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NAME : 4 = banned

GRADE : 5 = should

6 = animal

1. Ina: I like the new playground near our school. a. 1-2-3-4-6-5

What about you? b. 1-6-2-5-3-4
Jun: I like it too, there is a lot of space, c. 1-2-3-4-5-6
interesting games and a nice place to play. d. 2-3-4-1-5-6
e. 1-3-2-4-3-5
We can conclude that Jun is expressing: 7. Tania is at school at the break time, and Tania
a. Asking opinion sees that there’s a student's parent trying to
b. expressing Doubt look for his daughter. What should Tania say to
c. Disagreement the parent?
e. Giving opinion a.may I help you
b.who are you
2. Dili : What’s your opinion about that novel? c.who are you looking for
Theo : I like it. It is an interesting story d.can I show you where the office is
From the dialogue we conclude that … e.i’m sorry
b. Theo doesn’t like the novel
c. Dili is asking Theo’s opinion
8. A: I need to move this heavy table upstairs.
d. Dili agrees with Theo’s opinion
B: I’m free this afternoon. Can I help you with
e. Dili is answering Theo’s opinion
3. Doni: ……….. ?
Mike: I think it is nice and clean. B is giving . . . .
a.What about the new apartment? a. A suggestion
b. What do you think of this match b. An offer
c. How do you feel about the election c. An invitation
d. How about watching movie d. A request
e. What do you think about this t-shirt? e. A denial

4. Andri: How do you feel about living overseas? 9. Teacher: The weather is so nice today, isn’t it?
Marta: I think that’s a good opportunity for your Student: Yes, it is. We should have the class
career. outside.” The student is giving . . a.a suggestion
From the dialog above we know that ………… offer
a. Andri is disagree with Marta c.a request
b. Andri is giving opinion invitation
c. Marta is asking Andri’s opinion imperative
d Andri is asking Marta’s opinion
e. Andri is answering Marta’s opinion 10.
5. Indah : Look at the Views. what do you think
about the river?
Andil : I Think ………..

a. It is amazing
b. I can Do Nothing
d. I can swim ABOVE !!!
e. We go fishing

6. Arrange this jumbled words into correct sentence.

1 = In my opinion

2 = testing

3 = be

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