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Enumerate the apps you already know and have probably tried.

Explore the Pedagogy Wheel and learn at least five more. Fill out the
table below.
Apps that I already know/ have How can I utilize this in teaching-
recently explored learning?
Google One way to utilize the Google app in
teaching learning is by creating a
Google account for each student and
having them use the Google Drive to
save their work. This way, the teacher
can access the students' work from
any device or computer with internet
access. Additionally, the Google app
can be used to create classroom
calendars, polls, and quizzes.
Google Meet Google Meet also has a variety of features
that allow teachers to assess student
understanding. It is a great tool for
teaching and learning in the 21st
century. With Google Meet, teachers
can easily connect with their students
to provide instruction and support.
Teachers can create virtual
classrooms where they can share their
screen with their students, allowing
them to present slides, resources, and
videos. They can also set up breakout
rooms where students can have
conversations and collaborate on
projects. Overall, Google Meet is a great
way to engage students in learning and
foster student collaboration.

Google Classroom The platform integrates with Google's

other tools like docs, drive forms, meet
and calendars, so there are many
built-in "shortcuts" for classroom-
management tasks. For example, if
you post an assignment with a due
date, it's automatically added to your
students' class calendar for them to
Teachers also can post an assignment
to multiple classes or modify and
reuse assignments from year to year.
If your students have regular access
to devices, google classroom can help
you avoid some trips to the
photocopier and cut down on some of
the paper shuffling that comes with
teaching and learning.

Zoom Zoom also has features similar to

Google Meet. In fact, they are one of
the most widely used apps in teaching
and learning because they are
convenient to use. It is very useful in
the sense that teachers utilize this
platform to deliver their lessons
effectively and efficiently. In terms of
learning, there's a feature on this that
lets students engage in the class
discussion wherein whenever they
want to recite, ask questions or share
their ideas with regards to the lesson,
they can raise their hand. They can
also use the chat box to interact with
each other. The Zoom app is indeed
useful for both teachers and students,
as it allows them to connect, learn,
and grow.

Messenger Now a day's messenger is the

best app for the teacher and
the student. It allows them to
communicate among
themselves, facilitates social
interactions, create dialogue
and encourages sharing of
learning materials. This is time-
saving because materials are
sent through a message
instead of being distributed
individually by the teacher.
Students can be re-grouped
easily; if a text proves too hard
for a student, they can easily
be allocated another one, or if
a student arrives late, they can
be easily given a text.

1. After you participated or assisted in synchronous classes using a

web-conferencing app, describe what you observed and experienced
by answering the items below:

• Which web-conferencing app did the teacher use for

synchronous classes? Describe its features and how you
or the teacher used these features.

Web – Conferencing App Feature Was it utilized? If yes, describe how it

was utilized in class?
Virtual Background It was not utilized in the class.

Microphone icon on/off The microphone was on when

the teacher is giving instruction
and discussing then he turn it off
when he is doing personal
matters. On student it was off
most of the time specially when
the teacher is speaking to avoid
distracting the discussion but
they have the chance to turn it on
when the teacher allows them.

Camera icon on/off Usually the teacher doesn't

required the students to turn it on
the camera except if the students
may have something to tell.

Screen share Teacher use the screen share to

share the video he made for the
class. He also uses screen share
to display his/her power point

Reaction buttons No
Spotlight Where teacher used to
organized who are particular
individual speaks to minimize the
mis-organized voices if everyone
turns to speak.
View (using different views) The view button was used by the
teacher to know who among his learners
are present in the meeting.

Polling This used of it is to present a

voting notification where may ask
a question present, who prepared
a activity, this minimize the
misunderstanding of a teachers
and for the students.

Recording Help the teachers to see who's

active and who always participate
during the discussion, and also
those who constantly leaves the


• How was the content taught or delivered? How were the

learning activities facilitated? What strategies did the
teacher or you used to keep students engaged? How did
the students respond to the teacher? The activities?

The content was delivered successfully because of the

strategy that the teacher uses.
The students are able to listen carefully without any
distraction while the teacher is discussing and they are
able to ask question because the teacher allows gave
them specific time for consultation. The teacher made it
easier to answer the activity given by sharing it on his
screen and allow students to explain their answer by
allowing them to turn on their camera and microphone.

• What was your experience in participating and assisting

in synchronous classes? What were your thoughts and
feelings while you participated and assisted?

I realized that synchronous classes have longer period of time

than the normal class. I think some of the students wi ill feel
bored if the teacher does not have any strategy to avoid
boredom. The teacher was good he has a great sense of humor
he knows when to check students' attention by asking them to
open their camera or by asking questions. Asking question also
made the learners to focus on the class and I think that's a great
strategy a teacher should use on synchronous classes.

• What do you think are the best features of a web-

conferencing app that you or the teacher used? How did
these features help the teachers and the students?

Before the pandemic, traditional classes and modular

approach are the only mode of teaching that were
implemented by education sector but after the pandemic
strike and affect all sectors including education, that is
when the virtual or online classes has been introduced.
Web-conferencing allows small and large group meetings
like classes. For me the best features of web-
conferencing are it allows teachers and learners to have
interactive discussion during distance learning. Another
best feature of web-conference is screen sharing for it
allows the teacher to display the material he/she
prepared. The next best feature is message button for it
allows the learners to have comment or suggestions
even without distracting the person speaking.
Collectively web-conference allow the teacher to have
face-to-face learning and teaching process during distant

• Referring to the Community of Inquiry infographic, how

well did the teacher/ or you use the web-conferencing
app to establish: (Describe in detail.)
- Teaching Presence

The teacher used web-conferencing app very well for he was able to give
instruction and implement rules during virtual meeting. He also used features
that helped him to discuss the lesson and make it more understandable for
the learners. He also gives feedback at the proper timing so learners are able
to change what is necessary, improve what is needed to be improve and
receive the emotional reward for doing the task well. So at the end of the
lesson learners are able to achieve the learning objectives.

- Social Presence
The teacher used-web-conference to make an
interactive discussion that all he encourages all
students to participate by making the class less tense.
He also calls random students to consult if they are
able to follow the discussion. he let his students to
make another call for group meeting with that learners
are able to interact with their peers, get to know each
other and make a bond just like what learners do in a
face-to-face classroom.

- Cognitive Presence

The teacher allows learners to raise questions to be discussed. He also do

recitation during the online meeting so just like on face-to-face classes
learners are encourage to develop their problem solving and critical thinking
skills. the teacher used the screen sharing to raise questions that his students
are going to answer after giving them enough time to think. His strategy works
well because he makes the learning environment become learner centered.

• What do you still need to learn in order to conduct an

online synchronous class using a web-conferencing app

In order to conduct online synchronous classes, I still need to practice

different web-conferencing apps and explore its features. I also need to know
when is the perfect time to conduct class considering the chores of my
students to avoid them from getting stress. Implementing rule, giving
instruction and making an objective fit for a synchronous class are also factors
I still need to learn to conduct an online synchronous class successfully.

How ready am I in selecting and developing resources/

instructional materials in the teaching- learning process?

In choosing and designing instructional materials, care must be taken to

ensure that they are properly planned, chosen, structured, developed, and
integrated into a course to maximize their effectiveness.
The design and selection of instructional materials should take both breadth
and depth of information into account in order to maximize student
Personally, I believe that the first consideration I have while designing and
producing instructional materials is the learners. How am I going to address
my learners' needs while still meeting all of the educational objectives? At
each stage, I put myself in the shoes of the learner to get a deeper
understanding of their viewpoint. I am continuously evaluating areas where
I may lose a student and redesigning those areas to make guarantee that
my learners can absorb material without being lost in a bad lesson.

What do I still need to learn to select and develop resources/

instructional materials in teaching effectively?

As a student teacher, there are a number of skills and knowledge that I need
to develop to be able to select and develop effective resources and
instructional materials in teaching. Firstly, I need to develop a good
understanding of the curriculum, the subject matter and the current
educational standards and guidelines. This will help me to identify the
materials that are appropriate to the particular learning goals, and also to
assess the quality of the materials.
In addition, I need to develop an understanding of how to use different
instructional materials effectively in the classroom. This includes learning
how to use technology in the classroom, such as multimedia, and how to
integrate them into the lesson plan. I also need to gain an understanding of
the different learning styles of the students, so that I can select resources
and materials that are tailored to their needs. Finally, I need to be able to
evaluate the resources and materials that are selected, to ensure that they
are of a high quality and are suitable for the specific learners.

What can I do to learn more about and practice the use of

resources and instructional materials?

For me, one of the best ways to learn more about and practice the use of
resources and instructional materials is to observe experienced teachers and ask
questions. Observing experienced teachers in action can give me a firsthand look
at how to use resources and instructional materials to effectively deliver
instruction. Additionally, asking questions can help me better understand how
certain materials are used and how to apply them to my own teaching.

Another way to learn more about and practice the use of resources and
instructional materials is to get involved in professional development
opportunities. Professional development opportunities such as workshops,
seminars, and conferences can provide me with valuable insight into the use of
resources and instructional materials. Additionally, they can help me develop the
skills necessary to use them effectively. Attending these types of events can also
provide me with an opportunity to network with other educators, which can be
beneficial in the long run.

How ready am I in organizing and using apps in the teaching-

learning process?
I believe I am quite ready to organize and use apps in the teaching-learning
process. Through my study of educational technology, including the use of
mobile apps, I have gained an understanding of how these tools can be used to
enhance the learning experience. I have also had the opportunity to gain hands-
on experience with a variety of apps, allowing me to become familiar with their
features and how they can be used to support teaching and learning. I am also
comfortable using technology to create and manage online learning resources,
and I am confident in my ability to use apps to communicate with students and
teachers, as well as to track and assess learning progress.

What do I still need to learn in order to use apps in teaching

It is important for me to understand the various facets of using apps in teaching
effectively. First and foremost, it is important to understand the different types
of apps available and their potential educational applications. For instance, it is
important to be familiar with apps that allow students to create projects, conduct
research, collaborate with peers, and test their knowledge. Additionally, it is
important to be knowledgeable in the use of app-based tools for assessment and
evaluation. Knowing how to utilize these tools to track student progress, give
feedback, and measure learning objectives are essential skills for any student
Furthermore, it is important for me to understand the technological
infrastructure of the school. This includes the hardware and software used, the
type of device that students have access to, and the available network
connection. Understanding these elements will help me to ensure that they can
effectively utilize apps in the classroom.

What can I do to learn more about and practice the use of

educational apps?

The use of educational apps can be a great way to engage students and increase
learning. As a student teacher, there are a number of steps one can take to learn
more about and practice the use of educational apps. First, research the types of
educational apps that are available and determine which ones are most
appropriate for the age group you will be teaching. Additionally, there are many
online tutorials and examples of others using the apps that can provide an
opportunity to gain an understanding of the app’s capabilities.
Finally, reach out to colleagues, mentors, and other teachers who have used
educational apps. Ask them about their experiences and learn more about how
they have used the apps in their instruction. Additionally, many educational apps
include forums and other resources to help users with questions and to provide
feedback on their use of the app. By taking the time to research, practice, and
learn from others, I can gain the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively use
educational apps in my own teaching.

How ready are you in organizing and using an LMS?

I am confident in my ability to organize and use an LMS. I have the necessary
skills to manage the organization of materials, create assignments, and keep
track of student progress. I also have the technical knowledge to navigate the
system and use its features to my advantage. I understand that the
implementation of an LMS can be complicated, but I am prepared to take on the
I am confident in my ability to use an LMS to help ensure student success in the
classroom. I have the necessary experience with educational technology to
ensure that the LMS is user friendly and engaging for the students. I am also
familiar with the tools available through the LMS and how to use them to best
support students in their learning. Overall, I am ready and prepared to take on
the task of organizing and using an LMS as a student intern.

What do you still need to learn in order to use the LMS effectively?

As a student teacher, it is essential for me to learn how to use the

Learning Management System (LMS) effectively in order to help my
students learn. This includes understanding how to create and
manage courses, enroll students, set up grades, and manage
assignments. I also need to learn how to use the different tools and
features that the LMS offers, such as the discussion board,
chatroom, and other interactive features. Furthermore, I need to
learn how to use the various media and content management tools
that the LMS offers, such as videos, audio recordings, and other
resources. Finally, I also need to learn how to use the various
assessment and reporting tools that the LMS provides, such as
quizzes, tests, and surveys.

Doing this episode on selecting and using resources/
instructional materials, what problematic situation/challenges/
area of improvement did I find?

The problematic situation/challenges I found is how to employ the appropriate

instructional materials to my diverse student when delivering the lesson. I also
struggled to find instructional materials that were engaging and creative. I
found that many of the materials I had access to were outdated and not
interesting to the students.

List at least three resources that you have read about this
problem/ challenge/ area of improvement.

Resource or Reference about Key points/ findings in what I

the topic read Schools must ensure that
teaching and learning resources
provide students with challenging
and interesting. Learning
opportunities while also avoiding
offending students or the larger
school community owing to their
vulgar, insulting, or contentious
character. On the Guidance page,
the Department offers
recommendations to help teachers
and principals make informed
decisions about teaching and
learning materials. These
recommendations also specify
how schools should handle
objections to the usage of certain
teaching and learning tools. Lack of materials in school can

cause to teacher inconvenience,
teachers tend to use their own
money to buy their materials to be
use in teaching.
Lack of materials has a big impact
on the teaching and learning
process. Instructional materials are

essential since they help
teacher and learners to
avoid overemphasis on
recitation and rote learning
that can easily dominate in
the lesson

On what theories/ principles can this problem be anchored?

The concept that a child's environment influences his or her learning and
behavior is known as environmentalists learning theory. It was connected to
this notion because if the environment was organized and all learning tools
were available to pupils, they would be able to reach their maximum potential
and talents. Student learning acquisition is aided by a conducive setting with
learning resources.

What do I hope to achieve to address the challenge/ area of

improvement? What change do I want to achieve?

I want to provide materials that could help me delivering my instructions. I

want to learn to be more resourceful so I am able to solve this kind of
problem. For me I think the teachers' activeness has something to do with this
problem, he/she should not just rely with the available materials.

What strategies/ solutions/ means can I employ to improve the
situation/ solve the problem?

I will ask for advices from my resource teacher for she was
expert with kind of field.
I will also try to watch videos on internet that will help me
improve my selecting and using instructional materials skills.
If you will conduct action research, what will be the title (base
this on your answers in nos. 1-3).

If I will conduct an action research base on my answer my title will be "How to

improve skills of selecting and using instructional materials".


What problematic situation/ challenges/ area of improvement
prevailed in using apps?

Some application does not work well in different android phones

List at least three sources that you have read about this
problem/ challenges/ area of improvement.

Resource or Reference about the topic Key points/ findings in

what I read The sad thing is that the
majority of these apps do not
conform to
commonly accepted
principles for educational
software. While an
educational app may in fact
be "fun", there's a good
chance that it is a net
detriment to a student's
learning progress (when
compared to traditional
means of study). High quality educational

-with-free-educational-apps/ apps are expensive to build.
The expense of the graphics,
which is the most obvious
part to the user, is the tip of
the iceberg when it comes to
quality app.

The greater expense

is in the design of the
instruction, the
infrastructure and
algorithms that
control the user
experience, and the
custom database that
manages all of the
Designing the app to
adjust to the user's
performance, adding
error analysis, doing
the user testing that
allows improvement
to the app.. these all
cost money. And they
are critical to high
quality apps. Some application does not

work well in different android

What do I hope to achieve to address the problem? (What
changes do you want to achieve?)

I want all my students to have the access with the application we are using. I
want the application to be convenient for them to use while learning.

What strategies/ solutions/ means can you employ to improve
the situation/ solve the problem?

To solve the problem, I will explore more application so I can use best
application that all of my learners can have the access. I will use different
websites and search on internet what are the best application convenient to
all learners because not all learners have good internet connection
If you will conduct action research, what will be the title (base
this on your answers in nos. 1-3):

To solve the problem, I will explore more application so I can use best
application that all of my learners can have the access. I will use different
websites and search on internet what are the best application convenient to
all learners because not all learners have good internet connection


What problematic situation/ challenges/ area of improvement did
you see while you participated and assisted using a web-
conferencing app for synchronous learning?

Since the subject is about Physical Education, I noticed that some

students are hesitant to participate during discussions and activities. I
think it is because they are not confident with their answer.

List at least three sources that you have read about this problem/
challenges/ area of improvement.

Resource or Reference about the topic Key points/ findings in

what I read
The Impact of Physical Education on This study aimed to
Academic Performance examine the relationship
( between physical education
0299-018-0396-6) (PE) and academic
performance in school
children aged between 8
and 12 years old. The study
concluded that PE
contributed to
improvements in academic
performance, specifically
in reading, language, and
mathematics scores. The
study also suggested that
PE improves physical
fitness, self-esteem, and
behavioral outcomes,
which in turn, may have a
positive effect on academic
Physical Education and Academic This study examined the
Achievement in Elementary School: Results relationship between PE
from the Early Childhood Longitudinal and academic performance
Study in elementary school
children using data from
( the Early Childhood
pdf) Longitudinal Study. The
study concluded that
students who participated
in PE scored higher in
math and reading tests than
those who did not. The
study also found that
students who participated
in PE had higher physical
fitness scores than those
who did not.
The Role of Physical Education in This study looked at the
Improving Academic Performance role of PE in improving
( academic performance.
7/2158244015584018) The study concluded that
PE can have a positive
impact on academic
performance by improving
physical fitness, increasing
self-esteem, and reducing
stress. The study also
suggested that PE can have
a positive impact on
academic performance by
providing students with the
opportunity to learn and
practice skills that are
transferable to other
academic activities.

On what theories/ principles can this problem be anchored?

This problem can be anchored on the theories of physical
literacy and physical activity promoting cognitive skills, as
physical education has been linked to improved cognitive
performance in students. Additionally, it can be anchored on the
principle of physical education as an important part of the
curriculum, as participation in physical education can lead to
improved academic performance.

What do I hope to achieve to address the problem/challenge/
area of improvement in web conferencing app use? What
changes do you want to achieve?

I hope to achieve an increase in engagement and collaboration in physical

education class through the use of web-conferencing apps. I want to create
an environment where students can freely communicate and interact with
each other, as well as their teacher, in a virtual setting. This would involve
increasing the range of activities that can be done virtually, such as group
discussions, question and answer sessions, and interactive games.
Additionally, I would like to explore ways to make the technology more
accessible and user-friendly, so that students feel comfortable and confident
in using the web-conferencing app. Ultimately, I want to create an
environment that facilitates meaningful learning experiences through the use
of web-conferencing apps.

If you will conduct action research, what will be the title (base
this on your answers in nos. 1-3)

Action Research on Improving the Use of Web-Conferencing Apps in

Physical Education Classes.

What strategies/ solutions/ means can you employ to improve
the situation/ solve the problem?

I will read and analyze some studies about teaching mathematics in a synchro
nous online class. Then, I will suggest the teaching strategies that I've got
from these studies to my resource teacher.
Attach pieces of evidence of what you accomplished in this episode.

Direction: Read the questions then choose the letter of the correct

1. The Dale Cone of Experience can help a teacher be mindful of the

choice of resources or instructional materials in terms of __________.
a. Level of thinking
b. Extend of being flexible or fixed
c. Extent of being concrete or abstract
d. Extent of adaptation and modification

2. Miss Violo told the story of the Giving Tree in her toddler class. She
used the book itself to show the illustration to the two-year olds and
showed all thirty pages of the book. Miss Violo struggled just to finish
the book because the toddlers were not focusing. Some lay on the
floor stretching; others ran around the room. Which criterion did she
fail to consider in choosing a material?

a. Collaboration among learners

b. Inclusive and free of cultural bias
c. Student interest and engagement
d. Developmental appropriateness

3. For a theme on Careers, Mr. Menggay let his students watch

interview clips of successful people in business who were all males.
The clips seemed to send a message that only men succeed in
the business field. Mr. Menggay did not have any follow-up
discussions on the clips. Which criterion in selecting resources/
materials should the teacher have considered?

a. Student interest and engagement

b. Inclusive and free of cultural bias
c. Developmental appropriateness
d. Time and cost-efficient

4. Which of the following gives the learners the most concrete

a. Watching a theatre play on The Death March
b. Listening to the teacher discuss about the first chapter of Noli Me
c. Viewing a photo exhibit of the EDSA Revolution
d. Independently reading the biography of Andres Bonifacio

5. A teacher should consider all these criteria for choosing a resource or

material, EXCEPT
a. Aligns to the learning objectives/ outcomes of the lesson
b. Is the most expensive therefore most durable
c. Is inclusive and free from cultural bias
d. Is developmentally appropriate

6. An application (app) can be described by all of the following,

a. A software
b. Have a wide range of function
c. Some can be used offline
d. All need to be used online

7. Teacher Ruth is excited to try this preschool math app with her
kindergarten students. She is happy because it has a feature where
she can review how each child performed and give her information
about which skills she needs to reinforce more and which skills the
children have already mastered. Teacher Ruth has considered which
criteria for selecting apps?
a. Accessibility
b. Motivation
c. Instructional design
d. Developmental appropriateness

8. Ms. Peralta found two apps that were both appropriate for high school
students taking Physics. They both have assessment and feedback
and were quite enjoyable to play. She can use both on a free but
limited arrangement but need to choose one that the school will
purchase for premium use. She eventually selected the one that
linked Physics with everyday life like Physics and the internet or
Physics in amusement park rides. She based her decision on which
criteria for selecting apps?
a. Engagement
b. Accessibility
c. Developmental appropriateness
d. Motivation

9. From among several apps that focused on grammar, Ms. Tayag

chose the one which helped learners gain mastery through games
where players earn tokens when they succeed. Which criteria did Ms.
Tayag consider?
a. Accessibility
b. Motivation
c. Instructional design
d. Developmental appropriateness

10. The Padagogy Wheel can help teachers choose apps by all,
a. It helps teachers identify apps for different grade level of the
b. It helps teachers identify apps according to the levels of Bloom’s
c. It helps teachers see the type of technology integration in the
SAMR model
d. It helps teachers explore apps useful for both Apple and
Android users.

11. Mr. Mahusay is ensuring using the polling feature of the LMS as a
strategy to increase participation of his students in their lesson on
qualities of national leaders. He is utilizing his ________________.
a. Technological Content Knowledge (TCK)
b. Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)
c. Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK)
d. Content Technology Knowledge (CTK)

12. Ms. Del Rosario is careful to match the learning outcomes with the
content and activities she is going to do. She also sees to it that the
assessment measures the attainment of the learning outcomes. She
is using her __________.
a. Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)
b. Pedagogy Technological Knowledge
c. Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK)
d. Technological Content Knowledge (TCK)

13. Ms. Juan is utilizing the feature of the LMS to provide regular
information updates on the topic she and her students are exploring.
She is using ___________.
a. Technological Content Knowledge (TCK)
b. Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)
c. Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK)
d. Content Technology Knowledge (CTK)

14. All are true about learning management systems, EXCEPT

a. Has components and features that teachers can use in teaching
b. Is a platform for a virtual learning environment
c. Microsoft office is an example of this
d. Canvas is an example of this

15. Through the LMS, the teacher can do the following tasks, EXCEPT
a. Post assignment and projects
b. Set up discussion boards
c. Make students collaborate
d. Meet students face to face
16. During an online synchronous class, Ms. Bonifacio greets her
students cheerfully. She allows time for the students to know more
about their classmates through interesting polls. She also provides
opportunities for the students to work together and collaborate. She
uses the reaction buttons, smiley, heart, or clap to appreciate the
student’s effort and excitement to participate. She was able to attain
which essential element?

a. Teaching Presence
b. Cognitive Presence
c. Social Presence
d. Community Presence

17. During a two-hour online synchronous class, the Science teacher

taught about centripetal and centrifugal forces. She did not introduce
the learning goals for the session. She shared on screen the first
Powerpoint she found on the internet and lectured about the topic to
students without engaging them to participate. They were passive the
whole time. Some students turned off their cameras. She ended the
class with a quiz on the topic. The teacher did not effectively
demonstrate which essential element?

a. Community Presence
b. Teaching presence
c. Cognitive Presence
d. Social Presence

18. The topic of the online synchronous session for the day was how the
Philippines will attain herd immunity from Covid 19 the fastest way.
After introducing the topic, the teacher explained to the students one
learning outcome which for them to analyze the current situational
factors that may impede and hasten the Philippines’ goal of attaining
herd immunity. Another learning outcome was for students to
articulate suggestions on how the Philippines will succeed in this
goal. The teacher provided readings ahead of time and also placed
the links on the chatbox. She allotted time for the students to go to
the small group meeting rooms she arranged on the web
conferencing app for discussion. Later, students went back to the big
group, and students actively shared their outputs. The teacher
fostered which essential element?
a. Teaching presence
b. Social Presence
c. Community Presence
d. Cognitive Presence

19. All are example of web-conferencing apps, EXCEPT

a. Microsoft teams
b. Zoom
c. Skype
d. Canva
20. When a teacher is mindful demonstrating teaching presence, social
presence and cognitive presence consistently, she is adhering to the
model of

a. Community of Practice
b. Community of Inquiry
c. Community of Learners

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