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Bleaching of eucalyptus kraft pulps

with chlorine dioxide: Factors affecting
the efficiency of the final D stage

ABSTRACT: We investigated the bleaching efficiency of the final chlorine dioxide (D2) stage in the D0(EP)D1D2
bleaching sequence, focusing on the effect of pH in relation to the bleaching history of pulp samples. The samples
used were unbleached kraft Eucalyptus grandis pulps with kappa no. 14.8 and the same pulp oxygen-delignified to
kappa nos. 12 and 9.8. The samples were bleached according to the D0(EP)D1 sequence to a brightness of about 86%
ISO and then submitted to the final D2 stage under identical conditions (e.g., chlorine dioxide charge, time, tempera-
ture, and final pH). The target final brightness was 90.5% ISO. Changes in the kappa number, brightness, viscosity,
and contents of hexenuronic acid, 4-O-methylglucuronic acid, and the total amount of carboxylic acid (COOH) groups
in pulps were monitored during the bleaching sequence. The final brightness of eucalyptus kraft pulps increased
when the terminal pH of the D2 stage was raised from 3.0 to 6.5. The 90.5% ISO target brightness in the D2 stage was
achieved for all pulps within a pH range of 4.5–6.5, but this required adjusting final pH for individual samples. The
optimal pH value with respect to pulp viscosity was between 3 and 5. Despite dissimilar conditions applied in previ-
ous bleaching stages, the samples after the D1 stage revealed similar residual lignin contents as shown by kappa
number analysis. The content of hexenuronic acid in the samples, however, varied broadly, from 2 to 26 mmol/kg.
Conductometric titration showed different amounts of carboxylic acid groups in pulps after the D1 stage, of which
hexenuronic acid accounted for only a minor part. The variations in the fiber charge resulted from the different
bleaching conditions applied before the D2 stage. The fiber charge affected the alkali demand in the final D2 stage,
whereas variations in the alkali demand affected the initial pH and associated process kinetics. Lower total fiber
charge was found to be beneficial for improved final brightening and viscosity when bleached at higher final pH.
Application: This study will help pulp mill engineers to better understand how a pulp’s oxidative history may
affect the process kinetics in the final D bleaching stage. Fiber charge is important when selecting optimal pH for the
final brightening of eucalyptus kraft pulps.

ucalyptus kraft pulps are the most important source liness with a moderate demand for chemicals. In addition to
E of bleached pulp in the world and market demand is
growing constantly [1]. Bleached eucalyptus kraft pulps
producing fewer chlorinated phenols and AOX compared to
chlorine bleaching, ClO2 is an efficient delignification agent
are largely used to manufacture tissue and printing and with high selectivity toward lignin, thus resulting in a high
writing (P&W) paper grades. The fundamental feature of carbohydrate yield in pulp [7]. However, ever-increasing de-
modern eucalyptus brown stock pulp is the high content mand for paper with very high brightness and high brightness
of hexenuronic acids (HexA), which is mostly responsible stability requires further development of bleaching technolo-
for the kappa number in eucalyptus kraft pulps entering gies. Other factors that necessitate continuing improvements
the bleaching plant [2]. HexA also reacts with chlorine are bleaching chemical demand, bleaching yield, pulp quality
dioxide (ClO2) and/or its intermediates, thereby influenc- for a specific end-use, water consumption, and effluent load
ing the bleachability [3, 4] and the formation of organic including AOX level.
chlorine compounds (AOX) [5]. The presence of HexA in The efficiency and kinetics of chlorine dioxide delignifica-
fully bleached pulps has a negative effect on the brightness tion have been studied extensively, and the optimum condi-
stability [6]. tions have been identified [8–10]. Generally, ClO2 reacts with
The standard brightness for market pulp nowadays is 90.5% phenolic lignin end groups either by oxidative ring opening,
ISO. Four-stage elemental chlorine-free (ECF) bleaching se- which affords muconic acid structures, or by demethylation,
quences of the D0 (EOP)DD and D0 (EOP)DP types usually which affords quinine structure [10–17]. The result is a mod-
guarantee a brightness above 90% ISO for eucalyptus kraft ified lignin with partly oxidized aromatic rings. Subsequently,
pulps [1]. ECF bleaching, which is based on chlorine dioxide, the modified lignin is solubilized and removed in the extrac-
allows production of kraft pulps that meet the highest require- tion stage. The difficulties with the complete removal of re-
ments for strength, brightness, brightness stability, and clean- sidual lignin from the pulp could be related to lignin-carbohy-
MARCH 2012 | VOL. 11 NO. 3 | TAPPI JOURNAL 43
drate complexes (LCC). Despite substantial
amounts of carboxylic groups forming in lignin
by oxidative treatments, the chemical bonds
between lignin and carbohydrates likely pre-
vent dissolution of the residual lignin from the
pulp during bleaching [18, 19].
The last and most difficult-to-achieve bright-
ness points are gained in the final stage of a
bleaching sequence by removing the remaining
lignin and destroying any chromophores per-
sisting in the pulp after previous treatment. The
exact chemical structures of the remaining
chromophores in bleached pulps are not 1. Sample generation scheme.
known, as their low concentration complicates isolation or in
situ analysis. The question of whether they are of lignin or Teflon, and heated in a polyethylene glycol bath under rotation
carbohydrate origin is still a matter of debate. In some studies, using the following conditions: 90 min reaction time, 12%
high amounts of hydroxyl-quinone structures have been de- pulp consistency, 0.7 MPa oxygen pressure at a reaction
tected in both chlorine dioxide- and hydrogen peroxide– temperature of 95ºC. The sodium hydroxide (NaOH) charge
bleached pulps [17, 20–22]. Such compounds are resistant to was 15 kg/o.d. ton of pulp. A solution of magnesium sulfate
the typical bleaching agents and are believed to be responsible (MgSO 4) was added to each sample in the amount
for the current brightness ceiling. The subsequent brightness corresponding to 0.5% MgSO4/o.d. ton pulp to protect
development and bleachability of a pulp could be greatly in- carbohydrates in the pulp sample from degradation. This
fluenced by its previous pulping and bleaching history [10]. resulted in laboratory oxygen-delignified pulp with kappa no.
The outcome of chlorine dioxide bleaching is highly de- 9.8 (Lab O2, Fig. 1) and brightness of 60.3% ISO.
pendent on pH, as it will affect the proportions of reactive Unbleached and oxygen-delignified pulps were further
species present in the bleaching liquor and the set of reaction subjected to a D0 (EP)D1 bleaching sequence. The bleaching
pathways. The objective of the final D2 stage is to brighten the stages were performed in polyethylene bags placed in a water
pulp, which requires a different chemistry than the earlier bath preheated to the required temperatures. The sample gen-
chlorine dioxide bleaching stages. As a result, the typical op- eration scheme is shown in Fig. 1.
timal conditions (e.g., pH, reaction time, and temperature) for Bleaching trials with smaller samples were carried out to
the D2 stage are different from the D0 stage [10, 23]. find the optimal bleaching parameters so that brightness of
Our goal was to obtain a better understanding of the im- 86% ISO was achieved after the D1 stage (Table I). The same
portant factors that determine the bleaching efficiency of the bleaching protocols were followed for the production of larg-
final chlorine dioxide stage when bleaching modern eucalyp- er samples to provide sufficient material for the study of the
tus kraft pulps to high brightness. We investigated the effi- role of final pH on brightness development.
ciency of the final D stage in the D0 (EP)D1D2 sequence as a The samples bleached according to the D0 (EP)D1 bleach-
function of final pH; it is discussed in relation to the bleaching ing sequence in the laboratory, together with a sample col-
history of the pulp. lected at the mill after the first D1 stage in a DHT(EOP)D1D2
bleaching sequence, were subjected to the final D2 bleaching
EXPERIMENTAL using identical conditions: 80ºC, 180 min., 7 kg/o.d. ton of ac-
Materials tive chlorine (aCl). The final pH varied between 3 and 10. The
An unbleached industrial hardwood kraft pulp (Eucalyptus target brightness after the D2 stage was 90.5% ISO.
grandis, South America) with kappa no. 14.8 and brightness The following standard methods were used: ISO 5351:2004
of 40.2% ISO and an industrial oxygen-delignified pulp (“Pulps—determination of limiting viscosity number in cupri-
(E. grandis, South America) with kappa no. 12 and brightness ethylenediamine [CED] solution”) for viscosity; ISO 302
of 55.8% ISO were used in this study. The pulps were stored (“Pulps—Determination of kappa number”) for kappa num-
cold (4ºC) before use. Chlorine dioxide and hydrogen perox- ber; and ISO 2470:1999 (“Paper, board and pulps—Measure-
ide (H2O2) were provided by Eka Chemicals AB (Bohus, Swe- ment of diffuse blue reflectance factor [ISO brightness]) for
den). All other chemicals used in this study were of analytical brightness measurements. The HexA content in pulp samples
grade. was determined using the method of Gellerstedt and Li [24].
The contribution to the kappa number from hexenuronic acid
Methods groups in pulp xylan was calculated using the method of Li
Part of the industrial unbleached pulp was subjected to and Gellerstedt [25]. The conductometric titration method of
oxygen delignification in the laboratory. The reaction was Katz et al. [26] was used to determine the amount of carbox-
performed in stainless steel autoclaves, internally coated with yl groups in the D1 pulps. The lignin kappa number was cal-
44 TAPPI JOURNAL | VOL. 11 NO. 3 | MARCH 2012

Bleaching stage D0 (EP) D1

Pulp samples* 15L 12L 10L-1 10L-2 15L 12L 10L-1 10L-2 15L 12L 10L-1 10L-2

Kappa factor 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 - - - - - - - -

ClO2, kg/o.d. ton aCl 29.6 12 10 10 - - - - 20 12 12 12

H2SO4, kg/o.d. ton - 1.6 - 4 - - - - - - - -

NaOH, kg/o.d. ton 6 - - - 8 8 6 6 3.5 0.25 - -

H2O2, kg/o.d. ton - - - - 2.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 - - - -

Pulp consistency, % 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Time, min 50 45 50 50 60 60 60 60 120 120 120 120

Temperature, ºC 60 60 60 60 120 120 120 120 80 80 80 80

Terminal pH 3.1 3.2 6.3 3.5 11.1 11.0 11.5 11.4 3.3 3.4 3.8 3.4

*Sample designations are shown in Fig. 1.

I. Optimized bleaching conditions for the D0(EP)D1 laboratory bleaching sequence to obtain 86% ISO brightness.

culated as the difference between the standard kappa number ness stability [6].
and the kappa number from HexA. The uronic acid units in For the pulp samples bleached in the laboratory, the tradi-
pulp samples were quantified by methanolysis according to tional D0 stage with varying ClO2 charge was applied (see
the modified procedure of Li et al. [27]. Table I for conditions), whereas the industrial pulp was delig-
nified using the DHT stage performed at high temperature
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS (90ºC) and for a longer time.
D0(EP)D1 and DHT(EOP)D1 bleaching The kappa factor for the D0 stage was 0.1 for the oxygen-
Brightness, viscosity, and kappa number composition prebleached samples. The 15L pulp, which was directly sub-
Figure 2 shows the composition of the measured kappa jected to ECF bleaching, required a higher ClO2 charge and a
number—lignin and HexA—of the original E. grandis pulp kappa factor of 0.2 was applied. The change in contents of
samples used in the study. Hexenuronic acid accounts for up lignin and HexA for each stage was used to monitor the prog-
to 50%–60% of kappa number and must be considered during ress in bleaching in parallel to the brightness development
the bleaching with ClO2 as it consumes the bleaching chemi- (Table II).
cal [28]. At the same time, the presence of HexA is undesirable The degree of lignin removal after the extraction stages
in the fully bleached pulps due to its negative effect on bright- ([EP] or [EOP]) was calculated as a change in the lignin kappa
number. For the 15L pulp, with a higher kappa factor (0.2) in
the D0 stage, the degree of lignin removal was 72%. The de-
crease in lignin content was similar for 10L-2 and 12L samples
and was 68% and 69%, respectively. For the pulp 15L, the ex-
cess of ClO2 charged in D0 was consumed in reactions with
HexA (the content of which decreased by 69%). The HexA
content decreased by only 22% and 24% in the oxygen pre-
bleached samples 10L-2 and 12L, respectively. For the pulp
10L-1, 18% of HexA was still removed despite the high final
pH (6.3) in the D0 stage. This confirms the conclusion that
HexA can be oxidized in the D0 stage even at pH values above
4 [29]. On the other hand, for this pulp (10L-1) only 32% lignin
was removed as a result of higher-than-optimal pH.
The first DHT chlorine dioxide stage in the industrial ECF
bleaching sequence (12M) showed superior efficiency in re-
2. Kappa number composition of the original pulp samples: moving both lignin and HexA. As much as 83% of the lignin
Eucalyptus grandis unbleached (15L/Un, brightness 40.2% ISO), and 84% of the HexA had already been removed after the
oxygen delignified at the mill (12M/O-del., 55.8% ISO) and DHT(EOP) stage, bringing the kappa number down to 2.0.
oxygen delignified in the laboratory (10L/O-del., 60.3 % ISO). All oxygen-delignified samples required a similar charge
MARCH 2012 | VOL. 11 NO. 3 | TAPPI JOURNAL 45

Residual Lignin
Bleaching Kappa Brightness Viscosity
Sample Kappa (corrected kappa
Stage Number (% ISO) (dm3/kg)
µmol/g Number number)
Un 14.8 85.3 7.4 7.4 40.2 1315
D0 6.5 26.15 2.3 4.2 58.4 1242
15L (EP) 4.4 27.2 2.3 2.1 73.6 1132
D1 1.1 2.35 0.2 0.9 86.0 1087
D2 0.6 - - 0.6 90.5 1077
O 9.8 69.65 6.0 3.8 60.3 1130
D0 7.7 56.94 4.9 2.8 76.1 1077
10L-1 (EP) 7.5 57.64 4.9 2.6 81.8 1104
D1 3.2 25.67 2.2 1.0 86.3 996
D2 1.8 12.9 1.1 0.7 89.8 976
O 9.8 69.65 6.0 3.8 60.3 1130
D0 7.0 54.59 4.7 2.3 74.9 1085
10L-2 (EP) 5.9 55.04 4.7 1.2 81.4 1013
D1 2.7 19.59 1.7 1.0 86.4 965
D2 1.4 8.5 0.7 0.7 90.3 949
O 12 72.2 6.2 5.8 55.8 1195
D0 7.9 54.6 4.7 3.2 66.8 n/a
12L (EP) 6.5 54.6 4.7 1.8 80.2 994
D1 2.9 22.9 2.0 0.9 86.5 968
D2 1.1 6.5 0.6 0.5 90.0 937
O 12.0 72.2 6.2 5.8 55.8 1195
DHT 2.0 11.5 1.0 1.0 74.2 n/a
12M (EOP) 2.0 11.0 1.0 1.0 79.3 946
D1 1.8 12.0 1.0 0.8 86.4 914
D2 0.7 3.68 0.3 0.4 90.8 904
*10 µmol of HexA corresponds to 0.86 kappa units [24].

II. Results of laboratory bleaching according to the D0(EP)D1D2 bleaching sequence. The final pH in D2 stage was around 4.5 for all
samples. The 12M sample was bleached according to DHT(EOP)D1 at the mill before D2 stage.

of chlorine dioxide (12 kg aCl/o.d. ton) in the D1 stage to reach The reaction of HexA with ClO2 in the D1 stage, on the other
a target brightness of 86% ISO (Tables I and II). For sample hand, depended directly on the chemical charge.
15L, bleached directly after the kraft cook, the charge of Approximately 91% HexA was removed from pulp for the 15L
20 kg aCl/o.d. ton was applied in D1 stage. sample bleached with 20 kg of ClO2. Pulp samples bleached
The focus of D1 stage is usually on brightness increase and with 12 kg aCl/o.d. ton (10L-1, 10L-2, and 12L) showed the
shive reduction, but some delignification takes place as well. same amount of HexA removal, roughly three kappa units
If present, HexA reacts with ClO2 throughout the entire (32–35 µmoll/g pulp), which corresponded to a content
bleaching sequence. In general, an ISO-unit brightness decrease of 55%–60%. For the industrial 12M sample having
increase of 4%–7% was achieved in the D1 stage in this study, quite low lignin and HexA content already after the extraction
but this brightness gain did not directly correlate with the stage, the main outcome of the D1 stage was the brightness
degree of delignification. The delignification rate was 17%, increase of 7.1% ISO units despite the moderate delignification
50%, and 62% for pulp samples 10L-2, 12L, and 10L-1, degree of 20%.
respectively, despite the identical ClO2 charge of 12 kg aCl/o.d. The viscosity of the pulp samples was affected negatively
ton in the D1 stage. For the 15L sample, only 57% of the lignin by the oxygen delignification treatment. The severity of the
present in the pulp was removed despite a much greater ClO2 viscosity loss depended on the degree of delignification
charge (20 kg aCl/o.d. ton). The varied reactivity of residual (Table II). Chlorine dioxide is known to be a very selective
lignin was a consequence of previous oxidative treatments. bleaching agent; the 15L samples bleached with ClO2 directly
46 TAPPI JOURNAL | VOL. 11 NO. 3 | MARCH 2012

3. Kappa number composition of pulp samples after D1 stage. 4. Terminal pH in D2 stage as a function of added NaOH or H2SO4
The brightness values for the samples 15L, 12L, 10L-1, 10L-2, and (amount of ClO2 used was 7 kg aCl/o.d. ton).
12M were 86.0, 86.5, 86.3, 86.4, and 86.4% ISO, respectively.
treatment [33]. In addition, oxidative treatments may lead to
after the kraft cook had higher viscosity throughout the entire the formation of carboxylic groups in carbohydrates at vary-
bleaching sequence (Table II). ing positions [34]. Therefore, the fact that the total fiber
The target brightness of 86% ISO after the D1 bleaching charge decreases as bleaching proceeds indicates that any
stage resulted in similar lignin content for all five samples, as carboxylic groups formed are effectively removed from the
measured by the kappa number method corrected to exclude pulp [35].
HexA contribution and in a range of 0.9–1.0 kappa number The xylan, containing acetyl and uronic acid groups, 4-O-
units. HexA content varied significantly, ranging between 0.2 methylglucoronic and hexenuronic acids, are usually consid-
and 2.2 kappa number units (corresponding to 2.4–25.7 ered to be major sources of carboxylic groups in unbleached
mmol/kg). As a result, the standard kappa nos. were between hardwood kraft pulps and especially eucalyptus pulps [36].
1.1 and 3.2 (Fig. 3). As can be seen in Fig. 3, the lignin content measured in kappa
number units was practically the same for all D1 bleached
Effect of bleaching on the fiber charge pulps, whereas the hexenuronic acid content varied signifi-
Accurate prediction of the pH in a D stage is important in pulp cantly. For bleached pulps, however, the difference in hexenu-
bleaching because concentrations and reactivity of the various ronic acid content did not correlate to the alkali demand. The
species formed from ClO2 are functions of pH. Traditionally, pulp 15L bleached according to the D0 (EP)D1D2 sequence
alkali is added to pulp to maintain a recommended final pH. directly after cooking had the lowest amount of HexA groups
This relationship is not that straightforward and requires pre- after the D1 stage but consumed similar amounts of NaOH as
liminary optimization because the type of pulp, chlorine di- the oxygen prebleached pulps (10L-1, 10L-2 and 12L), with up
oxide charge, and other parameters play a role [23]. to 10 times higher HexA content.
Different buffering properties of D1-bleached samples be- The fiber charge originating from lignin can be obtained by
came obvious when the amount of added NaOH or sulfuric subtracting the contributions to total fiber charge from methyl-
acid (H2SO4) was optimized to achieve a certain final pH in glucuronic and hexenuronic acid groups (Figs. 5 and 6). Cal-
the D2 stage. Figure 4 shows an obviously lower alkali de- culated in this way, the charge contribution of lignin in
mand for the industrial sample in comparison with the labo- bleached pulps in most cases appears to be higher than the
ratory-bleached samples. contribution from acid groups in xylan. This contradicts the
Such behavior is related to different amounts of charged general understanding that hexenuronic acid is the main
groups present in the samples. Previous research [19,30] has source of the negative charge in bleached eucalyptus pulps.
shown that unbleached kraft pulp fibers contain two types of However, at least some of the COOH attributed to the lignin
acidic groups with the dissociation constants pK1 ≈ 3.4 and fraction might also originate from oxidized polysaccharides.
pK2 ≈ 5.5. The lower pKa was assigned to ironic acids in xylan Indeed, Buchart et al. [37], in their study on the carboxylic
[31], whereas the weaker acid groups were associated with acid profiles during conventional and SuperBatch cooking,
the carboxylic groups in the residual lignin formed during attributed approximately 12 µmol/g carboxylic groups to the
alkaline pulping [32]. Both oxygen delignification and bleach- metasaccharinic acid formed during the cooking process. As
ing were shown to have a significant effect on the hydroxyl all bleached samples in our work originated from the same
and carboxyl groups content of residual lignin, with the num- brownstock pulp, it is logical to assume that the portion of
ber of phenolic hydroxyl groups steadily decreasing and the charge coming from the oxidized polysaccharides would be
number of carboxyl groups increasing during the course of similar for all of them. Additional oxidation of polysaccharides
MARCH 2012 | VOL. 11 NO. 3 | TAPPI JOURNAL 47

5. The total amount of carboxylic acid groups, 7. Final brightness of pulp samples after D2 stage.
4-O-methylglucuronic and hexenuronic acid groups in pulp
samples after D1 stage.
varying degrees of oxidation due to the differences in
bleaching history.

Final bleaching with ClO2 (D2 stage)

Efficiency of D2 stage as a function of bleaching history
Despite the different bleaching histories, all samples entering
the final D2 stage had similar brightness levels of about 86%
ISO. Our aim was to investigate the brightening response of
these five pulp samples in the final D2 stage when bleached
under identical conditions: chlorine dioxide charge of 7 kg
aCl/o.d. ton, temperature 80ºC, reaction time 120 min, and
final pH optimized at 4.5. The target final brightness was
90.5% ISO.
Of note, due to varying fiber charge of the samples, in prac-
tice different amounts of alkali had to be added to the bleach-
ing liquor to achieve the final pH 4.5 (from 1.5 kg/o.d. ton for
6. Fiber charge corresponding to xylan fraction (HexA+MeGlcA) the DHT(EOP)D1 sample to 3–3.5 kg/o.d. ton NaOH for labora-
and to lignin fraction for pulp samples after D1 stage (*includes
tory-bleached samples). It is logical to assume that these vari-
a contribution from oxidized polysaccharides).
ations in the alkali demand affected the initial pH and associ-
during the bleaching with chlorine dioxide was expected to ated process kinetics.
be moderate because chlorine dioxide reacts very slowly with As a result of bleaching under the above-mentioned condi-
polysaccharides [34]. This suggested conclusively that the tions, two pulp samples reached the target brightness—15L
major variation in the fiber charge for D2 samples seems to (90.5% ISO) and 12M (90.8% ISO). The other three samples
relate mostly to the content of acidic groups in residual lignin. had final brightness close to 90% ISO (Fig. 7). The actual
Although an oxygen prebleaching stage is known to oxi- brightness increase was very similar for 15L and 12M pulp
dize lignin [16], the pulp not oxygen delignified (15L) had the samples: 4.5% and 4.4% ISO units, respectively. The maximum
highest lignin contribution to fiber charge. The higher ClO2 difference in the bleaching efficiency was 1% ISO unit (Table
charge in the D0 stage could be one explanation. Lachenal and II and Fig. 7).
Chirat [38] showed that the reaction of ClO2 did not lead to Figure 8 shows that the content of both lignin and HexA
the same degree of lignin dissolution beyond a certain level decreased after the final bleaching stage. That means ClO2 and
of ClO2 consumption. It was suggested that excess ClO2 reacts other reactive species formed in the bleaching liquor were
with the already-oxidized lignin. The oxidation equivalent of consumed in the reactions with lignin, HexA, and chromo-
modified lignin is lower than for the phenolic units, leading phores present in pulp. The maximum lignin removal, as mea-
to the underestimation of the lignin content in the bleached sured by corrected kappa number, was in the range of only
pulps measured by the kappa number method [10, 17, 38, 39]. 30%–50%. A higher degree of delignification (45%–50%) was
A tentative conclusion we reached is that, despite the observed for samples that were oxygen prebleached to a high-
similar kappa number and brightness after the D1 stage, the er kappa no. 12. At the same time, HexA content decreased
pulp samples had different amounts of residual lignin with by 50%–60% despite the fact that the pH of bleaching liquor
48 TAPPI JOURNAL | VOL. 11 NO. 3 | MARCH 2012
pH immediately before ClO2 addition on the efficiency of the
final chlorine dioxide brightening stage [40]. The addition of
a high charge of NaOH at the beginning of the chlorine diox-
ide reaction was shown to cause some decomposition of ClO2
through the following reaction, Eq. (6):

2ClO2 + 2OH - → ClO2- + ClO3- + H2O (6)

The reaction becomes faster and the equilibrium shifts to the

right as the pH increases because of increased concentration
of hydroxyl ions. Therefore, in our study, the bleaching condi-
tions were not identical despite the similar final pH of 4.5 in
the D2 stage as the different amounts of NaOH were added
before ClO2. The bleaching liquor for the industrial sample
8. Kappa number composition of fully bleached pulp samples. 12M had a starting pH of 11.2 (1.5 kg/o.d. ton NaOH). Other
samples required 3–3.5 kg/o.d. ton of NaOH to achieve the
was quite high compared to the conditions for the first DHT or terminal pH 4.5 and the initial pH of bleaching solutions was
ordinary D0 stages. For sample 15L, with only a trace amount around 11.8–11.9. The lower initial pH of the bleaching solu-
of HexA after D1 stage, HexA removal was complete but it did tion for 12M probably contributed to the better brightening
not have a pronounced positive effect on the delignification, efficiency in D2 stage.
which was still only 35%.
The role of pH has been studied extensively for decades, Efficiency of D2 stage as a function of final pH
since the introduction of ClO2 into industrial bleaching in the The chemistry of chlorine dioxide bleaching is quite compli-
1950s. Despite some controversy regarding most of the sug- cated because many species, including chlorine, hypochlo-
gested mechanisms for chlorine dioxide bleaching, the main rous, chlorous, and chloric acids form as intermediates and
reactive species present in the liquor during the bleaching the exact composition of the bleaching liquor is a function of
process have been identified [8,10] (Eqs. [1–3]): pH. It has been assumed that maximum brightness is obtained
in the pH range where minimum loss of active bleaching
ClO2 + lignin → HClO2 + oxidized lignin (1) chemicals occurs [10]. The adjustment of pH limits the side
reactions leading to the formation of inactive compounds.
HClO2 + lignin → HClO + oxidized lignin (2) Traditionally, the optimum end pH for the brightening stage
with ClO2 was suggested to range from 3.5–4 because those
HClO + lignin → HCl + oxidized lignin terminal pH values reduce the amount of time undesirable
(and organochlorine) (3) pH-dependent reaction pathways are dominant during the
final stages of bleaching.
Inorganic species formed during the reaction of ClO2 with In modern industrial practice, the typical terminal pH for
pulp can also react with each other, regenerating the ClO2 or the final brightening stage of eucalyptus kraft pulp is 4.5–5.
forming the species that are unreactive with lignin and re- Milanez and Colodette have shown that the final D stage can
sponsible for the loss of oxidizing power of ClO2 (Eqs. [4,5]): be more efficient when operated at a pH as high as 5.5 [41].
Jiang and Berry recently suggested that near-neutral pH final
HClO + 2HClO2 → 2ClO2 + H2O + Cl- + H+ (4) chlorine dioxide brightening with final pH close to 6 was op-
timum for some bleaching sequences [42]. They explained
2HClO2 + HClO2 → ClO3 + H+ (5) the controversy in the various pH recommendations based on
the degradation of ClO2 at high starting concentration of hy-
The pH governs the proportion of each reactive component droxyl ions (Eq. [6]) and identified a leveled-out concentration
present in the solution. Of all active species (ClO2, HClO2, of OH- ions throughout the brightening stage as an important
HClO/Cl2) present during the bleaching, only hypochlorous parameter for improved bleaching efficiency. At near-neutral
acid (HClO) reacts with HexA. The consumption of this con- final pH, the best result was achieved by applying an appro-
stituent in reaction with HexA above a certain level would priate buffer to the system. At the same time, it was shown
affect the regeneration of ClO2 and the composition of the that with very low ClO2 charge in the final stage where the
bleaching liquor. For samples in the present study, the pres- alkali demand is lower, bleaching pulp under unbuffered con-
ence of HexA in amounts greater than 12 mmol/kg (1 kappa ditions could produce as good a result. Those observations
number unit) seemed to affect the brightness development in better explain the role of the type of pulp (fiber charge) and
the D2 stage negatively. chlorine dioxide charge in the relationship between the
Recent studies have paid attention to the effect of the initial added alkali and the optimal final pH in ClO2 bleaching.
MARCH 2012 | VOL. 11 NO. 3 | TAPPI JOURNAL 49
In the present study, the final pH in the D2 stage was varied
between 3 and 10 to investigate the role of pH in brightness
development and viscosity for fully bleached pulps
(Figs. 9 and 10). Figure 9 shows that in general for each
pulp, brightness increased as the final pH was increased from
3 to 6.5. The target brightness of 90.5% ISO after the D2 stage
could be achieved for each sample, but it required slightly
differing final pH values ranging from 4.5–6.5. However, if the
final pH was fixed, for instance at 4.5, the brightening effect
in the final D2 bleaching was not the same (Fig. 7). Final pH
between 3 and 5 was optimal with respect to viscosity for all
The main purpose of the final D2 stage is removal of chro-
mophores. In general, nucleophilic reagents are more effi-
cient in such reactions as they primarily attack positions in 9. Brightness as a function of final pH.
lignin carrying a positive charge, especially carbonyl carbon
atoms and β-(and δ) carbons at double bonds conjugated with rite has significantly better selectivity [23, 42]. The hypochlo-
carbonyl or carboxyl groups [34]. It has been suggested that rite formation seems to be responsible for the viscosity drop
ClO2- and ClO- are the main brightening reagents generated at higher final pH when a high alkali charge is required. Hart
in situ from chlorine dioxide at higher pH and, of these, chlo- and Connell, in their work on pH optimization in chlorine

NaOH Residual aCl

Pulp sample Final pH Brightness (% ISO)
(kg/o.d. ton) (kg/o.d. ton)

15L/D2-1 1 3.28 0 89.6

15L/D2-2 2 3.98 0.3 90.4
15L/D2-3 3 4.45 1.2 90.5
15L/D2-4 3.5 4.87 1.5 90.6
15L/D2-5 4 7.52 2.93 89.8
10L-1/D2-1 1 3.32 0 88.9
10L-1/D2-2 2 3.86 0.43 89.0
10L-1/D2-3 3 4.59 n/a 89.8
10L-1/D2-4 3.5 4.64 n/a 90.2
10L-1/D2-5 5 9.03 4.3 90.2
10L-2/D2-1 1 3.02 0 89.4
10L-2/D2-2 2 3.55 0 89.5
10L-2/D2-3 3 4 0 89.9
10L-2/D2-4 3.5 4.56 0.83 90.3
10L-2/D2-5 5 7.12 3.13 90.7
12L/D2-1 1.2 3.01 0 89.1
12L/D2-2 3.5 4.34 0.27 90.0
12L/D2-3 4.5 4.86 1.41 90.4
12L/D2-4 4.8 6.4 1.64 90.4
12L/D2-5 5 6.5 2.44 90.5
12M/D2-1 1.5 (H2SO4) 2.81 0 89.7
12M/D2-2 0 3.42 0.17 89.9
12M/D2-3 1 4.17 0 90.4
12M/D2-4 1.5 4.6 0 90.8
12M/D2-5 1.8 4.77 0.14 91.2
12M/D2-6 2.5 5.57 1.7 91.1
12M/D2-7 3 7.23 2.64 90.4
12M/D2-8 3.5 8.3 3.9 90.4
12M/D2-9 4 9.69 3.8 90.5

III. Conditions for the final D2 bleaching stage.

50 TAPPI JOURNAL | VOL. 11 NO. 3 | MARCH 2012

10. Viscosity as a function of final pH. 12. Residual lignin content as a function of final pH in D2 stage.

ion whereas chlorine that actually reacted with HexA present

below that pH. The behavior of residual lignin differed for
pulps bleached in the laboratory and in the mill. For
laboratory-bleached samples, brightening seemed to take
place rather than delignification. For the 12M sample using
less amount of alkali, both reactions took place, which
explained the higher efficiency of the final D2 stage, especially
at increased final pH.

• In chlorine dioxide bleaching, the brightness of eucalyptus
kraft pulps increased when pH was raised from 3 to 6.5. The
target brightness of 90.5% ISO in the D2 stage was achieved
for all pulps within a pH range of 4.5–6.5, but this required
11. Hexenuronic acid content in pulp as a function of final pH in adjusting the final pH for individual samples.
D2 stage. • Differences in bleaching conditions affected the number of
charged groups in fibers and specifically the contents of
dioxide bleaching, observed that maximum brightness tends HexA and carboxyl groups attached to lignin.
to occur at the pH that provides a measured ClO2 residual of • The fiber charge affected the alkali demand in the final D2
about 0.1–0.2 g/L (1–2 kg/o.d. ton) [23]. This residual at high- stage, whereas variations in the alkali demand affected the
er pH corresponds mainly to measured chlorite, indicating initial pH and associated process kinetics.
the importance of this specie in the brightening reactions. • Lower total fiber charge was beneficial for brightening
Our results showed that the presence of residual correlates efficiency and viscosity at higher final pH. TJ
well with increased brightness but the optimum concentra-
tion range differs for various pulps (Table III). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
The industrial sample 12M seemed to have better bleach- The authors acknowledge Eka Chemicals AB, Bohus, Sweden
ability and achieved the maximum brightness, above 91% ISO. for the initiation and financial support of the study and Profes-
From pulps used in this work, 12M pulp had lower incoming sor Ants Teder, Dr. Elisabet Brännvall, and Dr. Boris Zhmud
viscosity, but the viscosity drop during the final D2 stage was for their interest in the work and for fruitful discussions.
less significant at higher pH in comparison with other sam-
ples. This could be the result of lower initial pH due to less LITERATURE CITED
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The demand for eucalyptus kraft
pulp with very high brightness and
high brightness stability is increas-
ing while the cost efficiency, quality
of the product, and environmental
considerations are still major deci-
sion factors when choosing the best
bleaching technology. It is well
known that the outcome of bleach-
ing with chlorine dioxide is highly Sevastyanova Lindström Forsström Wackerberg
dependent on pH. The terminal pH
is used for the bleaching optimiza- eucalyptus pulps. The oxidation of residual lignin and
tion, and a certain amount of alkali is usually added to possible oxidation of cellulose during the previous
pulp to maintain an optimal terminal pH. It has been bleaching made a significant contribution to the total
previously reported that the optimum final pH ap- fiber charge. Such variations in the alkali demand
pears to be dependent on pulp composition and ClO2 affected the initial pH (11.2 versus 11.9) and associated
dosage. In practice, though, a number of dedicated process kinetics.
tests would need to be carried out at a pulp mill for We found that the pulp with the lowest fiber charge
each type of pulp to correlate the alkali charge with after D1 stage – and, as result, the lowest alkali
the final pH and brightness for achieving optimum demand – demonstrated the best bleaching efficiency
bleaching efficiency. Such optimization would need to and less viscosity drop at a higher final pH in D2 stage.
be done at a variety of ClO2 dosages. Therefore, fiber charge can be an important
We wanted to understand the link between the parameter when optimizing the alkali charge and
fiber charge, alkali demand, final pH, and the bright- choosing the optimal terminal pH for efficient chlorine
ness efficiency. The alkali demand for kraft pulps is dioxide bleaching.
affected by fiber charge and variations in fiber charge
result from the different cooking and bleaching condi- Sevastyanova is a research scientist in the Division of
tions applied before the final bleaching. To minimize Wood Chemistry and Pulp Technology and Lindström is
the number of variables, we worked with the same a professor of pulp technology and dean of the School
of Chemical Science and Engineering at KTH–The Royal
brown stock eucalyptus pulp, bleached according to
Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. Forsström
different conditions before the D2 stage.
is senior research engineer, bleaching and fiber, and
We did not expect to see a quite big difference in Wackerberg is section manager, bleaching and fiber,
the alkali demand for our samples after D1 stage, in product RD&I, at EKA Chemicals AB, Bohus, Sweden.
the range 1.5–3.0 NaOH kg/o.d. ton. Also, this did not Email Sevastyanova at
correlate with a number of hexenuronic acid groups in

52 TAPPI JOURNAL | VOL. 11 NO. 3 | MARCH 2012

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