Contract Works Procurement Plan Full 2017 2

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[Nature of Contract Works] for [Nature of the Project]

at [Name of School] (the School)
[Reference number if available]
[This template (Contract Works Procurement Plan Full) is for the procurement of Contract Works
with a value of $100k or more (normally open tender ROI/RFT). For procurements with a value of
less than $100k (RFQ direct soure or closed tender) or procured through a panel of suppliers; use
the Short Procurement Plan]
[Content to be inserted] [Ensure all highlighting is removed prior to submitting for approval]

1. Purpose
1.1 This document details the plan for procuring [Description of the Contract Works] (the
Contract Works) for [the Board of Trustees (BoT)][OR][the Ministry of Education] (The
Principal) at [Name of school] (the School).
1.2 This procurement will be conducted in accordance with the school property procurement
framework ( search “Procurement for school property projects”).

2. Background
1.3 [Describe the project (of which this procurement is a part) in sufficient detail to provide a
context for understanding the overall Scope of Works. This may include:
 Outcome sought
 History
 Overview of the programme of which this project is a part
 requirements for phasing and/or staged handover of the project
 Project consultants are:
o [e.g. Project Manager]: [name]
o [e.g. Quantity Surveyor]: [name]
o [e.g. Lead Designer]: [name]
o [Other (specify)]: [name].]

3. The requirement
Required solution (method and approach)
1.4 The Contract Works required are: [Describe the Contract Works in sufficient detail to provide
the Procurement Sponsor with a clear understanding of the scope of works]
 [Nature of the Works (e.g. demolition, new build, redevelopment, roofing replacement]
 [Size/scale]
 [requirements for phasing and/or staged handover of the project]
 [description of the site including conditions, known constraints]

Contract Works Procurement Plan Full 2017-2 Page 1 of 15

 The Contractor will be engaged through a [Medium[under $500k]/Major Works[$500k or
more]] Works Contract (Construction contracts for professional services and works).
[Optional]Significant non-standard terms and conditions to the Contract are:
o [describe significant non-standard terms and conditions].
1.5 Timeframes are:
 [indicative/preferred/required] Start date: [date]
 [indicative/preferred/required] [milestones]: [date]
 [indicative/preferred/required] Due Date for Completion: [date]
 limitations (e.g. work to be completed during school holidays)].
1.6 To satisfactorily deliver the Contract Works, the Contractor must:
 have a comprehensive, workable programme for completing the Contract Works
 have a robust method, approach, systems and processes to effectively manage cost,
time and quality risks
 operate a documented health and safety policy and health and safety system that align
with AS/NZS 4801:2001 and/or the requirements set out at Property projects: contractor
health and safety.
 have, as standard practice, the implementation of a Site Specific Safety Plan (SSSP) for
the Contract Works that is comparable to or aligns with the SSSP at: Property projects:
contractor health and safety.
1.7 Safety hazards and associated critical risks that have been identified as specific to the
Contract Works and which must be included in a SSSP for the Contract Works are:
 [List safety hazards and associated critical risks identified to date].
1.8 Contractor’s personnel (including those of all subcontractors) who are likely to have
unsupervised (not chaperoned by a teacher, school staff member or parent) access to
students at the School during normal school hours must be Police vetted (a review by the
school Board of Trustees of a person’s criminal conviction and other relevant information
held by the New Zealand Police Vetting Service). An adverse police vet may result in the
vetted person being refused access to the School.
1.9 [Include if the Contract Works include installation of ICT cabling]ICT network installations
must be conducted by an installer from the Ministry Approved ICT Cabling Installer List.xls in
compliance with the standards at: ICT Cabling Infrastructure policy and standards for
1.10 The Ministry will provide Contract Works Insurance for accidental loss and/or damage under
the Proposed Contract. An Excess of $5,000 will apply to all Contracts, except $25,000 for
loss arising from testing and commission (the supplier will be liable for the Excess). Further
information is available at: Insurance for school property projects.
1.11 The Principal will be responsible for maintaining insurance for existing structures within the
defined boundary of the site. Existing structures and relevant insurance policies will be
identified in the Works Contract. The Contractor will be liable for paying any excess on such
policies where it is responsible for damage to the existing structures.
1.12 The Contractor will be required to maintain insurances as detailed in the Works Contract:
 A minimum of $2 million[or more if appropriate] Public Liability insurance.
 a minimum of third party motor vehicle insurance for all vehicles to be used in delivering
the Contract Works.
 sufficient insurance for the plant and equipment used to complete the Contract Works.
Capability (skills and expertise)

Contract Works Procurement Plan Full 2017-2 Page 2 of 15

1.13 The Contractor must have sufficient capability to satisfactorily deliver the Contract Works as
evidenced by:
 relevant, recent experience (delivering Contract Works of a similar nature in a
comparable setting)
 a good track record (supported by confirmation from referees and any other information
the Principal may have or obtain).
1.14 [Optional]The Contractor must nominate specific individuals (Key Personnel) for the following
key roles:
[Specify key roles as indicated by the nature of the project (scale/complexity/risk)]
 [e.g. Contract Representative]
 [e.g. Site Manager]
 [e.g. Site Foreman]
 [e.g. Quality Manager]
 [e.g. Health and Safety Manager]
1.15 Key Personnel must have sufficient capability to enable the Contractor to satisfactorily deliver
the Contract Works as evidenced by the Key Personnel having:
 relevant, recent experience
 a good track record (supported by confirmation from referees and any other information
the Principal may obtain or have in its possession)
 [Optional]The following qualification/certification/accreditation/professional membership:
o [Specify the key role, the qualification/certification/accreditation/professional
membership and whether it is required or preferred].
1.16 [Optional] The Contractor must confirm subcontracting arrangements for key trades (listed in
“Proposed subcontractors” tab of the Contract Works Price Schedule). Subcontractors for
key trades must have sufficient capability and experience of working with the Tenderer to
enable the Contractor to satisfactorily deliver the Contract Works.
1.17 The Contractor must be capable in relation to health and safety as evidenced by
accreditation to one of the following health and safety accreditations or by demonstrating that
they operate a documented health and safety system of a standard comparable to that
required to meet accreditation to one of the following:
 AS/NZS 4801:2001 (Occupation Health and Safety Management Systems)
 One of the industry based health and safety accreditations listed at Property projects:
contractor health and safety.
Capacity (resources and availability)
1.18 The Contractor must have sufficient capacity to satisfactorily deliver the Contract Works by
the Due Date for Completion as evidenced by:
 sufficiency and availability of organisational resources
 sufficiency and availability of Key Personnel
 [Optional]contingency: adequacy of the back-up resources (including for Key Personnel).
1.19 Pricing information required from Tenderers and the format for its presentation is set out in
the Schedule of Prices (Appendix 1).

4. Procurement value and budget

1.20 The Procurement Value (maximum total estimated value) of this procurement is:

Contract Works Procurement Plan Full 2017-2 Page 3 of 15

Description Value ($NZ excluding GST)

Intended Contract Works value [$amount]

Value of all optional additional expenditure [$amount]

Contingency value [$amount]

Sum value of all potential follow-on

Contracts/engagements that may result from this [$amount]
procurement or the Contract Works

Total Procurement Value [$amount]

1.21 [Explanation for make-up of procurement value and how it was estimated e.g. benchmarked
from previous projects, Quantity Surveyor used.]
1.22 The budget for this procurement is $[amount]. The budget has been approved in writing by
the person with appropriate Delegated Financial Authority (DFA). Prior written approval of the
DFA will be obtained should for any additional budget be required.
1.23 Funding will be allocated from [detail source(s) of funding including cost centre codes where

5. Market research and stakeholder engagement

1.24 The following market research/engagement has been undertaken to inform the development
of this plan, encourage market participation and gain assurance that sufficient Tenderers will
respond to ensure adequate competition:
 [note recent, comparable procurements/projects/engagements]
 [outline engagement with potential Tenderers undertake to gauge/encourage
 [outline discussions with other relevant parties e.g. other buyers, industry
1.25 Key findings of market research/engagement used to inform development of the
Procurement Plan are:
 [general capability/capacity of Contractors]
 It is expected that up to [number] capable Contractors will tender for this Contract Works
 [other considerations that have influenced the development of the Procurement Plan].
1.26 The following key stakeholders were consulted during the development of this Procurement
 [List the key stakeholders consulted and outline findings used to inform the development
of the Procurement Plan].[e.g. BoTs, other schools, groups within the Ministry]

6. Procurement strategy
1.27 The procurement will be conducted through a [single stage [open/closed] Request for Tender
(RFT)][OR][a two stage open Registration of Interest (ROI)/closed Request for Tender
1.28 [The RFT will be openly advertised on GETS for 18 full business days][OR][The ROI will be
openly advertised on GETS for 13 full business days and shortlisted Tenderers will be given
15 full business days to respond to the subsequent closed RFT][OR][The following
Contractors will be given 15 full business days to respond to a closed RFT:

Contract Works Procurement Plan Full 2017-2 Page 4 of 15

 [Contractor name].]
1.29 [Outline any other aspects of the procurement strategy e.g. timing of approach to market,
inclusions in or exclusions from the scope of works].
1.30 Outline the rationale for the procurement strategy including:
 [why single stage/two stage process (e.g. two stage: significant number of potential
Tenders necessitating short-listing)
 why open/closed process (e.g. why a closed process for a procurement with a value of
more than the open tender threshold of $100,000 (approved exemption attached))
 if closed tender, how the contractors invited to participate were selected].

7. Procurement roles and control points

1.31 Procurement roles for this procurement are:
Role Name Description

Procurement Officer [name] Manages and administers the procurement

Procurement Owner [name] Represents the Principal in the procurement

Procurement oversight/review:
 [BoT procurement: Property Adviser][OR]
Procurement Leader [name]
 [Ministry procurement : EIS Procurement
Team member]

Governance and approvals (must not be

Procurement Sponsor [name]
directly involved in the procurement)

DFA (if not Sponsor) [name] Budget Approver and contract signatory
Note: Evaluation Team is detailed in the Evaluation Plan (Appendix 2).
1.32 Control points for this procurement are:
Procurement Procurement Procurement
Document Officer Owner Ministry BoT Sponsor

Conflict of Interest
Draft Endorse Endorse Approve
Management Plan

Procurement Plan Draft Endorse Endorse Copy Approve

ROI/RFT Draft Approve Endorse

Recommendation Report Draft Endorse Endorse Copy Approve

Final form of the contract Draft Endorse Endorse

Contract signatory Sign

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8. Timeline
1.33 The indicative timeline for this procurement is:

Task Due Date

Procurement Plan approved by Procurement Sponsor [Date]

[Delete row if single stage RFT] ROI approved by Procurement Owner [Date]

[Delete row if single stage RFT]ROI published on GETS [Date]

[Delete row if single stage RFT]Deadline for ROI Questions [Date]

[Delete row if single stage RFT]Deadline for Registrations [Time/date]

[Delete row if single stage RFT]ROI Evaluation Team Meeting [Date]

[Delete row if single stage RFT]ROI Recommendation Report approved by [Date]

Procurement Sponsor

RFT approved by Procurement Owner [Date]

RFT [published on GETS][OR][Released through GETS to short-listed Tenderers] [Date]

Deadline for RFT Questions [Date]

Deadline for Tenders [Time/date]

Final Evaluation Team meeting [Date]

RFT Recommendation Report approved by Procurement Sponsor [Date]

Contract approved by Procurement Sponsor [Date]

Contract awarded and Tenderers advised of outcome [Date]

Contract signed by Contractor and DFA [Date]

Contract Award Notice published on GETS [Date]

Contract start date [Date]

Debriefs completed [Date]

9. Evaluation plan
1.34 The Evaluation Plan is at Appendix 2. [This Evaluation Plan (along with the Evaluators’
Guide) is to be issued to Evaluators at the Evaluation Team briefing]

10. Conflict of interest management

1.35 Every person involved in this Procurement must submit a completed Conflict of Interest and
Confidentiality Agreement form to the Procurement Officer upon commencement of their
involvement in the procurement. Thereafter, every person must immediately report any
Conflict of Interest that arises at any time during the procurement process.

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1.36 All Tenderers will be required to declare any Conflicts of Interest they may have or that they
are aware of.
1.37 For each Conflict of Interest identified, a Conflict Management Plan will be required to be
approved by the Project Sponsor (or the Project Sponsor’s manager for any Conflict of
Interest declared by the Project Sponsor).

11. Award and debrief

1.38 Once a Works Contract has been awarded, a Contract Award Notice will be published on
1.39 All Tenderers will be advised in writing of the outcome of the procurement and will be offered
or provided with a debrief.

12. Risk register

1.40 Risks identified as associated with this procurement are:

Risk Description Risk Rating Treatment

[e.g. Insufficient Tenders received to [Contact prospective Tenders prior to

[From risk
provide adequate assurance of value [ROI/RFT] release to determine/encourage
rating tool]
for money] interest]

[From risk [Review of comparable recent projects

[e.g. No Tenders within budget]
rating tool] indicates that the budget is realistic]

[e.g. Tenderers having insufficient

[From risk [Site visits and Tenderer briefings will be
understanding of complex scope of
rating tool] provided]

Minor Medium Major Substantial

Moderate High Extreme Extreme

Likely Low High High Extreme

Possible Low Moderate High High

Unlikely Very Low Low Moderate High

Rare Very Low Low Moderate Moderate

13. Procurement plan approval

1.41 Endorsements and approval required for this Procurement Plan are:

Role Signature

Drafted by [Signature of person conducting the procurement]

Procurement Officer [Name] [Date]

Endorsed by [Signature of the person representing the Principal]

Contract Works Procurement Plan Full 2017-2 Page 7 of 15

Procurement Owner [Name] [Date]

[For Ministry led procurement][Signature of member EIS Commercial

Endorsed by [Name] [Date]
Procurement Leader
[For BoT led procurement]A copy of this procurement plan was sent
to [name] (Ministry Property Advisor) on [date (no less than two
business days prior to approval)]

Approved by [Signature of Delegated Financial Authority/Cost Centre Owner]

Procurement Sponsor [Name] [Date]

APPENDIX 1: Schedule of Prices

APPENDIX 2: Evaluation Plan

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APPENDIX 1 Schedule of Prices
[ Attach Schedule of Prices]

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APPENDIX 2 Evaluation Plan
[This Evaluation Plan (along with the Evaluators’ Guide) is to be issued to Evaluators at the
Evaluation Team briefing]
1. This document details the plan for evaluating the procurement of [Description of the Contract
Works] (the Contract Works) for [the Board of Trustees (BoT)][OR][the Ministry of Education]
(The Principal) at [Name of school] (the School).
2. Procurement Roles for this procurement are:

Role/function Name Description

Procurement Officer [name] Manages the procurement

Procurement Owner [name] Represents the Principal

Procurement Leader [name] Procurement oversight/review

Procurement Sponsor [name] Governance and approvals

Delegated Financial Authority

[name] Contract Signatory
[If not the Sponsor]

Evaluation Team
3. The Evaluation Team (ET) for this procurement is [amend to suit]:

Role/function Name Scoring/Non-scoring

ET Chair/Evaluator/Moderator [name] Non-price scoring

Evaluator [name] Non-price scoring

Evaluator [name] Non-price scoring

Evaluator [name] Non-price scoring

Advisor: [e.g. School Representative] [name] Non-scoring

Evaluation process facilitator [name] Non-scoring

Price Analyst [name] Non-scoring

Probity Advisor [name] Non-scoring

Evaluation method
4. Tenders will be evaluated using a weighted attribute evaluation method with the following
criteria and weightings:

Stage Criterion Weighting

ROI [Delete row if single stage RFT]Capability (skills and expertise) [default or:]

Contract Works Procurement Plan Full 2017-2 Page 10 of 15

[default or:]
ROI [Delete row if single stage RFT]Capacity (resources and availability)
RFT Proposed solution (method and approach) [default or:]
RFT Capability (skills and expertise of the Tenderer and Key Personnel) [default or:]
RFT Capacity (resources and availability) 5%
RFT Price [default or:]
[Default weightings are to be used unless otherwise indicated by specific circumstances of
the procurement. The rationale for non-default weighting must be detailed in the evaluation
plan. Weightings must be within the ranges provided above, be in 5% increments (e.g 10%,
15%, 20%, 25%...) and must add up to 100%. ROI Weightings must be the same ratio as
RFT weightings for Capability & Capacity e.g. RFT: 20%/5% (4:1 ratio) so ROI: 80%/20%
(4:1 ratio).]
[Rationale for non-default weightings.]
5. Considerations to be taken into account by Evaluators when the evaluating tenders against
each non-price criterion are:
[This section is to be used as the basis for briefing evaluators of considerations specific to
the procurement for the evaluation of each non-price criterion]
Criterion Evaluation considerations
Key considerations when evaluating the suitability of a Tenderer’s Proposed Solution
 method and approach: [Describe the standard for what represents adequate,
additional benefit/reduction of risk and deficiency/additional risk]
 proposed programme for completing the Contract Works: [Describe the
standard for what represents adequate, additional benefit/reduction of risk and
deficiency/additional risk]
 systems and processes (including for health and safety): [Describe the
standard for what represents adequate, additional benefit/reduction of risk and
deficiency/additional risk]
 proposed deliverables: [Describe the standard for what represents adequate,
Proposed additional benefit/reduction of risk and deficiency/additional risk]
Solution  suitability of draft/example Site Specific Safety Plan: [Describe the standard for
what represents adequate, additional benefit/reduction of risk and
deficiency/additional risk]
 analysis of tags (proposed Contract, drawings and specifications): [Describe
the standard for what represents adequate, additional benefit/reduction of risk
and deficiency/additional risk]
The above considerations are to be evaluated in terms of:
 fit for purpose
 comprehensiveness
 deliverability
 robustness
 Tenderer’s understanding of the requirement.
Key considerations when evaluating the suitability of a Tenderer’s Capability (including
that of Key Personnel) are:
 qualifications: [Describe the standard for what represents adequate, additional
benefit/reduction of risk and deficiency/additional risk]
 experience: [Describe the standard for what represents adequate, additional
benefit/reduction of risk and deficiency/additional risk]

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 track record: [Describe the standard for what represents adequate, additional
benefit/reduction of risk and deficiency/additional risk]
The above considerations are to be evaluated in terms of:
 Suitability and relevance of qualifications
 Relevance, comparability and recentness of experience
 Quality of track record
 Health and safety accreditation
Key considerations when evaluating the suitability of a Tenderer’s Capacity (including
that of Key Personnel) are:
 recourses: [Describe the standard for what represents adequate, additional
benefit/reduction of risk and deficiency/additional risk]
 availability [Describe the standard for what represents adequate, additional
benefit/reduction of risk and deficiency/additional risk]
 contingency [Describe the standard for what represents adequate, additional
benefit/reduction of risk and deficiency/additional risk]
The above considerations are to be evaluated in terms of:
 fit for purpose
 comprehensiveness
 robustness
 deliverability
 understanding of the requirement.
6. [Delete if single stage tender]ROI scores for Capability and Capacity will be transferred from
the ROI evaluation to the RFT evaluation and confirmed or adjusted by the ET in response to
any additional or updated information provided in response to the RFT.
7. The following rating scale will be used to score Tenders against each evaluation criterion:

Rating Definition Score

Exceeds the criterion to provide substantial additional benefit

and/or reduction of risk

Exceeds the criterion to provide some additional benefit and/or

GOOD 6-8
reduction of risk

ACCEPTABLE Meets the criterion 5

Does not meet the criterion due to minor deficiency or risk 3-4

Does not meet the criterion due to major deficiency or risk 1-2

Does not comply, insufficient information provided or

unacceptable deficiency or risk

8. The ET may exclude a Tender from further evaluation and/or selection if it receives an ET
score of four or less (a rating of less than acceptable as described above) for any one or
more of the evaluation criteria.
9. A Tender evaluated as being unacceptable for health and safety is to be scored four or less
(deficient or unacceptable) for Required Solution and/or Capability and may be excluded
from further evaluation/selection.
Evaluation process
10. The process for evaluating this procurement is:
Step Activity Responsible/Comment

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[Delete row if single stage RFT]  Procurement Officer and ET [date]
Unlock GETS e-tender box and conduct Chair
initial review of Registrations for:  Accepting a late Registration or
 compliance with RFx Process Terms excluding a Registration from
and Conditions evaluation requires
 initial due diligence Procurement Sponsor approval
[Delete row if single stage RFT] Procurement Officer and ET [date]
ROI 2 ET briefing including updating of Conflict
of Interest declarations
[Delete row if single stage RFT] Evaluators -
Individual evaluation of Registrations
[Delete row if single stage RFT]  ET and Procurement Officer [date]
ET meeting to:  the ET may need to re-convene
 review individual evaluations/scoring if clarifications are required
 agree ET scores by consensus
 rank registrations by total ET
weighted score
 decide cut-off ranking by consensus
to determine shortlist for RFT
[Delete row if single stage RFT] Procurement Officer and [date]
ROI 5 Recommendation Report (for shortlist) Procurement Sponsor
approval by Procurement Sponsor
Unlock GETS e-tender box and conduct  Procurement Officer and ET [date]
initial review of Tenders for: Chair
 compliance with Tender process  Late Tenders will not be
terms and conditions accepted once the GETS e-
 initial due diligence tender box has been unlocked
 initial analysis of tags  Excluding a Tender from
evaluation requires
Procurement Sponsor approval
ET briefing including updating of Conflict Procurement Officer and ET [date]
of Interest declarations

RFT Individual evaluation of Tenders (Part A) Evaluators -


Further due diligence, further tags Procurement Officer -

analysis, price analysis and reference

RFT 4 ET meeting to:  ET and Procurement Officer [date]

 review individual evaluations/scoring  the ET may need to re-convene
 review tags analysis, due diligence if clarifications and/or further
and reference checks tags/price analysis are required
 agree ET non-prices scores by
consensus and confirm a shortlist of
acceptable Tenders
 review price analysis and score
acceptable Tenders
 confirm ET total weighted scores for
each Tender
 select a preferred Tenderer by

Contract Works Procurement Plan Full 2017-2 Page 13 of 15

consensus (normally highest ET total
weighted score) and confirm any
further due diligence or contract
Recommendation Report (for preferred Procurement Officer and [date]
RFT 5 tenderer) approval by Procurement Procurement Sponsor

Price evaluation
11. Price analysis will be conducted separately from non-price evaluation and will be presented
to the ET after ET non-price scores have been confirmed. Price analysis will involve the
calculation of a single comparable adjusted price for each Tender that takes into account:
 Preliminary and general
 Master trades
 % on-site and off-site overheads for variations
 Contractor’s margin
 Provisional sums
 Tag premiums
Note: Refer to Works Price Evaluation Guide at for
school property projects for further details.
12. Tenderers will be required to price tenders on the basis of the following Provisional Sums:
a. [Describe aspect of Contract Works covered]: $[Provisional Sum amount]
b. [Describe aspect of Contract Works covered]: $[Provisional Sum amount]
13. Price analysis will be conducted on the basis of a [X%][normally between 0-10%] Increase
variation %.
14. The following price scoring formula will be applied to adjusted prices of those tenders
determined by the ET to be acceptable for non-price criteria:
Tender A weighted score =
(lowest acceptable Tender’s price / Tender A price) x price weighting % x 100
Conflict of Interest management
15. All ET members must submit a completed Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Agreement
to the Procurement Officer upon commencement of their involvement in the procurement
and thereafter, must immediately report any Conflict of Interest that arises at any time
during the procurement process.
Due diligence
16. As part of the evaluation, the ET will determine what due diligence is required to determine
that entering into a Contract with a Tenderer will not expose the Principal to undue risk
including those related to:
 validity of the Tender
 Tenderers’ financial viability
 Tenderers’ ownership/structure
 Tenderers’ business practices
 Tenderers’ director status
 disputes with the Ministry

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17. Due diligence may include:
 reference checks
 Credit checks
 Review of financial information/accounts
 Companies Office search
 Police vetting of personnel
18. Written approval of the Procurement Sponsor is required to exclude any Tender/Tenderer
from evaluation or selection for due diligence reasons.
Evaluation Team Resources
19. The following resources/information will be provided to ET members:
 Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Agreement
 Tenderers’ Responses (Form of [Registration/Tender] Part A: Non-price criteria)
 Evaluation Workbook (Excel spreadsheet)
 this Evaluation Plan
 School Property Procurement Evaluators’ Guide.

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