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Describe the picture

This is an image depicting the lecture hall of a university, which is a setting for
instruction and study. There are seven individuals in the photo—two boys and five girls
—in all. They appear to be in their 21s or 22s. They dress to appear fairly modern and
youthful. I guess they are working in groups because it's a pleasant way for them to
exchange ideas or debate a particular assignment topic. There are several desks in the
immediate area, and you can see that many of the documents on the desks in front of
them are used to note significant information. Their tidy appearance, along with their
learning stationery ready on the desk, indicate that they are diligent students who are
well-prepared for the study session. Overall, the image portrays a collaborative and
positive learning environment where students can support and learn from each other.

1.What personal qualities does a person need to be a good boss?

The boss has the ability to see the right direction,plan a path to achieve goals, deploy,
coordinate, connect and promote the full potential of employees,helping the organization
develop more and more.It can be seen that the leader plays a huge role in determining the
success of the organization.A talented leader will become an example and a driving force
for the entire company.When evaluating whether a leader is successful or not? The first
thing to do is to look at the solidarity,strength and effective work of the team that person
leads.The factor that helps employees stay connected and not compare with each other is
created by integrity,equal treatment and fair evaluation.This also helps employees focus
on their work and respect their leaders.So what qualities should a good boss have?


The ability to mentor staff and provide resources.

A high EQ (emotional intelligence)

Communicates clear vision.

Sets performance expectations.

Provides feedback.


Recognize efforts.

Gets to know employees.

Makes work fun.


2. Would you prefer to work for an organization or be self- employed ? Why ?

Basically, people work for money and self-realization. However, some people prefer to
be self-employed and others prefer to work for an employer. These two options are very
different ones and I did not make my choice yet. I think that each of them has its own
advantages and disadvantages.

Working as an employee brings many benefits. First of all, one can spend more time with
our family, fishing with the whole family, etc. Second of all, one has fewer
responsibilities. We just does us job and does not care about the market, competitors and
expected profit. One taking a vacation can forget about all troubles, relax and not worry
about who does us job during us absence. Finally, an employee can always find a more
interesting job with a higher salary.

From the other side, be self-employed have many benefits too. First of all, one knows the
more he works the more he gets. Another important reason of being self-employed is
independence. One does not have to report to anyone except one's self. However, in
addition to these practical benefits, one gets more responsibilities to take care of.

To sum up, I think that be self-employed is not as easy as it may seem. A person must be
self-confident, strong and patient. We must know exactly what we want and be ready to
sacrifice all us spare time to it.

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of working from home, rather than
going to an office?

Advantages of working from home:

• Flexibility: Working from home allows you to set your own hours and work at a
time that is convenient for you. This can be especially beneficial for people with families
or other commitments outside of work.

• Productivity: Studies have shown that people are often more productive when they
work from home. This is because they are less likely to be interrupted and they can work
in an environment that is conducive to their productivity.

• Cost savings: Working from home can save you money on commuting costs,
childcare costs, and other work-related expenses.
• Work-life balance: Working from home can help you to achieve a better work-life
balance. You can spend more time with your family and friends, and you can take care of
personal errands during the day.

Disadvantages of working from home:

• Distractions: It can be difficult to stay focused when you are working from home.
There are many potential distractions, such as family members, pets, and household

• Isolation: Working from home can be isolating, especially if you live alone. You
may miss the social interaction that comes with working in an office.

• Communication challenges: It can be more difficult to communicate with your

colleagues when you are working from home. This can lead to misunderstandings and
missed deadlines.

• Technological challenges: Working from home requires reliable internet access

and technology equipment. If you have technical problems, it can be difficult to get help.

Overall, working from home has both advantages and disadvantages. It is important to
weigh the pros and cons carefully to decide if it is right for you.

4. How has the Internet changed studying?

The Internet is probably the invention that changed human history the most. It has
impacted almost every aspect of life today, and education is no exception. The internet is
transforming the way education is delivered, providing innovative approaches such as
online learning, virtual classrooms, and personalized instruction. The internet provides
students with access to a plethora of information on any given topic. From historical
events to scientific discoveries, students can find information that may not be available in
traditional textbooks. In addition, it offers interactive learning tools, including videos,
quizzes, and simulations, that enhance the learning experience and make it more
engaging and fun. However, not all information on the internet is accurate or reliable.
Students may come across fake news, rumors, or opinions disguised as facts. This can
lead to confusion and misinformation, which can negatively impact their learning.
Besides that, spending too much time on the internet can lead to physical health concerns
such as eye strain, headaches, and poor posture. It can also lead to mental health concerns
such as anxiety and depression. In general, the Internet brings with it more positive
changes to our learning than negative ones. This has opened the door for both children
and adults to learn with more confidence and continue their education in an effective way
for them.

5. If you could own your own business , what would it be ? Explain your reason!

Creating Employment to Others

Building a business means I need manpower. It is not only pursuing my dream, but
helping others to be employed. Employing staff would mean helping others to achieve
their dreams.

Reasons/ Purposes in Establishing a Business

Pursuing my passion while making income or profit. My business should be my passion.

It should be a business that relates to what skills and knowledge that I have.

Making business means making money. The main reasons for establishing a business is
to have income or profit based on your effort and success.

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