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Proposal Oral Presentation Grading Rubric

Criteria Excellent = 4 points Satisfactory = 3 points Marginal = 2 points Unacceptable = 0 Comments Score
Introduction Introduction clearly Introduction stated with Introduction stated with Introduction not
stated and discussed. some discussion. minimal discussion. included.

Problem statement Problem clearly stated Problem stated with some Problem stated with Problem statement
and discussed. discussion. minimal discussion. not included.
Purpose/aims/objectives Purpose/ aims/ Purpose/ aims/ objectives Purpose/ aims/ Purpose/ aims/
objectives clearly stated. can be inferred but are objectives unclear. objectives not
not explicit. included.

Background Background and context Background and context Background and context Background not
of problem clearly stated of problem stated with of problem with minimal included.
and discussed some discussion. discussion.

Significance Significance clearly stated Significance stated with Significance implied but Significance not
Significance to health care, and discussed. some discussion. minimal discussion. included.
nursing, advanced practice

System or Population System/population System/population impact System/population System/ population

Impact impact clearly stated and stated with some impact stated with impact not
discussed. discussion. minimal discussion. included.
Synthesis • Comprehensive • Adequate appraisal of • Evidence is • Evidence not
Synthesis of Evidence appraisal of evidence. evidence. identified but not included
Appraisal • Evidence is • Evidence is analyzed analyzed.
Strengths/weaknesses synthesized. but not synthesized. • Discussion of
Gaps/limitations • Comprehensive • Adequate discussion of strengths,
discussion of strengths, weaknesses, weaknesses, gaps
strengths, gaps and limitations. and limitations is
weaknesses, gaps limited.
and limitations.
Proposal Oral Presentation Grading Rubric

Criteria Excellent = 4 points Satisfactory = 3 points Marginal = 2 points Unacceptable = 0 Comments Score
Concepts Concepts clearly Concepts identified, Concepts identified but Concepts not
Concepts/definitions identified and adequately defined. poorly defined. identified.
comprehensively defined.

Framework Conceptual framework Conceptual framework Conceptual framework Conceptual

Conceptual/theoretical comprehensively identified. Congruency identified. Congruency framework not
framework discussed in relation to between conceptual between conceptual identified.
purpose/aims/objectives. framework purpose/aims/ framework
objectives adequately purpose/aims/ objectives
articulated. poorly articulated.

Project Design • Project design • Project design • Project design does • Project design
supports identified marginally supports not support not identified.
problem. identified problem. identified problem.
• Project design is • Project design is • Project design has
comprehensive. sufficient but not limited or no logical
• Project design has comprehensive. flow.
logical flow. • Logical flow is
Data Collection Tools • Data collection • Data collection tools • Data collection • Data collection
tools adequately described. tools described. tools not
comprehensively • Tools selected relate • Tools selected described.
described. to project design. poorly relate to
• Tools selected project design.
appropriate to
project design.
Proposal Oral Presentation Grading Rubric

Criteria Excellent = 4 points Satisfactory = 3 points Marginal = 2 points Unacceptable = 0 Comments Score
Data Analysis • Plan for data • Plan for data analysis • Plan for data • Plan for data
analysis appropriate appropriate to analysis analysis not
to methodology. methodology. inappropriate to included.
• Plan for data analysis • Plan for data analysis methodology
comprehensively described. • Plan for data
described. analysis poorly
Resources Comprehensive Identification of resources Resources needed for Resources and
Needed/Budget identification of needed for project and project and proposed budget not
Justification resources needed for budget is included. budget incomplete. included.
project and budget is
Presentation Design Presentation is well‐ Presentation is somewhat Presentation poorly Presentation
organized. organized. organized. disorganized.

Slides Slides are clear, succinct Slides are generally clear, Slides are inconsistent in Slides are unclear
and demonstrate succinct and demonstrate clarity and quality. and poorly
professional quality. adequate quality. designed.

Oral Presentation Presenter has Presenter has professional Presenter has Presenter is
professional appearance appearance and professional appearance unprepared.
and demeanor, is well‐ demeanor, is somewhat and demeanor; is poorly
prepared and answers prepared; answers to prepared and has
questions skillfully. questions are incomplete. difficulty answering
Total 0
To calculate rubric score:
Total number of earned points in all sixteen categories / total number of possible points = grade percent
Example: 56/64 = .875 = 87.5% = B+ = 3.3
***All criteria must be met at the Marginal level or higher and a score greater than B‐/2.7 for student to progress.
Students must earn a B‐ or higher to progress within the DNP program.
Proposal Oral Presentation Grading Rubric

Criteria Excellent = 4 points Satisfactory = 3 points Marginal = 2 points Unacceptable = 0 Comments Score

All final course grades of X.5 or higher will be rounded to the next highest whole number (example: 89.5 would become 90, A‐).
A grade of X.49 would not round up (89.49 would remain a B+).

Grade Quality Points Grade Quality Points

97‐100 = A+ 4 80‐82 = B‐ 2.7
93‐96 = A 4 77‐79 = C+ 2.3
90‐92 = A‐ 3.7 73‐76 = C 2
87‐89 = B+ 3.3 70‐72 = C‐ 1.7
83‐86 = B 3 <69 = F 0

Revised 12/5/14

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