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Material Safety Data Sheet

Health Safety Environment

Physical Properties

Appearance: Clear pale yellow liquid

PH: (1: 10 solution) 6 ct 2

Solubility: Dilution with 50% water does not exhibit any gel

Ionity : Anionic C- i v c ~ h ~ ~~h . ne ) k ?b

Density: (g/cm3) 0,975 - 0,990

Solidification : -5OC

Viscosity : a t 25OC S3 R50 1600 cp

Nature: Modified linear organic esters

Activity O/O : 60 rt 2

Moisture: 40 rt 2

Solid O/O: 4 1 rt 1
,P. ., ?

Shipping Jnfa

Hazardous ingredients: none

Hazards identification :

Eye : take care in handling and keep away from eyes.

Skin: I t hasn't any harm

Ingestion : As a chemical, I t is harmful for digestion system.

Inhalation: . IVo hazards at all but as it is in powder form, try not

t o inhale. '

Lahore: Falsalabad: Multan:

Nawa-I-Waqt Bullding, 2nd Floor, Room No. 325. Hotel East Inn, H-944, Rasool Pura Street # 01,
68-B, Slndhl Musllm Housing Society, 2-Block, New Multan, Multan, Pakistan.
Karachi-74400, Pakistan. 4-Fatima Jlnnah Road, Lahore. Paklatan. Shelkhupura Road, Falsalabad, Paklstan. ,

Tei: +82-42-636001816365098 Tel: +82-41-8780461/5504829 Tel: +92-61-6771862

Tel: +82-21-4315645-46 Cell: +92-300.8736565
Fax: +92-21-4315847-48 Fax: +92-42-6360018 Fax: +92-41-6780481
E-mall: E-mall: E-mail:
First Aid Measures

Inhalation: Leave the site

Ingestion : Rinse mouth with water several times. Give victim

plenty of water. DO NOT induce vomiting. obtain
medical assistance immediately. I f vomiting occurs
naturally, keep head lower than hips to prevent

Eyes: I n case of contact, immediately flush eyes with

plenty of water for a t least 15 minutes and get
medical attention.

Skin: Wash with water.

Fire & Explosion Data

Flammability: INon-Flammable ,

Special firefighting
procedures: Fire-fighters should wear self contained breathing
apparatus and full protective clothing when fighting
chemical fires.

Radioactivity Properties

This product has not any radioactivity effect.


Handling & Storage

Handling: Wash thoroughly after.handling. Avoid contact with

eyes. Avoid ingestion.

Storage requirements: Keep container tightly closed when not in use.

keep out of moisture.

Stability & Reactivity

Stability: Stable under normal conditions of use,

Karachl: Lahore: Falsalabad:
68-B. Sindhl Musllm Houslng Society, Nawa-l.Waqt Building, 2nd Floor, Room No. 325, Hotel East Inn, H-944, Rasool Pura Street # 01,
Karachi-74400, Pakistan. 4.Fatlma Jinnah Road, Lahore, Paklslan. Sheikhupura Road, Faisalabad. Pakistan. Z-Block, New Multan, Multan,.Pakistan.
Tel: +92-21.4315645-46 TeI: +92-42-636001916365098 Tel: +92-41-878046115504828 Tel: +92-61.6771662 .
Fax: +92-21.4315647-46 Fax: +92-42-6360019 Fax: +92-41-8780461 Cell: +92-300-8736565
E-mail: E-mall: E-mall: €.mall:
properties: Harmful i f swallowed.

Carcinogenicity:' ' This product is not classified, as a carcinogen 'in

accordance with COSHH Regulations.Control~o f
substances Hazardous t o Health.

Disposal Considerations

Waste disposal: Disposal should be made in accordance with EC,

na'tional and l,ocal regulations.

Contact Data ,.

Office: Tel: +92(21) 4315645 - 46 Fax: +92 '(21) 4315647-48 .

Immediate Contact: Mr. Owais Malik

Cell No: 92-300-8736585


Karachl: ~a'hore: Falsalabad:
Room No. 325, Hotel East Inn, H-944, Rasool Pura Slreet # 01,
88-0, Slndhl Musllm Housing Society. Nawa-l.Waqt Buildlng, 2nd floor,
4-Fatlma Jinnah Road, Lahore, Paklatan. Shelkhupura Road. Falsalabad. Paklatan. , Tel: +92-81.6771662
Z-Block, New Multan, Multan, Pakistan.
Karachi-74400, Pakistan.
Tel: +92-21-4315645-46 Tel: +92-42-836001916365096 Tel: +92-41-878046115504829
Fax: +S2-41-8780461 Cell: +92-300.8738585
Fax: +92-21-4315647-48 Fax: +92-4.2-6360019 E-mail:
E-mall: E-mail: E-mail:

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