell its sound in pairs, in groups of four and
importance. with the whole class.

Indicator Activity 3
K1. Recognise the position of • In groups of four, give out word cards
the target sounds in words either at the
and ask learners to identify and clap
initial, middle or the ending of the words
the number of target sound in the
related to the theme.
word. e.g.
Learning Outcome 1 Rat
♦♦ Learners will be able to identify 2 Ram
the position of the target sound in 3 Star
words. 4 Rag

Essential for Learning Activity 4

Learners can identify the letter sounds • Have learners fill in the missing
at the beginning of words. letters of same given words.
New Words 1 ballo _ n
Position, target sound, blowing, cooling, 2 blowi _g
fanning, breathing 3 a_r

Resources Review Exercise

Letter cards, word cards, pencils, Have learners work in pairs. Let them
write two words from the word “blowing”.

Warming Up Answers to exercises in the Workbook

Have learners recite the rhyme “Air is Practice 1
everywhere” A Learners to circle /r/ in the words.
B 1. cealing, 2. fanning 3. blowing
Main Activities 4. breathing 5. air 6 balloon
C 1. k 2. b 3. f
Activity 1
• Revise the letter sound with the
ending /ng/ with learners.
e.g wash(ng) bathi(ng) sweepi(ng)
gardeni(ng). Encourage learners to
come out with their own words.

Diagnostic Assessment 5. Did the learners ask you
The diagnostic assessment will enable questions during and after the
you the teacher assess yourself and lesson?
know whether the lesson was successful 6. Were learners able to do the
or not. exercises at the end of the
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the 7. Reflect on three things you did
lesson taught. very well.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. 8. How are you going to build on
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson this achievement in subsequent
taught from the introduction to the lessons?
conclusion. 9. Reflect on two challenges
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking you faced when teaching the
yourself the following questions: lesson.
1. How did the lesson go? 10. How are you going to rectify
2. Was the introduction catchy? these in subsequent lessons?
3. Were you able to catch the P: Plan: If you get the chance to
learners’ attention throughout teach the same lesson, what plans
the lesson? (strategies) will you implement to
4. Were the learners able to enhance teaching so that learners
answer your questions during will understand and enjoy it?
and after the lesson?

LESSON 3: Forming sentence 154-155

2 We use air to cool ourselves.

Content Standards 3 Plants and animals use air.
K1.6.4.1 Demonstrate understanding 4 Air is everywhere.
of the presence of air and tell its
importance. Activity 2
• Guide and encourage learners
Indicator to form sentences orally with the
K1. Use a variety of new keywords learnt e.g. air, breath, blow.
vocabulary learnt about importance of E.g.
air to make simple sentence orally. 1 I will blow air into the balloon
2 I am breathing air.
Learning Outcome 3 The air is making the fan blow.
♦♦ Learners will be able to use new
vocabulary learnt about air to form Activity 3
sentences. • Guide learning to make six words
from “blowing” →
Essential for Learning 1 in.
Learners can identify position of sounds 2 blow.
in words. 3 low.
4 now.
New Words 5 go.
Position sentence, blowing breath, 6 owing.
blow. • Write the words on the board. Read
through and let learners repeat after
Resources you.
word cards, sentence cards, crayons,
pencils. Review Exercise
Put learners into groups of four. Write
the word ‘breathing’ on the board. Have
learners write three words from it. Go
Warming up round and write on the board what each
Have learners recite rhyme on “air is group writes.
Assessment for Learning
Main Activities Refer learners to Practices 1 and 2 on
Activity 1 pages 154-155 of the Workbook for
• Have learners sit in a community exercises.
circle. Let them discuss the uses of
air. Use the think-pair-share strategy.
1 we breathe in air.

Suggested Homework 3. Were you able to catch the
Have learners write three words from the learners’ attention throughout
word ‘breathing’. the lesson?
4. Were the learners able to
Answers to exercises in the Workbook answer your questions during
and after the lesson?
Practice 1 5. Did the learners ask you
Learners to trace. questions during and after the
Practice 2 6. Were learners able to do the
1 An, in, fan, fin. exercises at the end of the
2 In, at, an, the. lesson?
3 in, go, on, no. 7. Reflect on three things you did
4 On, an, no, all very well.
5 Pin, gum, in, gun 8. How are you going to build on
this achievement in subsequent
Diagnostic Assessment 9. Reflect on two challenges
The diagnostic assessment will enable you faced when teaching the
you the teacher assess yourself and lesson.
know whether the lesson was successful 10. How are you going to rectify
or not. these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the teach the same lesson, what plans
lesson taught. (strategies) will you implement to
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. enhance teaching so that learners
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson will understand and enjoy it?
taught from the introduction to the
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
yourself the following questions:
1. How did the lesson go?
2. Was the introduction catchy?

Strand 6: All around us

Sub-strand 5: Plant 1

LESSON 1: Parts of plants 156-158

Ep9_94G_k-s for the song. Refer

Content Standards learners to page 156. Let learners
K1.6.5.1 Demonstrate understanding of sing or recite other songs that
the parts of plants and their functions. learners know already on the topic.

Indicator • Ask oral questions about the song.

K1. Sing and talk about parts of e.g. Who is the song talking about?
plants and their functions.
Activity 2
Learning Outcome • Give each child a plant (Note: make
Learners will be able to sure the plant is not harmful
♦♦ identify parts of a plant. • Guide learners to point to and name
the parts (root, leaves, stem).
Essential for learning
Learners can identify the colour of the
front and back cover of a book. Activity 3
• Display a well labelled drawn plant
New word on the board. Mention a part, and
Plant, stem, root, leaves, fruits. let learners point it on the board.
Give out cut-out cards of the plants.
Resources Play “pick and act”. One picks say
Real young plants, pictures of plants roots and he/she goes to match it on
showing the parts. Letter cards word the correct place of the plant on the
cards, sentence cards. board.

Core Competencies Review Exercise

Communication and collaboration (CC) Have learners work in pairs. Give them
Personal Development and Leadership cut-out cards of stem, root, leaf. When
(PL) you pick it you mention/read it.

Assessment for Learning

Warming Up Refer learners to practices 1 - 3 on
Have learners sing or recite rhymes on pages 156-158 for exercises.
Answers to exercises in the Workbook
Main Activities
Activity 1 Practice 1
• Put learners in a community circle. 1 plant
Play the song on part of plants to 2 roots, stem, leaves.
learners. Refer to 3 all the parts.

Diagnostic Assessment 5. Did the learners ask you
The diagnostic assessment will enable questions during and after the
you the teacher assess yourself and lesson?
know whether the lesson was successful 6. Were learners able to do the
or not. exercises at the end of the
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the 7. Reflect on three things you did
lesson taught. very well.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. 8. How are you going to build on
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson this achievement in subsequent
taught from the introduction to the lessons?
conclusion. 9. Reflect on two challenges
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking you faced when teaching the
yourself the following questions: lesson.
1. How did the lesson go? 10. How are you going to rectify
2. Was the introduction catchy? these in subsequent lessons?
3. Were you able to catch the P: Plan: If you get the chance to
learners’ attention throughout teach the same lesson, what plans
the lesson? (strategies) will you implement to
4. Were the learners able to enhance teaching so that learners
answer your questions during will understand and enjoy it?
and after the lesson?

LESSON 2: Uses of plants 159

some letters written on the book e.g.

Content Standard 1 Title of the page
K1.6.5.1 Demonstrate understanding of 2 Name of the writer
the parts of plants and their functions. 3 Name of the illustrator
4 Colour of the book
K1. Talk about the cover page of Activity 2
the book and point to individual words • Run a pointer under the words as
while listening to the teacher read you read aloud to learners, the text
aloud. on plants. Pause and ask questions
about the parts of the plant and it
Learning Outcome uses.
♦♦ Learners will be able to identify the
uses of plants from a read aloud Activity 3
lesson. Uses of plants.
• Plants are used as
Essential for Learning 1 medicine
Learners can name the parts of plants 2 food
(stem, roots, leaves) 3 shelter
4 fruits
New Words • Have learners give example of each
Plants, medicine, shade. e.g
food- yam, cassava
Resources Fruits – orange, banana, pineapple
Plant, pictures of plants (Draw with Shelter – it is used for building we sit
fruits). under trees
We get fruits from plants
Core Competencies
Communication and Collaboration (CC) Activity 4
Creativity and Innovation (CI) • Have learners retell the story, read to
Problem Solving and Critical Thinking them. Let them form sentences orally
(PC) with the key words.
1 medicine
Warming up 2 food
Have learners sing the song on plants. 3 fruits
4 shelter
Main Activities E.g. of sentences
Activity 1 a I don’t like medicine.
• Have learners sit in a community b I eat fruits everyday.
circle and let them sing song/rhymes
about plant. Show your Big Book to Review Exercise
learners. Talk about the cover page. Have learners work in pairs. They form
Have learners identify the colour and oral sentence each of the words listed

Assessment for Learning 4. Were the learners able to
Refer learners to Practice 1 on page 159 answer your questions during
of the Workbook for exercise. and after the lesson?
5. Did the learners ask you
Answers to exercises in the Workbook questions during and after the
Practice 1 6. Were learners able to do the
Learners to trace. exercises at the end of the
Diagnostic Assessment 7. Reflect on three things you did
The diagnostic assessment will enable very well.
you the teacher assess yourself and 8. How are you going to build on
know whether the lesson was successful this achievement in subsequent
or not. lessons?
9. Reflect on two challenges
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the you faced when teaching the
lesson taught. lesson.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. 10. How are you going to rectify
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson these in subsequent lessons?
taught from the introduction to the P: Plan: If you get the chance to
conclusion. teach the same lesson, what plans
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking (strategies) will you implement to
yourself the following questions: enhance teaching so that learners
1. How did the lesson go? will understand and enjoy it?
2. Was the introduction catchy?
3. Were you able to catch the
learners’ attention throughout
the lesson?

LESSON 3: Blending letter sounds 160-161

Main Activities
Content Standard Activity 1
K1.6.5.1 Demonstrate understanding • Write the new keywords learnt on the
of the parts of plants and their functions. board (plant, root, stem, leaves).
Put learners into groups of four. Have
Indicator learners read the words on the board.
K1. Blend individual sounds and Let them spell them as well.
decode simple words which relates to
the theme. Activity 2
• In their groups, give them the word
K1. Use a variety of new cards of the four new words. They
vocabulary learnt about plants to make read and spell them in turns. Leaves,
simple sentences, draw and write the stem, root, plant.
initial letter sounds.
Activity 3
Learning Outcome • Give the letter cards to learners
Learners will be able to: in groups of three. Guide them to
♦♦ Decode simple words. rearrange and blend the letter sounds
♦♦ Identify and write the initial letter to form the names of the parts of
sounds on the new words learnt. plants.
Essential for Learning 1 /s/, /t/, /e/, /m/ stem
Learners can name and write parts of 2 /l/, /e/, /a/, /f/ leaf
Activity 4
New words • Let learners play “Pick and Spell”.
decode, blend, initial. • Let them work in groups of four. One
picks the word and spell it. Let them
Resources take turns. Have learners form simple
Letter cards, word cards about plants, sentences with the words e.g.
pencils, crayons 1 The stem is small.
2 Hold the leaf.
• Write same words and leave out
some letters for learners to fill. e.g.
Warming up 1 ro_t root
Let learners flip their fingers, shake their 2 f _od food
hands and clap ten times.

Review Exercise
Have learners work in pairs. They form
sentences on the new words learnt.

K1. Assessment for Learning
Main Activity Refer learners to practices 1 and 2 on
pages 160-161 of their work for exercise.
Activity 1
• Display a well labeled plant on the Suggested Homework
board. Recap lesson one of the parts Have learners draw a plant and label the
of a plant and take learners through parts.
the words again by reading and
spelling.. Answers to exercises in the Workbook
1 stem, roots, leaves, plants.
• Point to a part of a plant and learners Practice 1
mention its name. A 1 leaf
2 stem
Activity 2 3 plant
• Assist learners to identify the initial 4 food
letter sounds. Have learners play
“show and tell” or letter hunt”. You B
pick the word; say ‘root’ and you 1 o
identify the initial letter sounds /r/. 2 s
3 u
Activity 3 4 o
• Write the words on the board. Let 5 a
them read and spell the words. Call 6 v
learners to go to the board and
underline the ‘initial’ letter sounds Eg. Practice 2
stem 1 l
2 s
Review Exercise 3 r
Have learners work in pairs to indicate
the initial letter sounds of these words.
1 medicine.
2 fruits.
3 stem.

Diagnostic Assessment 5. Did the learners ask you
The diagnostic assessment will enable questions during and after the
you the teacher assess yourself and lesson?
know whether the lesson was successful 6. Were learners able to do the
or not. exercises at the end of the
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the 7. Reflect on three things you did
lesson taught. very well.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. 8. How are you going to build on
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson this achievement in subsequent
taught from the introduction to the lessons?
conclusion. 9. Reflect on two challenges
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking you faced when teaching the
yourself the following questions: lesson.
1. How did the lesson go? 10. How are you going to rectify
2. Was the introduction catchy? these in subsequent lessons?
3. Were you able to catch the P: Plan: If you get the chance to
learners’ attention throughout teach the same lesson, what plans
the lesson? (strategies) will you implement to
4. Were the learners able to enhance teaching so that learners
answer your questions during will understand and enjoy it?
and after the lesson?

Strand 6: All around us

Sub-strand 6: Plant 2

LESSON 1: How plants grow 162-163

Main Activities
Content Standard Activity 1
K1.6.6.1 Demonstrate understanding • Have learners sit in a semi-circle.
of how plants grow. Refer to page 162 of the Workbook
for the song. Let learners do the oral
Indicate activity questions there.
K1. Talk about and discuss how • Let them recite the rhyme “Plants can
plants and what human should do to grow”. Let learners identify the key
enhance the growth process. things said about plants in the rhyme.

K1. Talk about the cover page Activity 2

and identify how plants grow in a read • Use pictures/posters to discuss
aloud story. with learners how plants grow. Lay
emphasis on the things plants need
Learning Outcome in order to grow well (water, air, good
Learners will be able to soil). Treat the key words, air, water,
♦♦ Identify how to support the growth good soil and light with learners. Use
of plants. pictures for learners to understand
♦♦ Identify how plants grow in a read the words. Refer learners to page
aloud story. 163 to see the process of how plants
New words
plant, grow, shade. Review Exercise
In groups of three, have learners
Resources compose a story on a manila card about
Plant, pictures of plants, word cards how plants grow.
sentence cards.
Core Competencies Main Activities
Communication and collaboration (CC) Activity 1
Personal Development and Leadership • Get a story on the theme “How plants
(PL) grow” Make sure the language is at
their level. Give the book to learners,
let them talk about the cover page
Warming up and open the book correctly. Have
Have learners sing the song “The farmer learners do “pretend” reading and
plant the seed” guide them open the pages correctly.

Activity 2 Diagnostic Assessment
• Use “Echo –reading strategy, read The diagnostic assessment will enable
aloud the story and guide learners you the teacher assess yourself and
to read aloud after you. As you know whether the lesson was successful
read along, ask questions to text or not.
understanding. Insist on the correct
way of handling books. In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
lesson taught.
Activity 3 T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
• Ask questions for the after –reading R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
stage to reinforce the proper handling taught from the introduction to the
of books. Let learners retell the story. conclusion.
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
Review Exercise yourself the following questions:
Have learners work in pairs. Let them 1. How did the lesson go?
talk about proper way of handling books. 2. Was the introduction catchy?
3. Were you able to catch the
Assessment for Learning learners’ attention throughout
Refer learners to Practice 1 and 2 on the lesson?
pages 162-163 of the Workbook for 4. Were the learners able to
exercises. answer your questions during
and after the lesson?
Answers to exercises in the Workbook 5. Did the learners ask you
questions during and after the
Practice 1 lesson?
1 seeds. 6. Were learners able to do the
2 The farmer. exercises at the end of the
3 When rain beings to fall and the sun lesson?
begins to shine. 7. Reflect on three things you did
4 Seed, water, soil, sun. very well.
8. How are you going to build on
this achievement in subsequent
Practice 2 lessons?
1 Step 1 planting seed 9. Reflect on two challenges
Step 2 watering the seeds you faced when teaching the
Stem 3 plant growing lesson.
Step 4 plant growing bigger 10. How are you going to rectify
2 Because it helps the plant to grow these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

LESSON 2: Beginning and ending letter sounds 164-165

Review Exercise
Content Standard Have learners work in pairs. Give them
K1.6.6.1 Demonstrate understanding word cards to identify the beginning and
of how plants grow. ending sounds.

Indicator Assessment for Learning

K1. Identify the initial and ending • Show pictures of plants and let
letter sounds of objects and blend letter learners identify the parts (stem,
sounds to form words. root, leaves). Write the words on
the board. Let them identify the
Learning Outcome beginning and ending sounds of the
Learners will be able to words. Drill learners on the initial and
♦♦ blend letter sounds to form words. ending sounds of the key words.

Essential for Learning Assessment for Learning

Learners can identify initial letter Refer learners to Practice 1 and 2 on
sounds of words. pages 164-165 of the Workbook for
New Words
Blend, initial sounds, ending sounds.
Answers to exercises in the Workbook
Practice 1
Letter cards, word cards, crayon,
pencils. 1 circle p and trace t.
2 circle r and trace t.
3 circle l and trace s.
4 circle w and trace r.
5 circle s and trace n.
Warming up 6 circle l and trace f.
Have learners recite the rhyme or sing 7 circle s and trace l.
songs on plants. 8 circle and trace k.
9 circle a and trace r.
Main Activities
Practice 2
Activity 1 1 s 7 s
• Put learners into groups of four. 2 t 8 b
Give them the letter cards. Ask them 3 r 9 w
to rearrange the letter cards and 4 t 10 s
decode the words (stem, roof, leaves, 5 l 11 g
soil, air, sun). 6 s 12 l

Diagnostic Assessment 5. Did the learners ask you
The diagnostic assessment will enable questions during and after the
you the teacher assess yourself and lesson?
know whether the lesson was successful 6. Were learners able to do the
or not. exercises at the end of the
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the 7. Reflect on three things you did
lesson taught. very well.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. 8. How are you going to build on
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson this achievement in subsequent
taught from the introduction to the lessons?
conclusion. 9. Reflect on two challenges
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking you faced when teaching the
yourself the following questions: lesson.
1. How did the lesson go? 10. How are you going to rectify
2. Was the introduction catchy? these in subsequent lessons?
3. Were you able to catch the P: Plan: If you get the chance to
learners’ attention throughout teach the same lesson, what plans
the lesson? (strategies) will you implement to
4. Were the learners able to enhance teaching so that learners
answer your questions during will understand and enjoy it?
and after the lesson?

LESSON 3: Forming simple sentences 166

Activity 2
Content Standard • Guide learners to use the words to
K1.6.6.1 Demonstrate understanding of construct simple sentences about the
how plants grow. theme. e.g.
1 Plants need water to grow.
Indicator 2 Plants give us food.
K1. Use vocabulary learnt to 3 Plants give us fruits.
form simple meaningful sentences. 4 We get medicine from plants.

Learning Outcome Review Exercise

♦♦ Learners will be able to use the key Have learners work in pairs. Let them
words learnt to form sentences. pick two words from the keywords and
form one sentence each.
New Words
Keyword, plant, medicine, food. Assessment for Learning
Refer learners to Practice 1 on page 166
Resources of the Workbook for exercises.
Word cards, sentence cards, pencils.
Suggested Homework
Ask learners to form sentences with
these words.
Warming up 1 Plant
Have learners sing/recite any song on 2 Stem
how plants grow. You can play one from 3 Medicine
Refer learners to page 162 of the Answers to exercises in the Workbook
Practice 1
Main Activities Learners to trace and read.

Activity 1:
• Write these words on the board.
plant, stem, root, leaves, sun, seed
• Use pictures and word cards to guide
learners to read the words. Use
short stories and illustrations to help
learners understand the selected

Diagnostic Assessment 5. Did the learners ask you
The diagnostic assessment will enable questions during and after the
you the teacher assess yourself and lesson?
know whether the lesson was successful 6. Were learners able to do the
or not. exercises at the end of the
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the 7. Reflect on three things you did
lesson taught. very well.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. 8. How are you going to build on
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson this achievement in subsequent
taught from the introduction to the lessons?
conclusion. 9. Reflect on two challenges
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking you faced when teaching the
yourself the following questions: lesson.
1. How did the lesson go? 10. How are you going to rectify
2. Was the introduction catchy? these in subsequent lessons?
3. Were you able to catch the P: Plan: If you get the chance to
learners’ attention throughout teach the same lesson, what plans
the lesson? (strategies) will you implement to
4. Were the learners able to enhance teaching so that learners
answer your questions during will understand and enjoy it?
and after the lesson?

Strand 6: All around us

Sub-strand 7: Gardening

LESSON 1: Types of soil and gardening 167-169

Warming up
Content Standard Have learners sing any song or recite
K1.6.7.1 Demonstrate understanding of any rhyme on ‘gardens’.
the types of soil.
Main Activities
K1. Talk about different types Activity 1
of soil and which one is best used for • Put learners in a community circle.
gardening. Teach learners the rhyme on “My
Garden” and in the garden” on pages
K1. Point to individual words to 167 and 168 respectively. Have
track reading.
learners answer oral questions on the
rhyme e.g. What do you see in the
Learning Outcome
garden? What makes the plant grow?
Learners will be able to
♦♦ Identify different types of soil.
♦♦ Track reading by pointing to words. Activity 2
• Put the three different types of soil
Essential for Learning into different containers. Put learners
Learners know what should be done to into groups of four. Put the type of
make plant grow well. E.g. Watering the soil on each table. Have them touch,
plant. watch and feel each type. make sure
learners wash their hand with soap
New words under running water.
Garden, soil, loamy, clayey, sand, • Have learners plant maize in each
fertile. soil, water them daily and watch what
happens after a week.
Samples of loamy, clayey and sandy Review Exercise
soils, picture of different types of soil. Assign two learners from each group to
be watering and observing and let them
Core Competencies give a report to the whole class.
Communication and collaboration (CC)
Personal Development and Leadership
Creativity and Innovation (CI)
Problem Solving and Critical Thinking

K1. 3 yes, so that the plants can grow
Main Activities well.

Activity 1 Practice 2
• Have learners sit in a community 1 Grass, trees
circle. Show your Big Book to 2 Garden
learners. Let them identify the cover 3 Play, relax
page and talk briefly about the
pictures and the colours. Guide them Practice 3
to identify the title of the book and the 1 Sandy soil
illustrator. 2 Loamy soil
3 Clayey soil
Activity 2 4 Loamy soil
• Let them predict the content by
looking at the cover picture critically.
Use the Echo-reading strategy Diagnostic Assessment
to read aloud the sentences and The diagnostic assessment will enable
point to the individual words. Show you the teacher assess yourself and
pictures and ask questions to find out know whether the lesson was successful
whether learners are following the or not.
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
Activity 3 lesson taught.
• Ask learners to retell what they heard T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
from your read aloud. Have learners R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
make sentences with these words. taught from the introduction to the
soil, loamy, clay, e.g. conclusion.
1 The soil is good. A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
2 Which of these soil is good for yourself the following questions:
planting? 1. How did the lesson go?
3 I used clay to make a doll. 2. Was the introduction catchy?
3. Were you able to catch the
Review Exercise learners’ attention throughout
Refer learners to Practice 1 and 2 on the lesson?
pages 167-169 of the Workbook for 4. Were the learners able to
exercises. answer your questions during
and after the lesson?
Answers to exercises in the Workbook 5. Did the learners ask you
Practice 1 questions during and after the
1 plant in a garden. lesson?
sun will shine. 6. Were learners able to do the
rain will fall. exercises at the end of the
seeds will grow. lesson?
2 Because of the rain and sun and 7. Reflect on three things you did
good soil. very well.

8. How are you going to build on
this achievement in subsequent
9. Reflect on two challenges
you faced when teaching the
10. How are you going to rectify
these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

LESSON 2: Forming simple sentences 170

• Have learners understand the words

Content Standard better by showing real types of soil
K1.6.7.1 Demonstrate understanding of and pictures of them.
the types of soil.
Activity 2
Indicator • Let them tell you what has happened
K1. Use a variety of new to the seeds that they planted. Let
vocabulary learnt about soil to make each learner show it to the class and
simple sentences about it. talk about it.

Learning Outcome Activity 3

♦♦ Learners will be able to use new • Write the new words on the board.
vocabulary learnt to form simple Drill them with the words. Encourage
sentences. them to form sentences with the
1 sandy, clay, loam, garden.
Essential for Learning
Learners can identify different types of
1 I have garden in my house.
soil e.g. loamy, clayey, sandy.
2 The soil is good.
3 The sand is hot.
New words • Write some of their sentences on the
Vocabulary, sentences. board. Read through the sentences
with learners.
Letter cards, word cards, sentence Activity 4
cards. • Encourage learners to compose
stories using pictures and the
keywords. Write them on a manila
cards for them e.g.
Warming up I have a garden
Have learners recite the rhyme learnt on The soil is loamy
soil “in the garden”. I have planted maize.
It is growing very well
Main Activities I will give some to my teacher when it
is ready.
Activity 1
• Have learners sit in a community Review Exercise
circle. Revise with them the different Have learners work in pairs. Let them
types of soil that they know. form sentences and read to each other
1 Loamy with these words soil and sand.
2 Sandy
3 Clayey

Assessment for Learning 4. Were the learners able to
Refer learners to Practice 1 on page 170 answer your questions during
of the Workbook for exercises. and after the lesson?
5. Did the learners ask you
Answers to exercises in the Workbook questions during and after the
Practice 1 6. Were learners able to do the
Learners to trace. exercises at the end of the
Diagnostic Assessment 7. Reflect on three things you did
The diagnostic assessment will enable very well.
you the teacher assess yourself and 8. How are you going to build on
know whether the lesson was successful this achievement in subsequent
or not. lessons?
9. Reflect on two challenges
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the you faced when teaching the
lesson taught. lesson.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. 10. How are you going to rectify
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson these in subsequent lessons?
taught from the introduction to the P: Plan: If you get the chance to
conclusion. teach the same lesson, what plans
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking (strategies) will you implement to
yourself the following questions: enhance teaching so that learners
1. How did the lesson go? will understand and enjoy it?
2. Was the introduction catchy?
3. Were you able to catch the
learners’ attention throughout
the lesson?

LESSON 3: Creating words with sounds 171-172

2 seeds
Content Standard 3 rain
K1.6.7.1 Demonstrate understanding of 4 fall
the types of soil. 5 grow

Indicator Activity 2
K1. Recognise and create words • Use pictures and gestures to explain
with given sounds and make art works meaning of the words to learners.
with the lements of art Take the words one by one and let
learners tell you the common sounds
Learning Outcome in the words. e.g.
♦♦ Learners will be able to create 1 plant grant stand cant pant
words with given sounds.
2 seed weed meet greet
Essential for Learning need feed
Learners can form sentences with some
words e.g. soil 3 rain main gain pain vain

New Words • Make sure everybody take part.

Rhyme, common sound.
Activity 3
Resources • Give out letter cards to learners in
Letter cards, word wards. groups of four. Let them form words
with them. eg
1 /i/ → (in) (tin), (pin), (bit) (sit)
2 /s /→ (say), (sit), (sin)
Warming up Activity 4
Have learners recite rhyme on the • Refer learners to page 171 in the
garden e.g. “Grow your plant” Refer to Workbook. Let them recite the tongue
this youtube link for the video, https:// twister and identify the common sounds. “Take and make a fake rake.
Main Activities Review Exercise
Have learners work in pairs. Give the
Activity 1 letter card to learners they should add
• Put learners in a community circle. the following sounds to make words.
Refer them to page 162. Let them t, w, p
recite the rhyme “the farmer palnts
the seed” again. Let them tell you Assessment for Learning
common sound in the words. Write Refer learners to Practice 1 and 2 on
them on the board.
pages 171-172 of the Workbook for
1 plant

Answers to exercises in the Workbook Diagnostic Assessment
The diagnostic assessment will enable
Practice 1 you the teacher assess yourself and
A Learners to circle /oi/ in the tongue know whether the lesson was successful
twister. or not.

B Learners to trace. In other words, you have to “TRAP” the

lesson taught.
Practice 2 T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
A Learners to circle /a/ in the R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
tongue twister. taught from the introduction to the
B conclusion.
1 t A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
2 b yourself the following questions:
3 f 1. How did the lesson go?
4 p 2. Was the introduction catchy?
5 s 3. Were you able to catch the
6 w learners’ attention throughout
C the lesson?
1 b 4. Were the learners able to
2 t answer your questions during
3 c and after the lesson?
4 s 5. Did the learners ask you
5 f questions during and after the
6. Were learners able to do the
exercises at the end of the
7. Reflect on three things you did
very well.
8. How are you going to build on
this achievement in subsequent
9. Reflect on two challenges
you faced when teaching the
10. How are you going to rectify
these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

Strand 6: All around us

Sub-strand 8: Light - day and night

LESSON 1: Sources of light 173-175

Warming up
Content Standard Have learners recite the rhyme “I see the
K1.6.8.1 Demonstrate understanding of moon”.
the sources of light for day and night.
Main Activities
Indicator Activity 1
K1. Recite rhymes/poems and • Have learners sit in a community
talk about the different sources of light. circle. Refer to page 173 of the
Workbook. Let them sing the song
K1. Use pictures and other text
and recite the rhyme there. Show
features to aid understanding as they
pictures of the moon, sun, stars to
listen to a read aloud informational text
learners. Use the think-pair-share for
on sources light.
learners to talk about them. Let them
Learning Outcome do the oral activity on the page.
Learners will be able to
♦♦ Talk about different sources of light. Activity 2
♦♦ Listen to a read aloud text on • Ask the following questions for
sources of light. learners to answer in groups of four.
1 What gives us light during the
Essential for Learning day?
Learners have been using the sun to 2 Where is that light?
dry their clothes. 3 What lights do we use in the
New word 4 Who made those light?
Sources, artificial, natural, lantern, 5 Mention two lights that we use
electricity, day, night, light. during the night.
6 Why do we use bulb, lantern in
the night?
Pictures of natural sources of light
(moon, sun, stars) lantern, candle, etc.
Activity 3
Core Competencies • Guide learners to group sources of
Communication and collaboration (CC) light as manmade and natural.
Personal Development and Leadership 1. Man-made-candles, lantern,
(PL) bulbs, bobo, matches, flashlight,
Creativity and Innovation (CI) etc.
Problem Solving and Critical Thinking 2. God made – sun, moon, stars,
(PC) etc.

Review Exercise Daylight Night light
Have learners work in pairs. Let them
mention two natural sources of light and Sun Moon
two artificial sources of light Electricity Candle, lantern

K1. Flashlight, etc.

Main Activities
Review Exercise
Activity 1 Have learners work in pairs. Let them
• Get a book which contains content form two sentences. Using sources of
of “sources of light”. Have learners light. One from day light and one from
discuss the cover page of “Your Big night light.
Book” at the pre-reading stage. Do
picture walk with learners and let Assessment for Learning
them predict the content of the book. Refer learners to Practices 1 - 3 on
Let them identify the cover and back pages 173-175 of the Workbook for
page. exercises.

Activity 2 Answers to exercises in the Workbook

• Read aloud the text on “sources
of Light” to learners. Pause often Practice 1
for learners to interact among 1 Moon and star
themselves and relate what they 2 At night.
are listening to their daily lives. Ask 3 At night.
questions at vantage points while 4 Sleep.
reading to ascertain whether learners 5 God.
are following the text. e.g. How many
categories do we have for sources of Practice 2
light? Name them 1 Sun
2 Sun
Activity 3 3 Natural – sun, moon and stars.
• At the post-reading stage, ask Artificial – bulb, flashlight.
question about the whole text. Use
think-pair-share for learners to retell Practice 3
the story. They should take turns. Learners to trace.

Activity 4
• Have learners mentioned the sources
of light they heard in the read aloud
text. Let them group them according
to daylight and night light.

Diagnostic Assessment 5. Did the learners ask you
The diagnostic assessment will enable questions during and after the
you the teacher assess yourself and lesson?
know whether the lesson was successful 6. Were learners able to do the
or not. exercises at the end of the
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the 7. Reflect on three things you did
lesson taught. very well.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. 8. How are you going to build on
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson this achievement in subsequent
taught from the introduction to the lessons?
conclusion. 9. Reflect on two challenges
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking you faced when teaching the
yourself the following questions: lesson.
1. How did the lesson go? 10. How are you going to rectify
2. Was the introduction catchy? these in subsequent lessons?
3. Were you able to catch the P: Plan: If you get the chance to
learners’ attention throughout teach the same lesson, what plans
the lesson? (strategies) will you implement to
4. Were the learners able to enhance teaching so that learners
answer your questions during will understand and enjoy it?
and after the lesson?

LESSON 2: Recognising sounds of letter 176-177

Activity 2
Content Standard • Have learners mention one source,
K1.6.8.1 Demonstrate understanding of write it on the board and let learners
the sources of light for day and night. identify the initial, middle and ending
Indicator E.g.
K1. Use a variety of new Initial sound Middle sound Ending sound
vocabulary learnt about light to form 1 sun – /s/ /u/ /n/
sentences orally. 2 light - /l/ /igh/ /t/
3 lantern /ltern/ /ler/ /n/
Learning Outcome
♦♦ Learners will be able to identify the Activity 3
beginning sounds of letters • Put learners into groups of four. Give
them word cards and letter cards
Essential for Learning to each group. Mention a word e.g.
Learners can make simple sentences “moon” let pick a letter card which
with key words in texts. represent the initial letter of the word
mentioned. In this case, the letter is
New words (m).
Initial sound, middle sounds, ending
sounds. Activity 4
• Assist learners to arrange letter cards
Resources to form a given source of light. eg.
Letter cards, word cards. 1 /b/ /u/ /l/ /b/ → bulb

2 /s/ /u/ /n/ → sun

Review Exercise
Warming up Have learners work in pairs. Give
Have learners recite the rhyme “Twinkle them two wordcards. They form simple
twinkle little stars”. sentences with them

Main Activities sun candle

Activity 1
• Revise with learners, the sources of Assessment for Learning
light ie. daylight and night light. Let Refer learners to Practices 1 and 2 on
them give examples of each one. pages 176-177 of the Workbook for
E.g. Daylight: sun, electricity. Night exercises.
light: bulb, electricity.

Answer to Workbook Diagnostic Assessment
The diagnostic assessment will enable
Practice 1 you the teacher assess yourself and
Word Initial Middle Ending know whether the lesson was successful
sound sound sound or not.
1 Sun s u n
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
2 Moon m oo n lesson taught.
3 Stars st ar s T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
4 Light l igh t R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
5 Bulb b ul b taught from the introduction to the
6 Fire f ir e
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
7 Heat h ea t yourself the following questions:
1. How did the lesson go?
2. Was the introduction catchy?
3. Were you able to catch the
learners’ attention throughout
Practice 2 the lesson?
1 Candle. 4. Were the learners able to
2 Moon. answer your questions during
3 Sun. and after the lesson?
4 Bulb. 5. Did the learners ask you
5 Stars. questions during and after the
6 Lantern. lesson?
6. Were learners able to do the
exercises at the end of the
7. Reflect on three things you did
very well.
8. How are you going to build on
this achievement in subsequent
9. Reflect on two challenges
you faced when teaching the
10. How are you going to rectify
these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

LESSON 3: Forming simple sentences 178

1. Natural – moon, sun, stars.

Content Standard 2. Man-made – flashlight, lantern,
K1.6.8.1 Demonstrate understanding of candle, bulb.
the sources of light for day and night. Activity 2
• Put learners into groups of four. Let
Indicator them discuss the uses of light. e.g.
K1. Use a variety of new 1 light makes us see.
vocabulary learnt about light to form 2 light dries our clothes.
sentences orally. 3 light dries our food.
4 light helps us move in the night.

Learning Outcome. Activity 3

♦♦ Learners will be able to form simple • Have learners do a charadety with
sentences with key words on the sentence cards. eg.
“sources of light”. 1 Go and put off the light.
2 Put the light on.
Essential for Learning 3 The sun is very hot.
Learners can form word with letters on 4 The moon is shining.
letter cards. 5 The lantern is big.

New words Activity 4

Sentence, vocabulary. • Encourage learners to form
sentences orally with the keywords
Resources learnt. sun, moon, flashlight, candle
Word card, sentence card. e.g.
1 The candle will burn you.
2 The sun is too bright.
3 The flash light is dark.

Review Exercise
Warming up Let learners be in pairs. Give them strips
Have learners sing the song on light e.g. of sentence card read aloud oral to act
“Twinkle, twinkle little stars”. out.

Main Activities Assessment for Learning

Activity 1 Refer learners to Practice 1 on page 178
• Put learners in a community circle. of the Workbook for exercises.
Show pictures of sources of lights to
learners to revise the theme. Have
learners group them into natural and

Answers to exercises in the Workbook 4. Were the learners able to
answer your questions during
Practice 1 and after the lesson?
Learners to read and trace. 5. Did the learners ask you
questions during and after the
Diagnostic Assessment 6. Were learners able to do the
The diagnostic assessment will enable exercises at the end of the
you the teacher assess yourself and lesson?
know whether the lesson was successful 7. Reflect on three things you did
or not. very well.
8. How are you going to build on
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the this achievement in subsequent
lesson taught. lessons?
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. 9. Reflect on two challenges
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson you faced when teaching the
taught from the introduction to the lesson.
conclusion. 10. How are you going to rectify
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking these in subsequent lessons?
yourself the following questions: P: Plan: If you get the chance to
1. How did the lesson go? teach the same lesson, what plans
2. Was the introduction catchy? (strategies) will you implement to
3. Were you able to catch the enhance teaching so that learners
learners’ attention throughout will understand and enjoy it?
the lesson?

Strand 6: All around us

Sub-strand 9: Changing weather conditions

LESSON 1: Weather conditions in Ghana 179-182

Content Standard Core Competencies

K1.6.9.1 Demonstrate understanding Communication and collaboration (CC)
of changing weather conditions and Personal Development and Leadership
seasons (PL)
Communication and Collaboration (CC)
Indicator Creativity and Innovation (CI)
K1. Sing and talk about the Problem Solving and Critical Thinking
weather condition in Ghana. (PC)

K1. Identify the cover page and Warming up

illustrations and listen to and respond Have learners sing “rain rain go away”.
to a read aloud text on changes in the
weather condition. Main Activities

Learning Outcome Activity 1

Learners will be able to • Refer learners to page 179, let them
recite the rhyme again and answer
♦♦ talk about weather condition in
the questions there. e.g.
1 Which weather was mentioned
♦♦ listen to a read-out text on changes there?
in the weather condition. 2 Why must the rain go away?
Essential for learning Activity 2
Learners know the weather condition to • Show pictures/posters of different
stay indoors and when to go out to play. weather condition (sunny, rainy,
cloudy, windy). Have learners read
New word the words. Using think-pair-share,
Weather, condition, rainy, sunny, cloudy. let learners talk about the different
weather conditions and what they do
Resources on each weather condition.
Pictures of different weather conditions
e.g. Stormy, windy, crayons, pencil, Activity 3
word cards, sentence cards. • Take learners outside the classroom
to study the weather condition
and mention the kind of weather
prevailing at that time. Is it sunny? It
is rainy? It is cloudy?

Activity 4 2 The children are playing because
• Discuss with learners how to cater it is___________.
for themselves during the different
seasons. e.g. Review Exercise
1 Rainy season: Learners have to Have learners work in pairs. Let them put
wear sweater. on a charade with these sentences.
2 Windy season: Learners have to 1 It is windy today.
be indoors. 2 It is raining heavily.
3 Sunny season: learners can play. 3 It is sunny today.

Review Exercise Assessment for Learning

Have learners work in pairs. Let them put Refer learners to practices 1- 4 on pages
on a charade to depict what they do on 179-182 of the Workbook for exercises.
different weather conditions.
Answers to exercises in the Workbook
K. Practice 1
Main Activities 1 Rainy weather.
2 Becuase little children wants to play.
Activity 1 3 Sunny day.
• Show the book about the weather
condition in Ghana to learners. Let Practice 2
them identify cover page, the writer/ 1 a – C b–A
author and the illustrator. Let them c – D b–B
use the cover page illustration and 2 Wind bhows and weather is cold.
picture walk to predict the content. 3 Learners answer.
4 Engage learners.
Activity 2
• Read aloud the text and let learners Practice 3
echo after you. Ask questions during Learners trace the words and match:
the reading to help you monitor their a → cloudy
understanding. b → windy
• Have learners form sentences with c → rainy
the key words. Use picture illustration d → sunny
to explain the words first.
Practice 4
Activity 3 Learners to circle:
• Refer learners to page 180 of the 1 Raining and cold.
Workbook. Let them do picture walk 2. Weather and hot.
on the page and answer the oral 3. Windy.
questions there. 4 Clouds and darker.
1 Which picture shows: a rainy 5 Sun and shinning.
weather?, b windy weather?

Diagnostic Assessment 5. Did the learners ask you
The diagnostic assessment will enable questions during and after the
you the teacher assess yourself and lesson?
know whether the lesson was successful 6. Were learners able to do the
or not. exercises at the end of the
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the 7. Reflect on three things you did
lesson taught. very well.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. 8. How are you going to build on
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson this achievement in subsequent
taught from the introduction to the lessons?
conclusion. 9. Reflect on two challenges
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking you faced when teaching the
yourself the following questions: lesson.
1. How did the lesson go? 10. How are you going to rectify
2. Was the introduction catchy? these in subsequent lessons?
3. Were you able to catch the P: Plan: If you get the chance to
learners’ attention throughout teach the same lesson, what plans
the lesson? (strategies) will you implement to
4. Were the learners able to enhance teaching so that learners
answer your questions during will understand and enjoy it?
and after the lesson?

LESSON 2: Beginning letter sound 183

Activity 2
Content standard • Have learners use the word cards to
K1.6.9.1 Demonstrate understanding match the pictures.
of changing weather conditions and
seasons Activity 3
• Now, have learners match the letter
Indicator cards with the pictures. Let them
K1. Identify initial letter-sounds underline the initial letters of the
of weather and write them under the words
appropriate pictures a cloudy b sunny c windy d rainy

Learning Outcome Review Exercise

♦♦ Learners will be able to write initial Have learners work in groups of three.
letter sounds of key words on the Give them the word cards. Let them farm
theme ‘weather condition’. sentence with them.
1 Weather 2 Sunny 3 Windy
Essentials for learning
Learners know the different weather Assessment for learning
conditions in Ghana. Refer learners to practice 1 on page 183
of the Workbook for exercises.
New words
Weather, windy, sunny, rainy. Answers to exercises in the Workbook

Resources Practice 1
Pictures of the different weather A 1 w 2 s 3c 4r
conditions word cards, letter cards. B Learners to trace and match:
Warming up r→1
Have learners recite the rhyme. “Rain,
rain go away”.

Main Activities
Activity 1
• Write the key words on the board:
weather, rainy, sunny, cloudy. Use
illustration to explain the meaning
of the words. Play “pick and act.”
Display the words on the table. When
a learner picks one, he/she should
act out the weather condition.

Diagnostic Assessment 5. Did the learners ask you
The diagnostic assessment will enable questions during and after the
you the teacher assess yourself and lesson?
know whether the lesson was successful 6. Were learners able to do the
or not. exercises at the end of the
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the 7. Reflect on three things you did
lesson taught. very well.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. 8. How are you going to build on
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson this achievement in subsequent
taught from the introduction to the lessons?
conclusion. 9. Reflect on two challenges
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking you faced when teaching the
yourself the following questions: lesson.
1. How did the lesson go? 10. How are you going to rectify
2. Was the introduction catchy? these in subsequent lessons?
3. Were you able to catch the P: Plan: If you get the chance to
learners’ attention throughout teach the same lesson, what plans
the lesson? (strategies) will you implement to
4. Were the learners able to enhance teaching so that learners
answer your questions during will understand and enjoy it?
and after the lesson?

LESSON 3: Forming simple sentences 184

Windy, cloudy, sunny, rainy, rain,

Content Standard sun, cloud. Let them play a charade
K1.6.9.1 Demonstrate understanding with each word.
of changing weather conditions and
seasons. Activity 2
• Now, pick the word cards one by one
Indicator and let learners form sentences with
K1. Use the vocabulary learnt to them. eg
talk about the weather. 1 Weather: The weather is cold.
2 Rainy: It is raining.
Learning Outcome 3 Sun: The sun is hot.
♦♦ Learners will be able to form simple
sentences from the key words Activity 3
learnt. • Put learners into groups of four. Give
them pictures and word cards of
Essential for Learning names of the weather (rainy, sunny,
Learners can identify initial letter windy) In turns, have learners pick
sounds of words. and read aloud the word and form a
sentence with it.
New word
Weather, rainy, sunny, windy. Review Exercise
Have learners work in pairs. Give them
Resources sentence cards. Let learners read in
Pictures/posters of different weather turns.
conditions word cards (rainy, windy,
sunny, cloudy) Assessment for Learning
Refer learners to Practice 1 on page 184
of the Workbook for exercises.
Warming up
Have learners sing any song or recite Answers to exercises in the Workbook
any rhyme on weather condition. e.g.
“Rain, rain go away”. Practice 1
Learners to read and trace.
Main Activities
Activity 1
• Put learners into community circle.
Use pictures/posters to discuss the
different weather conditions with
them. Show the keywords one by one
to learners for learners to read.

Diagnostic Assessment 5. Did the learners ask you
The diagnostic assessment will enable questions during and after the
you the teacher assess yourself and lesson?
know whether the lesson was successful 6. Were learners able to do the
or not. exercises at the end of the
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the 7. Reflect on three things you did
lesson taught. very well.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. 8. How are you going to build on
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson this achievement in subsequent
taught from the introduction to the lessons?
conclusion. 9. Reflect on two challenges
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking you faced when teaching the
yourself the following questions: lesson.
1. How did the lesson go? 10. How are you going to rectify
2. Was the introduction catchy? these in subsequent lessons?
3. Were you able to catch the P: Plan: If you get the chance to
learners’ attention throughout teach the same lesson, what plans
the lesson? (strategies) will you implement to
4. Were the learners able to enhance teaching so that learners
answer your questions during will understand and enjoy it?
and after the lesson?

Strand: 7
My global
Strand 7: My Global Community

Sub-strand 1: Connecting and communicating with the

global community
LESSON 1: Means of travelling 186-188

Activity 1
Content Standard • You can refer to page 186 of the
K1.7.1.1 Demonstrate understanding Workbook and teach the song on
of different ways we connect and transportation. Let learners answer
communicate with the global world. the oral questions about the song
Indictor 1 How many means of transport
K1. Using pictures, talk about were mentioned?
the various means by which we connect 2 Which one flies in the air?
with the international community.
Activity 2
Learning Outcome • Let learners sit in a community circle.
♦♦ Learners will be able to recognise Use pictures/posters as means of
the various means we travel to other transport to other countries e.g. by
countries. air-aeroplane, sea-ship, road-car,
rail-train. Let learners tell you which
Essential for Learning of these means of transport they
Learners travelled by foot or car. have used before. Use the think-
pair-share strategies for them to talk
New words about their experiences.
aeroplane, train, transport, conditions
Activity 3
Resources • Discus with learners why people
Pictures of aeroplane, train, cars, word travel to other countries.
cards, sentence cards. 1 To visit friends and relatives
2 For studies
Core Competencies 3 To trade
Communication and collaboration (CC) • Let them tell you if they were
Personal Development and Leadership travelling outside the country which
(PL) means of transport will they prefer.
Communication and Collaboration (CC) They should give reasons for their

Review Exercise
Warming up Have learners work in pairs, let them talk
• Have learners recite a rhyme or sing about the means by which they come to
a song on transportation. school.

Assessment for Learning Diagnostic Assessment
Refer learners to Practice 1-3 on pages The diagnostic assessment will enable
186-188 of the Workbook for exercises. you the teacher assess yourself and
know whether the lesson was successful
Answers to exercises in the Workbook or not.

Practice 1 In other words, you have to “TRAP” the

1 Bike, bus, car, train, plane lesson taught.
2 Plane T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
3 Ship R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
taught from the introduction to the
Practice 2 A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
1 Ghana yourself the following questions:
2 Learners to mention 1. How did the lesson go?
3 By traveling in a bus, train, ship or 2. Was the introduction catchy?
plane 3. Were you able to catch the
4 Learners’ answer learners’ attention throughout
5 To study, to trade, to visit, for the lesson?
medical attention 4. Were the learners able to
answer your questions during
Practice 3 and after the lesson?
Learners to trace. 5. Did the learners ask you
questions during and after the
6. Were learners able to do the
exercises at the end of the
7. Reflect on three things you did
very well.
8. How are you going to build on
this achievement in subsequent
9. Reflect on two challenges
you faced when teaching the
10. How are you going to rectify
these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
teach the same lesson, what plans
(strategies) will you implement to
enhance teaching so that learners
will understand and enjoy it?

LESSON 2: Means of trading 189

Main Activities
Content Standard
K1.7.1.1 Demonstrate understanding Activity 1
of different ways we connect and • Let learners sit in a community circle.
communicate with the global world. Refer learners to page 189 of the
Workbook. Read through the story on
Indicator the page to learners. Have learners
K1. Talks about the various track you as you read the story to
means by which we connect with the them. Let them answer the questions.
international community. Use the think-pair-share strategy. Let
them discuss the following.
K1. Identify and cover and back 1 What brought about buying and
page of a book and read aloud a simple selling?
sentence. 2 How do traders buy from other
countries to sell?
Learning Outcome • Let them share their ideas with the
Learners will be able to whole class.
♦♦ Identify how traders buy and sell.
♦♦ Listen to a read aloud text and form Activity 2
sentences with key words. • Write the key words on the board.
Drill learners on them and use
Essential for Learning illustrations in the form of pictures/
Learners are always sent on errands to posters.
buy items from nearby shops. 1 aeroplane
2 ship
New words 3 train
Buying, selling, countries, echo-reading. 4 buying
5 selling
Word cards of keywords, aeroplane, 1 The ship is on the sea.
train, buying, selling, crayons, pencils. 2 The car is nice.
3 I have seen an aeroplane.
Core Competencies
Creativity and Innovation (CI) Review Exercise
Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Put learners into groups of four. Let
(PC) them discuss how we get food from
neighboring countries. Expected
answers: cars, ship, aeroplane,
Warming up motorbikes.
Let learners sing a song on

Activity 1 3 They travel to that country.
• In a community circle, show a book
about transportation to learners. Let Diagnostic Assessment
them identify the front and the back The diagnostic assessment will enable
of the book as part of the pre-reading you the teacher assess yourself and
activity. Guide learners to identify know whether the lesson was successful
the title, the writer/author and the or not.
illustrator of the book.
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the
Activity 2 lesson taught.
• Use Echo-reading strategy to T: Teach: Teach a lesson.
assist learners read along the text. R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson
Ask questions to test learners taught from the introduction to the
understanding e.g. conclusion.
1 What is the colour of the cover A: Analyse: Analyse by asking
page? yourself the following questions:
2 Who is the writer? 1. How did the lesson go?
3 How do people get food from 2. Was the introduction catchy?
foreign countries? 3. Were you able to catch the
learners’ attention throughout
Activity 3 the lesson?
• Divide the class into three groups. 4. Were the learners able to
They will role-play using: answer your questions during
1 aeroplane to travel outside the and after the lesson?
country 5. Did the learners ask you
2 Ship to travel outside the country questions during and after the
3 Train to travel outside the country lesson?
6. Were learners able to do the
Review Exercise exercises at the end of the
Put learners into groups of three. Write lesson?
these words on the board for learners to 7. Reflect on three things you did
form simple sentences with them. very well.
1. aeroplane 2. Train 3. Buying 8. How are you going to build on
4. Selling. this achievement in subsequent
Assessment for Learning 9. Reflect on two challenges
Refer learners to Practice 1 on page 189 you faced when teaching the
of their work book for exercises. lesson.
10. How are you going to rectify
Answers to exercises in the Workbook these in subsequent lessons?
P: Plan: If you get the chance to
Practice 1 teach the same lesson, what plans
1 To buy things. (strategies) will you implement to
2 When people decide to exchange enhance teaching so that learners
items of similar value. will understand and enjoy it?

LESSON 3: Blending sounds 190

Activity 2
Content Standard • Still in their various groups, give them
K1.7.1.1 Demonstrate understanding the letter cards. Guide them to
of different ways we connect and re-arrange them to form words
communicate with the global world. related to the theme. eg.
1 /s/ /h/ /i/ /p/
Indicator 2 /c/ /g/ /r/
K1.7.1.1. Blend individual sounds to 3 /t/ /r/ /a/ /i/ /n/
decode words which relates to the • Write the keywords on the board.
theme and write the words in their • Direct learners to underline the first
books. letter of the
1 car 2 train
Learning Outcome 3 aeroplane 4 ship
♦♦ Learners will be able to blend
sounds to decode words.
Review Exercise
Essential for Learning Let learners work in pairs. Give two
Learners can identify initial letter word cards to each pair to form oral
sounds of words. sentences.
1 aeroplane
New words 2 car
Decode, blend
Assessment for Learning
Resources Refer learners to Practice 1 on page 190
Letter cards, word cards, sentence of the Workbook for exercise.
cards, pencil and crayons.
Answers to exercises in the Workbook

Practice 1
Warming up Learners to trace.
Let learners sing the song about
transportation. Practice 2
1 ship.
Main Activities 2 aeroplane.
3 train.
Activity 1 4 car
• Put learners in groups of four. Give
each group a letter-sound chart. Let
them revise the letter sounds learnt.
/a/, /p/, /m/, /p/, /o/, /ai/. Listen to
how they pronounce the sound and
correct where necessary.

Diagnostic Assessment 5. Did the learners ask you
The diagnostic assessment will enable questions during and after the
you the teacher assess yourself and lesson?
know whether the lesson was successful 6. Were learners able to do the
or not. exercises at the end of the
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the 7. Reflect on three things you did
lesson taught. very well.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. 8. How are you going to build on
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson this achievement in subsequent
taught from the introduction to the lessons?
conclusion. 9. Reflect on two challenges
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking you faced when teaching the
yourself the following questions: lesson.
1. How did the lesson go? 10. How are you going to rectify
2. Was the introduction catchy? these in subsequent lessons?
3. Were you able to catch the P: Plan: If you get the chance to
learners’ attention throughout teach the same lesson, what plans
the lesson? (strategies) will you implement to
4. Were the learners able to enhance teaching so that learners
answer your questions during will understand and enjoy it?
and after the lesson?

LESSON 4: Forming simple sentences 191

• Use pictures to explain the meanings

Content Standards further. Let them read the words
K1.7.1.1 Demonstrate understanding several times.
of different ways we connect and
communicate with the global world. Activity 2
• Play “pick and read”. If you pick a
Indicator word, you mention it and the whole
K1. Use vocabulary leant to class repeats the word after you.
form simple sentences in real life
situation. Activity 3
• Put learners into groups of four. Give
Learning Outcome them word cards. Let them form
♦♦ Learners will be able to use simple sentences with them. Write
keywords learnt to form words. some on the board.
Essential for Learning 1 I like the red car.
Learners can use letters to form 2 There are some goods in the
sentences. ship.
3 I want to travel to America with
New word aeroplane.
Vocabulary, sentence. 4 Mummy will buy me toffee.

Resources Review Exercise

Sentences cards, word cards, letter Have learners role-play how
cards. neighbouring countries buy and sell

Warming up Assessment for Learning

Let learners sing a song on Refer learners to Practice 1 on page 191
transportation of the Workbook for exercises.

Main Activities Answers to exercises in the Workbook

Activity 1 Practice 1
• Write the key words on the board. Learners read and trace.
1 Aeroplane
2 Ship
3 Train
4 Car
5 Buy
6 Sell

Diagnostic Assessment 5. Did the learners ask you
The diagnostic assessment will enable questions during and after the
you the teacher assess yourself and lesson?
know whether the lesson was successful 6. Were learners able to do the
or not. exercises at the end of the
In other words, you have to “TRAP” the 7. Reflect on three things you did
lesson taught. very well.
T: Teach: Teach a lesson. 8. How are you going to build on
R: Reflect: Reflect on the lesson this achievement in subsequent
taught from the introduction to the lessons?
conclusion. 9. Reflect on two challenges
A: Analyse: Analyse by asking you faced when teaching the
yourself the following questions: lesson.
1. How did the lesson go? 10. How are you going to rectify
2. Was the introduction catchy? these in subsequent lessons?
3. Were you able to catch the P: Plan: If you get the chance to
learners’ attention throughout teach the same lesson, what plans
the lesson? (strategies) will you implement to
4. Were the learners able to enhance teaching so that learners
answer your questions during will understand and enjoy it?
and after the lesson?


A Blend to mix (things) thoroughly and

Accident a sudden event (such as a usually with good results
crash) that is not planned or intended
and that causes damage or injury Blow to exert air from one’s mouth

Aeroplane a machine that has wings Blowing expelling air through the
and an engine and that flies through mouth or nose
the air
Book sheets of paper bound together
Air the invisible mixture of gases between two covers. These pages can
(such as nitrogen and oxygen) that be blank or can have textor pictures on
surrounds the Earth that people and them
animals breathe
Bottom the lowest or deepest part of
Alphabet the letters of a language something
arranged in their usual order
Boy a male child or teenager
Artificial made by human beings
Bread a baked food made from a
Author the writer of a book, play, mixture of flour and water
story, or other written work
Breathing the act or process of
B inhaling and exhaling air.
Back page the back part of the cover
of a book, magazine, etc. Brush an act of cleaning or
smoothing something with a brush
Banku a Ghanaian dish which is
cooked by a proportionate mixture of Bush A woody plant distinguished
fermented corn and cassava dough from a tree by its multiple stems and
in hot water into a smooth, whitish lower height,
paste, served with soup, okra stew or a
pepper sauce with fish Buy to get (something) by paying
money for it
Bath the act of washing the body in
order to clean, refresh, or heal C
Carpenter a person who builds or
Beginning the point or time at which repairs houses and other things made
something begins of wood

Birthday the day when someone was Celebration a party or other special
born or the anniversary of that day event that you have for an important
occasion, holiday, etc.


Chairman the person (especially a Cooling removal of heat, usually

man) who is in charge of a meeting, resulting in a lower temperature
committee, event, company or
organisation Country an area of land that is
controlled by its own government
Chief the person who is the leader of
a group of people Creator a person or thing that brings
something into existence; sometimes
Christianity the religion that is used as a name for God
based on the teachings of Jesus Christ
Christians a person who believes in Dark having little or no light.
the teachings of Jesus Christ
Day the period between sunrise and
Church a building that is used for sunset.
Christian religious services
Decode to find or understand the true
Classmate a person in the same or hidden meaning of (something)
class as another at a school
Diddle to move with short rapid
Clayey containing a lot of clay motions

Clean free from dirt, marks, etc Die to stop living

Cloudy having many clouds in the Different not the same; not alike
Dirty not clean
Common sound sound that can be
easily detected in a word Dislike to not like something or
Community a group of people who
live in the same area (such as a city, Domestic of or related to the home or
town, or neighbourhood) family

Condition the state in which Domestic animals an animal living

something exists with people bred or trained to need and
accept the care of human beings
Cookie sweet baked food that is
usually small, flat, and round and is
made from flour and sugar

Cooking the act or process of

preparing food or meals


E Fanning cooling (someone or

Eat to put into the mouth, chew, and something) by waving an object to
swallow create a current of air
Echo-reading an innovative concept
in which the educator reads a phrase Faraway very distant
or paragraph, and then the student
repeats it back to the educator Fertile able to support the growth of
many plants
Electricity a form of energy that is
carried through wires and is used to Festival a special time or event when
operate machines, lights, etc. people gather to celebrate something

Element a particular part of Fetish Priest a person who serves

something as a mediator between the spirit and
the living
Ending sounds sounds that make up
the end part of words Fiddle a violin or similar instrument

Environment all the things together Fingernail a hard, clear piece that
that surround animals and humans in grows at the end of the finger
the natural world, including the air, the
water and soil Fisherman someone who catches
fish either as a sport or as a way to
Experiment a carefully planned test make a living
used to discover something unknown
Fishmonger one who sells fish for
Extended family a large group of consumption
relatives related by blood, marriage,
or adoption who compose a single Flag a piece of cloth with a special
household or live close to each other. design that is used as a symbol of a
nation or group
Fair having a light skin color Food anything that contains nutrients
and is eaten by living creatures in
Falling dropping downward from a order to maintain life, health and
higher place growth

Family a group made up of a parent Forest a large area of land covered

or parents and their children with many trees and other plants

Family members people who belong Forgive to stop feeling anger toward
to a (particular) family someone who has done something


Formal following accepted rules for Good manners polite or well-bred

doing something social behaviour

Front cover the front part of the

cover of a book, magazine, etc. Good morning expressing good
wishes on meeting or parting during
Fruit the part of a plant that has the morning
seeds and flesh, such as apple or
strawberry. Most fruits are sweet and Greeting an expression of good
can be eaten raw wishes

Function the purpose or role that a Grow to become larger by natural

thing or a person fulfills development

Garden an area of ground where Head teacher the person who is in
plants such as flowers or vegetables charge of a school
are grown
Hear to be aware of sound through
Gardening the activity of tending and the ear
cultivating a garden, especially as a
pastime History the study of past events

Girl a female child or teenager Hospital a place where sick or

injured people are given care or
Give birth when a woman gives birth, treatment and where children are often
she produces a baby from her body born

God the perfect and all-powerful spirit Hunt to search for something or
or being that is worshipped especially someone very carefully and thoroughly
by Christians, Jews, and Muslims as
the one who created and rules the Hygiene the things that you do to
universe keep yourself and your surroundings
clean in order to maintain good health
Good afternoon expressing good
wishes on meeting or parting in the I
afternoon Illustrations pictures or drawings
used to explain or decorate a book or
Good evening expressing good other written material.
wishes on meeting or parting during
the evening Illustrator a person who draws or
creates pictures for magazines, books,
advertising, etc.


Imam a Muslim religious leader Lantern a case or container that is

made of a material through which a
Important having serious meaning or light can shine and be protected
Leader someone who guides other
Independence freedom from outside people
Leaves the usually green, flat parts
Informal done in a way that is not of a plant or tree that grow from the
especially careful or scientific stem or branch
Initial the beginning of something
Left located on the same side of your
body as your heart
Initial sound sounds that make up
the beginning part of words
Letter-sounds relationship
Interact to talk or do things with other between the letters and their
people corresponding sounds

K Light the form of energy that makes

Keyword a word that is used to find it possible to see things the brightness
information in a piece of writing, in a produced by the sun, by fire, by a
computer document, or on the Internet lamp, etc.

Kick to hit someone or something Likes the things that you enjoy
with your foot
Living things things that are now or
Kitchen a room in which food is once were alive
Loamy denoting a rich, easily
Kite a toy that is made of a light crumbled soil made up of silt, sand,
frame covered with cloth, paper, or clay, and organic matter that is good
plastic and that is flown in the air at the for growing plants
end of a long string
Love strong feelings of affection for
Kitten a young cat another person
Lagoon a shallow body of salt water
by the sea

Lake a large body of fresh or salt

water that is surrounded on all sides
by land


M Natural existing in nature and not

Map of Ghana a picture or chart that made or caused by people
shows the rivers, mountains, streets,
etc. in Ghana Night the hours of darkness between
sunset and dawn
Mapping the act or process of
making a map Non-living things things that were
never alive. They cannot grow, move,
Market a place where goods are sold breathe and reproduce
Medicine a drug or other substance Nuclear family a couple and their
used to treat a disease, injury, pain, or
dependent children regarded as a
other symptoms
basic social unit.
Message spoken or written
information sent from one person or
group to another Obedient willing to do what
someone tells you to do or to follow a
Middle sounds sounds that make up law, rule, etc
the middle part of words
Obey to do what someone tells you
Misbehave to act badly to do or what a rule, law, etc. says you
must do
Moon the large round object that
circles the Earth and that shines at Occupation the work that a person
night by reflecting light from the sun does; a persons job or profession

Moral values the standards of good Origin the point or place where
and evil, which govern an individual’s something begins or is created
behaviour and choices
Muslim a person whose religion is Palace the official home of a king,
Islam queen, president, etc.

Mosque a building that is used for Peace a state of freedom from war or
Muslim religious services conflict.
N Permission consent from an
Nail cutter a hand tool used to trim
authority to do something
fingernails and toenails
Plant a living thing that grows in the
National anthem a song that praises
a particular country and that is officially ground, usually has leaves or flowers,
accepted as the country’s song and needs sun and water to survive


Please an expression used to ask for Religious values the beliefs and
something in a polite way practices which people who follow a
religion partake in
Police station a place where local
police officers work Resource person a person with
expertise in a certain area who may be
Position the place where someone called upon as necessary to perform a
or something is in relation to other task or provide information.
people or things
Respect the state or condition
Positive a good and desirable quality of being thought of with honour or
Post office a building where the mail
for a local area is sent and received Responsibilities a duties or tasks
that you are required or expected to do
Predict to say that something will or
might happen in the future Retell to tell a story again especially
in a different way
Profession a type of job that requires
special education, training, or skill Rhyme a poem, often short and
amusing, that uses words that ends
Protect to keep someone or with the same or almost the same
something from being harmed, lost, sound at the end of each lines
Right located on the side of the
Protection the state of being kept human body that is opposite where the
from harm, loss, etc heart is

R Role a part played by a person or

Raincoat a coat that repels water to thing
keep a person dry when it is raining
Role-play an activity in which people
Rainy with a lot of rain do and say things while pretending to
be someone else or while pretending
Region a part of a country, of the to be in a particular situation
world, etc. that is different or separate
from other parts in some way Root the part of a plant that grows
underground, gets water from the
Religion an organised system of ground and holds the plant in place
beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to
worship a god or a group of gods Rules and regulations legal
guidelines or instructions of doing
something correctly


S Source the start or cause of

Safety measures activities something
and precautions taken to
improve safety Spoon a tool with a small, shallow
bowl at the end of a handle, used for
Safety freedom from harm or danger eating, stirring, serving or measuring.

Sand tiny, loose grains of ground Stem the main long and thin part of
rock, found on beaches and in deserts a plant that rises above the soil and
supports the leaves and flowers
Selling giving or handing over
something in exchange for money. Story a description of how something
Sentence a group of words that
expresses a statement, question, Strangers someone you have not
command, or wish met before or do not know

Shade an area of darkness that is Stream a natural flow of water that is

produced when something blocks the smaller than a river
light of the sun
Stress to place importance on or give
Short having little height or length special attention to

Shrine a sacred place or object that Sunny having plenty of bright

is devoted to a holy person or god sunlight

Sickness unhealthy condition of Syllable any one of the parts into

body or mind which a word is naturally divided when
it is pronounced
Sight words words that we teach our
young readers to know from memory T
Tall greater in height than the
Similar almost the same as someone average person, building, etc.
or something else
Target sound the sound which is
Smell the quality of a thing that you specifically selected to be practiced by
can sense with your nose the child

Soil the top layer of earth in which Target word the word that is meant
plants grow to appear in the answer to a question
or that is meant to be elicited from the
Sound something that is heard student or that is meant to be taught in
the lesson segment


Teacher a person whose job is to V

teach students about certain subjects Vocabulary the words that make up
a language
Thank you used to politely express
gratitude at being given or offered W
something such as a gift, service, Wash to clean (something) with water
opportunity or compliment. and usually soap
Watering pouring water on to plants
Tool an instrument that is usually or the soil that they are growing in
held with the hands and helps one to
do something Weather the state of the air and
atmosphere at a particular time and
Toothbrush a brush with a short, place
narrow head and a long handle used
to clean the teeth Wild animals animals that have not
been domesticated or tamed and are
Toothpaste a paste used to clean the usually live in a natural environment
Windy having a great amount of wind
Top the highest area, point, or
surface Words a sound, group of sounds, or
the symbols for such sounds in writing
Trace to follow the track or trail of that have some meaning. Words are a
basic unit of language.
Train a connected series of railroad
cars. Worship to show respect and love for
God or for a god especially by praying,
Transport to carry someone or having religious services, etc.
something from one place to another
Writer someone whose work is to
Treasure something that is very write books, poems, stories, etc.
special, important or valuable

Unique very special or unusual


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