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1. What elements should a daily report have?

2. Explain them.
3. Create a daily report and fill it out.
4. Explain the information provided by this graph and name the different parts of it, the tittle,
legend, source (if there is any), Y-axis, data and the X- axis.

5. Passive voice. Turn into passive voice the following examples:
a. The children see the cat.
b. The car crushed the truck.
c. Many people like hot chocolate.
d. Martin reads a book of Stephen King.
e. Andrew broke the computer.
6. Describe using sequence connectors, how to:
a. Change the tire of a car.
b. Replace an electrical outlet.
c. Replace a lightbulb.
7. Name and describe the 4 industrial revolutions.
8. Name pros and cons of the 4th industrial revolution.
9. Go over the next vocabulary and recognize the different terms:
a. Cyber physical systems: are systems that are capable of making decisions and
operating independently. However, at this point in time, they are semi-autonomous
systems. These are systems that operate independently only in pre-defined conditions,
such as semi-autonomous drones.
b. Asset Administration shell: (AAS) is the standardized digital representation of an asset,
is the combination of the asset and its digital representation.
c. Automation: The application of technology, programs, robotics or processes to achieve
outcomes with minimal human input
d. Cloud computing: is on-demand access, via the internet, to computing resources—
applications, servers (physical servers and virtual servers), data storage, development
tools, networking capabilities, and more—hosted at a remote data center managed by a
cloud services provider (or CSP).
e. Cloud robotics: the use of cloud computing, cloud storage, and other internet
technologies in the field of robotics.
f. Cyber physical production systems: A dual-system in which physical processes are
monitored by creating a virtual counterpart of the physical world and make decentralized
decisions, while communicating and cooperating with each other (and with humans) in
real time.
g. Cyber world: The world of intercomputer communication
h. Data ownership: the possession of and responsibility for information.
i. Digital footprint: the information about a particular person that exists on the internet as a
result of their online activity.
j. Digital supply chain: it that leverages digital technologies and data analytics to guide
decision-making, optimize performance, and quickly respond to changing conditions.
Data collection allows smooth, predictive adaptation for example.
k. Edge Gateway: processes data from edge devices, sending back relevant data,
providing network translation between networks using different protocols
l. Fog computing: a decentralized computing infrastructure in which data, compute,
storage and applications are located somewhere between the data source and the
m. Open data: Data or content is open if anyone is free to use
n. Predictive maintenance: involves performance monitoring and equipment condition
monitoring during regular operations
o. Provisioning: "providing" or making something available.
p. SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition): is a category of software applications
for controlling industrial processes, which is the gathering of data in real time from
remote locations in order to control equipment and conditions.
q. Smart manufacturing: the use of emerging, advanced technologies to increase the
efficiency of traditional manufacturing processes
r. Value-added: the difference between the price of a product or service and the cost of
producing it.
s. Manufacture: is the process of transforming raw materials into finished goods through
the use of tools, machines, and labor.
t. Mechanize: to make mechanical. especially : to make automatic or routine. : to equip
with machinery especially to replace human or animal labor.
u. Assembly line: a production process that breaks the manufacture of a good into steps
that are completed in a pre-defined sequence.
v. Algorithm: a procedure used for solving a problem or performing a computation. They
act as an exact list of instructions that conduct specified actions step by step.

w. Data Capturing and Management: the process of extracting information from paper or
electronic documents and converting it into data for key systems. It's where most
organizations begin their information management and digital transformation journey.
x. Integrated Process Optimization: the discipline of adjusting a process so as to optimize
(make the best or most effective use of) some specified set of parameters
y. Physical Process Execution: A continuous action or series of changes which alters the
material form of matter.
z. Accuracy: the quality or state of being correct or precise.
aa. Ubiquitous Computing: is the growing trend of adding computational capability
(generally in the form of microprocessors) to everyday objects to make them effectively
communicate and perform useful tasks
bb. Machine to Machine: automated applications which involve machines or devices
communicating through a network without human intervention
10. What is the internet of things?
11. Mention the advantages and disadvantages of IoT.
12. What words do you stress in a sentence.
13. What are content words?
14. What are function words?
15. What words are pronounced stressed in the next sentences, underline them:
a. There is a big house on the road.
b. The new cellphone is very expensive.
c. Tommas is eating at the new fancy restaurant.
d. My brother broke my new computer.
e. I just bought a very luxurious and fast car.
16. What is AI? Define it.
17. Mention 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of AI. And explain them.
18. Name the 3 parts of a paragraph.
19. What types of paragraphs are there?
20. What is the meaning of the following blendings and reductions:
a. I missam: ________________
b. Piecepie: ________________
c. Cupacoffee: ________________
d. Leavmealone: ________________
e. Leave hi malon : ________________
f. Jum pu pan down: ________________
g. I´ll meettcha there: ________________
h. Whenja see-er? : ________________

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