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HIS101 (Reading in Philippine History)  The meaning can be broken

down in Three Dimensions.

Lesson 1: Meaning of  History focus on human
History  History as an inquiry.
 History is concerned with
Positivism - The philosophy the past.
that a particular knowledge can
only be true if it can be observed in  Recording of the past through
a sensorial manner. historical sources was
pioneered by ancient Greek
Historiography - The study historian Herodotus. He is
of history as a historical discipline. recognized as the father of
history because he was the one
Historicism - The belief that who is establish history as a
history should be studied only for science.
its own sake.  Positivism is an essential
philosophy that would serve as
 History is derived from the a vital anchor of scientific
Greek word “historia” which method.
means knowledge acquire  History as discipline has already
through inquiry or investigation. turn into comples and dynamic
 History is the study of people, inquiry.
actions, decisions, interactions  Historiography is the history of
and behaviors. history.
 History is the study of the past
 History can refer to two things the event that happened in the
 History relates to past and the causes of such
everything that has events. While historiography
happened in the past . the object of study is history
 History is a discipline or a itself.
field of study and  Historiography give us history a
investigation that is better and deeper
primarily concerned with understanding of the past.
human activities done in
the past.
Lesson 2: History and created in the same period as
historical subjects being studied.
the Historian
Secondary sources -
Historian - Primary Historical work that was written
responsible for the production of and produces through the use of
historical knowledge through primary sources.
continuous research and rethinking
of history.
External criticism -
The kind of criticism done to
Historical interpretation establish the authenticity of
Making sense of given primary primary sources.
sources and historical documents
through content and contextual Internal criticism - The
analyses. kind of criticism employed in
analyzing the content of primary
Bias/subjectivity - A sources.
disposition brought together by
once context that influences  Classification of
historians’ historical interest and
selection of sources and
Historical Sources
 Primary and secondary
 Primary sources are those
 A historian is someone who
sources produced
continuously for shoes
simultaneous;y as the event,
historical knowledge. History as
period or subject being
the study of the past based on
existing pieces historical
 Secondary sources are
evidence, is a dynamic and
sources produces by an
continually evolving discipline.
author who rely on primary
sources to write the
Lesson 3: Historical material. They are product
Sources of historical research that
other historians use for
Primary sources - Historical additional information.
sources that were produced and
 External and Internal  History of Philippine
Criticism of Primary History
Sources  Kasaysayan was derived
 External criticism is the from the root word saysay which
practice of verifying evidences could mean sense or significance.
authenticity by examining its  Filipino historian, including
physical characteristics, Teodoro Agoncillo, Renato
consistency with historical Constantino, Reynaldo Ileto,
character of the time when it was pioneered and intellectual
supposedly produced and the movement in history that
historical sources materials. articulated use that are pro Filipino,
 Internal criticism is the nationalist, progressive and hence
examination of the content of a pro- people, Pro masses and pro-
particular document. poor.
 Teodoro Agoncillo, a
nationalist historian, wrote about
Lesson 4: Philippine
the Philippine revolution of 1896
Historiography to 1898.
 Nationalist historian all
Kasaysayan - Narrative of the agreed that Spanish colonization
past that is significant to the was a of repression and regression
community where it belongs. for the Filipinos.
 Reynaldo Ileto, despite
Nationalist generally subscribing to the Filipino,
anti-colonial and nationalist
Historiography - History that perspective in history use a
focuses on the masses and not on
different approach.
the colonizers.
 Zeus Salazar A member of
the UP department of history,
Pantayong Pananaw - The introduce a new philosophy that
philosophical anchor of bagong would guide a new historical and
kasaysayan. It the need to foster social scientific scholarship
an internal discourse among the tradition.
masses in writing their history.  For Salazar, History should
be process, written and taught in
 Historiography is both the Filipino language for the
philosophical and scientific. Filipino people.
Teodoro Agoncillo, a nationalist in the Filipino language for the
historian agreed that Spanish Filipino people. FALSE
colonization was a repression and
regression for the Filipinos. TRUE Historiography is a discipline or a
field of study and investigation that
Teodoro Agoncillo somehow for is primarily concerned with human
told the next intellectual activities done in the past. FALSE
movement in the Philippines
historiography. TRUE Secondary sources are product of
historical research that other
Nationalist historiography emerged historians use for additional
as a reaction to the colonial information. TRUE
interpretation of history. TRUE
Kasaysayan was derived from the
Positivism is an essential root word saysay which could
philosophy that would serve as a mean sense or significance. TRUE
vital anchor of the scientific
method. TRUE Historian task to convert historical
sources to historical knowledge.
A historian is someone who TRUE
continuously for historical
knowledge TRUE The history is a product of the
discipline’s evolution across time.
According to Reynaldo Illeto, TRUE
history should be processed,
written, and taught in the Filipino Historiography gives us history a
language for the Filipino people better and deeper understanding
FALSE of the present time. FALSE

Historiography the object of study External criticism analyzing the

is history itself. TRUE content of primary source FALSE

Internal criticism establish the Historia is a Latin term means

authenticity of primary sources knowledge acquired through
FALSE inquiry or investigation. FALSE

Rizal believes that history should Zeus Salazar introduced a new

be processed, written, and taught philosophy that would guide a new
historical and social scientific An interview with Henry Sy about
scholarship tradition. TRUE how he built his business empire.
Historical sources were pioneered
by the ancient Greek historian A textbook describing the reform
Socrates. FALSE movement. SECONDARY

History is a scientific discipline that A cartoon showing how blood

relies on different sources. TRUE compact between chieftains in pre-
colonial times. SECONDARY

A world war 2 veteran talking

A journal written by Gregorio Del about world war 1 SECONDARY
A book describing Ferdinand
A journal by an activist about his Magellan sailing to the Philippines.
participation in the demonstration SECONDARY
A contempary artist’s painting of
The Philippine constitutions what life was probably like in the

A youtube video describing how A history book describing the life of

the rices terraces were built. Gregorio Del Pilar in the Battle of

A millenial social media A short story describing Andres

commentator explaining what it Bonifacio and Daniel Tirona’s
was like to be an Elvis Presley fan confrontation in the Tejeros
in his fame. SECONDARY Convention. SECONDARY

A radio broadcast from the day the A video recording taken in World
bataan fell from the Japanese War 2. PRIMARY
forces. PRIMARY
A news report about the
A classmate reporting about the declaration of Martial Law.
Japanese occupation and World PRIMARY
A biography of Ferdinand Marcos
written by a foreigner.

A role play showing how Macario

Sakay was executed. SECONDARY

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