Res 2002-034

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Republic ut the Philipzcues Departinent of the Intevio NATIONAL POLIC City of RUSOLLTION NO. 002-074 i TUn AMENDING NAPOLCOM RESOLUTION NO. 97-215 AND IMULEMENTIN e STAVE IMM ETATELY PROVISIONS OF SECTIONS 11, 21 AND 33. OF [eA 8551 EF WHEREAS, pursuant t9 Seotion 14 (4) of Republi Av: No. $551, effective Mave 6 1998, the smisiosi educational requirement for the ranks of POY wp ta $PO9 is a format byccalawente degree from a vecoynizel learning institorion, WHEREAS, the above provision amered the previous educational requiteniem stated GWNAPOLCOM Resolution No. 97-213, dated December 5, 1997, which requifed at least two (@ aud (3) years of studies in Cotlege 1o be eligibte for appointinent as BOL and promotion to P02 upto SPO, respevsively, WHEREAS, Section 32 of RA 0979, a6 umended by Section 21 of RA 8551, provides aduutister the entrance and promotional examinations Jintthe National Police Commission s fix policornen ou the basis ofthe stazctds sot by Lae Commission, WHEREAS, Section 38(a) of RA 6975, as amended By Seetion 33 wf RA 8351, also provides that “A uniformed mesuter of Uke PNP shall od be eligible for proniotion Jo a ghee I the correspundiays. psometional paskion or rink anless he or she bas sucessCully pa sraminaiion given by the Commission, or the Bar, or the corzespanding beard examinations for (eliical serves and otter protessians viutiun issed ui Seplembor 25, 2001, cule WIEREAS, the Supreme Cour, ian ve vith tinstty, in favor of the NAPOLCUM as she govennnent body munidated by fay ty conduct ponotivdat examinations forthe Philippine National Polis, WHEREAS, CSC vigibilites voquiscd Kor promotion up do Superintendent have aw sean replaced with NAPOLCOM cligitiies, ye Page 2/4 of Resoltinn No. pom2-0 54 NOW, THEREFORE, the Commission, puisuant 10 its constitutional mandate to administer and contol the PNP, HAS RESOLVED to anwend as it hereby amends the qutitication standards (or appointnent/pronotios ia the PNP ranks as shown below. BE IT RESOLVAD PURTHER that the eligibility requirement for the ranks of Senior Superintendent upto Director General shall take ele cre ane nice icBSh Pir waa i a | | ‘supistensen 2 Yasha dene [aierapacor i [Pint owes [Praesens ADOPTED this bth na ssonr3 07 bx 2H Pan) cy tay of Huron in he Year ‘Two Thousand ani Two in Makati City, Metso Manila, Philippines: Cay (fst, brandi, Chairman, NAYOLCOM bila h_ OGIO NAUIRKZA, ee-Chainnian & Executive Ollicer 78

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