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Sprint #4 Mimicking Your Writing Style with AI


The objective of this sprint is to learn how to make AI write like you by mimicking your
writing style.


1. Choose an AI tool with advanced capabilities, preferably ChatGPT or Bard AI.

2. Start by identifying specific characteristics of your writing style, such as tone,
common phrases, perspective, or any other distinctive elements.

3. Craft several prompts that require the AI tool to mimic these characteristics. For
example, you can ask the AI to write a paragraph in your style about a specific

4. Interact with the tool using these prompts and evaluate the outputs. Pay attention
to how well the AI mimics your writing style and if it meets your expectations.

5. Refine your prompts based on the results and iterate the process to further fine-
tune the AI's ability to write like you.


Take a moment to reflect on the effectiveness of the style mimicry. Consider the following

 How closely did the AI tool replicate your writing style?

 Were there any limitations or challenges in achieving the desired results?

 What improvements can be made in the prompts or the interaction process to

enhance the AI's ability to mimic your style?

By completing this sprint and reflecting on the results, you will gain valuable insights into
leveraging AI tools to mimic your writing style and explore the potential applications of this

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